Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS2TOOLS.ZIP
Filename : DIFF.C
File differencing program.
The algorithm used here is the "recursive longest matching
sequence" algorithm discussed in the 10/87 issue if DDJ.
Some code is borrowed from the accompanying article.
#include "diff.h"
static char szBuffer[MAXLINE] ;
Calculate a hash value for a string. This value can be used
for a first level equality check for strings, thus eliminating
a time consuming strcmp() for each comparison.
The hash value is a variation on the standard checksum hash, which
includes the length of the string in the high word of the int.
static unsigned Hash( szPtr )
char *szPtr ;
unsigned chksum ;
char *s ;
/*--- Compute checksum of string ---*/
for ( chksum = 0, s = szPtr ; *s ; chksum ^= *s++ )
/*--- return combined 7-bit checksum and length ---*/
return ( (chksum & 0xFF) | ((s - szPtr) << 8) ) ;
Read a file into an array of LINEs.
static LINE *ReadFile( pFile, nLines )
FILE *pFile ;
int *nLines ;
LINE *pLine ;
int nSize ;
/*--- allocate one page of lines ---*/
pLine = (LINE *)calloc( PAGESIZE, sizeof(LINE *) ) ;
*nLines = 0 ;
while (pLine != NULL)
pLine[*nLines].addr = ftell( pFile ) ;
fgets( szBuffer, MAXLINE, pFile ) ;
if ( feof(pFile) )
break ;
pLine[*nLines].hash = Hash(szBuffer) ;
pLine[*nLines].linenum = *nLines + 1;
++(*nLines) ;
/*--- check to see if page filled ---*/
if ( *nLines % PAGESIZE == 0 )
nSize = (*nLines + PAGESIZE) * sizeof(LINE *) ;
pLine = (LINE *)realloc(pLine, nSize) ;
return pLine ;
Check to see if the next N hash codes match. This function
assumes that the hash codes for the first compare match.
TRUE if N or greater hash codes match
FALSE if less than N hash codes match
static BOOL CheckHashes( pLine1, pLine2, nCount )
LINE *pLine1, /* Starting line in file 1 */
*pLine2 ; /* starting line in file 2 */
int nCount ; /* minimum number of codes to match */
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nCount && (++pLine1)->hash == (++pLine2)->hash ; i++ )
return ( i < nCount ) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
This routine actually compares the strings associated with the
specified file lines.
A count of how many consecutive strings match
static int CheckStrings( pFile1, pLine1, pFile2, pLine2, nMost )
FILE *pFile1 ; /* file 1 stream */
LINE *pLine1 ; /* line in file 1 */
FILE *pFile2 ; /* file 2 stream */
LINE *pLine2 ; /* line in file 2 */
int nMost ; /* most possible matches */
static char szBuf1[MAXLINE], szBuf2[MAXLINE] ;
int i ;
/*--- seek to starting locations for strings ---*/
fseek( pFile1, pLine1->addr, SEEK_SET ) ;
fseek( pFile2, pLine2->addr, SEEK_SET ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nMost ; i ++ )
fgets( szBuf1, MAXLINE, pFile1 ) ;
fgets( szBuf2, MAXLINE, pFile2 ) ;
if ( strcmp(szBuf1, szBuf2) )
break ;
return i ;
Print a range of lines form a file
static void PrintLines( pFile1, pLine1, nLines1, pFile2, pLine2, nLines2 )
FILE *pFile1 ;
LINE *pLine1 ;
int nLines1 ;
FILE *pFile2 ;
LINE *pLine2 ;
int nLines2 ;
BOOL bSeparator = FALSE ;
int nType ;
if ( nLines1 > 0 && nLines2 > 0 )
nType = CHANGE ;
else if ( nLines1 > 0 )
nType = DELETE ;
else if ( nLines2 > 0 )
nType = ADD ;
if ( nLines1 > 0 )
fseek( pFile1, pLine1->addr, SEEK_SET ) ;
if ( nLines2 > 0 )
fseek( pFile2, pLine2->addr, SEEK_SET ) ;
switch( nType )
case CHANGE: /* change a range of lines */
if ( nLines1 > 1 )
printf( "%d,%d", pLine1->linenum,
pLine1->linenum+nLines1-1 ) ;
printf( "%d", pLine1->linenum ) ;
if ( nLines2 > 1 )
printf( "c%d,%d\n", pLine2->linenum,
pLine2->linenum+nLines2-1 ) ;
printf( "c%d\n", pLine2->linenum ) ;
bSeparator = TRUE ;
break ;
case DELETE:
if ( nLines1 > 1 )
printf( "%d,%d", pLine1->linenum,
pLine1->linenum+nLines1-1 ) ;
printf( "%d", pLine1->linenum ) ;
printf( "d%d\n", pLine2->linenum-1 ) ;
break ;
case ADD:
printf( "%d", pLine1->linenum-1 ) ;
if ( nLines2 > 1 )
printf( "a%d,%d\n", pLine2->linenum,
pLine2->linenum+nLines2-1 ) ;
printf( "a%d\n", pLine2->linenum ) ;
break ;
/*--- print the line range(s) ---*/
while ( nLines1-- > 0 )
fgets( szBuffer, MAXLINE, pFile1 ) ;
printf( "< %s", szBuffer ) ;
if ( bSeparator )
printf("---\n" ) ;
while ( nLines2-- > 0 )
fgets( szBuffer, MAXLINE, pFile2 ) ;
printf( "> %s", szBuffer ) ;
Difference two files using "recursive longest matching sequence"
static void DoDiff( pFile1, pLine1, nMost1, pFile2, pLine2, nMost2, nLong )
FILE *pFile1 ; /* file 1 stream */
LINE *pLine1 ; /* start line in file 1 */
int nMost1 ; /* Max lines in file 1 */
FILE *pFile2 ; /* file 2 stream */
LINE *pLine2 ; /* start line in file 1 */
int nMost2 ; /* Max lines in file 1 */
int nLong ; /* 'long enough' match value */
int nMostSoFar = 0, /* longest sequence so far */
nLongest = 0, /* longest possible sequence */
nLines = 0, /* Lines in current match */
nLongStart1 = 0, /* start of longest sequence in file 1 */
nLongStart2 = 0, /* start of longest sequence in file 2 */
nLong1 = 0, /* length of longest possible in file 1 */
nLong2 = 0, /* length of longest possible in file 2 */
nStart1 = 0, /* starting line for recursion in file 1 */
nStart2 = 0 ; /* starting line for recursion in file 2 */
int i, j ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nMost1 ; i ++ )
for ( j = 0 ; j < nMost2 ; j ++ )
if ( pLine1[i].hash == pLine2[j].hash )
if ( CheckHashes( pLine1+i, pLine2+j,
nMostSoFar) )
/* count this sequence */
nLongest = min( nMost1 -i, nMost2 -j );
nLines = CheckStrings( pFile1, pLine1+i,
pFile2, pLine2+j,
nLongest ) ;
if ( nLines > nMostSoFar )
nLongStart1 = i ;
nLongStart2 = j ;
nMostSoFar = nLines ;
if ( nMostSoFar > nLong )
recurse using all lines
below the matching set
of lines.
nLong1 = nLongStart1 ;
nLong2 = nLongStart2 ;
if ( nLong1 > 0 && nLong2 > 0 )
DoDiff( pFile1,
nLong );
else if ( nLong1>0 || nLong2>0)
PrintLines( pFile1,
nLong2 ) ;
recurse using all lines
above the matching set
of lines.
if ( nLong1 > 0 && nLong2 > 0 )
DoDiff( pFile1,
nLong );
else if ( nLong1>0 || nLong2>0)
PrintLines( pFile1,
nLong2 ) ;
return ;
At this point, we have searched the entire range and
have the longest range of matches specified as starting
at line nLongestStartX and nMostSoFar lines long.
if ( nMostSoFar > 0 ) /* any matches? */
recurse using all lines
below the matching set
of lines.
nLong1 = nLongStart1 ;
nLong2 = nLongStart2 ;
if ( nLong1 > 0 && nLong2 > 0 )
DoDiff( pFile1, pLine1, nLong1,
pFile2, pLine2, nLong2, nLong );
else if ( nLong1 > 0 || nLong2 > 0)
PrintLines( pFile1, pLine1, nLong1,
pFile2, pLine2, nLong2 ) ;
recurse using all lines
above the matching set
of lines.
if ( nLong1 > 0 && nLong2 > 0 )
DoDiff( pFile1, pLine1+nStart1, nLong1,
pFile2, pLine2+nStart2, nLong2, nLong );
else if ( nLong1 > 0 || nLong2 > 0)
PrintLines( pFile1, pLine1+nStart1, nLong1,
pFile2, pLine2+nStart2, nLong2 ) ;
else /* no match, this is a difference */
PrintLines( pFile1, pLine1, nMost1, pFile2, pLine2, nMost2 ) ;
Print a startup banner
static void banner()
fprintf( stderr, "DIFF - File Difference Report Generator\n" ) ;
fprintf( stderr, "By Ralph E. Brendler\n\n" ) ;
void main( argc, argv )
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
FILE *pFile1, *pFile2 ;
LINE *pLine1, *pLine2 ;
int nLine1, nLine2 ;
if ( argc != 3 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: DIFF file1 file2\n" ) ;
exit(1) ;
banner() ; /* print startup banner */
if ( (pFile1 = fopen(argv[1],"rt")) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", argv[1] ) ;
exit(1) ;
if ( (pFile2 = fopen(argv[2],"rt")) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", argv[2] ) ;
exit(1) ;
if ( (pLine1 = ReadFile(pFile1, &nLine1)) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Out of memory\n" ) ;
exit(1) ;
if ( (pLine2 = ReadFile(pFile2, &nLine2)) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Out of memory\n" ) ;
exit(1) ;
DoDiff( pFile1, pLine1, nLine1, pFile2, pLine2, nLine2, 25 ) ;
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: