Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : LJ2UP2.ZIP
Filename : LJ2UP.C

Output of file : LJ2UP.C contained in archive : LJ2UP2.ZIP
/* This change was made to test slick options
** LJ2UP -- A printing utility for the HP LaserJet
** This program prints a series of files on the LaserJet printer. The
** files are printed in a "landscape" font at 17 characters to the inch.
** To take advantage of this density, two "pages" of information from
** the file are printed on each piece of paper (left and right halves).
** Usage is: LJ2UP [-psvtdo] file1 file2 file3 ...
** p Page length
** s Set Forth "screenfile" mode
** v Turn off vertical line on page
** t Set tabs
** d Supress date and file stamp
** o Re-direct output to device or file
** file Any MS-DOS file spec, including wildcards
** and directories
** Joe Barnhart original version for Lattice C May 5, 1985
** Ray Duncan date and time stamping May 22, 1985
** Joe Barnhart revised date stamping June 6, 1985
** Ray Duncan modified for Microsoft C Oct. 18, 1985
** Joe Barnhart added wildcards, split long lines,
** command line switches, screenfiles July 24, 1986
** Joe Barnhart added pathname support, prt redirect Oct 26, 1986
** Joe Barnhart added vertical line to page Apr 3, 1987
** Steve Coles Changed to run under OS/2 as Protect App Oct 19 1987
** Steve Coles Changed to run under MSC 1.1 with W3 error checking

/* Protoytpes for functions in this module */
void main(int argc,char * *argv);
static void printfile(char *filename);
static void printforth(char *filename);
static int printscr(int fd,int screen);
static void println(char *text,int ln);
static void blanks(char *textptr);
static void newline(void );
static void newpage(void );
static void vline(void );
static void kickpage(void );
static void stamp(void );
static void datestamp(char *datestr);
static void timestamp(char *timestr);

/* defines and includes for kernel support */

/* std C LIB includes */

#include "getargs.h" /* needed by getargs */

/* Prototypes For Functions in other LJ2UP Modules */
#include "stoi.h"
#include "fsearch.h"
#include ""

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define ENV "LJ" /* name of environment string */
#define ENVLEN 20 /* max characters in environment str */
#define DEFPRT "PRN" /* default printer device */
#define DEFLINE 58 /* default lines per page */
#define DEFCOL 80 /* default number of columns */
#define MAXLINE 68 /* height of page in lines */
#define PAGE '\014' /* form feed */
#define TAB 8 /* width of one tab stop */
#define LEFT 0 /* printing on left side of page */

** The following defines provide control over the Hewlett-Packard
** LaserJet and LaserJet PLUS printers.

#define CLEAR fprintf(prn, "\033E")
#define INITLJ fprintf(prn, "\033&l1o8D\033(s17H\033&l64F\033&l0L")
#define TOPMAR(x) fprintf(prn, "\033&l%dE", x)
#define MARGIN(l,r) fprintf(prn, "\033&a0r%dm%dL\015",r,l )
#define ROW(r) fprintf(prn, "\033&a%dR",r )
#define RHALF MARGIN( 92,172 )
#define LHALF MARGIN( 5,85 )
#define MIDDLE MARGIN( 88,90 )

typedef struct {
int ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, cflag;

char *ljenv[2]; /* array of pointers to strings */
int line; /* global line number */
int pagenum; /* global page number (physical) */
int nostamp = FALSE; /* date and time stamping on/off */
int forthscr = FALSE; /* Forth screen mode on/off */
int nograf = FALSE; /* graphics (boxes) on/off */
int ibm = FALSE; /* IBM print mode, 66 lines/page */
int side = LEFT; /* which side of page now printing */
int lastline = DEFLINE; /* last printed line */
int maxline = DEFLINE; /* number of lines per page */
int maxcol = DEFCOL; /* length of one line */
int tab = TAB; /* value of tab stops */
char *prtdev = DEFPRT; /* print device name */
char *printname; /* name of file being printed */
FILE *prn; /* printer device stream */

ARG argtab[] = {
{ 'd', BOOLEAN, &nostamp, "turn off date and time stamp" },
{ 's', BOOLEAN, &forthscr, "enable Forth screenfile mode" },
{ 'v', BOOLEAN, &nograf, "disable vertical line" },
{ 't', INTEGER, &tab, "spacing of tab stops" },
{ 'p', INTEGER, &maxline, "print length in lines" },
{ 'i', BOOLEAN, &ibm, "IBM mode, 66 lines, no FF's" },
{ 'o', STRING, (int *)&prtdev, "output device or file" }
#define TABSIZE ( sizeof(argtab) / sizeof(ARG) )

void main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int filenum, top;
int dummy,fhPRN;
char *fspec, *path, *filename, *p;
char fullname[64];
FILE *fopen();

printf( "LaserJet landscape lister, version 2.0\n" );
printf( "Copyright (c) 1987 by Joe Barnhart\n\n" );

/* First check for default preferences with LJ=-xxx enviromnent str */

if( ( p = getenv( ENV ) ) != NULL )
ljenv[0] = "";
ljenv[1] = p;
dummy = 2;
getargs( dummy, ljenv, argtab, TABSIZE );

/* Next, scan the command line for switches that override defaults */

argc = getargs( argc, argv, argtab, TABSIZE );
if( !ibm )
if( forthscr )
top = 5;
top = (MAXLINE - maxline) / 2;
if( nostamp )
lastline = maxline;
lastline = maxline-2;
top = 0;
lastline = maxline = 65;
nostamp = TRUE;

/* Open printer and begin */
/* The following obtuse method of opening the file and then fdopen
is required because of a bug in api.lib; necessary for bound apps. */

fhPRN = open(prtdev,O_WRONLY);
if( fhPRN == -1 )
printf( "Error opening print device: %s - Error number = %d\n", prtdev,errno );
exit( 1 );
prn = fdopen( fhPRN, "w" );
if( prn == NULL )
printf( "Error steam opening print device: %s - Error number = %d\n", prtdev,errno );
exit( 1 );

TOPMAR( top );
for( filenum = 1; filenum < argc; filenum++ ) {
fspec = argv[filenum];
path = fpath( fspec );
filename = fsearch( fspec );
if( filename == NULL )
printf("File %s not found.\n", fspec );
do {
strcpy( fullname, path );
strcat( fullname, filename );
printname = filename;
if (forthscr)
printforth( fullname );
printfile( fullname );
filename = fnext();
} while( filename != NULL );
fclose( prn );

static void printfile( filename )
char *filename;
FILE *fp;
register char c;
register col;

fp = fopen( filename ,"r" );
if( fp == NULL ) {
printf( "Error opening file: %s.\n", filename );
printf( "Now printing file: %s\n", filename );
line = col = 0;
pagenum = 1;
side = LEFT;
while( !feof( fp ) )
switch( c = (char)fgetc(fp) ) {
case '\012': /* newline found */
col = 0;
case '\015': /* CR found */
case '\011': /* TAB found */
while ( (++col % tab) != 0 );
case PAGE: /* Page break */
col = 0;
default: /* no special case */
fputc(c,prn); /* print character */
if ( col > maxcol ) { /* break long lines */
col = 0;
fclose( fp );

static void printforth( filename )
char *filename;
int fd;
int screen;
int endfile;

fd = open( filename ,0 );
if( fd == -1 ) {
printf( "Error opening file: %s.\n", filename );
printf( "Now printing file: %s\n", filename );
screen = line = 0;
pagenum = 1;
side = LEFT;
endfile = FALSE;
while( !endfile ) {
endfile = printscr( fd, screen );
if( (screen+1 % 3) == 0 ) /* three screens per page */
close( fd );

static int printscr( fd, screen )
int fd;
int screen;
char text[65];
int endfile;
int ln;

text[64] = '\0';
endfile = read( fd, text, 64 );
if( endfile <= 0 )
return( TRUE ); /* and quit if end of file */
fprintf( prn, " Screen %d", screen );
println( text, 0 );
for( ln=1; ln<16; ln++ ) { /* print remaining 15 lines */
endfile = read( fd, text, 64 );
if( endfile > 0 )
println( text, ln );
newline(); /* two blank lines to */
newline(); /* separate screens */
return( FALSE );

static void println( text, ln )
char *text;
int ln;
blanks( text );
fprintf( prn, " %2d: ", ln );
if( *text != '\0' )
fprintf( prn, "%s", text );

static void blanks( textptr )
char *textptr;
register char *endptr;

endptr = textptr + 64;
while( (*endptr=='\b') && (endptr>=textptr) )
endptr--; /* scan off trailing blanks */
*( ++endptr ) = '\0'; /* and force end of line */

static void newline()
if ( line > lastline )
else {
fputc('\015',prn); /* send CR - LF sequence */

static void newpage()
stamp(); /* title stamp */
line = 0;
if ( side == LEFT )
RHALF; /* LaserJet to right half */
else {
LHALF; /* LaserJet to left half */
side = !side;

static void vline()
int i;
for( i=0; i<=2*maxline; i++ )
fputc( '|', prn );
fputc( '\015', prn ); /* overlap vert bars with */
fputc( '\033', prn ); /* half line feed */
fputc( '=', prn );

static void kickpage()
if( !nograf )
vline(); /* draw line down middle */
fputc(PAGE, prn); /* kick out paper */

static void stamp()
char datestr[15], timestr[10];
if( nostamp )
return; /* no date stamping */
timestamp( timestr );
datestamp( datestr );
if( !nograf ) /* no vertical line */
fputc( '\015', prn );
ROW( maxline );
fprintf( prn, "File: %-48s", printname );
fprintf( prn, "%s %s ", datestr, timestr );
fprintf( prn, "Page %2d", pagenum );
else if( !(pagenum & 0x01) ) /* stamp only on even pages */
MARGIN( 5,172 ); /* widen margins */
ROW( maxline ); /* move to bottom row */
fprintf( prn, "File: %-133s", printname );
fprintf( prn, "Page: %-3d", (pagenum+1) / 2 );
fprintf( prn, " %s %s", datestr, timestr);

static void datestamp( datestr )
char *datestr;
(int)dat.year % 100);

static void timestamp( timestr )
char *timestr;

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : LJ2UP2.ZIP
Filename : LJ2UP.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: