Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : EMXDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : WINMGR.H

Output of file : WINMGR.H contained in archive : EMXDEV8F.ZIP
/* sys/winmgr.h (emx+gcc) */

#if !defined (_SYS_WINMGR_H)
#define _SYS_WINMGR_H

#if !defined (_VA_LIST)
#define _VA_LIST
typedef char *va_list;

#if !defined (B_BLACK)

/* Background colors */

#define B_BLACK 0x00
#define B_BLUE 0x10
#define B_GREEN 0x20
#define B_CYAN 0x30
#define B_RED 0x40
#define B_MAGENTA 0x50
#define B_YELLOW 0x60
#define B_BROWN 0x60
#define B_WHITE 0x70

/* Foreground colors */

#define F_BLACK 0x00
#define F_BLUE 0x01
#define F_GREEN 0x02
#define F_CYAN 0x03
#define F_RED 0x04
#define F_MAGENTA 0x05
#define F_YELLOW 0x06
#define F_BROWN 0x06
#define F_WHITE 0x07

/* Other attributes */

#define INTENSITY 0x08
#define BLINK 0x80

/* black and white attributes */

#define BW_BLANK 0x00
#define BW_UNDERLINE 0x01
#define BW_NORMAL 0x07
#define BW_REVERSE 0x70


typedef struct _wm_window *wm_handle;

void wm_attrib (wm_handle wh, int a);
void wm_attrib_all (wm_handle wh, int a);
void wm_backsp (wm_handle wh, int count);
void wm_border (wm_handle wh, int bflag, int battr, __const__ char *title,
int tflag, int tattr);
void wm_bottom (wm_handle wh);
void wm_chide (int flag);
void wm_clear (wm_handle wh);
void wm_close (wm_handle wh);
void wm_close_all (void);
void wm_clr_eol (wm_handle wh, int x, int y);
wm_handle wm_create (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int border, int battr,
int wattr);
void wm_ctype (wm_handle wh, int start, int end);
void wm_cursor (wm_handle wh);
void wm_cvis (wm_handle wh, int flag);
void wm_del_char (wm_handle wh, int x, int y, int count);
void wm_del_line (wm_handle wh, int y, int count);
void wm_delete (wm_handle wh);
void wm_dimen (wm_handle wh, int *width, int *height);
void wm_down (wm_handle wh);
void wm_exit (void);
wm_handle wm_find (int x, int y);
int wm_get_attrib (wm_handle wh);
wm_handle wm_get_cursor (void);
void wm_get_pos (wm_handle wh, int *x, int *y);
int wm_getx (wm_handle wh);
void wm_getxy (wm_handle wh, int *x, int *y);
int wm_gety (wm_handle wh);
void wm_gotoxy (wm_handle wh, int x, int y);
void wm_ins_char (wm_handle wh, int x, int y, int count);
void wm_ins_line (wm_handle wh, int y, int count);
int wm_init (int n);
void wm_move (wm_handle wh, int x, int y);
void wm_open (wm_handle wh);
int wm_printf (wm_handle wh, __const__ char *fmt, ...);
void wm_puta_at (wm_handle wh, int x, int y, int a, int count);
void wm_putc (wm_handle wh, char c);
void wm_putc_at (wm_handle wh, int x, int y, char c);
void wm_putca (wm_handle wh, char c, int a);
void wm_putca_at (wm_handle wh, int x, int y, char c, int a);
void wm_puts (wm_handle wh, __const__ char *str);
void wm_puts_at (wm_handle wh, int x, int y, __const__ char *str);
void wm_putsa (wm_handle wh, __const__ char *str, int a);
void wm_putsa_at (wm_handle wh, int x, int y, __const__ char *str, int a);
void wm_scroll (wm_handle wh, int count);
void wm_top (wm_handle wh);
void wm_up (wm_handle wh);
void wm_update (wm_handle wh, int flag);
int wm_vprintf (wm_handle wh, __const__ char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr);
void wm_wrap (wm_handle wh, int wrap_flag);

#endif /* !defined (_SYS_WINMGR_H) */

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : EMXDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : WINMGR.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: