Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS2TOOLS.ZIP
Filename : WC.C

Output of file : WC.C contained in archive : OS2TOOLS.ZIP


A UNIX-style Word Count utility.



#define TRUE 1 /* Boolean Truth */
#define FALSE 0 /* Boolean Falsehood */
#define MAXLINE 2048 /* maximum line size */

static char szBuffer[MAXLINE] ;
static unsigned long lChars ; /* Number of characters */
static unsigned long lWords ; /* Number of words */
static unsigned long lLines ; /* Number of lines */
static unsigned long lTChars ; /* Total characters */
static unsigned long lTWords ; /* Total words */
static unsigned long lTLines ; /* Total lines */
static int bChars ; /* print character count */
static int bWords ; /* print word count */
static int bLines ; /* print line count */
static int bTotals ; /* print a total count */

Function prototypes
void main( int, char ** ) ;
static void Count( char * ) ;
static void PrintCount( long, long, long, char * ) ;



Print the count of words, characters and lines.


static void PrintCount( lCCnt, lWCnt, lLCnt, szName )
long lCCnt ;
long lWCnt ;
long lLCnt ;
char *szName ;
if ( bChars ) /* print character count only */
printf( "%ld %s\n", lCCnt, szName ) ;
else if ( bWords ) /* print word count only */
printf( "%ld %s\n", lWCnt, szName ) ;
else if ( bLines ) /* print line count only */
printf( "%ld %s\n", lLCnt, szName ) ;
else /* print all three */
printf( "%ld\t%ld\t%ld %s\n", lLCnt, lWCnt, lCCnt, szName ) ;



Count number of words, characters and lines in a file.
Set lChars, lWords, and lLines accordingly.

static void Count( szName )
char *szName ;
FILE *pFile ;
int c ;
int bNonBlank = FALSE ;
char *szStd = "" ;

lChars = 0L ;
lWords = 0L ;
lLines = 0L ;

if ( szName )
pFile = fopen( szName, "rb" ) ;
if ( pFile == NULL )
printf( "ERROR: could not open file %s\n", szName ) ;
exit(1) ;
pFile = stdin ; /* NULL name, read standard input */
szName = szStd ;

while ( TRUE )
c = fgetc(pFile) ;

if ( c == EOF )
break ;

++lChars ;

if ( isspace(c) )
if ( bNonBlank )
++lWords ;
bNonBlank = FALSE ;
bNonBlank = TRUE ;

if ( c == '\n' )
++lLines ;

/* close file if not stdin */
if ( pFile != stdin )
fclose( pFile ) ;

/* print out the line count */
PrintCount( lChars, lWords, lLines, szName ) ;

/* Add to the totals */
lTChars += lChars ;
lTWords += lWords ;
lTLines += lLines ;




void main( argc, argv )
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
int nArg;

/* Print a cute littel banner */
fprintf( stderr, "WC - A Word Count Utility\n" ) ;
fprintf( stderr, "By Ralph E. Brendler\n\n" ) ;

nArg = 1 ;
while ( nArg < argc )
if ( *argv[nArg] != '-' && *argv[nArg] != '/' )
break ;

/* process command line switches */
switch( *(argv[nArg]+1) )
case 'c': /* print character count */
bChars = TRUE ;
bWords = bLines = FALSE ;
break ;
case 'w': /* print word count */
bWords = TRUE ;
bChars = bLines = FALSE ;
break ;
case 'l': /* print line count */
bLines = TRUE ;
bChars = bWords = FALSE ;
break ;
case 't': /* print totals */
bTotals = TRUE ;
break ;
case '?': /* print usage */
printf( "Usage: wc [-cltw?] [file...]\n" ) ;
exit(0) ;
break ;
default: /* bad switch */
printf( "ERROR: Bad switch %s\n", argv[nArg] ) ;
printf( "Type \"wc -?\" for help\n" ) ;
exit(1) ;
break ;

++nArg ;

/* go through each file, counting stuff */
if ( nArg == argc )
Count( NULL ) ; /* count stdin */
while ( nArg < argc ) /* count filename */
Count( argv[nArg++] ) ;

/* Print out the totals */
if ( bTotals )
PrintCount( lTChars, lTWords, lTLines, "Total Count" ) ;

exit(0) ;

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS2TOOLS.ZIP
Filename : WC.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: