Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : UZ42_32E.ZIP
Filename : ZIPINFO.MAN

Output of file : ZIPINFO.MAN contained in archive : UZ42_32E.ZIP

unzip(1) USER COMMANDS unzip(1)

zipinfo - list detailed information about a ZIP archive file

zipinfo [-1lv] file[.zip] [filespec...]

file[.zip] Path of the ZIP archive. The suffix ``.zip'' is
applied if the file specified does not exist.
Note that self-extracting ZIP files are sup-
ported; just specify the ``.exe'' suffix your-

[filespec] An optional list of archive members to be pro-
cessed. Expressions may be used to match multi-
ple members; be sure to quote expressions that
contain characters interpreted by the UNIX
shell. See PATTERN MATCHING (below) for more

-1 list filenames only, one per line (useful for pipes)
-l list files in Unix "ls -l" format: default
-v list files in verbose, multi-page format

ZipInfo lists technical information about a ZIP archive,
including information file access permissions, encryption
status, type of compression, version and operating system of
compressing program, and the like. The default option is to
list files in the following format:

-rw-rwl--- 1.5 unx 2802 t- 538 defX 11-Aug-91 13:48 perms.2660

The last three fields are clearly the modification date and
time of the file, and its name. The case of the filename is
respected; thus files which come from MS-DOS are always cap-
italized. If the file was zipped with a stored directory
name, that is also displayed as part of the filename.

The second and third fields indicate that the file was
zipped under Unix with version 1.5 of zip (not available, so
don't ask--this is just an example). Since it comes from
Unix, the file permissions at the beginning of the line are
printed in Unix format. The uncompressed file-size (2802 in
this example) is the fourth field, and the compressed file-
size is the sixth (538).

The fifth field consists of two characters, either of which
may take on several values. The first character may be
either `t' or `b', indicating that zip believes the file to
be text or binary, respectively; but if the file is

ZipInfo version 0.96 1

unzip(1) USER COMMANDS unzip(1)

encrypted, ZipInfo notes this fact by capitalizing the char-
acter (`T' or `B'). The second character may also take on
four values, depending on whether there is an extended local
header and/or an ``extra field'' associated with the file
(explained in PKWare's APPNOTE.TXT). If neither exists, the
character will be a hyphen (`-'); if there is an extended
local header but no extra field, `l'; if the reverse, `x';
and if both exist, `X'. Thus the file in this example is
(apparently) a text file, is not encrypted, and has neither
an extra field nor an extended local header associated with
it. The example below, on the other hand, is an encrypted
binary file with an extra field:

RWD,R,R 0.9 vms 168 Bx 165 shrk 9-Aug-91 19:15 perms.0644

Extra fields are used by PKWare for authenticity verifica-
tion (?) and possibly other purposes, and by an upcoming
release of Info-ZIP's zip for VMS (to store file attri-
butes). This example presumably falls into the latter
class, then. Note that the file attributes are listed in
VMS format. Other possibilities for the host operating sys-
tem are OS/2 with High Performance File System (HPFS), and
DOS or OS/2 with File Allocation Table (FAT) file system,
denoted as follows:

arc,hid,rdo,sys dos 4096 b- 2334 i4:2 14-Jul-91 12:58 EA DATA. SF
arc,,rw, 1.0 os2 5358 Tl 1914 i4:3 4-Dec-91 11:33 longfilename.hpfs

File attributes in both of these cases are indicated in a
DOS-like format, where the file may or may not have its
archive bit set; may be hidden or not; may be read-write or
read-only; and may be a system file or not. If the attri-
butes are too long, the version number of the encoding
software is omitted. (The information is still available in
the verbose listing, however.)

Finally, the seventh field indicates the compression method
and possible sub-method used. There are six methods known
at present: storing (no compression), reducing, shrinking,
imploding, tokenizing, and deflating. In addition, there
are four levels of reducing (1 through 4); four types of
imploding (4K or 8K sliding dictionary, and 2 or 3 Shannon-
Fano trees); and three levels of deflating (fast, normal,
maximum compression). ZipInfo represents these methods and
their sub-methods as follows: ``stor''; ``re:1,'' ``re:2,''
etc.; ``shrk''; ``i4:2,'' ``i8:3,'' etc.; ``tokn''; and
``defF,'' ``defN,'' and ``defX.''

The verbose listing is self-explanatory. It also lists file
comments and the zipfile comment, if any.

ZipInfo version 0.96 2

unzip(1) USER COMMANDS unzip(1)

All archive members are listed unless a filespec is provided
to specify a subset of the archive members. The filespec is
similar to an egrep expression, and may contain:

* matches a sequence of 0 or more characters
? matches exactly 1 character
\nnn matches the character having octal code nnn
[...] matches any single character found inside the brack-
ets; ranges are specified by a beginning character,
a hyphen, and an ending character. If a '!' follows
the left bracket, then the range of characters
matched is complemented with respect to the ASCII
character set.

The author finds it convenient to set up an alias ``ii'' for
ZipInfo on systems which allow aliases, or else to set up a
batch file ``ii.bat'' or to rename the executable to
``ii.exe'' on systems such as MS-DOS which have no provision
for aliases. The ``ii'' usage parallels the common ``ll''
alias for long listings in Unix, and the similarity between
the outputs of the two commands was intentional.

Greg Roelofs (also known as Cave Newt). ZipInfo is partly
based on S. H. Smith's unzip and contains pattern-matching
code from Thom Henderson, but mostly it was written from

ZipInfo version 0.96 3

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : UZ42_32E.ZIP
Filename : ZIPINFO.MAN

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: