Category : Paradox DBMS
Archive   : MTDEMO.ZIP
Filename : FORM2.SC

Output of file : FORM2.SC contained in archive : MTDEMO.ZIP
; ------------------------------------------------------------------

; This script contains the procedures to run form #2.
; This form demonstrates basic Vidorder/Rental data entry,
; including the calculation of the order total.

; ------------------------------------------------------------------

If not isassigned(out_lib) then
If isassigned(avoiding_compile) and avoiding_compile then
out_lib = "MTDemo"
Quit "You can't play this script! Play COMPILE first, then START..."

; ------------------------------------------------------------------

Proc Closed Form2()

; Main procedure for managing data entry into form #2.

autolib ;auto-load library

is_exiting, ;whether the user wishes to exit from data entry
is_form_picked, ;whether the form has been picked at least once
is_inserting, ;whether the user is inserting a new master record
is_locked ;whether the master record is locked

; Initialization

@ 3,0 ?? "Bringing the Vidorder table onto the workspace"
View "Vidorder"
is_form_picked = False ;no form yet

; Main data entry loop.
; With each loop, the user selects a record to edit,
; or presses [Ins] to add a new record.

While True
is_exiting = False ;not exiting yet
Select_Vidorder(2) ;let user select a Vidorder record
If is_exiting then QuitLoop Endif ;the user pressed [Esc] to quit
Form2_Master() ;handle master form data entry

; All done


WriteLib out_lib Form2
Release Procs Form2

; ------------------------------------------------------------------

Proc Form2_Master()

; Processing of the master form

n_key_fields, ;# of required key fields
n_reqd_fields, ;# of required fields
prompt1, ;the first line of the screen
prompt2, ;the second line of the screen
reqd_fields, ;array containing the required field names
total_amt, ;the total rental fee
wait_key, ;the key the user pressed in response to the Wait
wait_msg ;the message to display

; Initialization

is_exiting = False ;no attempt to exit yet
If is_inserting then ;messages for inserting a new record
prompt1 = "Add a new order"
prompt2 = "Press [F2] when done, [Esc] to cancel, [F4] to enter films"
ImageRights Update ;don't allow the user to change the key
prompt1 = "Edit this order"
prompt2 = "Press [F2] when done, [F4] to enter films"
wait_msg = "" ;no message

n_reqd_fields = 4 ;# of required fields on the form
n_key_fields = 2 ;# of required key fields on the form
Array reqd_fields[n_reqd_fields] ;array of required field names
reqd_fields[1] = "Date" ;list the required fields
reqd_fields[2] = "Customer #"
reqd_fields[3] = "Time"
reqd_fields[4] = "Store #"

; Add up the current amount

If is_inserting then ;this is a new record
total_amt = 0 ;so its amount starts out 0
Else ;we're editing a record
MoveTo "Rental" ;switch to the rental form
MoveTo [Rental Fee] ;switch to the field to add up
total_amt = imagecsum() ;add up this column
MoveTo "Vidorder" ;return to the master form
[Total Amount Due] = total_amt ;initialize the field

; Let the user edit the record

While True

Wait Record
Prompt prompt1,prompt2
Message wait_msg
Until "F2","F4","Esc",

wait_key = retval ;remember the key the user pressed
wait_msg = "" ;clear the message

; Attempt to post a newly inserted record

If is_inserting and not is_locked then ;a brand new record
Post_New_Vidorder() ;validate & lock the record
If is_exiting then QuitLoop Endif ;user pressed [Esc] to quit
If not is_locked then Loop Endif ;validation failed, try again
prompt2 = "Press [F2] when done, [F4] to enter films"

; Respond to the user's keypress

If wait_key<>"F2" and wait_key<>"F4" then ;an illegal key
Beep Loop ;try again
Test_Reqd_Fields(n_reqd_fields) ;test the required fields
If not retval then
wait_msg = "You must fill in a "+field()
If wait_key="F2" then QuitLoop Endif ;finish up

; [F4]: Move to the embedded form

MoveTo "Rental" ;move to the embedded form
Form2_Rental() ;process the rental form
If is_exiting then QuitLoop Endif ;all done

; All done

ImageRights ;restore full editing rights

Do_it! ;end co-edit mode


WriteLib out_lib Form2_Master
Release Procs Form2_Master

; ------------------------------------------------------------------

Proc Form2_Rental()

; Processing of the embedded rental table form

change_amt, ;amount to change the order total by
del_menu_sel, ;user's response to the [Del] key confirmation menu
is_arrival, ;whether we're arriving at a new record
is_bad_key, ;whether an illegal key has been pressed
is_del_key, ;whether the delete key has been pressed
is_exit_key, ;whether the key will cause an exit from detail table
is_first_arrival, ;whether this is our first arrival at a new record
is_ins_detail, ;whether the detail record is a newly inserted record
is_ins_down, ;whether we pressed [Down] from the last record
is_ins_key, ;whether the insert key has been pressed
is_locked_detail, ;whether the detail record is locked
prompt1, ;the first line of the screen
prompt2, ;the second line of the screen
wait_key ;the key the user pressed in response to the Wait

; Initialization

is_exiting = False ;no attempt to exit yet
prompt1 = "Add or edit rental line items"
prompt2 = "Press [F2] when done, [F3] to return to master"
wait_msg = "" ;no message

is_arrival = True ;we're arriving at a new Rental record
is_first_arrival = True ;this is our first arrival

; Let the user edit records

While True

; Initialize a record when we first arrive at it.
; If it's an existing record, then lock it

If is_arrival then ;we've arrived at a new record
If isblank([Film #]) then ;no film #
CtrlHome ;so move to it
If is_first_arrival then ;we don't yet think we're inserting
is_ins_detail = Is_New_Rental() ;did we arrive at a new record?
is_first_arrival = False ;done with first arrival processing
is_locked_detail = False ;it's not posted or locked yet
If is_ins_detail then ;we're inserting a record
ImageRights ;give full rights to add the record
Else ;we're updating a record
LockRecord ;attempt to lock the record
If not retval and errorcode()<>55 then ;couldn't lock the record
wait_msg = errormessage() ;show the user the error message
ImageRights ReadOnly ;don't let them change the record
Else ;we've successfully locked it
is_locked_detail = True ;it has been posted now
ImageRights Update ;don't let the user change the key
change_amt = -[Rental Fee] ;remember original fee on this line
is_arrival = False ;arrival is complete

; Wait for the user to fill in this record

Wait Record
Prompt prompt1,prompt2
Message wait_msg
Until "F2","F3","Ins","Del",

wait_key = retval ;remember the key the user pressed
wait_msg = "" ;clear the message

; Classify the keystroke

is_exit_key = (wait_key="F2" or wait_key="F3")
is_bad_key = (wait_key="LockKey" or ;Alt-L
wait_key="ReSyncKey" or ;Ctrl-L
wait_key="KeyLookup" or ;Alt-K
wait_key="Refresh" or ;Alt-R
wait_key="Dos" or ;Ctrl-O
wait_key="DosBig") ;Alt-O
is_del_key = (wait_key="Del")
is_ins_key = (wait_key="Ins")

; Confirm the [Del] key

If is_del_key and is_locked_detail then ;[Del] on an old record
Message "Are you sure you want to delete this record?"
"No": "Do not delete this record",
"Yes": "Go ahead and delete this record"
to del_menu_sel
Message ""
@ 1,0 Clear Eol
@ 0,0 Clear Eol
If del_menu_sel<>"Yes" then Loop Endif ;[Del] wasn't confirmed

; Attempt to post a newly inserted record

If is_ins_detail and not is_locked_detail then ;a brand new record
Post_New_Rental() ;validate & lock record
If not is_locked_detail and not is_del_key then ;locking failed
Loop ;try again

; Disallow illegal keys.
; Most of these are dangerous keys which the user should not press.

If is_bad_key then ;an illegal key
Beep Loop ;ignore the key

; Post or delete the record

ImageRights ;allow all activities to be performed

is_ins_down = False ;not yet a [Down] from the last record
If is_del_key then ;we're deleting a record
is_ins_detail = is_ins_key or ;we pressed [Ins] or
(nimagerecords()<=1) ;if we delete last record in table,
;a new one will appear
Del ;delete the record

; When deleting a record, change the meaning of [Up] and [Down]

If atlast() then ;deleting the last record?
If wait_key="Up" then wait_key="" Endif ;ignore [Up]
If wait_key="Ins" then is_ins_down=True Endif ;[Down] before [Ins]
If wait_key="Down" then wait_key="" Endif ;ignore [Up]

; Unlock an existing record

change_amt = change_amt + [Rental Fee] ;change the total
UnLockRecord ;unlock the record
is_ins_detail = is_ins_key ;whether we're inserting next

; Update the amount total, and prepare for a new record

If change_amt<>0 then ;there has been a change
total_amt = total_amt + change_amt ;new amount
MoveTo "Vidorder" ;switch to the master record
[Total Amount Due] = total_amt ;update master record
MoveTo "Rental" ;return to detail record

If is_exit_key then ;an exit key
QuitLoop ;so we're all done here

If not isblank(wait_key) and wait_key<>"Del" then
If is_ins_down then ;an [Ins] from a deleted last record
Down ;open up the new record
is_ins_down = (wait_key="Down" and atlast())
KeyPress wait_key ;perform the function
If is_ins_down then ;we pressed [Down] from the last record
is_ins_detail = True ;this inserts a new record
Ins ;multi-user problem: follow End-Down w/Ins

is_arrival = True ;flag for record arrival next time

; All done

MoveTo "Vidorder" ;return to the master record
is_exiting = (wait_key="F2") ;exit the forms altogether


WriteLib out_lib Form2_Rental
Release Procs Form2_Rental

; ------------------------------------------------------------------

  3 Responses to “Category : Paradox DBMS
Archive   : MTDEMO.ZIP
Filename : FORM2.SC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: