Dec 302017
A type of file management and List program for OS/2. Consists of several different programs. Some of the parts more useful that the whole.
File FLIST58.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
A type of file management and List program for OS/2. Consists of several different programs. Some of the parts more useful that the whole.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FB.DOC 5860 1878 deflated
FB.EXE 26505 14498 deflated
FLCOPY.CMD 831 464 deflated
FLIST.EXE 52821 27588 deflated
FLIST58.DOC 53766 17382 deflated
FSAVENV.CMD 780 387 deflated
FSTART.CMD 3481 1507 deflated
GENV.DOC 1201 604 deflated
GENV.EXE 15477 9815 deflated
MLINE.EXE 5605 3061 deflated
PA.EXE 47068 22864 deflated
ZSHELL.DOC 3760 1702 deflated
ZSHELL.EXE 30957 14238 deflated

Download File FLIST58.ZIP Here

Contents of the FB.DOC file

the File Browse documentation

FB 2.3b

Copyright (C) TJD Software 1988, 1989, 1990
All rights reserved.

File Browse for OS/2


We don't think that you will need this documentation to use FB
but for the people who like to know everything about the
programs they use, here it is anyway.

FB is NOT free software. It is distributed as part of a package
of OS/2 utilities supplied by TJD Software. You may only
distribute UNREGISTERED versions of the package as supplied by
TJD software. For details of registration and costs see the
FLIST documentation.

For people who want more than the TYPE command to display the
contents of a file we created the File Browse program.
File Browse allows the user to go forward or backward through a
file, find strings or look at the file in hexadecimal.

File Browse runs under OS/2 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. To avoid
confusion with DOS versions it will display on the bottom-right
of the screen which environment it is running in (OS/2).

There is no limit to the size of a file that can be displayed by
FB other than the limits imposed by the operating system. FB
will allow you to browse files with long file names (HPFS) under
OS/2 1.2 or later. It will also adjust to make use of up to
60 lines per screen.


To start File Browse enter:

FB [myfile] [switches]

on the command line. FB will come up and display the file
[myfile] if it exists. If no name was specified FB will prompt
for a filename.

FB will recognize the following switches:
/H display valid switches

- 1 - ~

the File Browse documentation

/L set linenumber option on
/R set ruler option on
/E set end of line option on
see control keys for explanation of the options.

The first page of the file will be displayed on the screen. At
the top of the screen the current line, column and filename is
displayed. The bottom line is used to display messages or
prompt for input.


To control FB these keys can be used:

Arrow up scroll up one line
Arrow down scroll down one line
Arrow right scroll right 10 columns, to display files wider
than 80 columns
Arrow left scroll left 10 columns
PgDn scroll forward one screen
PgUp scroll backward one screen
Home go to the start of the file
End go to the end of the file

Esc quit FB
X quit FB
Alt-X quit FB

F1 display the help screen. The HELP screen
displays a list of all available commands.

/ search for a string. FB will prompt for the
string that has to be found. BACKSPACE can be
used to correct errors in the search string, ESC
will cancel the search. Only a string that
matches exactly will be found.

\ search for a string, ignore upper/lower case. As
/ search, but case-insensitive ('PROgram' is the
same as 'program')

F3 search again, after using / or \.

G Goto line. FB will prompt for the linenumber and
will go to that line.

Tab toggle Tabs option. This will control whether
tab characters are expanded to spaces or not.

L toggle Line numbers option. This will control
whether line numbers are displayed for each line
or not.

- 2 - ~

the File Browse documentation

R toggle Ruler option. This will control whether a
ruler is displayed on top of the screen. Very
useful when 'wide' files are being displayed.

E toggle end of line option. This will control
whether the end of the line is made visible on
the screen. If this option is on, the end of
line is displayed by a little triangle. This
option is very useful if you want to see if
there are spaces at the end of a line.

H toggle Hex mode option. In hex mode, a file is
displayed in hex 'dump' format. Useful for
looking at programs or non-printable files.

During hex mode, the search and goto functions
can still be used!


 December 30, 2017  Add comments

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