Category : Paradox DBMS
Archive   : GOLD13.ZIP
Filename : GOLDUTL2.SC

Output of file : GOLDUTL2.SC contained in archive : GOLD13.ZIP
Libname.a = "Gold1"
@ 10,0 ?? "Playing Script GOLDUTL2 "
; º º
; º Written By Harry Goldman º
; º DataBase Designs, Inc. º
; º (v) (708) 634-9355 (f) 708-634-9357 , Compuserve 75300,1733 º
; º Copyright 1992 º
; º All Rights Resevered º
; º º
; º This program can be modifeid and enhanced freely as º
; º long as the copyright and original program credits are maintained. º
; º If you enhance or modify this program, feel free to let me know, º
; º you will be credited in the next release. Resale of this program º
; º is prohibited without the written permission of the author º
; º º
; ºSpecial Thanks to Alan Zenreich, Dan Paolini and Phil Goulson for their º
; ºideas and support. º
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Generic messaging proc, modified version originally
; written by Dan Paolini, DP Solutions
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc Message.u(color.n, ; Color Attribute for Message
msg.a, ; Message
beep.n, ; How many times to Beep
sleep.n, ; Seconds to Sleep ( < 0 means pause)
clear.l) ; Whether to Clear after sleep
Private n ; Transient Loop counter
Canvas OFF ; Let us paint behind scenes
Case Upper(Msg.a) = "W" : Msg.a = "Working, Please Wait "
Case Upper(Msg.a) = "P" : Msg.a = "Printing, Please Wait ..."
Case Upper(Msg.a) = "Q" : Msg.a = "Querying, This Will Take A Minute "
Case Upper(Msg.a) = "J" : Msg.a = "Just A Minute"
Style ATTRIBUTE color.n
@ 0,0 ?? Format("w80,ac",msg.a); Centers message, colors entire line
@ 1,0
IF sleep.n < 0 THEN ; < 0 means Pause for a Keypress
?? Format("w80,ac","Press Any Key to Continue...")
?? Fill("\205",80) ; IBM Graphics horizontal line
Style ; Resets Style
Canvas ON ; Admire our work

IF beep.n > 0 AND beep.n < 5 THEN
FOR n From 1 To beep.n ; Beep number of beeps
Beep Sleep 100 ; Small sleep is helpful

WHILE CharWaiting() ; Clears any typed-ahead keys
retval = GetChar()

CASE sleep.n > 5 : Sleep 5000 ; We don't have all day
CASE sleep.n < 0 :
While Not CharWaiting()
Beep Beep
Sleep 500
retval = GetChar() ; Pause for KeyPress
CASE sleep.n = 0 : ; Don't do anything
OTHERWISE : Sleep (sleep.n * 1000)

IF clear.l THEN ; Should we clear the message?
Paintcanvas Fill " " Attribute 111 0,0,1,79
WriteLib libname.a Message.u
Release PROCS Message.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Prompt The User If They Wish To Print The Output File
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc PrtFile.u(Row.n,Col.n,RptFile.a)
private Row.n,

Procname.a = "PrtFile.u"

Menu.u(Row.n,Col.n,20,3,True) ; Display a a menu
Resp.n = Retval ; Save the responce

If Resp.n = 1 Then ; User want to print
Message.u(RegMtr.n,"P",0,0,False) ; Message the user
Cursor Off ; Turn off the cursor
CheckPrinter.l() ; Check the printer
If Retval Then ; Printer is OK
Run NoRefresh "Copy "+RptFile.a+" Prn > nul" ; Print the file
Endif ;
Cursor Normal ; Restore the cursor
Endif ;

Writelib LIBNAME.a PrtFile.u
Release Procs PrtFile.u
?? "."
; Check The Printer, Annoy The Operator if the printer is not online
; Slightly modified version of routine from Alan Zenreich
Proc checkprinter.l ()
; RETURNS a True if printer is ready
; False if printer is offline and user chooses Quit

Private choice.a
Message.u(RegMtr.n,"Checking Printer",0,0,False)

While Not PrinterStatus() ; if printer is not ready
Style Reverse
"Printer is not ready, press any key for options..",0,-1,True)

"Continue" :
"Turn On Printer, Then Make This Choice To Continue Printing",
"Quit" : "Do Not Print"
To choice.a
Case choice.a <> "Continue":
Return False
OtherWise: ; try again
Message.u(RegMtr.n,"Checking Printer",0,0,False)
PaintCanvas Fill(" ") Attribute 111 0,0, 1,79
Return True
WriteLib libname.a checkprinter.l
Release Procs checkprinter.l
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check If an Output File Exists, If It Does, Prompt The User.
; If the user responds with "D" or "d" then delete the output
; file. Otherwise the system will append output to the previous
; output file.
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc CkFile.u(Flname.a)
private Flname.a

Procname.a = "CkFile.u"

Canvas Off
If Isfile(Flname.a) Then
@ 19,0 Clear EOS
Setmargin 10
? "º A Print File Already Exists. Press [D] To Delete º"
? "º Any Other Key To Continue º"
SetMargin Off
PaintCanvas Attribute 111 19,0,24,79
PaintCanvas Attribute 118 20,10, 23,66
PaintCanvas Border Attribute 79 20,10, 23,66
Canvas On
Resp.n = GetChar() ; D will delete, any
Canvas Off ; other key to append
If Resp.n = Asc("D") Or Resp.n = Asc("d") Then ;
Run Norefresh "Del " + Flname.a

PaintCanvas Fill " " Attribute 111 20,0,24,79 ; Clear the screen
Canvas On ; Turn on the canvas
Writelib LIBNAME.a CkFile.u
Release Procs CkFile.u
?? "."
; Create a list of all table names. Loop through the list and remove
; any Paradox temporary tables from the list.
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
Proc GetTblNames.u(Type.a)

{Tools} {Info} {Inventory} ; Get a list of all tables
If Type.a = "Tables" Then ; based on the type of
Select Type.a Select DDir.a ; search requested
Else ; (RDA, non RDA)
{Files} Select DDir.a + Type.a ;
Endif ;

If Isempty("List") Then ; No tables found
Return ; quit
Endif ;

EditKey ; Remove PDOX objects
Scan For Search(Upper([Name]),
Del Up
Do_It! ; Save the changes
Clearall ; Clear the workspace
Writelib Libname.a GetTblNames.u
Release Procs GetTblNames.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; is a menuing system using overlaying menus
; Steps involved :
; 1) Paint the entire screen a background color
; 2) determine the location of the upper left hand corner
; 3) Determine the width of the menu
; 4) determine the depth of the menu
; 5) Paint the menu
; 6) Paint the screen for shadows
; Parameters used :
; Col.n - Starting column
; Row.n - Starting Row
; Width.n - Width of the menu - default to 20
; Level.n - Menu level
; Control.l - True = Allow user access to the menu
; - False = Return to calling Proc
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Menuing 'engine'
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc Menu.u(Row.n, ; Starting Row
Col.n, ; Starting column
Width.n, ; Width of the menu - default to 20
Level.n, ; Menu level
Control.l) ; Menu Access

private RowCont.n ; Counter

Procname.a = "Menu.u" ; Verify the parameters

If Row.n < 1 Or Row.n > 23 Then Row.n = 5 Endif ; passed to the routine
If Col.n < 1 Or Col.n > 79 Then Col.n = 10 Endif
If Width.n < 3 Or Width.n > 70 Then Width.n = 20 Endif
If Col.n + Width.n > 75 Then Col.n=75-Width.n Endif
If Level.n < 1 Or Level.n > 20 Then Level.n = 1 Endif
Cursor Off
Canvas Off ; Turn the screen off

@ Row.n, Col.n ?? Chr(201) + Fill(Chr(205),Width.n+2) + Chr(187) ; Top Line

Buffer.n = Int((Width.n - Len(MenuItems.r[Level.n*10])+2) / 2)

MenuItem.a = Spaces(Buffer.n) + MenuItems.r[Level.n*10] + Spaces(Buffer.n)

@ Row.n + 1, Col.n ?? Chr(186) + MenuItem.a + Chr(186)
@ Row.n + 2, Col.n ?? Chr(204) + Fill(Chr(205),Width.n+2) + Chr(185)

RowCount.n = 3 ; Initialize

; As long as the array element is assigned loop through the following
; code and put a line on the screen

While True
If Isassigned(Menuitems.r[(Level.n*10)+RowCount.n-2]) Then
MenuItem.a = Menuitems.r[(Level.n*10)+RowCount.n-2]
@ Row.n + RowCount.n, Col.n ?? Chr(186)+" " +
MenuItem.a + Fill(" ",Width.n-Len(MenuItem.a)) + Chr(186)
RowCount.n = RowCount.n + 1
If Row.n + RowCount.n > 22 Then ; Did we hit the end of the
Quitloop ; screen ? If so quit

; Place the closing line on the screen

@ Row.n+RowCount.n, Col.n ?? Chr(200) + Fill(Chr(205),Width.n+2) + Chr(188)

PaintCanvas Attribute Level.n*16 Row.n,Col.n, ; Level sensitive menu
Row.n+RowCount.n, Col.n+Width.n+3 ; background
PaintCanvas Attribute Level.n*16+15 Row.n+1,Col.n+1, ; Level sensitive menu
Row.n+RowCount.n-1, Col.n+Width.n+2 ; foreground
PaintCanvas Attribute 8 ; Create the shadow
Row.n+1, Col.n+Width.n+4,
Row.n+RowCount.n+1, Col.n+Width.n+4
PaintCanvas Attribute 8
Row.n+RowCount.n+1, Col.n+1,
Row.n+Rowcount.n+1, Col.n+Width.n+4
If Control.l Then
Canvas On ; Turn the screen on
MenuCtl.u(3,3) ; Call the controller
Return Retval ; Return a value to
Else ; the calling routine
Cursor Normal
Return True

Writelib Libname.a Menu.u
Release Procs Menu.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Controller proc to control bounce bar menu
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc MenuCtl.u(CursorPos.n,TopLine.n)
private Line.n, ; Current menu line
Line1.n, ; Next menu line
Charpress.n ; User pressed key

Procname.a = "MenuCtl.u"

If Not Isassigned(Roll.l) Then
Roll.l = True
If Not Isassigned(Level.n) Then
Level.n = 1
Line.n = CursorPos.n
Line1.n = 4 ; Initialize

; Stay in this loop until the user either presses [Esc] or [Enter]

While True
If Level.n = 7 Then
PaintCanvas Attribute 15 Row.n+Line.n, Col.n+1, ; Highlight the
Row.n+Line.n, Col.n+Width.n ; current line
PaintCanvas Attribute 112 Row.n+Line.n, Col.n+1, ; Highlight the
Row.n+Line.n, Col.n+Width.n ; current line
Canvas On
Charpress.n = Getchar() ; Wait for keystroke
PaintCanvas Attribute Level.n*16+15 Row.n+Line.n ,Col.n+1, ; Repaint
Row.n+Line.n, Col.n+Width.n ; current line
Case Charpress.n = 27 : Return 0 ; Esc
Case Charpress.n = 13 : Return Line.n-(Topline.n-1) ; Enter
Case Charpress.n = -71 : Line1.n = TopLine.n ; Home
Case Charpress.n = -79 : Line1.n = RowCount.n-1 ; End
Case Charpress.n = -60 : Return Charpress.n ; [F2]
Case Charpress.n = -72 : Line1.n = Line.n-1 ; Up
Case Charpress.n = -80 : Line1.n = Line.n+1 ; Down
Case Charpress.n = -73 : Return -3 ; PgUp
Case Charpress.n = -81 : Return -4 ; PgDn
Otherwise : Beep

Case Line1.n < TopLine.n : ; Roll to end
If Roll.l Then
Line1.n = RowCount.n-1
Return -1
Case Line1.n > RowCount.n-1 : ; Roll to top
If Roll.l Then
Line1.n = TopLine.n
Return -2
Line.n = Line1.n ; reset pointer
Writelib Libname.a MenuCtl.u
Release Procs MenuCtl.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check If The User Has Access To A Table
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc CheckTbl.l(Tbl.a,Echo.l)
private Tbl.a,
Form.n, Echo.l

Procname.a = "CheckTbl.l"

PW.l = False
Form.n = Form()

Lock Tbl.a PFL
If Not Retval Then
Message.u(BlkMtr.n,"Cannot Place Prevent Full Lock On Table "+
Return False

If IsEncrypted(Tbl.a) Then
Beep Sleep 100 Beep Sleep 100 Beep
While True
Canvas Off
If Echo.l Then
Echo Normal
Echo Off
@ 0,0 ?? Fill(" ",160)
Cursor Box
@ 11,20 ?? "º º"
@ 12,20 ?? "º Is Password Protected º"
@ 13,20 ?? "º Please Enter The Password Or º"
@ 14,20 ?? "º Press [Esc] To Skip This Table º"
@ 15,20 ?? "º º"
@ 16,20 ?? "º Password : º"

@ 11,21 ?? Format("W40,AC","Table : " + Tbl.a)

Paintcanvas Attribute 112 10,20,17,62
PaintCanvas Border Attribute 79 10,20,17,62

Style Attribute 63
@ 16, 34 ??
Canvas On
Accept "A15" To PW.a
If Not Retval Then
"Table "+Tbl.a+" Is Pasword Protected, Cannot Access"
Return False

Password PW.a
View Tbl.a

Cursor Off
If Directory() + Table() = Tbl.a Then
PW.l = True
PickForm Form.n
Message.u(RevMtr.n,"Invalid Password",2,1,True)
Return True
Writelib Libname.a CheckTbl.l
Release Procs CheckTbl.l
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Get The Directory To Use
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc GetDir.u(Row.n,Col.n,DirControl.l)
private Row.n, ; Row to place display on
Col.n, ; Comumn to place display on
TempDir.a, ; Temporary Directory

Procname.a = "GetDir.u"

While True ; Loop to place a directory
While Dircontrol.l
Canvas Off
@ Row.n, 0 Clear EOS
PaintCanvas Fill " " Attribute 96 Row.n, 0, 24, 79
SetMargin Col.n
@ Row.n, Col.n

? "º Please Enter The Working Directory To Search º"
? "º º"
? "º Or Press [Esc] To Quit º"

SetMargin Off
PaintCanvas Attribute 9 Row.n, Col.n, Row.n+4,Col.n+49
PaintCanvas Attribute 118 Row.n, Col.n, Row.n+4, Col.n+48
PaintCanvas Attribute 96 Row.n, Col.n+50, Row.n+4, 79
PaintCanvas Border Attribute 79 Row.n, Col.n, Row.n+4, Col.n+48
PaintCanvas Attribute 9 Row.n+5, Col.n+1, Row.n+5, Col.n+49
Canvas On ; Turn The canvas back on
Cursor Normal ; Make sure the cursor is set

@ Row.n + 2, Col.n+10 ?? ; Prompt the user for the
Style Reverse ; directory to use. Default
Accept "A32" ; to the current directory
Default DefDir.a
To WDir.a

If Not Retval Or Isblank(WDir.a) Then ; If the user pressed [Esc]
Return False ; do not continue

DefDir.a = Wdir.a

If WDir.a = "" Or DirExists(WDir.a) = 0 Then ; Valid directory ??
Message.u(BlkMtr.n,"Invalid Directory",2,-1,True) ; No - Message and
loop ; Loop to the top

Message.u(RegMtr.n,"Checking For Subdirectories",0,0,False)

Cursor Off ; Turn Off the cursor
If SubStr(Wdir.a,Len(Wdir.a),1) <> "\\" Then ; If needed, place a "\"
Wdir.a = Wdir.a + "\\" ; at the end of the directory
Endif ; name

Run Norefresh "Dir "+Wdir.a+"*. > GoldList" ; Use DIR to get a list
; then import the list in PDOX
Menu {Tools} {ExportImport} {Import} {Ascii} {Text} {GoldList.} {List}

If MenuChoice() = "Cancel" Then ; If a LIST file already exists
{Replace} ; replace it

TempDir.a = WDir.a ; Set the TEMP name

While Match(TempDir.a,"..\\..",CurDir.a,TempDir.a) ; Strip out all but the
EndWhile ; current directory from the
; directory name
If Isblank(CurDir.a) Or SubStr(CurDir.a,2,1) = ":" Then
CurDir.a = CurDir.a + "\\"

Array Dirs.r[Nrecords("List")] ; Create an array for directory
Dirlist.n = 2 ; names
Dirs.r[1] = CurDir.a ; first on the list is the
; current directory
Scan For Search("",Upper([Text])) > 0 ; Pull out directory names only
Dir.a = SubStr([Text],1,8) ; make sure that we do not save
If Search(".",Dir.a) < 1 Then ; the parent or current
While Match(Dir.a,".. ",Dir.a) ; directory by searching for
Endwhile ; "." This will also strip out
Dirs.r[DirList.n] = Format("CC",Lower(Dir.a)) ; directories with extensions
DirList.n = DirList.n + 1 ; and trailing blanks from the
Endif ; directory name

Canvas Off
PaintCanvas Fill " " Attribute 111 Row.n, 0, Row.n + 5, 79
PaintCanvas Fill " " Attribute 111 0, 0, 1, 79

@ 21,0 ?? Format("W80,AC","Select The Data Directory To Use")
@ 22,0 ?? Format("W80,AC","Or Press [F2] For All Directories")
PaintCanvas Attribute 111 21,0,24,79
While True
DirControl.l = True
GetDir.l = False
ShowDir.u() ; Show the directory list

; Showdir will return either a data directory that the user chose,
; a -60 ([F2]) ifthe user wants to use all directories, or no value if
; the user did not select a data directory and wants to quit

Case Not Retval : Return False
Case not IsAssigned(DDir.a) Or
IsBlank(DDir.a) :
Case DDir.a = -60 : ; User pressed [F2]
@ 21,0 Clear EOS
?? Format("W80,AC","Using All Subdirectories For "+WDir.a)
Otherwise : Quitloop

Canvas Off
PaintCanvas Fill " " Attribute 111 5,0,24,79

If Level.n = 2 Then

GetDir.l = True
If Not GetDir.l Then

SetDir WDir.a ; User selected a directory
IF Ddir.a = -60 Then
LoopDir.l = True
DDir.a = Dirs.r[1]
If Substr(DDir.a,1,1) <> "\\" And Substr(DDir.a,2,1) <> ":" Then
DDir.a = "\\" + DDir.a
LoopDir.l = False
If Substr(DDir.a,Len(DDir.a),1) <> "\\" Then
DDir.a = DDir.a + "\\"
Return true
Writelib Libname.a GetDir.u
Release Procs GetDir.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Show all subdirectories found in the working directory. Allow
; the user to select from a menu of choices, andreturn that directory
; to the calling routine as the new DATA Directory.
; Returns : DDir.a ifthe user selects a single directory
; -60 ifthe user wants to use all directories
; This routine was written for GOLD Utilities by Phil Goulson
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc ShowDir.u()
private Counter.n,
Row.n, col.n,

Procname.a = "ShowDir.u"

canvas off

Width.n = 14
CPos.n = 4
Start.n = 1
level.n = 3

Mdepth.n = Min(Start.n+10,DirList.n-1)

Col.n = abs((80-width.n)/2) ;compute start column for menu
Col1.n = Col.n + 1

row.n = 24 - 4 - mdepth.n - 4 ;compute start row for menu

fillborder.a = "É"+Fill("Í",Width.n)+"»"+"ººººÇ¶"+
fill("º",mdepth.n*2) + "È"+Fill("Í",Width.n)+"¼"

paintcanvas border fill fillborder.a
row.n, col.n, row.n +mdepth.n+4, col.n + width.n + 1

@ Row.n + 1, Col1.n ?? " SubDirectory "
@ Row.n + 2, Col1.n ?? " List "
@ Row.n + 3, Col1.n ?? Fill("Ä",Width.n)

While True
Canvas Off
paintcanvas fill " " row.n+4, col.n+1, row.n +mdepth.n+3, col.n + width.n
Setmargin Col1.n
@Row.n+3 ,0
For RowCount.n From Start.n To start.n + mdepth.n -1
? Dirs.r[RowCount.n]

Setmargin Off
RowCount.n = RowCount.n + 4 - Start.n
PaintCanvas Attribute Level.n*16+15 Row.n, Col.n, ; paint menu
Row.n+ mdepth.n + 4, Col.n+Width.n+1 ; current line

If DirList.n > 11 Then
Roll.l = False
Roll.l = True
Case Retval = -1 : Start.n = Max(Start.n-1,1) ;roll Up
CPos.n = 4
Case Retval = -2 : Start.n = Min(Start.n+1,DirList.n-11) ;roll Down
CPos.n = 14
Case Retval = -3 : Start.n = Max(Start.n-10,1) ;PgUp
CPos.n = 4
Case Retval = -4 : Start.n = Min(Start.n+10,DirList.n-11) ;PgDn
CPos.n = 4
Case Retval = 0 : Ddir.a = "" ;Esc
Case Retval = 1 : DDir.a = WDir.a ;Enter on 1st
quitloop ;option
Case Retval = -60: DDir.a = -60 ;F2
Otherwise : DDir.a = WDir.a + Dirs.r[Retval+Start.n-1] ;Enter
return true
Writelib Libname.a ShowDir.u
Release Procs ShowDir.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Configuration Routine For GOLD Utilities
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc Cfg.u()
private Key.a,

Procname.a = "Cfg.u"

If Nimages() < 1 Or
Upper(Table()) <> "GOLDCFG" Then
View "GoldCfg"

PickForm "1"
[Path] = Directory()

Canvas On

While True
Wait Record
Prompt Format("W80,AC","Please Complete All Information"),
Format("W80,AC","Press [Del] To Reset, [F2] To Save")
Until "F1", "F2",
-24, 15, 18,
"PgUp", "PgDn",
"Right", "Enter", "Down",
"Left", "Up",
"Tab", "ReverseTab"

Key.a = retval

Case Key.a = "Del" :
"Reset" : "Clear the current information",
"OOPPS" : "Do not clear the current information"
To DelChoice.a

If DelChoice.a = "Reset" Then
Case Key.a = "F1" : Moveto [Abbrev]
Case Key.a = "F2" : Quitloop
Case Key.a = "Ins" : Beep
Case Key.a = "PgUp" : Beep
Case Key.a = "PgDn" : Beep
Case Key.a = -24 : Beep
Case Key.a = 15 : Beep
Case Key.a = 18 : Beep
Otherwise :
If Field() = "Abbrev" And
Search(Key.a,"RightTabEnterDown") <> 0 Then
Keypress Key.a
[Date] = Today()
[Time] = ""
Canvas Off
Return True
Writelib Libname.a Cfg.u
Release Procs Cfg.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Display a header on the screen for menus
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc Goldheader.u()

Procname.a = "Goldheader.u"
Cursor Off ; Turn the cusror off
Canvas Off ; Turn the canvas off
Clear ; Clear the canvas
Clearall ; Clear the workspace

@ 2,0 ?? Format("W80,AC","Welcome To The Gold Utilities")
@ 3,0 ?? Format("W80,AC","A Table Documenting Utility. Select A")
@ 4,0 ?? Format("W80,AC","Menu Choice Or [Esc] To Quit")

PaintCanvas Attribute 111 0,0,24,79 ; Entire screen
Writelib Libname.a Goldheader.u
Release Procs Goldheader.u
?? "."
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Print a page header for record size reports
; Copyright 1991 @ Harry Goldman, DataBase Deigns, Inc.
; Permission is hereby granted by the author to re-distribute all
; or part of this script, provided that this statement,
; including the above copyright notice is included.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc PrintHeader.u(PgSize.n)

Procname.a = "PrintHeader.u"

If PgSize.n > 0 Then
If LineCount.n > PgSize.n Then
Print File RecFile.a "\f"
LineCount.n = 10

Print File RecFile.a "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
If Not IsBlank(RemoteTbl.a) Then
Print File RecFile.a Fill(" ",10)+"Table Name = " + Upper(RemoteTbl.a) +
Print File RecFile.a Fill(" ",10) + "Table Name = " + Upper(Tbl.a)
Print File Recfile.a "\n\n\n"
Writelib Libname.a PrintHeader.u
Release Procs PrintHeader.u
?? "."

  3 Responses to “Category : Paradox DBMS
Archive   : GOLD13.ZIP
Filename : GOLDUTL2.SC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: