Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS20MEMU.ZIP
Filename : OS20MMHS.P25

Output of file : OS20MMHS.P25 contained in archive : OS20MEMU.ZIP

OS20MMHS.P25 OS20MEMU *** Help *** Version 1.1 6-1-93
Authors: Glenn Brew & Ross Cook (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987-1993

Expanded System Statistics "Help"

This panel provides more detailed memory usage information than
is available on the main panel. This information will probably
not be interesting to all people but may be to some.

The items under the first section, "Storage Used Detail", give a
view of the amount of storage in use and the potential for use at
the present time:

Installed Machine Memory - this is the total RAM storage
installed in the machine which OS/2 is managing.

This does not include any storage which is not actually
available for OS/2 to use for itself or applications.
Examples of this would be any storage which is "hidden" by
hardware or special adapters.

Virtual Machine Size - this is the total amount of storage in
use and potentially in use.

This item indicates how much storage could be called into
use at any moment. "Potentially in use" includes items
which have been swapped to disk, those discarded from
memory, as well as memory items allocated but never used.

Size of Swap File - this is the size allocated on disk for
the swap file.

Amount Swapped - this is the amount of storage which has been
swapped to disk.

Shared - this is the amount of memory objects which may be
(or are) in use by several applications at the same time.

Free - storage which is not presently being used. This memory
will be allocated before any swapping to disk or discarding
takes place.

Fixed - the amount of storage which is fixed and not swappable.

A more detailed view of memory usage follows the above section.
Here memory is classified into several types according to its use.
This section of the screen gives information under the following

Memory In Use - this is the total amount of memory in use.

This item has been broken down into the amount of memory
which is candidate for removal from memory in case
available (free) memory is exhausted:

Memory In Use - Swappable - this is the amount which
may be swapped to disk.
Memory In Use - Discardable - this is the amount which
may be discarded.

Total System Memory - this is the amount of memory allocated
by the operating system for managing all resources.
This memory is further broken down into the amount which is
resident, that which is swappable but presently in memory
and that swapped to disk.

System Memory for Vdisks - this is the amount of memory
reserved for all Vdisks defined. This value is derived
from the sum of all Vdisks defined in CONFIG.SYS.
If these entries have been changed since the last boot,
this value will not be accurate until the system is

System Memory for Disk Cache - this is the amount of memory
reserved for all disk caches - for both HPFS and FAT.
This value is the sum of all IFS CACHE= and DiSKCACHE
statements defined in CONFIG.SYS. If these values have
been altered since the last boot, this value will not be
accurate until the system is re-booted.

System Memory for Application Private Objects - the is the sum
of all operating system memory allocated for managing the
applications which are running at this moment. This memory
does not include storage for the programs themselves - only
the memory allocated by OS/2 itself is included here.

Since some of this memory may be swapped to disk, this item
has been further broken down into the amount which is
resident, that presently in memory and that swapped to

System Memory for Shared Objects - this is the sum of all
system memory allocated for managing shared memory objects.

Since some of this memory may be swapped to disk, this item
has been further broken down into the amount which is
resident, that which is swappable but presently in memory
and that swapped to disk.

Also available is an option to save this display panel in a disk
file in the current directory. This makes analysis / comparison of
the system memory usage at various times much easier.

To use this option, press F5 to display the system details on the
main screen, then:

Function key F9 is used to cause the contents of this option's
panel to be placed in the file OS20MEMU.DSY. If this file
already exists, the data is appended to the current contents.

Function key F11 (Alt-F1) is used to delete the detail file

Enter Esc=Cancel +

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : OS20MEMU.ZIP
Filename : OS20MMHS.P25

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: