Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : EMXDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.DOC

Output of file : INSTALL.DOC contained in archive : EMXDEV8F.ZIP
install.doc emx 0.8f INSTALLATION GUIDE 03-Jan-1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1993 by Eberhard Mattes

Welcome to emx 0.8f, an environment for creating 32-bit programs for
OS/2 2.0 (and DOS). You can use the GNU C compiler for compiling

To use the GNU C compiler with emx, you need at least files required for developing programs with emx, the GNU C compiler, the GNU debugger, and other tools
(it should also be possible to use a different C compiler;
in fact I first used the Xenix386 C compiler) additional files for GCC required for compiling C++
programs additional files for GCC required for compiling
programs written in the Objective C language


unzip.exe a free program for unpacking ZIP files

The following packages are optional: emx library sources test programs (used for testing emx and the libraries) documentation for GNU programs (texinfo sources) GNU texinfo (includes info file browser) patches for GNU sources patched GNU sources (ld, ar, nm, size, strip, objdump,
termcap) patched GNU sources (gcc 2.3.3, part 1) patched GNU sources (gcc 2.3.3, part 2) patched GNU sources (gas 1.38.1) patched GNU sources (gdb 4.7) patched sources of libg++ 2.2 BSD libraries (curses etc.) documentation for BSD libraries source for BSD libraries

You should install all the packages on the same drive. For instance,

cd \
unzip -d emxdev

to install the package on drive C:. PKUNZIP cannot be
used. All the files will be installed in the \emx subdirectory or in
subdirectories thereof. The other packages are installed the same

If there's an older version of emx already installed, you should
delete the old version or rename the old directory. Installing a new
version over an old version is not recommended. For instance, the
omflib batch file (see below) won't build new versions of the
libraries if the .lib files already exist. That is, you would
continue to use the .lib files of the previously installed emx

If you want to develop programs on a drive different from the drive
where emx is installed, you have to set the C_INCLUDE_PATH and
LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, for instance,

set C_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include
set LIBRARY_PATH=c:/emx/lib

If you want to compile C++ programs, set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH as well:

set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include.cpp;c:/emx/include

The genclass utility needs the following environment variable:

set PROTODIR=c:/emx/include.cpp/gen

If you want to compile programs written in the Objective C language,
set OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH as well:

set OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include

To use GDB (the GNU debugger) and info (the GNU info browser) and other
programs that use termcap, set the TERM and TERMCAP environment

set TERM=mono
set TERMCAP=c:/emx/etc/termcap.dat

Set the INFOPATH environment variable for info:

set INFOPATH=c:/emx/info

OS/2 users should set the environment variables in config.sys, DOS
users should set the environment variables in autoexec.bat. Beware of
blanks at the end of the lines!

To finish the installation, add c:\emx\bin (insert the correct drive
letter) to your PATH. Add c:\emx\dll (insert the correct drive
letter) to the LIBPATH statement in your config.sys file. Reboot your
computer to enable the new LIBPATH statement and the new environment

To create the OMF libraries (for linking with LINK386), type the
following commands after installing emx:

cd \emx\lib

The omflib batch file builds .lib files from .a files. Already
existing .lib files are not rebuilt. If you install (after running
omflib) a package containing additional .a files , you should run
omflib again to build the .lib files for the new package.

If OS/2 says

SYS1804: The system cannot find the file EMX.

when running a program compiled for emx, you haven't set LIBPATH

Compiling a sample program

Install the package:

cd \
unzip -d emxtest

Compile the sieve program (optimizer enabled):

cd \emx\test
gcc -O2 -o sieve.exe sieve.c

Run the sieve program:

sieve 100000
sieve -p 100

Sample debugging session

Compile the sieve program for debugging:

cd \emx\test
gcc -g -o sieve.exe sieve.c

Start the debugger and step through some lines:

[D:\EMX\TEST]gdb sieve.exe
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details.
GDB 4.7, Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc...
(gdb) set arg 10 <- set command line
(gdb) b isqrt <- set breakpoint
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1004e: file sieve.c, line 45.
(gdb) run <- start program
Starting program: d:/emx/test/sieve.exe 10

Breakpoint 1, isqrt (x=10) at sieve.c:45
45 l = 1; r = x;
(gdb) s <- stop over one line
46 while (l < r)
(gdb) l <- list source
41 static ULONG isqrt (ULONG x)
42 {
43 ULONG l, r, m;
45 l = 1; r = x;
46 while (l < r)
47 {
48 m = (l+r) / 2;
49 if (m > 46340) m = 46340;
50 if (m*m < x)
(gdb) disp l <- watch variable
1: l = 1
(gdb) disp r <- watch variable
2: r = 10
(gdb) s 5 <- step over five lines
53 r = m-1;
2: r = 10
1: l = 1
(gdb) p m*m <- show expression
$1 = 25
(gdb) cont <- continue program
4 primes <- output of program

Program exited normally.
(gdb) q <- quit gdb


Viewing the GNU on-line manuals

To view the GCC and GDB manuals, unpack and and
install info (see install.doc). Use GNU makeinfo to create info files
for on-line help from the texinfo files.

To create info files for the GCC manual, type:

cd \emx\gnu\doc
set emxopt=-t
makeinfo gcc.tex -o /emx/info/gcc.inf
makeinfo cpp.tex -o /emx/info/cpp.inf

To create info files for the GDB manual, type:

cd \emx\gnu\doc
set emxopt=-t
makeinfo gdb-all.tex -o /emx/info/gdb.inf

To create info files for the texinfo manual, type:

cd \emx\gnu\doc
set emxopt=-t
makeinfo texinfo2.tex -o /emx/info/texinfo.inf

To create info files for libg++, type:

cd \emx\gnu\doc
set emxopt=-t
makeinfo libgpp.tex -o /emx/info/libgpp.inf
makeinfo iostream.tex -o /emx/info/iostream.inf

After creating the info files, you can use GNU info (see gnudev.doc
for details) or GNU Emacs to view the info files.

Printing the GNU manuals

To print the manuals, you have to unpack and
Additionally, you have to install TeX. Of course, I recommend emTeX
(available for anonymous ftp from, directory
soft/tex/systems/pc/emtex). The following instructions assume that
you're using emTeX (with emTeX386).

To typeset the GCC documentation, type

cd \emx\gnu\doc
makedvi gcc

This creates the following files:

cpp.dvi GNU C preprocessor manual
gcc.dvi GNU C compiler manual

To typeset the GDB documentation, type

cd \emx\gnu\doc
makedvi gdb

This creates the following files:

refcard.dvi GDB reference card
gdb-all.dvi GDB manual
gdbint.dvi GDB internals (you might want to delete this one)

To typeset the texinfo documentation, type

cd \emx\gnu\doc
makedvi texinfo

This creates the following file:

texinfo2.dvi texinfo manual

To typeset the libg++ documentation, type

cd \emx\gnu\doc
makedvi libgpp
makedvi iostream

This creates the following files:

libgpp.dvi libg++ manual
iostream iostream manual

--------------------------- END OF INSTALL.DOC ------------------------------

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : EMXDEV8F.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: