Dec 082017
Novell Netware utility that will dump usernames, passwords (pre-2.10), and other useful information.
File WHOIS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Network Files
Novell Netware utility that will dump usernames, passwords (pre-2.10), and other useful information.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
WHOIS.DOC 2236 1001 deflated
WHOIS.EXE 5680 3643 deflated
WHOIS.PAS 6281 1921 deflated

Download File WHOIS.ZIP Here

Contents of the WHOIS.DOC file

WHOIS - A Novell NetWare utility.

Program : Whois
Type : Novell Netware supervisors utility
Author : Phillip M. Nickell
Language : Turbo Pascal v4.0
system : MS/PCdos & Novell Advanced Netware
Date : 4/28/88
Ownership : This program is placed in the public domain
for free and unlimited distribution. The author
retains no rights and imposes no restrictions.
Disclaimer: The program works fine for me on my system. I
accept no responsibility for how it runs anywhere
else. Use it at your own risk.
Developed on a Novell S-Net under Netware 68 v2.02.


A Network supervisor often needs quick access to a Users Password,
User ID number (which is Also the mailbox subdirectory name) and
the users disk usage statistics. Using SYSCON and FILER is a slow
and cumbersome way to get the same information.

This simple utility provides for that need with a program that responds
quickly and simply. No menus, windows, whistles and bells; Just the
information - quickly.

You can place WHOIS in the public directories. It will not provide
a password unless the user running WHOIS is the supervisor or is
supervisor equivalent.

Syntax: WHOIS username

Username should be a valid username on the attached fileserver.

Error Messages:

A username is required. ( a username was not supplied on the
command line)

Username XXXX not found. ( the username specified on the command
line was not found on the attached
fileserver )

Normal program output listing:

Username: ACCOWNTZ Ident: 1A000D Password: RIBBIT22

Directory & File stats ? Y

Volume 0 MISC:

Directories 15
Files 113
Bytes 123,123

Volume 1 OTHER:

Directories 12
Files 313
Bytes 1,455,236

** end of whois documentation **

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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