Dec 262017
Version 2.15 of FM/2, the OS/2 file manager.

Full Description of File

FM/2 v2.15
An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit file/directory/
archive maintenance package with
plenty of bells and whistles -- a
Swiss army knife for OS/2.

File FM2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
Version 2.15 of FM/2, the OS/2 file manager.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARCHIVER.BB2 14493 4520 deflated
ASSOCIAT.TXT 995 338 deflated
AV2.EXE 9942 4326 deflated
CVT4OS2.CMD 1734 794 deflated
CVTFBBS.CMD 1545 585 deflated
DOICON.EXE 6430 2761 deflated
EAS.EXE 4194 1794 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 149 129 deflated
FM2PLAY.EXE 7517 3982 deflated
FM3.EXE 38761 8369 deflated
FM3.HLP 110845 69370 deflated
FM3DLL.DLL 874084 373747 deflated
FM3TOOLS.DAT 2108 871 deflated
HISTORY.TXT 6400 2850 deflated
INI.EXE 3783 1563 deflated
INSTALL.CMD 10797 2587 deflated
INSTALL.DAT 988 357 deflated
KILLPROC.EXE 3652 1537 deflated
LA.EXE 36352 19968 deflated
MIGINI.CMD 3576 1119 deflated
READ.ME 15516 6216 deflated
REGISTER.TXT 4106 1455 deflated
SDIR.CMD 1933 808 deflated
SUBJ.CMD 2560 972 deflated
UNDEL.EXE 3924 1752 deflated
UNINSTAL.CMD 1870 793 deflated
VCOLLECT.EXE 5997 2586 deflated
VDIR.EXE 5749 2320 deflated
VIEWINFS.EXE 2962 1521 deflated
VTREE.EXE 5656 2365 deflated

Download File FM2.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

FM/2 v2.15
An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit file/directory/
archive maintenance package with
plenty of bells and whistles -- a
Swiss army knife for OS/2.

F(ile) M(anager)/2 copyright (c) 1993/94 by M. Kimes (Bare Bones Software)
All Rights Reserved

READ.ME file -- read before installing
See end of document for contact info and license details

File Manager/2 (FM/2) is a shareware OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit
file/directory/archive maintenance utility (a sort of super-Drives
object, something midway between the Drives objects and a more
traditional file manager) with plenty of bells, whistles and utilities,
drag and drop, context menus, toolbars and accelerator keys. If you
know how to use OS/2, you already know how to use most of FM/2. You can
easily glean the rest from the extensive online help.

This document explains how to install FM/2, including upgrading from
previous versions. It explains command line syntaxes and how to get the
program(s) running. The online help tells you how to actually use FM/2.
A separate document (history.txt) lists changes for this version.
Another (register.txt) tells you how to register FM/2.

FM/2 2.15 installation instructions:

1. Unpack the FM2_215 archive in a private directory (UNZIP.EXE
works nicely). FM/2 2.x requires its own home directory (FAT or
HPFS, doesn't matter). I recommend that it _not_ be your old FM/2
1.x directory (and don't delete the old 1.x version until after
you install, so the install program can migrate some of your old
settings and registration first). If upgrading from 2.x, just
unpack the files in the FM/2 2.x directory and go (you might want
to skip ARCHIVER.BB2 if you've customized it).

2. Run the provided INSTALL.CMD (a simple REXX program) in that
directory to build a folder and program objects and migrate some
old INI information. Rerun INSTALL.CMD if you later move the FM/2
directory. (If you later decide to remove FM/2, run UNINSTAL.CMD
in the FM/2 2.x directory and follow simple directions. Both
installation and deinstallation are no-brainers. UNINSTAL will
help you quickly and easily remove all traces of FM/2 from your
system if you don't like it for some reason. All OS/2 programs
should be so nice.)

3. Run it. Have fun. Full help is available from within the
program. If you're unfamiliar with OS/2's WPS, please take the
time to run the OS/2 Tutorial before attempting to use FM/2, as
FM/2 uses many of the same conventions.

Starting FM/2:

If you start File Manager/2 (filename FM3.EXE) with no command line
arguments, it opens the Drive Tree window but no directory windows
(unless the "Save state of dir windows" toggle is checked -- see online

File Manager/2 optionally accepts names of directories on the command
line; it'll open a directory window for each one. Hint: If you often
do different specific things with FM/2, you might set up a WPS object
customized to start up ideally for each activity. For example, if you
wanted to maintain your BBS areas, you might have one object like:
"FM3.EXE D:\BBSDIR D:\BBSDIR\MAILIN", and if you also like to use FM/2
to set icons on files, you might have another object like: "FM3.EXE

You can exclude drives on the command line by prefacing the drive letter
with "/", and there can be more than one drive letter behind the "/"
(i.e. "FM3.EXE /BH" to exclude both drives B: and H:). Hint: Many
people like to use /B to exclude "phantom" drive B: if they have a
single-floppy system.

You can start FM/2 minimized by placing the argument "~" on the command
line. The frame window will show briefly before minimizing.

If you place the argument "+" on the command line, FM/2 will log, to
FM2.LOG, delete, rename, move and copy operations that are performed by
drag-and-drop or with the menus.

The command line argument "-" causes FM/2 to ignore, not load or save,
the previous state of directory windows (see the "Save state of dir
windows" toggle under Config Menu->Toggles in the online help) for that

Installation notes:

Please read the following sections in the online help when you start
FM/2 for the first time: "How to use FM/2's Help," "Terminology" and
"General Help," then "Hints." The rest you can browse as you get
time/feel the need; for instance, if you want to know what a toggle
does, read the help under Settings notebook->Toggles page.

You may want to either move ARCHIVER.BB2 (the data file containing
information about archiver programs and archive files) to a directory in
your PATH= statement or erase this one if you've customized an old one.
FM/2 can still find, use and maintain ARCHIVER.BB2 on the PATH; it
doesn't have to be in FM/2's directory (this allows it to be used by
other programs as well, like XGroup, XBBS/2, LA, AV, etc.). Remember,
FM/2 needs OS/2, not DOS, archivers.

Bonus programs:

You'll note the extra objects that the Install program creates in the
File Manager/2 folder. FM/2 is modular, so that you can get directly to
some of its components without running the entire ball of wax. This may
allow you to enhance the behavior of some of your other applications in
the WPS tradition. You don't _have_ to keep these around, of course --
FM/2 itself contains all their functionality.

Archive Viewer/2: Intended for drag-and-drop operation (or WPS
association) with WPS objects or other
applications. Drag an archive onto it, drop it,
get an archive listing box. FM/2's installation
program sets up some associations between archive
files and this program by file extension (run
INSTALL with "NOASSOC" as an argument if you don't
want them). Filename AV2.EXE.

SysIcon: Intended to let you change a system pointer by
dragging an icon/pointer file (*.ICO or *.PTR)
onto it, then picking the pointer to replace. You
can reset a pointer by starting it without
arguments. Filename DOICON.EXE.

EA Viewer: Drag a file system object onto it and it'll show
you the object's extended attributes. Filename

INI Viewer: Drag an .INI file onto it and it'll show you its
contents. Filename INI.EXE.

Bookshelf Viewer: Shows all .INF files in a listbox and lets you
pick the one(s) you want to view. If you give any
command line argument, the .HLP files on the HELP
path will be shown instead (the Helpfile Viewer
object calls VIEWINFS.EXE with "dummy" for an
argument, for example). Filename VIEWINFS.EXE.

Process Killer: Lets you kill off renegade processes. An English
version of PSTAT.EXE must be on your PATH.

Undeleter: Lets you undelete files (via interface with
UNDELETE.COM). Drag a file system object onto it
and it'll let you undelete files for that drive.
Filename UNDEL.EXE.

Visual Tree: Opens a Drive Tree window (like the WPS Drives
object with more horsepower). Filename VTREE.EXE.

Visual Directory: Opens a Directory Container window; drag a file
system object onto it and this will open its
directory (like a WPS directory Folder with more
horsepower). Filename VDIR.EXE.

Collector: Opens a Collector window. Filename VCOLLECT.EXE.

Another bonus:

I've included a few .CMD files for command line freaks. If you find
them useful you'll probably want to put them in a directory on your
PATH. Although FM/2 and the WPS support .SUBJECT EAs (descriptions of
files and directories), not much else does. This should provide you
with the tools you need to take better advantage of .SUBJECTs.
Obviously you can modify these .CMD files if you like.

EAs. See comments in file.

CVTFBBS.CMD: Converts FILES.BBS files to .SUBJECT EAs. See
comments in file.

SUBJ.CMD: Allows entry of a .SUBJECT EA from the command line.
Run without arguments for help.

SDIR.CMD: A DIR-like command that displays .SUBJECT EAs. Run
SDIR /? for help.

Also included LA.EXE, a command line archive manipulator. Move this and
ARCHIVER.BB2 somewhere on your PATH and you can use it from anywhere.

FM2PLAY.EXE is also included in the package; FM/2 uses this when you
select the "Play Multimedia" command from an object's context menu. You
can run it manually; just pass the names of the multimedia files on the
command line. You can also use wildcards; for instance, to play all the
wave (sound) files in the C:\MMOS2\SOUNDS directory, try: "FM2PLAY.EXE
C:\MMOS2\SOUNDS\*.WAV". You can also Associate FM2PLAY with multimedia
file types so that they'll be played when double-clicked. Note: OS/2
has a command line length limitation of about 1000 characters (as
compared to DOS' limit of about 128), so to play all the files of a type
in a directory, you might want to use a Command something like
FM2PLAY.EXE %p\*. (where is the extension of the desired file
type) to get around that limit. Finally, if you put "/!" as the first
command line argument, FM2PLAY will start in Manual mode (double-click
a filename to play it).

FM/2's install creates FM2.CMD and AV2.CMD files for you. You can copy
these files to a directory listed on your PATH (see SET PATH= in
CONFIG.SYS) and use it to run FM/2 and/or AV2.CMD from any OS/2 command
line, if desired. A quick copy and text editor modification will let
you build similar command files for the other utility .EXEs, too.

Additional documentation:

Register.txt: How to register FM/2.
Associat.txt: Some association recommendations

Note: Warp II has a weird bug in it that causes FM/2's toolbar to
come up blank the first time. Reload the toolbar and it'll work
fine thereafter. Don't ask me...

FM/2 isn't free, it's shareware:

To register FM/2, fill out REGISTER.TXT and send to the mailing address
listed in it, together with the purchase price (commercial users,
there's a 5% discount for each ten commercial licenses, up to one
hundred licenses, where the price flattens, so you get a total 50%
discount on each license for one hundred or more licenses in one order
-- see REGISTER.TXT for a table). Registration gets rid of the initial
about box and closing screen, eases your conscience and makes the world
safe for truth, justice, the democratic way and further FM/2 updates,
not necessarily in that order.

Registrations are good for one year or one full version change (i.e.
2.00 -> 3.01), whichever comes first. Versions before a full version
change stay registered forever. Considering the price, the program and
the upgrade policy, I don't think you can beat FM/2 with a stick. But
then, I'm a prejudiced jerk.

(Someone asked me why registrations are cheaper for personal use than
for commercial use. I thought it was obvious, but I guess it's not. I
feel that individual, private use of software should be cheaper than
use in an environment where it's contributing to making money. I feel
that much software is already priced far too high for individual,
private users as it is, and therefore I give individual, private users
a 50% break. It just seems fair to me, and I've got to live with

If you have a CIS address, _be sure_ to fill it in on REGISTER.TXT.
You'll get your registration information much more quickly that way. You
can also register online via Compuserve's Shareware Registration service
(GO SWREG) and is #2859 -- warning: the price is a bit higher to give
CIS a cut (CIS will show it to you first). Support is currently being
provided in the CIS OS/2 Shareware forum (GO OS2SHARE) and regular
updates are posted there.

Speaking of updates, I tend to put them up _very_ regularly
(incrementing the version number by .01 each time). I'm one of those
fellows who likes to always have some new software to play with, so I
figure others might, too. Besides, it's fun.

Technical stuff:

There are some limitations to FM/2, imposed by OS/2 2.1's current 16-bit
subsystems (hopefully OS/2 3.0 will remove some or all of these). It's
possible to overload PM's resources and crash OS/2. For instance, if I
Collect all the files on all my drives, totaling over 9000 files, PM
will cease up; for another, trying to list a directory containing
hundreds of large icons will cause OS/2 to hang (in FM/2 _or_ a WPS
folder!). Listbox limitations are more obvious -- a listbox under OS/2
2.1 cannot contain more than 64k of information (less some system
overhead). Containers are better, but even they have their
(undocumented) limits (about 320k as nearly as I can tell, though there
seems to be a random element involved). There also seems to be a bug in
WinLoadFileIcon when called repeatedly (around 512 times in quick
succession, though why "quick succession" seems to be required I don't
know, and the size of the icons loaded may also be involved).

If you receive a message box telling you that PM is out of resources,

you've slammed head-on into an OS/2 limitation (you won't always be
notified -- the result is sometimes just an unexplained system lockup).
The good news is that, as OS/2 is improved, these limitations should
vanish without changes to FM/2. The bad news is that there's no way
around them, that I know of, at the present time (though again I
emphasize that OS/2 3.0 is just over the horizon and may cure some or
all of the problems) except to avoid situations where they occur.

Simple license statement:

You are granted a license to try this shareware program (FM/2) for up to
thirty (30) days, after which you must register or discontinue its use.
Permission is granted to redistribute the unaltered shareware archive
for a reasonable (read nominal, small) copying charge. FM/2 may
specifically not be packaged with a book without requesting and
obtaining permission (common courtesy). All rights are reserved by the
author. That's me.

There is NO warranty. Support is NOT guaranteed to unregistered users.

Contact info:
Mark Kimes (CIS 74601,1327; Fidonet#1:380/16.0; (318)222-3455 data)

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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