Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : GAMETP20.ZIP

Output of file : BEFFECTS.INT contained in archive : GAMETP20.ZIP
Unit Beffects;


Uses VgaKern;

{ Beffects version 1.5 Copyright (C) 1992 Scott D. Ramsay }

{ This unit is specifically for Mode 13h (320x200x256). It is a }
{ lot faster than using the BGI drivers (VGA256.BGI). Majority of }
{ the code is written using BASM. This will work on 286 machines or }
{ higher. "I don't know about the P5 chip though." ๐Ÿ˜‰ }
{ This is my newest and most favorite unit. Inspired by }
{ Thunder Force III (I love Sega Genisis shoot-em ups), I wanted to }
{ write games with Paralax Scrolling. At first I thought PC's were }
{ to slow. But yet I finally did it. For full screen scrolling, }
{ (320x200) I recommend a 386sx 25mhz. But for smaller screens a }
{ 16mhz machine is fine. Even with 286 code. I did test this on a }
{ 486-50, (at work) but hell, what is slow on that machine. :> }
{ BEFFECTS.TPU can be used freely in commerical and non-commerical }
{ programs. As long as you don't give yourself credit for writing }
{ this portion of the code. When distributing it (free only), please }
{ include all files and samples so others may enjoy using the code. }
{ Enjoy. }

{ Please bear with my comments. I'm not a tech-writer. You're more }
{ than welcome to modify the comments in this file for people to }
{ understand. "Except for my name." ๐Ÿ™‚ }

{ Changes from version 1.0 }
{ Added new variables to Tcycle }
{ from_x,from_y source top-left positon of orig background }
{ cycley value for moveing vertical position }
{ scrolling now supports all directions }
{ Procedure CycleLine modified to wrap at specified width instead }
{ of a default of 320. }
{ Method TCycle.docycle improved. Can't tell you how. It is more }
{ efficent. }

wmax = 100; { max size for cosine table }

usercp = procedure(f,t,yline:longint);
{ type for user defined scrolling }
Pcycle = ^Tcycle;
Tcycle = object
cyc_next, { internal use value }
from_x,from_y, { top-left of source image }
cyc_x,cyc_y, { window position, top-left }
cyc_width, { window width }
cyc_height, { window height }
cycley, { value for moving vert }
cyclex, { value for moving horiz }
fr_size, { frequency size }
am_size : word; { amplitude size }
cycle_cos : array[0..wmax-1] of integer;
{ cosine table }

constructor init(freq,size:integer);
destructor done;virtual;
procedure changewave(freq,size:integer);virtual;
procedure docycle(from,too,mode:byte); virtual;
procedure cycle_move; virtual;

{ See Implementation section for description of functions }

usercycle : usercp; { see Tcycle.docycle }

procedure LineMove(s,d:longint;cnt:word);
procedure WordMove(var source,dest;cnt:word);
procedure cycleline(f,t:longint;cyclex,cycle_width:word);


procedure linemove(s,d:longint;cnt:word);

Copies (cnt) pixels from (s) to (d)
Moves in WORDS, cnt should be even and less than or equal to 320.

procedure wordmove(var source,dest;cnt:word);

Same as LineMove, but source and dest can be of any type.

procedure cycleline(f,t:longint;cyclex,cycle_width:word);

Copies a horizontal line length(cycle_width) a (f) to (t) at offset
of cyclex. The overlapping pixels wraps to the other side on
the same row. { This is one of the main meat code }

constructor Tcycle.init(freq,size:integer);

freq : Cosine wave frequency
size : wave amplitude

Sets vaules. Calls Tcycle.changewave

destructor Tcycle.done;

Doesn't really do much.

procedure Tcycle.changewave(freq,size:integer);

Recalcs the cosine table with new frequency and amplit. values.

procedure Tcycle.cycle_move;
cyclex := (cyclex+1)mod 320;

Simple one-liner procedure. The above just moves cycles the image
to the left. Decrementing cyclex moves it to the right.

procedure Tcycle.docycle(from,too,mode:byte);

This is the procedure to call to do the cycling.

from : is the page with the background.
too : is the destination of the modified background.
mode : is the type of scrolling;

0 : a straight page copy
1 : cycle left, right
2 : cycle left, right with cosine wave
3 : user defined cycle. { here is where you write you SFII
scrolling type. My not OOP version has it. It takes
more variables, e-mail me I'll send it to ya. }

For mode 3, each row is sent to procedure "usercycle"

procedure MyUserCycle(f,t,yline:longint);far;
{ must be far procedure }
{ do line stuff }


usercycle := MyUserCycle;

p^.docycle(4,2,3); { cycle page 4 to page 2, user mode 3 }

{ This is the other meaty procedure }

If you have any problems, e-mail at:

[email protected]

The TPU units can be used freely with in your programs. If you want
the source code, more samples or swap-talk, just e-mail me. I'll
give sample use-code for free. Actual TPU-source code prices can be

Scott D. Ramsay

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : GAMETP20.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: