Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : INISHOW.ZIP
Filename : INISHOW.C

Output of file : INISHOW.C contained in archive : INISHOW.ZIP
INISHOW.C - Displays OS2.INI Information in OS/2 1.1
(C) 1989, Ziff Communications Co.
PC Magazine * Charles Petzold, 1/89


#define BYTES 8 // Bytes of binary data per display line

int main (void)
BOOL fIsString ;
CHAR szBuffer[4 * BYTES + 10] ;
HAB hab ;
INT iQueryApp, iQueryKey, iOff, iByte, iLen ;
UCHAR *pchQueryApp, *pchQueryKey, *pchQueryStr ;
USHORT cbData ;

hab = WinInitialize (0) ;
// Allocate memory for application names

if (WinQueryProfileSize (hab, NULL, NULL, &cbData))
fputs ("INISHOW: Cannot obtain any profile data.\n", stderr) ;
return 1 ;

if (NULL == (pchQueryApp = malloc (cbData)))
fputs ("INISHOW: Cannot allocate memory for application names.\n",
stderr) ;
return 1 ;
// Get list of application names and scan

WinQueryProfileString (hab, NULL, NULL, "", pchQueryApp, cbData) ;
iQueryApp = 0 ;

while (pchQueryApp[iQueryApp] != '\0')
printf ("[%s]\n", pchQueryApp + iQueryApp) ;

// Allocate memory for key names

WinQueryProfileSize (hab, pchQueryApp + iQueryApp, NULL, &cbData) ;

if (NULL == (pchQueryKey = malloc (cbData)))
fputs ("INISHOW: Cannot allocate memory for key names.\n",
stderr) ;
return 1 ;
// Get list of key names and scan

WinQueryProfileString (hab, pchQueryApp + iQueryApp, NULL, "",
pchQueryKey, cbData) ;
iQueryKey = 0 ;

while (pchQueryKey[iQueryKey] != '\0')
// Get size of data

WinQueryProfileSize (hab, pchQueryApp + iQueryApp,
pchQueryKey + iQueryKey, &cbData) ;

if (NULL == (pchQueryStr = malloc (cbData)))
fputs ("INISHOW: Cannot allocate memory for data.\n",
stderr) ;
return 1 ;

printf ("\t[%s]%s\n", pchQueryKey + iQueryKey,
cbData == 0 ? " -- NO DATA -- " : "") ;
if (cbData == 0)
continue ;
// Determine if data is string
// or stored in a binary format

fIsString = (cbData > 1) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

if (fIsString)
WinQueryProfileString (hab, pchQueryApp + iQueryApp,
pchQueryKey + iQueryKey, "",
pchQueryStr, cbData) ;

// Check if string length matches

if (cbData != strlen (pchQueryStr) + 1)
fIsString = FALSE ;
// Check for printable characters
if (fIsString)
for (iByte = 0 ; iByte < cbData - 1 ; iByte++)
if (!isprint (pchQueryStr[iByte]))
fIsString = FALSE ;

// If a string, display it
if (fIsString)
printf ("\t\t%s\n", pchQueryStr) ;

// If not, dump it
WinQueryProfileData (hab, pchQueryApp + iQueryApp,
pchQueryKey + iQueryKey,
pchQueryStr, &cbData) ;

for (iOff = 0 ; iOff < cbData ; iOff += BYTES)
iLen = sprintf (szBuffer, "\t\t%04X ", iOff) ;

for (iByte = iOff ; iByte < iOff + BYTES ; iByte++)
if (iByte < cbData)
iLen += sprintf (szBuffer + iLen, "%02X ",
pchQueryStr[iByte]) ;
iLen = strlen (strcat (szBuffer, " ")) ;
szBuffer[iLen++] = ' ' ;

for (iByte = iOff ; iByte < iOff + BYTES ; iByte++)
if (iByte < cbData)
if (isprint (pchQueryStr[iByte]))
szBuffer[iLen++] = pchQueryStr[iByte] ;
szBuffer[iLen++] = '.' ;
szBuffer[iLen++] = ' ' ;
szBuffer[iLen] = '\0' ;
puts (szBuffer) ;
// Next key name
free (pchQueryStr) ;
iQueryKey += strlen (pchQueryKey + iQueryKey) + 1 ;
// Next application name
free (pchQueryKey) ;
iQueryApp += strlen (pchQueryApp + iQueryApp) + 1 ;
// Clean up and terminate
free (pchQueryApp) ;
WinTerminate (hab) ;
return 0 ;

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : INISHOW.ZIP
Filename : INISHOW.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: