Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : VECTFONT.ZIP
Filename : VECTFONT.H

Output of file : VECTFONT.H contained in archive : VECTFONT.ZIP
VECTFONT.H header file

#define ID_RESOURCE 1

#define IDM_NOTHING 0
#define IDM_24POINT 1
#define IDM_STRETCH 2
#define IDM_MIRROR 3
#define IDM_ROTATE 5
#define IDM_SHADOW 7
#define IDM_HOLLOW 8
#define IDM_BLOCK 10
#define IDM_NEON 11
#define IDM_FADE 12
#define IDM_SPOKES 13
#define IDM_WAVY 14
#define IDM_MODSPOKES 15

#define LCID_MYFONT 1L
#define ID_PATH 1L
#define PI 3.14159

LONG CreateVectorFont (HPS hps, LONG lcid, CHAR *szFacename) ; // VF00
BOOL ScaleVectorFont (HPS hps, SHORT xPointSize, SHORT yPointSize) ;
BOOL ScaleFontToBox (HPS hps, LONG cbText, CHAR *szText, LONG cxBox,
LONG cyBox) ;
VOID QueryStartPointInTextBox (HPS hps, LONG cbText, CHAR *szText,
POINTL *pptl) ;
VOID ColorClient (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient, LONG lColor) ;

VOID Display_24Point (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF01
VOID Display_Stretch (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF02
VOID Display_Mirror (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF03
VOID Display_CharAngle (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF04
VOID Display_Rotate (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF05
VOID Display_CharShear (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF06
VOID Display_Shadow (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF07
VOID Display_Hollow (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF08
VOID Display_DropShadow (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ;// VF09
VOID Display_Block (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF10
VOID Display_Neon (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF11
VOID Display_Fade (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF12
VOID Display_Spokes (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF13
VOID Display_Wavy (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF14
VOID Display_ModSpokes (HPS hps, LONG cxClient, LONG cyClient) ; // VF15

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : VECTFONT.ZIP
Filename : VECTFONT.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: