Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : BW212OS2.ZIP
Filename : TAGFILES.BW

Output of file : TAGFILES.BW contained in archive : BW212OS2.ZIP
; The Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader v2.12 OS/2
; Copyright (C) 1992-1994 by Cutting Edge Computing
; All Rights Reserved.

; Alternate TagFile Definitions

; Blank lines, and lines beginning with a ';' are ignored.

; If this file (TAGFILES.BW) exists in the reader's current directory,
; it will open this file and try to see if an alternate tag line file
; should be used for a given area. There may be any number of "BBS_ID"
; lines and any number of "Area Tag" lines in this file.

; The format for this entry is shown below. For each BBS that you use
; The Blue Wave Offline Reader on, you may define an alternate set of
; tag line files to use. The reader will automatically try to load and
; operate on the tag line file defined.

; Each BBS_ID line should be followed by a list of area "tags" that
; correspond to the areas that you would like to override in the reader.
; After the keyword "BBS_ID", you should place the root packet name of the
; mail packets from that BBS. For instance, if you download packets called
; "WILDBLUE.TH1", "WILDBLUE.FR2", etc from The Wild! Blue BBS, the BBS
; "root name" is "WILDBLUE".

; An optional parameter on the BBS_ID line is the name of a tag line file
; to use for ALL areas on that particular BBS. For instance:


; would randomly select taglines from the file "WILDBLUE.TAG" for *all*
; areas on WILDBLUE, except for when entering messages in the COMM echo.
; In that case, "COMM.TAG" would be used.

; The "area tags" will vary from one BBS to another. If the host BBS
; system is Maximus, Telegard, or Opus, the area tag will most likely
; be short words or abbreviations that describe the echo. If the host BBS
; system is RemoteAccess, QuickBBS, or SuperBBS, the area tag will most
; likely be the same as the message area number. With QWK-style packets,
; the Area Tag *will* be the same as the message area number.

; You can find the area tag of any message area in your download packet by:
; 1) Pressing "Tab" while at the "Choose Area to Read" window.
; 2) Pressing "I" while reading messages in the message area
; in question.

; The tagline file name should come after the area tag. The tagline
; file name can point to a valid tagline file (in which case there will
; be no filename prompting), or can contain a wildcard filespec
; (C:\BWAVE\*.TAG), in which case the reader will bring up a selection
; window and allow you to choose which file to use. THIS PARAMETER IS
; REQUIRED. In some cases, you may wish to use NO TAGLINES for a
; message area. If so, please specify "None" as the file name for this
; area. When "adopting" tag lines from within the reader, the
; filename specified here will be used.

; The last parameter is the selection type. For some areas you may want
; to use the PopUp window selection process, and in some areas you may
; want the random selection. You can override the default reader setup
; for selection type by using one of these keywords as the "Selection Type"
; parameter: "Prompt", "Random", "Manual", "Hancock", and "None". If you
; choose "Hancock", "Manual", or "None", be sure to specify the tagline
; file name as "None".

; [area tag] [tagfile name, or "None"] [Selection Type]

BBS_ID WIMPYS C:\Bwave\Wildblue.Tag Prompt
COMM C:\Bwave\*.Tag Prompt
FDECHO C:\Bwave\Funny.Tag Random
GENERAL C:\Bwave\Taglines.Bw Prompt
NETMAIL None Manual
BLUEWAVE None Prompt

BLUEWAVE Bluewave.Txt Prompt
MCKYMOUS Mickey.Txt Random


  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : BW212OS2.ZIP
Filename : TAGFILES.BW

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: