Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : GPPDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : PVEC.HP

Output of file : PVEC.HP contained in archive : GPPDEV8F.ZIP
/* : light weight Vector: This will simply reuse code from */
/* a VoidP Vec, which was genclassed from the Vec libg++ class. */
/* The classes generated from this file will all be derived classes */
/* from class VoidVec or intVec. No .cc file is generated. So */
/* it costs nothing to use these type-safe Vectors. Only member */
/* functions needing type casting are re-defined. */
/* */

#ifndef _Vec_h
#define _Vec_h 1

#include "VoidP.Vec.h"
#include ".defs.h"

#ifndef __typedefs
#define __typedefs 1
typedef void (*Procedure)( );
typedef (*Mapper)( );
typedef (*Combiner)( , );
typedef int (*Predicate)( );
typedef int (*Comparator)( , );

class Vec : public VoidPVec
Vec(int l, * d) : (l, (VoidP*) d) {};
Vec() {};
Vec(int l) : (l) {};
Vec(int l, fill_value) : (l, fill_value) {};
Vec(Vec& v) : (v) {};
Vec(VoidPVec& v) {fake_copy(v, s, len);}
~Vec() {};

Vec& operator = (Vec& a)
{return (Vec&) VoidPVec::operator= (a);}
Vec at(int from, int n) {return (Vec) VoidPVec::at(from, n);}

& operator [] (int n) {return (&)VoidPVec::operator[] (n);}
& elem(int n) {return (&)VoidPVec::elem(n);}

friend Vec concat(Vec& a, Vec& b);
friend Vec map(Mapper f, Vec & a);
friend Vec merge(Vec & a, Vec & b, Comparator f);
friend Vec combine(Combiner f, Vec & a, Vec & b);
friend Vec reverse(Vec& a);

void sort(Comparator f);
void apply(Procedure f);
reduce(Combiner f, base);

inline Vec concat(Vec& a, Vec& b)
{return (Vec)concat((VoidPVec&)a, (VoidPVec&)b);}

inline Vec map(Mapper f, Vec & a) {
return (Vec)map((VoidPMapper)f, (VoidPVec&)a); }

inline Vec merge(Vec & a, Vec & b, Comparator f) {
return (Vec)merge((VoidPVec&)a, (VoidPVec&)b, (VoidPComparator)f); }

inline Vec combine(Combiner f, Vec & a, Vec & b) {
return (Vec)combine((VoidPCombiner)f, (VoidPVec&)a, (VoidPVec&)b); }

inline Vec reverse(Vec& a) {
return (Vec)reverse((VoidPVec&)a);}

inline void Vec::sort(Comparator f) {
VoidPVec::sort((VoidPComparator) f); }

inline void Vec::apply(Procedure f) {
VoidPVec::apply((VoidPProcedure) f); }

inline Vec::reduce(Combiner f, base) {
return ()VoidPVec::reduce((VoidPCombiner)f, base);}

#endif /* conditional include */

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : GPPDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : PVEC.HP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: