Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : LEX_YACC.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE

Output of file : MAKEFILE contained in archive : LEX_YACC.ZIP

# Lex and Yacc examples makefile V0.0 2-23-89, V0.1 11-21-89 AG,
# V0.2 1-14-90 AG.
# This makefile, when run through Borland's make, generates the executable
# (.EXE) files for the sample Lex and Yacc applications on the distribution
# disk, provided that the Turbo Pascal compiler, Lex and Yacc have been
# installed properly.
# The command line driven Turbo Pascal compiler, tpc.exe, as well as yacc.exe
# and lex.exe must either be in the current directory, or in some directory
# on the DOS PATH, before make is run.
# Sample Lex programs:
# - CREF.L: a cross reference utility for Turbo Pascal programs
# - DIGRAM.L: produces digram tables
# - FINDPROC.L: finds function and procedure headings in multiple Turbo
# Pascal source files
# - LENGS.L: counts word lengths in input file
# - STRIP.L: strips whitespace from input file
# - TABLE.L: demonstration of character tables (%T) in Lex programs
# Sample Yacc programs:
# - EXPR.Y: a simple arithmetic expression calculator
# - EXPRLEX.L: Lex source of the lexical analyzer for EXPR.Y
# - PAS.Y: Yacc source for complete ISO Level 0 Pascal parser
# - PASLEX.L: Lex source of the lexical analyzer for PAS.Y
# To compile all examples (except the Pascal parser), simply issue the
# command `make'. To compile all examples (including the Pascal parser),
# issue the command `make all'; note that the Pascal parser will take
# quite a while and will require 640 KB RAM to be compiled (if you
# don't have that much main memory, run yacc on pas.y manually, and then
# execute `make all').
# To generate a particular example, specify that program as an argument
# to make, e.g. `make pas.exe'.

examples: cref.exe digram.exe expr.exe findproc.exe lengs.exe\
strip.exe table.exe
all: cref.exe digram.exe expr.exe findproc.exe lengs.exe\
pas.exe strip.exe table.exe
tpc $* /m
lex $*
yacc $*
cref.exe: cref.pas
digram.exe: digram.pas
expr.exe: expr.pas exprlex.pas
findproc.exe: findproc.pas
lengs.exe: lengs.pas
pas.exe: pas.pas paslex.pas
strip.exe: strip.pas
table.exe: table.pas

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : LEX_YACC.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: