Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS2TOOLS.ZIP
Filename : CTAGS.C

Output of file : CTAGS.C contained in archive : OS2TOOLS.ZIP


Unix-style CTAGS utility for MS OS/2 and MS DOS 3.X.




Constants and Types


#ifdef TRUE
#undef TRUE
#ifdef FALSE
#undef FALSE

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define MAXLINE 256
#define MAXNAME 31


Static Variables


static int nLevel ; /* nesting level */
static char szLine[MAXLINE] ; /* line read from file */
static char *szCur ; /* current position in buffer */
static FILE *pTags ; /* TAGS file pointer */



Skip from the current point in the file to the next end of comment
line characters. This function should be called with the current
line in the buffer szLine, and the current point in the buffer
pointed to by szCur.

If the end of the comment is found in szLine, szCur will point to
the character after the comment in szLine, and the function will
return TRUE.

If the end of the comment is not found in the buffer, the function
will return FALSE.


int SkipComment()
int bGotStar = FALSE ; /* TRUE if we have '*' */

while ( *szCur )
switch( *szCur )
case '/': /* end of comment? */
if ( bGotStar )
++szCur ;
return TRUE;
break ;
case '*': /* set star flag */
bGotStar = TRUE ;
break ;
bGotStar = FALSE ;
++szCur ;
return FALSE ;



Skip from the current point in the file to the end of a quoted
string. This function should be called with the current line in
the buffer szLine, and the current point in the buffer pointed
to by szCur.

If the end of the string is found in szLine, szCur will point to
the character after the string in szLine, and the function will
return TRUE.

If the end of the string is not found in the buffer, the function
will return FALSE.


int SkipUntil( cBreak )
int cBreak ; /* break character */
int bSkipNext = FALSE ; /* TRUE if we have '\' */

while ( *(++szCur) )
if ( *szCur == (char)cBreak && ! bSkipNext )
++szCur ;
return TRUE;
else switch( *szCur )
case '\\': /* set escaping flag */
bSkipNext = ! bSkipNext ;
break ;
bSkipNext = FALSE ;
return FALSE ;


ProcessDecl() - process a function declaration

This routine will determine whether the line in the buffer is
the start of a function or a forward reference. It will make
its determination by whether it encounters a newline ,semicolon,
or comma after the function declaration.


void ProcessDecl( szFile )
char *szFile ;
char szFuncName[MAXNAME] ;
char *szTmp ;
int nLength ;
int nParenLevel = 0 ;

/*--- check to see if prototype or declaration ---*/
szTmp = szCur ;
while ( *szTmp )
if ( *szTmp == '\n' )
/*--- back up to find the function name ---*/
*szTmp = '\0' ;
szTmp = szCur - 1 ;

while ( isspace( *szTmp ) )
--szTmp ;
while ( !isspace(*szTmp) && szTmp >= szLine &&
*szTmp != '*' )
--szTmp ;
++szTmp ;
nLength = (szCur - szTmp) ;
strncpy( szFuncName, szTmp, nLength ) ;
szFuncName[nLength] = '\0' ;
fprintf( pTags, "%s \t%s \t^", szFuncName, szFile) ;
szTmp = szLine ;
while ( *szTmp )
/* 'escape' special GREP chars */
if ( strchr("\\^$.:*+[]", *szTmp) )
putc( '\\', pTags ) ;
putc( *szTmp++, pTags ) ;
fprintf( pTags, "$\n" ) ;
break ;
else if ( *szTmp == ')' )
nParenLevel-- ;
++szTmp ;
else if ( *szTmp == '(' )
nParenLevel++ ;
++szTmp ;
else if ( *szTmp == ',' )
if ( nParenLevel == 0 )
break ;
++szTmp ;
else if ( *szTmp == ';' )
break ;
++szTmp ;



Find a C declaration.


void FindDecls( szFile )
char *szFile ;
FILE *fp ;
int bComment = FALSE ;
int Done = FALSE ;

if ( (fp = fopen(szFile, "rt")) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open input file %s.\n", szFile ) ;
return ;

while ( ! feof(fp) )
fgets( szLine, MAXLINE-1, fp ) ;

szCur = szLine ;
Done = FALSE ;

while ( ! Done )
switch ( *szCur )
case '\n': /* end of string */
case '\0':
Done = TRUE ;
break ;
case '/': /* set comment flag */
bComment = TRUE ;
break ;
case '*':
if ( bComment )
while ( ! SkipComment() && ! feof(fp) )
szCur = szLine ;
fgets( szLine, MAXLINE-1, fp ) ;
bComment = FALSE ;
break ;
case '\"': /* process double quoted string */
bComment = FALSE ;
while ( ! SkipUntil('\"') && ! feof(fp) )
fgets( szLine, MAXLINE-1, fp ) ;
szCur = szLine ;
break ;
case '\'': /* process single quoted constant */
bComment = FALSE ;
while ( ! SkipUntil('\'') && ! feof(fp) )
fgets( szLine, MAXLINE-1, fp ) ;
szCur = szLine ;
break ;
case '{':
bComment = FALSE ;
++nLevel ;
break ;
case '}':
bComment = FALSE ;
--nLevel ;
break ;
case '(': /* start of function call */
if ( nLevel == 0 )
ProcessDecl( szFile ) ;
break ;
++szCur ;
fclose( fp ) ;


Main Routine


void main( argc, argv )
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
int count ;

fprintf( stderr, "CTAGS - C file tag utility\n" ) ;
fprintf( stderr, "Copyright (c)1988 Computer Aided Planning, Inc.\n" ) ;
fprintf( stderr, "All Rights Reserved\n\n" ) ;

if ( argc < 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: CTAGS file [file...]\n" ) ;
exit(1) ;

if ( (pTags = fopen("TAGS", "wt")) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open output file TAGS\n" ) ;
exit(1) ;

count = 1 ;
while ( count < argc )
nLevel = 0 ;
FindDecls( argv[count++] ) ;

fclose( pTags ) ;

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS2TOOLS.ZIP
Filename : CTAGS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: