Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : ASYNC2.ZIP
Filename : READAOS2.TXT

Output of file : READAOS2.TXT contained in archive : ASYNC2.ZIP
READAOS2.TXT May 28, 1993

To Install ComX Device support for OS/2, fileIn 'ASYNCOS2.ST'.

Briefly, the following describes how to use the AsyncDevice
class, and objects instantiated from it:

1. Set the input buffer size for the class by sending the
AsyncDevice class the message #bufferSize: .
You probably will only do this once for each application,
and it should be set to a value which will never be exceeded
by the number of bytes sent by the externally attached device
before your application can read them.

2. Send the AsyncDevice the message #open: 'COMn', with the n
replaced by the appropriate number.

3. Send whatever configuration messages to your new AsyncDevice
instance as are appropriate to your communications needs.
#bitRate: will almost certainly be one of them, and others
may be those which change the line control characteristics
of the OS/2 device driver.

4. Read, write, and be merry. See below for your reading choices.

5. Send the #close message to the device. If you're using the
#readProcess mechanism. the reading Process will then commit
suicide, as it should.

Reading from the Device:
You have three choices for how you can process the incoming
data stream:
1. Send the #readProcess message to your AsyncDevice object,
then send #readNext and/or #readNextByte to get one byte
at a time. The buffers will clean themselves up whenever
you do a read with nothing in the buffer to read, so it's
very important to get ahead of the incoming data with some
regularity. You can mix #readNext and #readNextByte at will.

2. Send the #readProcess message to your AsyncDevice object,
then send #readString to suck up everything in the buffer
at once. The buffers will clear themselves with each
#readString, so in this case you have to send #readString
often enough to never let the buffer get full between any
two #readString messages. You CANNOT mix #readString with
#readNext and #readNextByte, unless you're very careful about
jumping through all the right logical hoops.

3. If you're really brave, you can dispense with the AsyncDevice
readBuffer altogether, and send #readQueue to simply return a
String containing whatever OS/2 has in its 5120 byte buffer.
This is really included only for simplifying testing, but it's
there if you think there's some advantage to it.

Writing to the Device:
Just send either #write: ,
or #writeCharacter: to your AsyncDevice object.

To see if you've got it working, and to show a simple example,
edit, select, and DOIT the following after connecting a Hayes
compatible modem to your serial interface:

| ad |

ad := AsyncDevice open: 'COM1'.
ad bitRate: 19200.
ad write: ( 'at&v' , ( String with: (13 asCharacter) ) ).
DosLibrary sleep: 1000.
ad readQueue.

What's Missing:
1. Support for DMA/Enhanced Com Devices
2. Error/Status interpretation and monitoring

Thanks go to Gurujees Khalsa for the original!

Send comments and questions to Bob Gleason, CI$ ID 70473,77

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : ASYNC2.ZIP
Filename : READAOS2.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: