Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : HEAPSW.ZIP
Filename : _HEAPSWP.INT

Output of file : _HEAPSWP.INT contained in archive : HEAPSW.ZIP
{unit _HeapSwp;}

{ }
{ This unit allows a program that uses all available memory for Heap }
{ to still be able to EXEC a program such as COMMAND.COM and return }
{ to the original program. It does this by saving the Heap to disk }
{ and freeing the Heap memory for the EXEC program. After the program }
{ is terminated, the Heap is retrieved from the disk. }
{ }
{ For example: }
{ if PutHeap('.',0) then }
{ begin }
{ SwapVectors; }
{ exec(GetEnv('COMSPEC'),''); }
{ SwapVectors; }
{ GetHeap; }
{ end }
{ else }
{ (*Error Handling*) }
{ }


uses crt,

{ Return the size of the complete HEAP in paragraphs. }
{ For the number of bytes multiply by 16. }

function HeapSize : word; {Returns size of the Heap in Paragraphs}

{ FUNCTION PUTHEAP( HeapFilePath : PathStr; }
{ UserID : BYTE): BOOLEAN; }
{ }
{ }
{ This function attempts to create a Heap swap file in the HeapFilePath }
{ directory, save the entire Heap to the file, and then deallocate the }
{ the memory used by the Heap for the program to be executed. }
{ }
{ If all is successful the function returns TRUE }
{ The function will return FALSE if -> }
{ 1 - There is not enough room in the HeapFilePath to store the Heap. }
{ 2 - There was a problem in creating or writing the file. }
{ 3 - There was a problem in DeAllocating the Heap Memory }
{ }
{ HeapFilePath is the PATH ONLY. No file name. For example. }
{ '' = Put it in the Root of the Current Drive. }
{ '.' = Put it in the Current Directory of the Current Drive. }
{ 'D:' = Put it in the Root of the D: Drive. }
{ 'D:.' = Put it in the Current Directory of the D: Drive. }
{ 'D:\TEMP' = Put it in the \TEMP Directory on the D: Drive. }
{ }
{ You should not put a '\' on the end of the HeapFilePath. }
{ }
{ The UserID is for NetWork usage. In order to make sure the Swap file }
{ name is Unique for each User on the network. it is up to the Programmer }
{ to determine a unique ID number for each user. On Novell the Physical }
{ Station Number is a perfect choice. On single user systems just use 0. }
{ }
{ The Swap File created will have a name of the form HEAP3.$5 }
{ The 3 indicates the UserID=3. The 5 is a Process ID to keep track of }
{ Multiple programs using _HEAPSWP at the same time. For example a }
{ program could call another copy of itself and a separate Heap Swap file }
{ would be created for each invocation. }
{ }
{ The Heap Swap file will be marked Read Only to discourage crashing the }
{ program by erasing the Swap file. }
{ }

function PutHeap(HeapFilePath : PathStr;
UserID : byte) : boolean;

{ }
{ This procedure ReAllocates the memory for the Heap and Loads in the }
{ Heap Swap file and erases the swap file. }
{ }
{ Failure to reallocate the memory or correctly read the Swap file is }
{ Bad News ! The program will halt with an error level 1. }
{ }
{ Be Aware that executing a program that permanently allocates memory }
{ such as a TSR while the heap is swapped is going to Crash. }
{ }
{ Be aware the Exit procedures that use variables on the Heap may not }
{ function properly. }
{ }
{ Also be aware that failure to call GetHeap after a PutHeap or }
{ crashing the system before calling a GetHeap will result in }
{ Orphaned Swap files laying around. Re-running the program will }
{ normally clean them up if the program runs in the same environment. }
{ }

procedure GetHeap;

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : HEAPSW.ZIP
Filename : _HEAPSWP.INT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: