Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS2TOOLS.ZIP
Filename : XREF.C
HEADER: CUG000.00;
TITLE: Cross Reference Generator;
DATE: 04/05/1987;
DESCRIPTION: "Generic version of programmer's cross-reference
generator originally for BDS.";
KEYWORDS: Cross Reference;
COMPILERS: vanilla;
AUTHORS: Phillip N. Hisley, W. H. Rauser, W. C. Colley III;
/* 5 APR 1987 Portable C Conversion WCC */
/* - Epson init string changed from hex (\x00) to octal (\000). */
/* - Use () with A?(c=B):(c=C) for portability. If it's an error, */
/* it seems to be a very common one. */
/* - Made use of host compiler's strcmp() and strcpy() as they are */
/* usually written in assembly and run faster. */
/* - Globally replaced "alpha_" with "alp_", "alloc_" with */
/* "allo_", and "tmpchr" with "tmpch" to avoid multiply */
/* defined symbol errors on compilers that only support */
/* @$%&*&?>}\~~@# 6-character names. */
/* - Added abs() macro for compilers that don't have one. */
/* - Used some data initialization to kill off some code. */
/* - Made miscellaneous small tweaks for portability. */
/* - Cleaned out old BDS C stuff to improve readability. */
/* - Cleaned up abortion with use of rf_blk.rf_cnt as a pointer */
/* link to the next rf_blk. This construct will NOT work */
/* in environments like the MSDOS large model where ints */
/* are smaller than pointers! */
/* */
/* 9-26-83 Microsoft C 1.04 Conversion WHR */
/* - \t between line numbers and text to fix indenting problem. */
/* - added option -e for output to Epson in condensed print. */
/* - toupper() and isupper() are macros, not functions. */
/* - eliminate side effect in toupper(*++arg) in main(). */
/* - change alloc() to malloc(). */
/* - add #define NAMES that are not in stdio.h */
/* - MS-C requires () in statement A?(c=B):(c=C) error or not?? */
/* */
/* 4-30-83 Computer Innovations C-86 1.31 Conversion WHR */
/* - #include filename changed to allow a disk drive prefix, D: */
/* - convert if(fprintf(...) == ERROR) lst_err(); to fprintf(..); */
/* - convert if(fopen(...) == ERROR) statements to == NULL. */
/* - C86 requires () in statement A?(c=B):(c=C) error or not?? */
/* - remove getc() == ERROR check in fil_chr(). */
/* - convert file conventions from BDS C to C-86. */
/* - comment out BDS unique statements, mark revised statements. */
/* keep all BDS statements to document conversion effort. */
/* */
/** 4-19-83 BDS C Version file XC.CQ copied from Laurel RCPM WHR */
/* */
/* XC - A 'C' Concordance Utility */
/* */
/* Version 1.0 January, 1982 */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1982 by Philip N. Hisley */
/* */
/* Released for non-commercial distribution only */
/* */
/* Abstract: */
/* */
/* 'XC' is a cross-reference utility for 'C' programs. */
/* Its has the ability to handle nested include files */
/* to a depth of 8 levels and properly processes nested */
/* comments as supported by BDS C. Option flags support */
/* the following features: */
/* */
/* - Routing of list output to disk */
/* - Cross-referencing of reserved words */
/* - Processing of nested include files */
/* - Generation of listing only */
/* */
/* Usage: xc
/* */
/* Flags: -i = Enable file inclusion */
/* -l = Generate listing only */
/* -r = Cross-ref reserved words */
/* -o
/* */
/* Please report bugs/fixes/enhancements to: */
/* */
/* Philip N. Hisley */
/* 548H Jamestown Court */
/* Edgewood, Maryland 21040 */
/* (301) 679-4606 */
/* Net Addr: PNH@MIT-AI */
/* */
* Portability Note: The AZTEC C compilers handle the binary/text file
* dichotomy differently from most other compilers. Uncomment the following
* pair of #defines if you are running AZTEC C:
#define getc(f) agetc(f)
#define putc(c,f) aputc(c,f)
/* Portability Note: 8-bit systems often don't have header files
ctype.h and string.h. If your system doesn't have these,
uncomment the #defines NO_STRING_H and NO_CTYPE_H. WCC */
#define NO_STRING_H
#define NO_CTYPE_H
/* Portability Note: Some older compilers call the function malloc()
by its older name alloc(). If you have one of these older
compilers, uncomment the following #define. WCC */
#define malloc(x) alloc(x)
/* Portability Note: A few compilers don't know the additional type
void. If yours is one of these, uncomment the following #define. */
/* #define void int */
#ifdef NO_CTYPE_H /* WCC */
int isalpha(), isdigit(), isupper(), toupper();
#ifdef NO_STRING_H /* WCC */
int strcmp();
char *strcpy();
#ifndef abs /* WCC */
#define abs(x) ((x < 0) ? (-x) : (x))
/* Portability Note: Some stdio.h files define various of these
constants. Some don't. Therefore, each definition is
compiled only if needed. WCC */
#ifndef NULL /* WCC */
#define NULL 0
#ifndef FALSE /* WCC */
#define FALSE 0 /* WHR */
#ifndef TRUE /* WCC */
#define TRUE 1 /* WHR */
#define MAX_REF 5 /* maximum refs per ref-block */
#define MAX_LEN 20 /* maximum identifier length */
#define MAX_WRD 749 /* maximum number of identifiers */
#define MAX_ALPHA 53 /* maximum alpha chain heads */
#define REFS_PER_LINE 8 /* maximum refs per line */
#define LINES_PER_PAGE 60
#define FF 0x0C /* formfeed */
/* Order of the next two structure declarations reversed to avoid
a forward reference that chokes some compilers. WCC */
struct rf_blk {
int ref_item[MAX_REF];
int ref_cnt;
struct rf_blk *ref_lnk;
struct id_blk {
char id_name[MAX_LEN];
struct id_blk *alp_lnk;
struct rf_blk *top_lnk;
struct rf_blk *lst_lnk;
oneid, *id_vector[MAX_WRD];
struct alp_hdr {
struct id_blk *alp_top;
struct id_blk *alp_lst;
int linum; /* line number */
int edtnum; /* edit line number */
int fil_cnt; /* active file index */
int wrd_cnt; /* token count */
int pagno; /* page number */
int id_cnt; /* number of unique identifiers */
int rhsh_cnt; /* number of conflict hits */
int filevl; /* file level */
int paglin; /* page line counter */
int prt_ref = FALSE;
char act_fil[MAX_LEN];
char lst_fil[MAX_LEN];
char gbl_fil[MAX_LEN];
FILE *l_buffer; /* WHR */
int e_flg = FALSE, i_flg = FALSE, o_flg = FALSE; /* WHR */
int r_flg = FALSE, l_flg = FALSE, debug = FALSE; /* WCC */
char Epson[] = "\033@\017\033Q\204"; /* WCC */
void exit();
void main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
char *arg, cc;
void nl(), prnt_tbl(), proc_file(), use_err();
if (argc < 2) use_err();
if(gbl_fil[0] == '-')
while(--argc != 0)
if(*(arg=*++argv) == '-')
/*****{ switch( toupper(*++arg) ) *** side effect in Microsoft C */
switch( cc=*++arg, toupper(cc) ) /* Microsoft C */
case 'I':
case 'R':
case 'L':
case 'O':
if(--argc == 0) use_err();
if(lst_fil[0] == '-') use_err();
if(debug) printf("lst_fil=>%s<",lst_fil);
case 'D':
case 'E':
e_flg++; /* WHR */
else use_err();
if (debug) printf("\ni_flg=%d, r_flg=%d, l_flg=%d", i_flg,r_flg,l_flg);
if (debug) printf("\no_flg=%d, debug=%d", o_flg,debug);
if (o_flg)
if ( (l_buffer = fopen(lst_fil,"w")) == NULL) /*** output file ***/
printf("ERROR Unable to create list file - %s\n",lst_fil);
printf("\nXC ....... 'C' Concordance Utility v2.3\n");
printf(" Portable C, Conversion 5 APR 1987\n\n"); /* WCC */
if (e_flg) fprintf(l_buffer,"%s",Epson);
for(linum=0;linum < MAX_WRD;linum++) {
id_vector[linum] = NULL;
for(linum=0;linum < MAX_ALPHA;linum++)
alp_vector[linum].alp_top =
alp_vector[linum].alp_lst = NULL;
fil_cnt = wrd_cnt = linum = 0;
if(!l_flg) {
printf("Cross reference for file %s\n\n", gbl_fil ) ;
printf("\nAllowable Symbols: %d\n",MAX_WRD);
printf("Unique Symbols: %d\n",id_cnt);
if(o_flg) {
fprintf(l_buffer,"\nAllowable Symbols: %d\n",MAX_WRD); /* WHR */
fprintf(l_buffer,"Unique Symbols: %d\n",id_cnt); /* WHR */
fprintf(l_buffer,"%c",FF); /* WHR */
void use_err()
printf("\nERROR: Invalid parameter specification\n\n");
printf("Usage: xc
printf("Flags: -e = Emit printer initialization string\n");
printf(" -i = Enable file inclusion\n");
printf(" -l = Generate listing only\n");
printf(" -r = Cross-reference reserved words\n");
printf(" -o
void proc_file(filnam)
char *filnam;
FILE *buffer; /* allocated buffer pointer */
/* WHR */
char token[MAX_LEN]; /* token buffer */
int eof_flg; /* end-of-file indicator */
int tok_len; /* token length */
int incnum; /* included line number */
int chk_token(), get_token();
void nl(), put_token();
if ((buffer = fopen(filnam,"r")) == NULL) /*** input file ***/ /* WHR */
printf("\nERROR: Unable to open input file: %s\n",filnam);
eof_flg = FALSE;
do {
if (debug) printf("\ntoken: %s length: %d\n",token,&tok_len);
if (chk_token(token))
/* #include processing changed to accept drive: WHR */
if (strcmp(token,"#include") == 0)
if (get_token(buffer,token,&tok_len,&eof_flg,1))
if (debug) printf("\ntoken: %s length: %d\n",
if (!i_flg) continue;
while (!eof_flg);
filevl -= 1;
/*** free(sav_buffer); */
int get_token(g_buffer,g_token,g_toklen,g_eoflg,g_flg)
FILE *g_buffer;
char *g_token;
int *g_toklen;
int *g_eoflg;
int g_flg;
* 'getoken' returns the next valid identifier or
* reserved word from a given file along with the
* character length of the token and an end-of-file
* indicator
int c, rdchr();
char *h_token;
char tmpch;
char tmpch2; /* WHR fix for B:filename.ext */
h_token = g_token;
gtk: /* top of loop, get new token */
*g_toklen = 0;
g_token = h_token;
* Scan and discard any characters until an alphabetic or
* '_' (underscore) character is encountered or an end-of-file
* condition occurs
while( (!isalpha(*g_token = rdchr(g_buffer,g_eoflg,g_flg)))
&& !*g_eoflg && *g_token != '_'
&& *g_token != '0' && *g_token != '#' );
if(*g_eoflg) return(FALSE);
*g_toklen += 1;
* Scan and collect identified alpanumeric token until
* a non-alphanumeric character is encountered or and
* end-of-file condition occurs
if(g_flg) {
tmpch = '.';
tmpch2 = ':'; /* WHR fix for B:filename.ext */
else {
tmpch = '_';
tmpch2 = '_'; /* WHR fix for B:filename.ext */
while( (isalpha(c=rdchr(g_buffer,g_eoflg,g_flg)) ||
isdigit(c) || c == '_' || c == tmpch || c == tmpch2)
&& !*g_eoflg) /* WHR fix for B:filename.ext */
if(*g_toklen < MAX_LEN)
*++g_token = c;
*g_toklen += 1;
* Check to see if a numeric hex or octal constant has
* been encountered ... if so dump it and try again
if (*h_token == '0') goto gtk;
* Tack a NULL character onto the end of the token
*++g_token = NULL;
* Screen out all #token strings except #include
if (*h_token == '#' && strcmp(h_token,"#include")) goto gtk;
return (TRUE);
int fil_chr(f_buffer,f_eof)
FILE *f_buffer;
int *f_eof;
int fc;
if ((fc = getc(f_buffer)) == EOF) {
*f_eof = TRUE;
fc = NULL;
int rdchr(r_buffer,r_eoflg,rd_flg)
int *r_eoflg, rd_flg;
FILE *r_buffer;
'rdchr' returns the next valid character in a file
and an end-of-file indicator. A valid character is
defined as any which does not appear in either a
commented or a quoted string ... 'rdchr' will correctly
handle comment tokens which appear within a quoted
int c;
int q_flg; /* double quoted string flag */
int q1_flg; /* single quoted string flag */
int cs_flg; /* comment start flag */
int ce_flg; /* comment end flag */
int c_cnt; /* comment nesting level */
int t_flg; /* transparency flag */
void nl();
q_flg = q1_flg = cs_flg = ce_flg = t_flg = FALSE;
c_cnt = 0;
* Fetch character from file
c = fil_chr(r_buffer,r_eoflg);
if (*r_eoflg) return(c); /* EOF encountered */
if (c == '\n')
++linum ;
++edtnum ;
if (o_flg) fprintf(l_buffer,"%c",c);
else printf("%c",c);
if (rd_flg) return(c);
if (t_flg) {
t_flg = !t_flg;
goto rch;
if (c == '\\') {
t_flg = TRUE;
goto rch;
If the character is not part of a quoted string
check for and process commented strings...
nested comments are handled correctly but unbalanced
comments are not ... the assumption is made that
the syntax of the program being xref'd is correct
if (!q_flg && !q1_flg) {
if (c == '*' && c_cnt && !cs_flg) {
ce_flg = TRUE;
goto rch;
if (c == '/' && ce_flg) {
c_cnt -= 1;
ce_flg = FALSE;
goto rch;
ce_flg = FALSE;
if (c == '/') {
cs_flg = TRUE;
goto rch;
if (c == '*' && cs_flg) {
c_cnt += 1;
cs_flg = FALSE;
goto rch;
cs_flg = FALSE;
if (c_cnt) goto rch;
Check for and process quoted strings
if ( c == '"' && !q1_flg) { /* toggle quote flag */
q_flg = !q_flg;
if(debug) printf("\nq_flg toggled to: %d\n" ,q_flg);
goto rch;
if (q_flg) goto rch;
if (c == '\'') { /* toggle quote flag */
q1_flg = !q1_flg;
if(debug) printf("\nq1_flg toggled to: %d\n" ,q1_flg);
goto rch;
if (q1_flg) goto rch;
Valid character ... return to caller
return (c);
int chk_token(c_token)
char *c_token;
char u_token[MAX_LEN];
int i;
if (r_flg) return(TRUE);
i = 0;
do {
u_token[i] = toupper(c_token[i]);
while (c_token[i++] != NULL);
switch(u_token[0]) {
case 'A':
if (strcmp(u_token,"AUTO") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'B':
if (strcmp(u_token,"BREAK") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'C':
if (strcmp(u_token,"CHAR") == 0) return (FALSE);
if (strcmp(u_token,"CONTINUE") == 0) return (FALSE);
if (strcmp(u_token,"CASE") == 0) return (FALSE);
case 'D':
if(strcmp(u_token,"DOUBLE") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"DO") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"DEFAULT") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'E':
if(strcmp(u_token,"EXTERN") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"ELSE") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"ENTRY") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'F':
if(strcmp(u_token,"FLOAT") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"FOR") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'G':
if(strcmp(u_token,"GOTO") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'I':
if(strcmp(u_token,"INT") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"IF") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'L':
if(strcmp(u_token,"LONG") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'R':
if(strcmp(u_token,"RETURN") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"REGISTER") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'S':
if(strcmp(u_token,"STRUCT") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"SHORT") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"STATIC") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"SIZEOF") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"SWITCH") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'T':
if(strcmp(u_token,"TYPEDEF") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'U':
if(strcmp(u_token,"UNION") == 0) return(FALSE);
if(strcmp(u_token,"UNSIGNED") == 0) return(FALSE);
case 'W':
if(strcmp(u_token,"WHILE") == 0) return(FALSE);
return (TRUE);
* Install parsed token and line reference in linked structure
void put_token(p_token,p_ref)
char *p_token;
int p_ref;
int d, found, hsh_index, i, j;
struct id_blk *idptr, *allo_id();
struct rf_blk *allo_rf(), *add_rf();
void chain_alpha();
if (l_flg) return;
for (i=0; p_token[i] != NULL; i++) /* Hashing algorithm is far from */
{ /* optimal but is adequate for a */
j = j * 10 + p_token[i]; /* memory-bound index vector! */
hsh_index = abs(j) % MAX_WRD;
found = FALSE;
d = 1;
idptr = id_vector[hsh_index];
if (idptr == NULL)
idptr = id_vector[hsh_index] = allo_id(p_token);
idptr->top_lnk = idptr->lst_lnk = allo_rf(p_ref);
found = TRUE;
if (strcmp(p_token,idptr->id_name) == 0)
idptr->lst_lnk = add_rf(idptr->lst_lnk,p_ref);
found = TRUE;
hsh_index += d;
d += 2;
if (hsh_index >= MAX_WRD)
hsh_index -= MAX_WRD;
if (d == MAX_WRD)
printf("\nERROR: Symbol table overflow\n");
while (!found);
void chain_alpha(ca_ptr,ca_token)
struct id_blk *ca_ptr;
char *ca_token;
char c;
struct id_blk *cur_ptr;
struct id_blk *lst_ptr;
c = ca_token[0];
if (c == '_') c = 0;
/** isupper(c) ? c=1+((c-'A')*2) : c=2+((c-'a')*2) ; error or not??
** A good one for the puzzle book! Is the () required around (c=..)?
** C86 and Microsoft C both req the ()'s, BDS C did not.
** Is it required because = has lower precedence than ?: ????
isupper(c) ? (c=1+((c-'A')*2)) : (c=2+((c-'a')*2)) ;
if(alp_vector[c].alp_top == NULL)
alp_vector[c].alp_top =
alp_vector[c].alp_lst = ca_ptr;
ca_ptr->alp_lnk = NULL;
/* check to see if new id_blk should be inserted between
* the alp_vector header block and the first id_blk in
* the current alpha chain
if(strcmp(alp_vector[c].alp_top->id_name,ca_token) >0)
if(strcmp(alp_vector[c].alp_lst->id_name,ca_token) < 0)
alp_vector[c].alp_lst->alp_lnk = ca_ptr;
ca_ptr->alp_lnk = NULL;
cur_ptr = alp_vector[c].alp_top;
while(strcmp(cur_ptr->id_name,ca_token) < 0)
lst_ptr = cur_ptr;
cur_ptr = lst_ptr->alp_lnk;
lst_ptr->alp_lnk = ca_ptr;
ca_ptr->alp_lnk = cur_ptr;
struct id_blk *allo_id(aid_token)
char *aid_token;
int ai;
struct id_blk *aid_ptr;
char *malloc(); /* Microsoft C */
/*** if((aid_ptr = alloc(sizeof(oneid))) == 0) { ***/ /* Microsoft C */
if((aid_ptr = (struct id_blk *) malloc(sizeof(oneid))) == 0) { /* MS C */
printf("\nERROR: Unable to allocate identifier block\n");
do {
aid_ptr->id_name[ai] = aid_token[ai];
while (aid_token[ai++] != NULL);
return (aid_ptr);
struct rf_blk *allo_rf(arf_ref)
int arf_ref;
int ri;
struct rf_blk *arf_ptr;
char *malloc(); /* Microsoft C */
/** if((arf_ptr = alloc(sizeof(onerf))) == 0) { **/ /* Microsoft C */
if((arf_ptr = (struct rf_blk *) malloc(sizeof(onerf))) == 0) { /* MS C */
printf("\nERROR: Unable to allocate reference block\n");
arf_ptr->ref_item[0] = arf_ref;
arf_ptr->ref_cnt = 1;
arf_ptr->ref_lnk = NULL;
for (ri=1;ri
return (arf_ptr);
struct rf_blk *add_rf(adr_ptr,adr_ref)
struct rf_blk *adr_ptr;
int adr_ref;
if(adr_ptr->ref_cnt == MAX_REF)
return adr_ptr->ref_lnk = allo_rf(adr_ref);
else {
adr_ptr->ref_item[adr_ptr->ref_cnt++] = adr_ref;
return (adr_ptr);
void prnt_tbl()
int lin_cnt, pref, prf_cnt, pti;
struct id_blk *pid_ptr;
struct rf_blk *ptb_ptr;
void nl();
prt_ref = TRUE;
for (pti=0;pti
if ((pid_ptr = alp_vector[pti].alp_top) != NULL)
if(o_flg) /* WHR */
fprintf(l_buffer,"%-14.13s: ",pid_ptr->id_name);
else printf("%-14.13s: ",pid_ptr->id_name);
if(prf_cnt == MAX_REF)
ptb_ptr = ptb_ptr->ref_lnk;
if((pref=ptb_ptr->ref_item[prf_cnt++]) != 0)
if (lin_cnt++ == REFS_PER_LINE)
nl(); /* WHR,WCC */
if (o_flg) fprintf(l_buffer,"\t\t");
else printf("\t\t");
lin_cnt = 1;
if(o_flg) fprintf(l_buffer,"%-4d ",pref);
else printf("%-4d ",pref);
else pref=0;
while (pref);
while ((pid_ptr=pid_ptr->alp_lnk) != NULL);
void nl()
if (o_flg)
if (o_flg) fprintf(l_buffer,"%-4d %4d:\t",
else printf("%-4d %4d:\t",++linum,++edtnum);'
++linum ;
++edtnum ;
if(linum % 60 == 1) printf("\n<%d>\t",linum);
else printf(".");
/*============= end of file xc.c ==========================*/
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: