Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : ZOO21E.ZIP
Filename : MAKELIST.C

Output of file : MAKELIST.C contained in archive : ZOO21E.ZIP
#ifndef LINT
/* @(#) makelist.c 2.3 88/01/24 12:46:44 */
static char sccsid[]="@(#) makelist.c 2.3 88/01/24 12:46:44";
#endif /* LINT */

Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
(C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved

#include "options.h"
#include "portable.h"
#include "errors.i"
#include "zoo.h"
#include "zooio.h"
#include "various.h"

#include "zoofns.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "debug.h"

char *nameptr PARMS((char *));
void modpath PARMS((char *));

makelist() gets all pathnames corresponding to a set of filespecs and
adds them to a list. Not more than "flistsize" pathnames are added.
Into `longest' it returns the length of the longest name added, or
zero if none added.

Files ignore1, ignore2, and ignore3 are not added to the list.
A file that is a device/directory is also not added to the list.

However, if ignore1 is NULL, both these tests are skipped and all files
will be added to the list.

void makelist (argc, argv, flist, flistsize, ignore1, ignore2, ignore3, longest)
int argc; /* number of filespec supplied */
char *argv[]; /* array of pointers to supplied filespecs */
register char *flist[]; /* array of pointers to filenames we will add */
int flistsize; /* home many names we can use */
char *ignore1, *ignore2, *ignore3; /* files to exclude from list */
int *longest; /* length of longest name in list */
char *this_path; /* current pathname */
int fptr; /* pointer to within flist */
register int i, j; /* loop counters */

char *pat_name; /* filename part of pattern */

int gap; /* for Shell sort */

flistsize--; /* allow for one terminating NULL entry */
fptr = *longest = 0;

assert(argc > 0);

#define WCLEN 4 /* length needed for wildcard, and a little extra */

while (argc > 0) {
int argok = 0; /* arg not matched yet */
char *this_arg;
this_arg = emalloc (strlen (*argv) + WCLEN);
strcpy (this_arg, *argv);

/* Initialize fileset 0. Select all files -- we will later
filter out the ones wanted */
#ifdef FOLD
str_lwr (this_arg);

pat_name = str_dup (nameptr (this_arg)); /* pattern without path */
#ifdef VER_CH /* trailing version field */
static char version_field[] = " *";
char *p;
p = strrchr (pat_name, VER_CH);
if (p == NULL) {
*version_field = VER_CH;
pat_name = newcat (pat_name, version_field); /* adds trailing ";*" */
replace filename by wildcard; however, if argument ends in slash,
then simply append wildcard so we get all files in that directory
fixslash (this_arg); /* convert backslashes to slashes */

if (*lastptr(this_arg) == *(char *) PATH_CH) {
strcat (this_arg, WILDCARD);
pat_name = "*"; /* and select all files */
} else
#ifdef SPEC_WILD
spec_wild (this_arg);
strcpy (nameptr (this_arg), WILDCARD);
#endif /* SPEC_WILD */
#endif /* WILDCARD */

nextfile (0, this_arg, 0);
while (fptr < flistsize &&
(this_path = nextfile(1, (char *) NULL, 0)) != NULL) {
char *this_name = nameptr (this_path);
modpath (this_path); /* do any needed changes to path */

#define COMPARE str_icmp
#define COMPARE strcmp
if (ignore1 != NULL) {
if (samefile (this_name,ignore1) || /* exclude ignored files */
samefile (this_name,ignore2) ||
samefile (this_name,ignore3))

if (isuadir(this_path))
#else /* CHEKUDIR */
# ifdef CHEKDIR
if (isfdir(this_path))
# endif /* CHEKDIR */
#endif /* CHEKUDIR */
} /* end if ignore1 ! = NULL */

If WILDCARD is defined (e.g. AmigaDOS, MS-DOS, VAX/VMS), then nextfile()
returns all filenames and we must now select the ones we need by pattern
matching. If WILDCARD is not defined (e.g. **IX), filenames have already been
selected by the shell and need not be tested again.
if (match_half (this_name,pat_name) ||
match_half (pat_name, "?-?") && /* character range */
*this_name >= *pat_name && *this_name <= pat_name[2])
argok = 1; /* remember arg matched */
flist[fptr++] = str_dup (this_path);
if (*longest < strlen(this_path))
*longest = strlen(this_path);

} /* end while */
if (argok == 0) { /* no match for argument */
prterror ('e', "Could not open %s\n", *argv);
/* fptr is now 1 + index of last item in array */

if (this_path != NULL && fptr >= flistsize)
prterror ('w', too_many_files, flistsize);
#ifndef DONT_SORT
/* Shell sort -- K&R p. 58 */
for (gap = fptr/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2)
for (i = gap; i < fptr; i++)
for (j = i - gap; j >= 0 &&
strcmp(flist[j],flist[j+gap]) > 0; j -= gap) {
char *t = flist[j]; flist[j] = flist[j+gap]; flist[j+gap] = t;
#endif /* DONT_SORT */

fptr--; /* fptr is now index of last item in array */

/* Remove duplicates */
for (i = 0; i < fptr; i++) {
while (i for (j = i; j < fptr; j++)
flist[j] = flist[j+1];

flist[++fptr] = NULL; /* NULL entry terminates list */

modpath() makes any changes needed before pathname is stored;
currently these could involve folding it to lower case and
converting backslashes to forward slashes

void modpath (path)
char *path;
#ifdef FOLD
str_lwr (path);

fixslash (path); /* convert backslashes to slashes */

#ifdef CHEKDIR
/* Function isfdir returns 1 if pathname is a directory else 0 */
int isfdir (this_path)
char *this_path;
int dir;
f = zooopen (this_path, Z_READ);
if (f == NOFILE)
return 0;
else {
dir = isadir(f); zooclose(f);
return (dir);

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : ZOO21E.ZIP
Filename : MAKELIST.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: