Dec 252017
Latest .ini fixes for OS/2 March Beta. Dated 04-05-93.
File M21SHP-N.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
Latest .ini fixes for OS/2 March Beta. Dated 04-05-93.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MAKEINI.EXE 57613 26528 deflated
PMSHAPI.DLL 124732 58838 deflated
PMSHAPIM.DLL 3839 1758 deflated
README 2544 982 deflated
SHPIINST.DLL 53897 23345 deflated

Download File M21SHP-N.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

We are providing a new PMSHAPI to fix the following problems:

- disappearing icons and abstracts

The system was fine and shutdown successfully but
after rebooting, there were missing objects. These
objects existed prior to the reboot.

NOTE: This does not fix the problem with missing
objects from the System Setup folder with MMPM
installed. This was not an INI file problem
and has been addressed elsewhere.

- blank or missing desktop

The system was fine and shutdown successfully but
after rebooting, it came up to either a blank grey
screen or a Workplace message stating it can't find
the Desktop.

NOTE: A problem has been identified with using VDISK
on an HPFS system that has this same symptom.
Since there is no fix available yet, the only
workaround is not use a VDISK with HPFS.

- application ini files in different formats

Using an application that has it's own ini files
with OS/2 versions prior to the March beta has
unpredictable results after accessing this ini file
with the 2.1 March beta.

The ini files were being written in a new format
that was not recognizable by prior OS/2 versions.
This has been changed so the application ini files
are written in the original ini file format so they
can be accessed from any OS/2 version.

Installation Instructions:

1. Boot the Installation diskette followed by Disk 1.

2. Hit ESC at the Welcome to OS/2 prompt. This will
bring up a windowed session.

3. Switch to your boot drive and change to the
\OS2\DLL subdirectory.

cd \os2\dll

4. Save your current PMSHAPI DLL's.

copy pmshapi.dll pmshapi.bak
copy pmshapim.dll pmshapim.bak
copy shpiinst.dll shpiinst.bak

5. Copy over the new PMSHAPI DLL's.

6. Change to \OS2 subdirectory.

cd \os2

7. Save your current MAKEINI.EXE.

copy makeini.exe makeini.bak

8. Copy over the new MAKEINI.EXE.

If you experience these or any new problems you think are due to this
new PMSHAPI, please refer to M21SHP.ZIP along with the date of your
PMSHAPI.DLL in the \OS2\DLL subdirectory.

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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