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Filename : OS2SE12.TXT
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NUMBER 289-507
DATE 890926
TYPE Programming
ABSTRACT IBM Operating System/2 (TM) (OS/2 (R)) Standard Edition
Version 1.2 and IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version
1.2 are now available with new functions.
The OS/2 Information Presentation Facility provides
easy-to-use functions for the application developer to define help
panels and to service end-user help requests. Traditional hard copy
Command Reference information has been placed online to increase
usability. A new Dual Boot Utility allows OS/2 and IBM Disk
Operating System (DOS) to boot from the same fixed disk drive.
Further, enhancements will be made in establishing file system file
names, and a new printer device driver will be added in UPDATEs to
the OS/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 products. These UPDATEs will
be available November 30, 1989.
All previously announced function is also available today,
including a new Desktop Manager user interface featuring iconic
representation, and a new File Manager that permits direct
manipulation. A Systems Application Architecture (TM) (SAA) Dialog
Manager, a High Performance File System, additional device support,
and a windowed System Editor are also included. Compatibility with
DOS Version 4.00 at the API level, and significant reliability,
availability, and serviceability enhancements are also provided.
To assist OS/2 application developers, the OS/2 Programmer's
Toolkit Version 1.1 and the OS/2 Technical Reference Version 1.1 have
been combined into a single product, IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and
Information Version 1.2. This new product has been enhanced to
support the new features and functions provided in IBM OS/2 Standard
Edition Version 1.2.
Reference: Programming Announcement 289-218, dated May 16,
1989, for detailed information on both products. Today's
announcement includes information additional to that already
(TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
(R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines
6024926 $ 340
6024929 650
6024930 340
Availability Dates:
September 29, 1989 OS/2 Standard Edition
Version 1.2 and OS/2
Programming Tools and
Information Version 1.2
November 30, 1989 UPDATE for both products
PRODNO 6024926 IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition
Version 1.2, for 3.5-inch (1.44MB) media
6024929 IBM Operating System/2 Programming
Tools and Information Version 1.2,
3.5-inch (1.44MB)
6024930 IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition
Version 1.2, for 5.25-inch (1.2MB) media
o OS/2 Information Presentation Facility *
o Increased usability through online Command Reference *
o Dual boot of OS/2 and DOS from same fixed disk drive *
o New File, Desktop, and Print Manager Interfaces
o Availability of the SAA Dialog Manager
o High Performance File System
o New printer device drivers supporting IBM and other
manufacturers' printers *
o OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit Version 1.1 and OS/2 Technical
Reference Version 1.1 combined into a single product, IBM OS/2
Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2, which includes
support for Dialog Manager and OS/2 Information Presentation
Facility *
* Additional functions since May 16, 1989, announcement.
The many enhancements available today for IBM Operating System/2
Standard Edition are an advance for the implementation of SAA on
programmable workstations. The availability of the SAA Dialog
Manager in the IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version
1.2, and the enhancements to the Presentation Manager (TM) emphasize
IBM's commitment to SAA.
(TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Presentation Facility provides the application developer with an
easy-to-use facility to define help panels and built-in functions
(independent of application flow and logic) to service end-user help
requests made during application execution.
The easy-to-use OS/2 Information Presentation Facility
Compiler for help panels makes it possible for the panels to be
developed by someone other than the actual programmer, such as a
person skilled in building information products. Later, the panels
and the application processing code can be combined into the total
application. The OS/2 Information Presentation Facility can also
provide linkage to a tutorial and/or any other program provided by
the application programmer.
Both Presentation Manager and Dialog Manager applications may
use the services of the OS/2 Information Presentation Facility.
Programmers who use the OS/2 Information Presentation Facility when
writing Presentation Manager applications can increase their
productivity by not having to support help requests directly. They
have an easy-to-use OS/2 Information Presentation Facility Compiler
in the OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2. By using
OS/2 Information Presentation Facility, consistency with SAA Common
User Access (SAA/CUA) is enabled.
ONLINE COMMAND REFERENCE: The usability of IBM Operating System/2
Standard Edition has been significantly improved by placing
traditional Command Reference information online, at the user's
fingertips in an electronic book. This electronic book contains
familiar sections such as a Table of Contents, topic pages and an
Index, which are accessed through a Presentation Manager application
that can be windowed.
Using the application pull-downs, a user can search for
specific words or phrases, maintain or view existing bookmarks, print
one or more topic sections, or cut sections from the book and paste
them to a file. Individual command information includes the name of
the command, its purpose or function, the command syntax and the
parameter definitions. The interface that presents the Command
Reference (online) is the same as that used by the OS/2 Information
Presentation Facility for presenting help panels.
A Command Reference hard-copy manual may be ordered
separately. Refer to the ORDERING INFORMATION section for details.
DUAL BOOT: To make it possible to boot either OS/2 or DOS from the
same fixed disk drive, C:, a user may now run the new BOOT utility.
Whenever the user wants to change the operating system, the BOOT
utility is run. Upon completion the user must re-boot the system.
The BOOT command runs under OS/2, the DOS compatibility mode and DOS.
NOTE: Dual boot of OS/2 and DOS is limited to the file allocation
table (FAT) file system. Users who want the High Performance File
System installed on the C: drive will be unable to have dual boot.
For OS/2 system installation to install dual boot on the C:
drive, the drive must contain a bootable DOS 3.2, 3.30 or 4.00 or an
OS/2 dual boot installed system. However, DOS 3.30 or 4.00 is
recommended for greater compatibility with OS/2. Refer to the
product publications for further guidance on usage of OS/2 dual boot.
user interface has been significantly enhanced to provide improved
usability, additional function and closer conformance to the most
current SAA/CUA Advanced Interface Design Guidelines. Refer to the
publication (SC26-4582) for additional information.
The most significant enhancements are:
o A new File Manager interface for displaying and manipulating
files and subdirectories
- The File Manager optionally displays files as icons instead
of text lists, giving a more pictorial view of files.
- A program may be started by selecting an input file from the
File Manager list, "dragging" the file to a program listed by
either the Desktop Manager or the File Manager and "dropping"
the file on the desired program. Either OS/2 or DOS programs
may be started by using the File Manager.
- Files may be moved, copied and printed by using the "drag"
and "drop" technique.
- The File Manager font can be selected from any of the
installed fonts, allowing the user to choose the amount of
information displayed on the screen.
- The File Manager provides an improved associate function,
which allows data files to be associated with one or more
programs either by file name or property. When the file is
double clicked, the list of programs is displayed, allowing
the user to select which program to run.
- A new search function allows the searching for files, using
either wild cards in file names or file properties stored
within the file to list files meeting the specified search
criteria. File lists resulting from searches may be used to
manipulate files in the same manner as directory lists are
o A new Desktop Manager interface for adding and starting programs
- More than one group of programs listed in the Desktop Manager
can be simultaneously displayed.
- Icons are displayed next to program or group titles listed by
the Desktop Manager.
- Allows programs to be moved, copied or added to a program
group by selecting the program from the File Manager or
Desktop Manager list, "dragging" the program to the desired
group and "dropping" the program in the new group
- DOS programs may be added to and started from the Desktop
Manager program list.
o A new Print Manager interface for managing print requests.
- Allows the user to direct print output to a specific print
- Allows the user to configure printers/plotters and queues
from the Print Manager instead of using the Control Panel.
DIALOG MANAGER: The IBM OS/2 Dialog Manager is a productivity aid to
assist application developers in managing input and output between
their applications and the end user. The Dialog Manager is contained
in IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2.
NOTE: For information on redistribution of Dialog Manager run time
and files, refer to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, LICENSING section.
The IBM OS/2 Dialog Manager provides significant elements of
the interface for the SAA Dialog Manager discribed in the SAA
Application developers using the Dialog Manager can
efficiently implement application dialogs that take advantage of
Presentation Manager facilities. The Dialog Manager provides
application programming interfaces (APIs) for the dialog elements
dealing with display-related services, dialog variable handling
(function pools) and create/end dialog session control.
The Dialog Tag Language (DTL), also described in the CPI
Dialog Reference, is used to define dialog elements other than
application program logic: application panels, help panels,
application command tables and messages. The compiler to process
panels written in the DTL is contained in IBM OS/2 Programming Tools
and Information Version 1.2.
The Dialog Manager and the DTL help the application conform to
SAA/CUA as described in the publication, SYSTEMS APPLICATION
The general structure of the OS/2 Dialog Manager may be
recognized by current dialog developers (EZ-VU or ISPF), facilitating
the migration of current dialogs to the IBM OS/2 environment.
Dialog Manager programs may be written in C/2 (TM) 1.1,
FORTRAN/2 (TM), Macro Assembler/2 (TM), Pascal Compiler/2 (TM), and
(TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
HIGH PERFORMANCE FILE SYSTEM: The High Performance File System
manages large disk media in a fast and consistent manner. The High
Performance File System is an attractive alternative to the file
allocation table or FAT-based file system because it supports DASD
with as many as 16 partitions and can handle partitions as large as 2
gigabytes. The High Performance File System maintains compatibility
with the FAT file system at the API level, is less performance
sensitive as file sizes and/or directories get very large, and can
work with files that have either the traditional or new long file
name characteristic. The system installation procedure is used to
optionally install the High Performance File System.
If a partition is formatted for use by the High Performance
File System, the contents of that partition will be lost. Copies of
existing files should be made before that partition is formatted.
After the partition is formatted, the copied files may then be placed
in the newly formatted partition and accessed using the High
Performance File System.
Files created using the High Performance File System may be
accessed by programs running in the DOS environment of OS/2. Files
created using the High Performance File System may not be accessed by
either DOS 3.3 or 4.00.
The High Performance File System is implemented to be bootable
as the C: drive.
NOTE: The file system will be enhanced to preserve the case of the
file name when the file is created or renamed. Utilities will be
enhanced to allow for a space and other special characters to be
imbedded within quoted file names. (To be available November 30,
1989 -- refer to UPDATE ordering information.)
NEW PRINTER DEVICE DRIVERS: All device drivers delivered with
Version 1.1, either with the product or with its device support
supplement, will be packaged as separate media and shipped with the
Version 1.2 base operating system.
A PostScript (1) driver is included with IBM Operating
System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 to allow applications to output
PostScript to the IBM Personal Page Printer II Models 4216-30, 031
and to other printers with PostScript output capabilities.
A generic Printer Control Language device driver that supports
printers compatible with the Hewlett Packard LaserJet and LaserJet II
series of Printers will be available November 30, 1989, in an IBM
Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 UPDATE. (Refer to
the UPDATE ordering information)
An Epson device driver is included with IBM Operating System/2
Standard Edition Version 1.2 that supports devices compatible with
the Epson FX80 (9 wire) and LQ1500 (24 wire) series of wire matrix
IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition has the capability to
separately install device drivers if needed. For example, this
capability can be used if a customer acquires new hardware in the
future that requires installation of a different device driver.
(1) Registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
further enhanced its SAA/CUA enabling by providing more function and
greater usability for both application developers and end users.
Some of the CUA enhancements are enabled automatically; others will
require that the application be changed.
In addition to previously announced enhancements, the
Presentation Manager now takes full advantage of the new OS/2
Information Presentation Facility. Presentation Manager programmers
may produce help screens using all of the functions of the OS/2
Information Presentation Facility. Use of the OS/2 Information
Presentation Facility by both the Presentation Manager and
applications, ensures consistency of use and appearance across the
system and applications. The help screens for the Presentation
Manager itself have been produced using the OS/2 Information
Presentation Facility Compiler.
Presentation Manager programs may be written in IBM FORTRAN/2
and IBM COBOL/2 (refer to the note in the section on IBM OS/2
Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2 on FORTRAN/2 and
COBOL/2) as well as IBM C/2 1.1 and IBM Macro Assembler/2.
SYSTEM EDITOR ENHANCEMENTS: The system editor in IBM OS/2 now
executes as a windowed Presentation Manager application. Files
created with the Version 1.1 system editor are compatible with
Version 1.2. The appearance and operational characteristics of the
Version 1.2 system editor are designed to the SAA/CUA definition.
IBM DOS COMPATIBILITY: The DOS environment of IBM Operating System/2
Standard Edition Version 1.2 protects a user's investment in current
software by providing the capability to run existing IBM DOS
programs, subject to certain limitations described in the IBM
Operating System/2 documentation. OS/2 SE 1.2 will have a larger DOS
environment than the one in OS/2 SE 1.1.
Generally, the DOS environment is compatible to a subset of
IBM DOS 4.00 function. Support for disk files greater than 32MB was
included in IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1, and
is available in DOS compatibility mode. The IBM DOS 4.00 support for
greater than 25 lines of text mode display, and support for
additional video modes for Personal System/2 (R) (PS/2 (R)) displays
are also available in DOS compatibility mode. The remaining new IBM
DOS 4.00 functions, such as the DOS Shell or LIM/EMS, are not
supported. The interface for the DOS compatibility environment has
been significantly enhanced by allowing DOS programs to be started
from either the Desktop Manager or the File Manager. The DOS command
line interface that resembles the one in IBM DOS 3.30 is also
provided. The family API provided with IBM Operating System/2 allows
programs to be written that will run on IBM DOS 3.30, IBM DOS 4.00,
IBM OS/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1 or IBM OS/2 Standard Edition
Version 1.2.
(R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines
capabilities of IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition have been
enhanced with several new or modified functions. Improvements have
been made for the collection, logging and reporting of detailed
information if a system error occurs. These improvements permit a
problem to be isolated faster and more accurately.
Consistency between the Standard and Extended versions of IBM
OS/2 has been improved by making the application of corrective
service appear more nearly the same on both products.
ADDITIONAL VERSION 1.2 ENHANCEMENTS: Additional enhancements have
been made to improve data integrity, performance and usability.
The system can now accommodate 64,000 file handles, 32,000 per
DEVICE INDEPENDENCE: The display and mouse device support have been
rewritten for IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 to
facilitate the attachment of other displays and mice that normally
may not have been supported by IBM Operating System/2 Standard
NOTE: Refer to the MACHINE REQUIREMENTS section for specific part
numbers and other pertinent information. Also refer to the MACHINE
REQUIREMENTS section of Programming Announcement 289-218, dated
May 16, 1989.
IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2 has been
updated with the following changes:
o The IBM OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit and IBM OS/2 Technical
Reference, separately available in the past, have now been
combined to consolidate required technical information in one
o The Dialog Manager and its documentation have been included, as
well as associated language bindings.
NOTE: For information on redistribution of Dialog Manager
run time and files, refer to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, LICENSING
o A compiler for panels written in the Dialog Tag Language has been
included along with its documentation.
o New documentation, IBM C/2 language bindings and the OS/2
Information Presentation Facility Compiler for the OS/2
Information Presentation Facility have been added.
o Existing information for the Presentation Manager has been
updated and new material has been added to correspond with the
Version 1.2 enhancements.
o New language specific information and bindings have been added
for IBM COBOL/2 and IBM FORTRAN/2 use with Presentation Manager.
(These language bindings do not support the OS/2 Information
Presentation Facility.)
NOTE: IBM COBOL/2 and IBM FORTRAN/2 are non-re-entrant
languages and, therefore, have limitations on the Presentation
Manager functions available to them. For details, see the OS/2
GUIDE (00F8833).
o Presentation Manager examples have been enhanced to assist
application developers with practical applications of existing
and new Presentation Manager capabilities.
o IBM C/2 and IBM Macro Assembler/2 external function bindings are
included for use with the Procedures Language included in OS/2
Extended Edition Verison 1.2.
o A sample printer device driver has been included. This sample is
written in C/2 and is intended to show basic coding techniques
for Presentation Manager device drivers.
INTERFACE DESIGN GUIDE (SC26-4582) manual has been added.
o The new online Programming Reference includes function calls and
IBM C/2, IBM Macro Assembler/2, IBM COBOL/2 and IBM FORTRAN/2
languages bindings.
NOTE: Some programs supplied with the IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and
Information Version 1.2 will be enhanced to allow for a space and
other special characters to be imbedded within quoted file names.
(To be available November 30, 1989 -- refer to UPDATE ordering
NATIONAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT: IBM Operating System/2 has National
Language Support for thirteen languages: Canadian French, Danish,
Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese,
Spanish, Swedish, United Kingdom English, and United States/Universal
Because some changes have been made since the May 16, 1989,
announcement (289-218), this section is repeated in its entirety.
The following publications contain information either related
to or directly about IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition. To
order, contact your IBM representative or telephone 1-800-IBM-2468.
IBM Personal System/2 Operating
System Positioning Guide G320-6714
OS/2 Features, Functions and
Applications G325-0401
IBM Operating System/2 Information
and Planning Guide * G360-2650
Systems Application Architecture
Common User Access
Advanced Interface Design Guide SC26-4582
IBM Systems Application Architecture
Common Programming Interface
Dialog Reference ** SC26-4356
IBM Systems Application Architecture
Common Programming Interface
Presentation Reference SC26-4359
IBM Operating System/2 Standard
Edition Specification Sheet G360-2735
IBM 8514/A Operating System/2 Adapter G68X-2300
Interface (diskettes and publication)***
IBM Operating System/2 Service
Coordinator Guide G15F-2214
* Consolidates material from several of the other listed
publications; G360-2650-02 available September 29, 1989.
** To be updated fourth quarter 1989.
*** Refer to the MACHINE REQUIREMENTS section for more details.
GUIDE are available through ASKINFO, and the Atlanta Electronic
Bulletin Board, (404) 988-2790. The Atlanta Electronic Bulletin
Board is available to end users on a toll call basis with no access
charge or password required.
The Applications Guide contains information on applications
that are either compatible with DOS Version 3.30 or 4.00 or use new
Operating System/2 functions. The guide describes applications
written by both IBM and software vendors. Access the Applications
Guide using the searchword OS2APPGUIDE.
provides information on both the Standard and Extended Editions for
application users, programmers and system administrators. The guide
contains information on the IBM OS/2 components and the requirements
to plan, design, and configure an end-user's system. The guide also
contains information on migrating user applications from the IBM DOS
to IBM Operating System/2.
The BASIC Reference Version 3.30 (Feature #0828, 6280189) is
separately available for a charge.
Planned availability dates are as follows:
September 29, 1989 OS/2 Standard Edition
Version 1.2 and OS/2
Programming Tools and
Information Version 1.2
November 30, 1989 UPDATE for both products
MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: The minimum hardware configuration for IBM
Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 is as follows:
o One of the following system units with a minimum of 2MB of memory
for running OS/2 applications, or a minimum of 2.5MB of memory
for running OS/2 and DOS applications. The actual amount of
memory required is a function of the working set requirements of
the operating system and applications. There are typical
application scenarios that require significantly greater amounts
of memory and DASD storage. Refer to the IBM OPERATING SYSTEM/2
INFORMATION AND PLANNING GUIDE (G360-2650) for assistance in
estimating total memory requirements.
Customers should consult documentation for their specific
processors to determine available memory options and ordering
Refer also to Programming Announcement 289-218, dated May 16,
1989. The following contains additions and clarifications to
information previously published. The system units are republished
in entirety.
IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 supports
the following IBM hardware:
System Units
o Personal System/2 (PS/2) Model 30 286 (8530): Models E01 (with
20MB or 30MB hard file), E21
o Personal System/2 Model 50 (8550): Model 021
o Personal System/2 Model 50 Z (8550): Models 031, 061
o Personal System/2 Model 55 SX (8555): Models 031, 061
o Personal System/2 Model 60 (8560): Models 041, 071
o Personal System/2 Model 70 386 (8570): Models A21, E61, 121
o Personal System/2 Model 70 386 (8570): Model A21 with the PS/2
486/25 Power Platform (TM).
o Personal System/2 Model P70 386 (8573): Models 061, 121
o Personal System/2 Model 80 386 (8580): Models 041, 071, 111, 311
o Personal Computer AT (R) (5170): Models 099, 239, 319, 339
o Personal Computer AT (5170): Model 068 with fixed disk to make
the system unit equivalent to a Model 099
o Personal Computer XT (TM) (5162): Model 286
o Industrial Computers (7531 and 7532) Model 111
o Industrial Computers (7541 and 7542) Model 111
o Industrial Computers (7561 and 7562) Model 111
o Industrial Computer (7552) Models 040, 540.
NOTE: IBM Industrial Computer (7552) Model 040 requires 1.44MB
diskette drive (#6071) and 20MB fixed disk drive (#6083).
(R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines
(TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Adapter and display combinations listed below:
o IBM Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter (#4910, 1504910) with IBM
Color Display (5153)
o IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (#1200, 1501200) with one of the
following displays: IBM Color Display (5153), IBM Enhanced Color
Display (5154), or the IBM Industrial Graphics Display (7534)
NOTE: The EGA with 64KB of memory will be supported as a
CGA (640 x 200, monochrome). Users may want to consider
upgrading to a 128KB EGA, a VGA, or an 8514/A adapter because the
lower resolution may be less usable for Presentation Manager.
o IBM PS/2 Display Adapter (#4050, 1887744) for Personal Computer
AT (R) or XT-286) with one of the following displays:
- IBM PS/2 Monochrome Display (8503)
- IBM PS/2 Color Display (8512, 8513, 8514)
- IBM 7544 Industrial Graphics Display (640 x 480 resolution).
o PS/2 System Unit (Model 30-286, 50, 60, 70 or 80) with one of the
following displays:
- IBM PS/2 Monochrome Display (8503, 8507)
- IBM PS/2 Color Display (8512, 8513, 8514).
o IBM PS/2 Display Adapter 8514/A (#4054, 1887972) with one of the
following displays:
- IBM PS/2 Monochrome Display (8503, 8507)
- IBM PS/2 Color Display (8512, 8513, 8514)
- IBM 7554 Industrial Graphics Terminal (1024 x 768 resolution
in graphics model).
IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 supports
the previous display adapters as follows:
o The Presentation Manager session supports display adapters in All
Points Addressable Mode at the highest possible resolution for
that adapter, except in the following cases:
- Support for the EGA adapter with 64KB will be at a resolution
of 640 X 200 in mono mode.
- Support for the PS/2 Display Adapter 8514/A with an 8503,
8512, or 8513 PS/2 Display will be in VGA mode.
- Support for the PS/2 Display Adapter 8514/A with an 8514 IBM
PS/2 Color Display or 8507 IBM PS/2 Monochrome Display, and
without the Memory Expansion Kit (#4081, 1887989) will be in
VGA mode.
Support for a fully populated PS/2 Display Adapter
8514/A with an 8514 IBM PS/2 Color Display or 8507 IBM PS/2
Monochrome Display will be at a resolution of 1024 x 768.
o OS/2 mode applications running in sessions outside the
Presentation Manager control the mode of the display adapter.
NOTE: In a non-Presentation Manager screen group, an IBM Operating
System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 application program can use the
IBM 8514/A Adapter in advanced function (high resolution) mode by
issuing 8514/A adapter interface calls.
The adapter interface software is contained on a diskette
shipped with the 8514/A adapter. Customers using the 8514/A in
advanced function mode must ensure that the adapter interface code is
at the correct level for use with Operating System/2. The adapter
interface level can be determined by running HDIVER.EXE in the HDIOS2
directory. If this directory does not exist, the customer can order
form number G68X-2300 at no charge. This part number includes a new
level of the adapter interface and additional pages for the 8514/A
Technical Reference.
Printers (2)
The following printers have full support for Presentation
Manager and non-Presentation Manager applications:
o IBM 3816 Page Printer (3)
o IBM 4224 (4) Printer Models (3xx) covered in RPQ 8V0428
o IBM Personal Page Printer II Models 4216-030, 031
A PostScript driver is included with IBM Operating
System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2
(2) Parallel attached printers are supported in both the Operating
System/2 and DOS modes. Serially (asynchronous) attached printers
are supported only in the Operating System/2 mode.
(3) The 3816 is supported by the 5202 device driver in the
Ouietwriter (R) III mode.
(4) The 4224 is supported by the 4202 device driver that only
provides non-PM application support.
Pointing Devices
o InPort Microsoft (5) Mouse for IBM Personal Computers AT, XT-286
and IBM PS/2 (for system units that support OS/2 SE), Microsoft
Part Number 037-299, 200ppi.
o IBM 80387 Math Co-Processor (in 80287 mode) for PS/2 (#3002,
6450369) for 8570-E61, 8580-041 or 8580-071. (#8720, 6450378)
for 8580-111, 8580-311, 8570-121, 8573-061, or 8573-121; (#6320,
6450607) for 8570-A21).
(R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines
(5) Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
COMPATIBILITY: The OS/2 Default User Interface has been
significantly enhanced to provide increased function, better
usability, overall appearance and conformance to CUA. Some enhanced
functions such as move and copy files have been modified and work
differently from IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1.
Refer to the programming publications for specific information on
these changes.
With the following exceptions, programs designed to run under
IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1 will run under
IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 and do not need
to be reinstalled.
NOTE: Customers who have compiled programs using IBM FORTRAN/2
Version 1.00 or 1.01, which are to be run on IBM Operating System/2
Standard Edition Version 1.2, must get maintenance level 1.02 of IBM
FORTRAN/2 and recompile their programs to ensure proper function and
correct results.
If the application uses certain subsystem function such as
physical video buffer access, registering of subsystem functions, or
character device monitors, it will be required to run in a
full-screen OS/2 session. Otherwise, the application can be windowed
by specifying it as RUN IN A TEXT WINDOW when installing the
application under the OS/2 Presentation Manager.
Licensees of BASIC Compiler/2, Macro Assembler/2, Pascal
Compiler/2 or C/2 Version 1.0 may submit the CodeView Update order
form contained in the IBM OS/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 package
to receive an update to CodeView containing advanced function for
debugging OS/2 applications. The order form must be accompanied by
proof of license of the eligible language product being used. IBM
will honor requests for the update until November 1, 1990.
NOTE: This CodeView update is the same update made available for IBM
OS/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1.
Depending on the programming language used to develop
applications, some capabilities of IBM Operating System/2 Standard
Edition Version 1.2 may not be possible to implement in an
IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 does not
support the SYS utility or the /s option of the FORMAT command.
The BACKUP and RESTORE commands are supported in protect-mode
Programs compiled using the Version 1.1 Presentation Manager
will run on Version 1.2 without change.
The DOS environment of IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition
Version 1.2 protects a user's investment in current software by
providing the capability to run existing IBM DOS programs, subject to
certain limitations described in the IBM Operating System/2
documentation. OS/2 SE 1.2 will have a larger DOS environment than
the DOS environment in OS/2 SE 1.1.
Generally, the DOS environment is compatible to a subset of
IBM DOS 4.00 function. Support for disk files greater than 32MB was
included in IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1, and
is available in DOS compatibility mode. The IBM DOS 4.00 support for
greater than 25 lines of text mode display, and support for
additional video modes for PS/2 displays are also available in DOS
compatibility mode. The remaining new IBM DOS 4.00 functions, such
as the DOS Shell or LIM/EMS, are not supported. The interface for
the DOS compatibility environment has been significantly enhanced by
allowing DOS programs to be started from either the Desktop Manager
or the File Manager. The DOS command line interface that resembles
the one in DOS 3.30 is also provided. The IBM Operating System/2
Family API allows programs to be written that will run on IBM DOS
3.30, IBM DOS 4.00, IBM OS/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1 or Version
Many existing DOS applications may be run in the DOS mode of
OS/2. Users should be aware that some DOS applications, such as
communications and timing dependent programs, may not function
properly in the DOS mode of OS/2.
CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES: Clarification of additional hardware
requirements previously published for the electronic service support
o Modem. One of the following full-duplex, asynchronous modems or
equivalent that uses the AT command set (Hayes compatible command
- IBM 5841 or 5842 external modem at 2400 bits per second
(bps). (These modems have been withdrawn from marketing.)
- IBM 5853 external at 1200 or 2400 bps.
o Switched telephone line.
PACKAGING: The IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2
product package contains:
o License Information booklet
o Program License Agreement
o Proof of license
o Diskettes containing the IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition
Version 1.2 machine-readable information and device drivers.
Program number 6024926 contains 1.44Mb, 3.5-inch diskettes.
Program number 6024930 contains 1.2Mb, 5.25-inch diskettes.
o Each of the following:
- Getting Started
- Product Information booklet
- Using Advanced Features (Command Reference information is now
- Keyboards and Code Pages Card
- CodeView Update Order Form
- Quick Reference Card
- OS/2 SE Version 1.2 Registration Card.
The following information is available separately:
o Keyboards and Code Pages Book
o Command Reference (hard copy book).
The IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2
product package contains:
o License Information booklet
o Program License Agreement
o Proof of license
o Diskettes. The IBM Operating System/2 Programming Tools and
Information machine-readable information is on 3.5-inch (1.44Mb)
diskettes. 5.25-inch (1.2 Mb) diskettes are available by using
the reply card included with the product.
o Reply card for 5.25-inch (1.2 Mb) diskette media
o Each of the following:
- Programming Overview
- Programming Guide
- Building Programs
- Installation Booklet
- Control Program Programming Reference
- Presentation Manager
-- Programming Reference (two volumes)
-- C/2 Bindings Reference
-- Macro Assembler/2 Bindings Reference
-- COBOL/2 Bindings Reference
-- FORTRAN/2 Bindings Reference
- I/O Subsystems and Device Drivers (two volumes)
- Dialog Manager Guide and Reference
- Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference
- Dialog Manager and Dialog Tag Language Reference Summary
- Systems Application Architecture Common User Access Advanced
Interface Design Guide (SC26-4582)
- Procedures Language 2/REXX Programming Reference
- OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2
Registration Card.
The separate Documentation Only package (6024927) for IBM
Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 includes the
following publications:
o Getting Started
o Product Information booklet
o Using Advanced Features
o Keyboards and Code Pages Card
o Quick Reference Card
o OS/2 SE Version 1.2 Registration Card.
The Command Reference (6024928) may also be ordered
NOTE: The IBM OS/2 Rebate Offering was announced May 9, 1989,
(Marketing Announcement 389-072). Please refer to the Modification
of that Offering, dated May 16, 1989, (389-074) and the Modification
dated September 26, 1989, (Marketing Announcement 389-162) for
details of the participation and no-charge upgrade opportunities
available for IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 and
IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2.
To order the programs in this announcement, specify the
program name, program number, order type, and quantity. The
available order types are as follows:
o Program Package -- program diskette with documentation.
o Additional Licenses -- can be ordered under the Extended
Provisions/Program License Agreement (EP/PLA) or through an
authorized remarketer.
o Documentation -- separate documentation without program
o Program Package Upgrade -- program diskette with documentation.
o Additional Licenses Upgrade -- can be ordered under the EP/PLA or
through an authorized remarketer.
IBM EDUCATION ORDER CENTER: The announced programs are eligible to
be ordered through the IBM Education Order Center.
The program package upgrade option allows currently licensed
users of IBM DOS 3.X (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.30), IBM DOS 4.00, IBM
Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.0 or IBM Operating
System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.1 to obtain the function of IBM
Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 for a program upgrade
charge. The program upgrade to IBM Operating System/2 Standard
Edition Version 1.2 is available beginning September 29, 1989.
Orders will now be accepted. These upgrades will be available
through IBM Authorized Personal Computer Dealers and Industry
Remarketers-Personal Computer certified to market IBM Authorized
Advanced Products. The remarketer will require a proof of license
for each upgrade ordered. The original proof of license is the
colored front cover page (the page inside the hard binder) of the DOS
REFERENCE MANUAL for Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2; or the separate proof of
license page from the DOS Version 3.30 or 4.00 or IBM Operating
System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.0 or IBM Operating System/2
Standard Edition Version 1.1 program package as identified by IBM to
the remarketer. (IMPORTANT: Customers should understand that by
surrendering the original proof of license they lose their ability to
take advantage of any other upgrade offer that requires an original
proof of license.)
The program package upgrade option allows currently licensed
users of IBM OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit Version 1.0 or IBM OS/2
Programmer's Toolkit Version 1.1 to obtain the function of IBM OS/2
Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2 for a program upgrade
charge. The program upgrade to IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and
Information Version 1.2 is available beginning September 29, 1989.
Orders will now be accepted. These upgrades will be available
through IBM Authorized Personal Computer Dealers and Industry
Remarketers-Personal Computer certified to market IBM Authorized
Advanced Products. The remarketer will require a proof of license
for each upgrade ordered. The original proof of license is the
separate proof of license page from IBM OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit
Version 1.0 (15F0005) or IBM OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit Version 1.1
(00F8830) program package as identified by IBM to the remarketer.
(IMPORTANT: Customers should understand that by surrendering the
original proof of license they lose their ability to take advantage
of any other upgrade offer that requires an original proof of
Customers may also order upgrades through the IBM branch
office using the IBM Personal Computer/System Program US M&S Upgrade
and Certification Order Form included with this announcement.
To receive program package upgrades at a discount, a VPA
addendum with the appropriate VPA exhibit must be in effect. The
order may only be placed through the IBM branch office using the IBM
Personal Computer/System Program US M&S Upgrade and Certification
Order Form included with this announcement.
To receive additional licenses upgrades, the EP/PLA and a VPA
addendum with the appropriate VPA exhibit must be in effect. The
total quantity of upgrades acquired for a specific program may not
exceed the total quantity of program packages and additional licenses
previously acquired for that program. Proof of license for upgrade
eligibility for additional licenses upgrades is a copy of the
invoice. Orders for additional licenses upgrades can be entered
through the branch office using the US M&S Upgrade and Certification
Order Form included in this announcement, or placed through an
authorized remarketer.
The IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 and IBM OS/2
Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2 UPDATEs are planned to
be available, at no additional charge, November 30, 1989. (Allow six
to eight weeks for delivery.)
The appropriate OS/2 SE 1.2 Registration Card is contained in
the IBM Operating System Standard Edition Version 1.2 and IBM OS/2
Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2 packages. To receive
the UPDATE, the customer only needs to complete and mail the card.
This registration is valid only in the United States and
Puerto Rico.
LICENSING: The UPDATEs are licensed under the same Terms and
Conditions as IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 and
IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2.
ADDITIONAL LICENSES: The customer can duplicate the number of
UPDATEs equal to the number of IBM Operating System/2 Standard
Edition Version 1.2 and/or IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information
Version 1.2 licenses acquired.
LICENSING: The programs in this announcement are licensed under the
terms and conditions of the IBM Program License Agreement. A copy of
the agreement is included in the program package.
NOTE: The Dialog Manager run time and files, which are part of the
OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Verison 1.2, may be
redistributed as part of an application product at no additional
charge. Refer to the license information document included with the
OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2 product for
details on redistribution.
ADDITIONAL LICENSES: The EP/PLA must be in effect.
LIMITED WARRANTY: Program: Yes. Media: Three months.
Additional licenses: Yes. Media: Not applicable.
PROGRAM SERVICES: Central service, including the IBM Support Center,
is planned to be available until November 30, 1990, for IBM Operating
System/2 Standard Edition Version 1.2 and IBM OS/2 Programming Tools
and Information Version 1.2. The statement of service included in
the program package describes this service.
VOLUME DISCOUNT: Volume discounting is available under the terms and
conditions of the Volume Procurement Amendment (VPA) and the Exhibit
for Personal Computer/System Programs. The programs in this
announcement are included in the Eligible Program List for Personal
Computer/System Programs. They may be added to the applicable
category in the space provided on the Eligible Program List. Program
packages are included in Category A under 5871-AAA. Additional
licenses are available and are included in Category A under 5872-AAA.
Program package upgrades and additional licenses upgrades are
included in Category B and are eligible for volume discounting based
on the commitment in Category A. Documentation is included in
Category B and is eligible for volume discounting based on the
commitment in Category A.
TESTING PERIOD: Program packages: Two months for up to three
licenses of a program. The EP/PLA must be in effect. Additional
licenses: Yes.
terms and conditions of the National Education License Fee Exhibit.
The NELF is not subject to any further discount or allowance.
6024926 Program Package
(3.5-inch) $ 340
Upgrade from DOS
3.X/4.0 $ 285
Upgrade from OS/2
Version 1.0 or 1.1 100
6024930 Program Package
(5.25-inch) 340
Upgrade from DOS
3.X/4.0 285
Upgrade from OS/2
Version 1.0 or 1.1 100
6024932 Additional License 300
6024955 Upgrade from
SE 1.0/1.1 50
6024952 Upgrade from
DOS 3.X/4.0 245
6024927 Documentation Only 35
6024928 Command Reference 70
6024929 Program Package
(3.5-inch) $ 650
Upgrade from OS/2
Toolkit Version 1.0
or 1.1 $ 395
ADDITIONAL LICENSES CHARGE: Customers who pay a one-time charge for
additional licenses may copy machine-readable program materials and
printed documentation previously acquired from IBM in a program
package. One copy may be made for each additional license ordered.
PROGRAM UPGRADE CHARGE: A program upgrade charge will apply for
upgrades from currently licensed users of IBM DOS 3.X (3.0, 3.1, 3.2,
3.30), IBM DOS 4.00, IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version
1.0 or Version 1.1 to IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition Version
1.2. A program upgrade charge will apply for upgrades from currently
licensed users of IBM OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit Version 1.0 or
Version 1.1 to IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version
The program upgrade charge is available beginning
September 29, 1989.
- - - E N D O F P R I N T O U T - - -
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: