Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : PMBOOT.ZIP
Filename : PMBOOT.CMD

Output of file : PMBOOT.CMD contained in archive : PMBOOT.ZIP
/* PMBOOT.CMD Version 1.00, 26-Jun-1991 */
/* By: Phil Spencer CompuServe: 100014,104 */

say "OS/2 boot disk creator"
say "By: Phil Spencer CompuServe: 100014,104"
say "This program creates a boot diskette that will boot PM using the"
say "files already on hard disk. You should read the README file that"
say "accompanies this command file before continuing."
say "Please place a have a blank, high density, formatted diskette in"
say "drive a: and ensure that SYSINSTX.COM and KOPY.EXE are on the path"
say "SYSINSTX.COM can be copied from your OS/2 installation diskette"
say "KOPY.EXE should have been distributed with this command file"


say "Preparing Diskette"

call setlocal
'cd \'
'sysinstx a:'
call endlocal

say "Creating directories"

'md a:\os2'
'md a:\os2\dll'
'md a:\os2\system'

say "Copying files. Note that the '*' wildcard is needed where shown"
say "because because these filenames will differ from system to system"

'for %%a in (c:\*.bio) do kopy %%a a:\'
'for %%a in (c:\basedd*.sys) do kopy %%a a:\'
'for %%a in (c:\disk*.sys) do kopy %%a a:\'
'kopy c:\abios.sys a:\'
'kopy c:\config.sys a:\'
'kopy c:\autoexec.bat a:\'
'kopy c:\os2\cmd.exe a:\os2'
'kopy c:\os2\hpfs.ifs a:\os2'
'kopy c:\os2\keyboard.dcp a:\os2'
'kopy c:\os2\viotbl.dcp a:\os2'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\ansicall.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\bkscalls.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\bvhinit.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\bvscalls.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\doscall1.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\kbdcalls.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\moucalls.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\msg.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\nls.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\quecalls.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\sesmgr.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\dll\viocalls.dll a:\os2\dll'
'kopy c:\os2\system\country.sys a:\os2\system'
'kopy c:\os2\system\harderr.exe a:\os2\system'
'kopy c:\os2\system\oso001.msg a:\os2\system'

say "Files copied: "
say "To create a PM boot diskette you should now edit A:\CONFIG.SYS."
say "In particular you should edit the following lines (if they "
say "exist) with the indicated changes: "
say " IFS=A:\OS2\HPFS.IFS... "
say " LIBPATH=a:\os2\dll;c:\os2\dll... "
say " PATH=a:\;a:\os2;a:\os2\system;c:\os2... "
say " DPATH=a:\;a:\os2;a:\os2\system;c:\os2... "
say " COUNTRY=...,a:\os2\system\country.sys "
say " DEVINFO=SCR,...,a:\os2\viotbl.dcp "
say " DEVINFO=KBD,...,a:\os2\keyboard.dcp "
say "To create a minimum standalone boot diskette you should copy "
say "PS_SHELL.EXE to A:\OS2 and copy CONFIG.SA to A:\CONFIG.SYS. "

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : PMBOOT.ZIP
Filename : PMBOOT.CMD

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: