Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : GPPDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : FIX.H

Output of file : FIX.H contained in archive : GPPDEV8F.ZIP
// Fix.h : variable length fixed point data type

#ifndef _Fix_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#define _Fix_h 1


typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef short int16;
typedef unsigned long uint32;
typedef long int32;

#define _Fix_min_length 1
#define _Fix_max_length 65535

#define _Fix_min_value -1.0
#define _Fix_max_value 1.0

extern uint16 Fix_default_length;
extern int Fix_default_print_width;

struct _Frep // internal Fix representation
uint16 len; // length in bits
uint16 siz; // allocated storage
int16 ref; // reference count
uint16 s[1]; // start of ushort array represention

typedef struct _Frep* _Fix;

extern _Frep _Frep_0;
extern _Frep _Frep_m1;
extern _Frep _Frep_quotient_bump;

class Fix
_Fix rep;


void unique();

Fix(int, Fix&);
Fix(int, double&);
Fix(int, _Frep*);


Fix operator = (Fix&);
Fix operator = (double&);

friend int operator == (Fix&, Fix& );
friend int operator != (Fix&, Fix&);

friend int operator < (Fix&, Fix&);
friend int operator <= (Fix&, Fix&);
friend int operator > (Fix&, Fix&);
friend int operator >= (Fix&, Fix&);

Fix& operator + ();
Fix operator - ();

friend Fix operator + (Fix&, Fix&);
friend Fix operator - (Fix&, Fix&);
friend Fix operator * (Fix&, Fix&);
friend Fix operator / (Fix&, Fix&);

friend Fix operator * (Fix&, int);
friend Fix operator * (int, Fix&);
friend Fix operator % (Fix&, int);
friend Fix operator << (Fix&, int);
friend Fix operator >> (Fix&, int);

#ifdef __GNUG__
friend Fix operator friend Fix operator >? (Fix&, Fix&); // max

Fix operator += (Fix&);
Fix operator -= (Fix&);
Fix operator *= (Fix&);
Fix operator /= (Fix&);

Fix operator *= (int);
Fix operator %= (int);
Fix operator <<=(int);
Fix operator >>=(int);

friend char* Ftoa(Fix&, int width = Fix_default_print_width);
void printon(ostream&, int width = Fix_default_print_width);
friend Fix atoF(const char*, int len = Fix_default_length);

friend istream& operator >> (istream&, Fix&);
friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, Fix&);

// built-in functions
friend Fix abs(Fix); // absolute value
friend int sgn(Fix&); // -1, 0, +1
friend Integer mantissa(Fix&); // integer representation
friend double value(Fix&); // double value
friend int length(Fix&); // field length
friend void show(Fix&); // show contents

// error handlers
void error(const char* msg); // error handler
void range_error(const char* msg); // range error handler

// internal class functions
friend void mask(_Fix);
friend int compare(_Fix, _Fix = &_Frep_0);

friend _Fix new_Fix(uint16);
friend _Fix new_Fix(uint16, _Fix);
friend _Fix new_Fix(uint16, double);

friend _Fix copy(_Fix, _Fix);
friend _Fix negate(_Fix, _Fix = NULL);
friend _Fix add(_Fix, _Fix, _Fix = NULL);
friend _Fix subtract(_Fix, _Fix, _Fix = NULL);
friend _Fix multiply(_Fix, _Fix, _Fix = NULL);
friend _Fix multiply(_Fix, int, _Fix = NULL);
friend _Fix divide(_Fix, _Fix, _Fix = NULL, _Fix = NULL);
friend _Fix shift(_Fix, int, _Fix = NULL);

// non-operator versions for user
friend void negate(Fix& x, Fix& r);
friend void add(Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& r);
friend void subtract(Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& r);
friend void multiply(Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& r);
friend void divide(Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& q, Fix& r);
friend void shift(Fix& x, int y, Fix& r);

// error handlers

extern void
default_Fix_error_handler(const char*),
default_Fix_range_error_handler(const char*);

extern one_arg_error_handler_t

extern one_arg_error_handler_t
set_Fix_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f),
set_Fix_range_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f);

typedef void (*Fix_peh)(_Fix&);
extern Fix_peh Fix_overflow_handler;

extern void

extern Fix_peh set_overflow_handler(Fix_peh);

extern int Fix_set_default_length(int);

// function definitions

inline void Fix::unique()
if ( rep->ref > 1 )
rep = new_Fix(rep->len,rep);

inline void mask (_Fix x)
int n = x->len & 0x0f;
if ( n )
x->s[x->siz - 1] &= 0xffff0000 >> n;

inline _Fix copy(_Fix from, _Fix to)
uint16 *ts = to->s, *fs = from->s;
int ilim = to->siz < from->siz ? to->siz : from->siz;
for ( int i=0; i < ilim; i++ )
*ts++ = *fs++;
for ( ; i < to->siz; i++ )
*ts++ = 0;
return to;

inline Fix::Fix(_Fix f)
rep = f;

inline Fix::Fix()
rep = new_Fix(Fix_default_length);

inline Fix::Fix(int len)
if ( len < _Fix_min_length || len > _Fix_max_length )
error("illegal length in declaration");
rep = new_Fix((uint16 )len);

inline Fix::Fix(double& d)
rep = new_Fix(Fix_default_length,d);

inline Fix::Fix(Fix& y)
rep = y.rep; rep->ref++;

inline Fix::Fix(int len, Fix& y)
if ( len < _Fix_min_length || len > _Fix_max_length )
error("illegal length in declaration");
rep = new_Fix((uint16 )len,y.rep);

inline Fix::Fix(int len, _Frep* fr)
if ( len < 1 || len > 65535 )
error("illegal length in declaration");
rep = new_Fix((uint16 )len,fr);

inline Fix::Fix(int len, double& d)
if ( len < _Fix_min_length || len > _Fix_max_length )
error("illegal length in declaration");
rep = new_Fix((uint16 )len,d);

inline Fix::~Fix()
if ( --rep->ref <= 0 ) delete rep;

inline Fix Fix::operator = (Fix& y)
if ( rep->len == y.rep->len ) {
if ( --rep->ref <= 0 ) delete rep;
rep = y.rep;
else {
return *this;

inline Fix Fix::operator = (double& d)
int oldlen = rep->len;
if ( --rep->ref <= 0 ) delete rep;
rep = new_Fix(oldlen,d);
return *this;

inline int operator == (Fix& x, Fix& y)
return compare(x.rep, y.rep) == 0;

inline int operator != (Fix& x, Fix& y)
return compare(x.rep, y.rep) != 0;

inline int operator < (Fix& x, Fix& y)
return compare(x.rep, y.rep) < 0;

inline int operator <= (Fix& x, Fix& y)
return compare(x.rep, y.rep) <= 0;

inline int operator > (Fix& x, Fix& y)
return compare(x.rep, y.rep) > 0;

inline int operator >= (Fix& x, Fix& y)
return compare(x.rep, y.rep) >= 0;

inline Fix& Fix::operator + ()
return *this;

inline Fix Fix::operator - ()
_Fix r = negate(rep); return r;

inline Fix operator + (Fix& x, Fix& y)
_Fix r = add(x.rep, y.rep); return r;

inline Fix operator - (Fix& x, Fix& y)
_Fix r = subtract(x.rep, y.rep); return r;

inline Fix operator * (Fix& x, Fix& y)
_Fix r = multiply(x.rep, y.rep); return r;

inline Fix operator * (Fix& x, int y)
_Fix r = multiply(x.rep, y); return r;

inline Fix operator * (int y, Fix& x)
_Fix r = multiply(x.rep, y); return r;

inline Fix operator / (Fix& x, Fix& y)
_Fix r = divide(x.rep, y.rep); return r;

inline Fix Fix::operator += (Fix& y)
unique(); add(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;

inline Fix Fix::operator -= (Fix& y)
unique(); subtract(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;

inline Fix Fix::operator *= (Fix& y)
unique(); multiply(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;

inline Fix Fix::operator *= (int y)
unique(); multiply(rep, y, rep); return *this;

inline Fix Fix::operator /= (Fix& y)
unique(); divide(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;

inline Fix operator % (Fix& x, int y)
Fix r((int )x.rep->len + y, x); return r;

inline Fix operator << (Fix& x, int y)
_Fix rep = shift(x.rep, y); return rep;

inline Fix operator >> (Fix& x, int y)
_Fix rep = shift(x.rep, -y); return rep;

inline Fix Fix::operator <<= (int y)
unique(); shift(rep, y, rep); return *this;

inline Fix Fix::operator >>= (int y)
unique(); shift(rep, -y, rep); return *this;

#ifdef __GNUG__
inline Fix operator {
if ( compare(x.rep, y.rep) <= 0 ) return x; else return y;

inline Fix operator >? (Fix& x, Fix& y)
if ( compare(x.rep, y.rep) >= 0 ) return x; else return y;

inline Fix abs(Fix x)
_Fix r = (compare(x.rep) >= 0 ? new_Fix(x.rep->len,x.rep) : negate(x.rep));
return r;

inline int sgn(Fix& x)
int a = compare(x.rep);
return a == 0 ? 0 : (a > 0 ? 1 : -1);

inline int length(Fix& x)
return x.rep->len;

inline ostream& operator << (ostream& s, Fix& y)
if (s.opfx())
return s;

inline void negate (Fix& x, Fix& r)
negate(x.rep, r.rep);

inline void add (Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& r)
add(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);

inline void subtract (Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& r)
subtract(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);

inline void multiply (Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& r)
multiply(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);

inline void divide (Fix& x, Fix& y, Fix& q, Fix& r)
divide(x.rep, y.rep, q.rep, r.rep);

inline void shift (Fix& x, int y, Fix& r)
shift(x.rep, y, r.rep);


  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : GPPDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : FIX.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: