Category : Network Files
Archive   : TCP_SRC.ZIP
Filename : SLIP8250.ASM

Output of file : SLIP8250.ASM contained in archive : TCP_SRC.ZIP
version equ 5

include defs.asm

;Ported from Phil Karn's asy.c and slip.c, a C-language driver for the IBM-PC
;8250 by Russell Nelson. Any bugs are due to Russell Nelson.
;16550 support ruthlessly stolen from Phil Karn's 8250.c. Bugs by Denis DeLaRoca

; Copyright, 1988, 1989, Russell Nelson

; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

code segment word public
assume cs:code, ds:code

;8250 definitions
;Control/status register offsets from base address
THR equ 0 ;Transmitter holding register
RBR equ 0 ;Receiver buffer register
DLL equ 0 ;Divisor latch LSB
DLM equ 1 ;Divisor latch MSB
IER equ 1 ;Interrupt enable register
IIR equ 2 ;Interrupt ident register
FCR equ 2 ;16550 FIFO control register
LCR equ 3 ;Line control register
MCR equ 4 ;Modem control register
LSR equ 5 ;Line status register
MSR equ 6 ;Modem status register

;8250 Line Control Register
LCR_5BITS equ 0 ;5 bit words
LCR_6BITS equ 1 ;6 bit words
LCR_7BITS equ 2 ;7 bit words
LCR_8BITS equ 3 ;8 bit words
LCR_NSB equ 4 ;Number of stop bits
LCR_PEN equ 8 ;Parity enable
LCR_EPS equ 10h ;Even parity select
LCR_SP equ 20h ;Stick parity
LCR_SB equ 40h ;Set break
LCR_DLAB equ 80h ;Divisor Latch Access Bit

;16550 FIFO control register values
FIFO_ENABLE equ 001h ;Enable TX and RX fifo
FIFO_CLR_RX equ 002h ;Clear RX fifo
FIFO_CLR_TX equ 004h ;Clear TX fifo
FIFO_START_DMA equ 008h ;Enable TXRDY/RXRDY pin DMA handshake
FIFO_SIZE_1 equ 000h ;RX fifo trigger levels
FIFO_SIZE_4 equ 040h
FIFO_SIZE_8 equ 080h
FIFO_SIZE_14 equ 0c0h


;8250 Line Status Register
LSR_DR equ 1 ;Data ready
LSR_OE equ 2 ;Overrun error
LSR_PE equ 4 ;Parity error
LSR_FE equ 8 ;Framing error
LSR_BI equ 10h ;Break interrupt
LSR_THRE equ 20h ;Transmitter line holding register empty
LSR_TSRE equ 40h ;Transmitter shift register empty

;8250 Interrupt Identification Register
IIR_IP equ 1 ;0 if interrupt pending
IIR_ID equ 6 ;Mask for interrupt ID
IIR_RLS equ 6 ;Receiver Line Status interrupt
IIR_RDA equ 4 ;Receiver data available interrupt
IIR_THRE equ 2 ;Transmitter holding register empty int
IIR_MSTAT equ 0 ;Modem status interrupt
IIR_FIFO_TIMEOUT equ 008h ;FIFO timeout interrupt pending - 16550 only
IIR_FIFO_ENABLED equ 080h ;FIFO enabled (FCR0 = 1) - 16550 only

;8250 interrupt enable register bits
IER_DAV equ 1 ;Data available interrupt
IER_TxE equ 2 ;Tx buffer empty interrupt
IER_RLS equ 4 ;Receive line status interrupt
IER_MS equ 8 ;Modem status interrupt

;8250 Modem control register
MCR_DTR equ 1 ;Data Terminal Ready
MCR_RTS equ 2 ;Request to Send
MCR_OUT1 equ 4 ;Out 1 (not used)
MCR_OUT2 equ 8 ;Master interrupt enable (actually OUT 2)
MCR_LOOP equ 10h ;Loopback test mode

;8250 Modem Status Register
MSR_DCTS equ 1 ;Delta Clear-to-Send
MSR_DDSR equ 2 ;Delta Data Set Ready
MSR_TERI equ 4 ;Trailing edge ring indicator
MSR_DRLSD equ 8 ;Delta Rx Line Signal Detect
MSR_CTS equ 10h ;Clear to send
MSR_DSR equ 20h ;Data set ready
MSR_RI equ 40h ;Ring indicator
MSR_RLSD equ 80h ;Received line signal detect

;Slip Definitions
FR_END equ 0c0h ;Frame End
FR_ESC equ 0dbh ;Frame Escape
T_FR_END equ 0dch ;Transposed frame end
T_FR_ESC equ 0ddh ;Transposed frame escape

public int_no
int_no db 4,0,0,0 ; interrupt number.
io_addr dw 03f8h,0 ; I/O address for COM1.
baud_rate dw 12c0h,0 ; We support baud rates higher than 65535.
baudclk label word
dd 115200 ;1.8432 Mhz / 16
hardware_switch db 0 ;if zero, don't use hardware handshaking.
is_16550 db 0 ;0=no, 1=yes (try using fifo)

public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
driver_class db 6,0,0,0 ;from the packet spec
driver_type db 0,0,0,0 ;from the packet spec
driver_name db 'SLIP8250',0 ;name of the driver.
driver_function db 2
parameter_list label byte
db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
db 14 ;length of parameter list
db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
;processing, 0 == none,

ifdef debug
public recv_buf_size, recv_buf, recv_buf_end, recv_buf_head
public recv_buf_tail, recv_pkt_ready
recv_buf_size dw 3000,0 ;receive buffer size
recv_buf dw ? ;->receive buffer
recv_buf_end dw ? ;->after end of buffer
recv_buf_head dw ? ;->next character to get
recv_buf_tail dw ? ;->next character to store
recv_pkt_ready dw 0 ; flag indicating a packet is ready

ifdef debug
public send_buf
send_buf_size dw 3000,0 ;send buffer size
send_buf dw ? ;->send buffer
send_buf_end dw ? ;->after end of buffer
send_buf_head dw ? ;->next character to get
send_buf_tail dw ? ;->next character to store

ifdef debug
public packet_sem, pkt_send_sem, xmit_time
packet_sem dw 0 ; semaphore for packets received
pkt_send_sem dw 0 ; semaphore for packets xmitted
asyrxint_cnt dw 0 ; loop counter in asyrxint
xmit_time dw 0 ; loop timer for asyrxint

public rcv_modes
rcv_modes dw 4 ;number of receive modes in our table.
dw 0,0,0,rcv_mode_3

public as_send_pkt
; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
; interrupts possibly enabled.
; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.

public drop_pkt
; Drop a packet from the queue.
; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
assume ds:nothing

public xmit
; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
; back-to-back packet transmissions.
; May only use ax and dx.
assume ds:nothing

public send_pkt
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - operates with interrupts on. Xmits one byte per interrupt
; - only turns transmitter buffer empty interrupt off when
; - all bytes of all packets are transmitted.

;enter with es:di->upcall routine, (0:0) if no upcall is desired.
; (only if the high-performance bit is set in driver_function)
;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
;called from telnet layer via software interrupt
assume ds:nothing

push cs
pop es
mov di,send_buf_tail
sti ; enable interrupts

mov al,FR_END ;Flush out any line garbage
call send_char

;Copy input to output, escaping special characters
cmp al,FR_ESC ;escape FR_ESC with FR_ESC and T_FR_ESC
jne send_pkt_2
mov al,FR_ESC
call send_char
mov al,T_FR_ESC
jmp short send_pkt_3
cmp al,FR_END ;escape FR_END with FR_ESC and T_FR_END
jne send_pkt_3
mov al,FR_ESC
call send_char
mov al,T_FR_END
call send_char
loop send_pkt_1
mov al,FR_END ;terminate it with a FR_END
call send_char
mov send_buf_tail,di

inc pkt_send_sem ; increment the semaphore
cmp pkt_send_sem, 1 ; see if we need to enable
; xmit buffer empty interrupt
ja send_pkt_end

mov ah,IER_TxE ; enable xmit buffer empty interrupt
cmp hardware_switch,0 ; should we do hardware handshaking?
je send_pkt_4 ; no, just enable TxE.

;Enable modem status and (maybe) transmitter buffer empty interrupt.
setport MSR
mov ah, IER_MS ; always enable modem status interrupt
in al, dx ; check if clear to send
test al, MSR_CTS
jz send_pkt_4 ; no - won't enable xmit buffer empty interrupt

or ah,IER_TxE ; yes - enable xmit buffer empty interrupt

setport IER
call setbit ; enable

; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - utilizes buffer pointers to ascertain if the
; - buffer has room for another character

;stuff the character in al into the transmit buffer, but only if there
;is enough room, otherwise ignore the char.
assume ds:nothing

cmp di, send_buf_head ;are we out of buffer?
jne send_char_ok ;no - continue
cmp pkt_send_sem, 0 ;maybe - if no packets then no
jne send_char_1 ;if there are packets then yes

stosb ;store the char.
cmp di,send_buf_end ;do we need to wrap around?
jne send_char_1 ;no.
mov di,send_buf ;yes - reload with beginning.

public get_address
;get the address of the interface.
;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
assume ds:code
mov cx,0

public set_address
;set the address of the interface.
;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
assume ds:nothing

;receive mode 3 is the only one we support, so we don't have to do anything.

public set_multicast_list
;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of addresses.
;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.

public get_multicast_list
;return with nc, es:di ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of bytes.
;return cy, NO_ERROR if we don't remember all of the addresses ourselves.
;return cy, NO_MULTICAST if we don't implement multicast.

public terminate

public reset_interface
;reset the interface.
assume ds:code

;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
extrn recv_find: near

;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
extrn recv_copy: near

extrn count_in_err: near
extrn count_out_err: near

public recv

; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - added code to check modem status change interrupt. If CTS is
; - low turn off transmitter buffer empty interrupt. If CTS is
; - high turn it on.

;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
assume ds:code
setport IIR
in al,dx ;any interrupts at all?
test al,IIR_IP
jne recv_1 ;no.
and al,IIR_ID
cmp al,IIR_RDA ;Receiver interrupt
jne recv_3
call asyrxint
jmp recv_2
cmp al,IIR_THRE ;Transmit interrupt
jne recv_5
call asytxint
jmp recv_2
;process IIR_MSTAT here.
; If CTS and packet ready then
; enable the transmit buffer empty interrupt
; else
; disable the transmit buffer empty interrupt
cmp al, IIR_MSTAT
jne recv_4
setport MSR ; make sure of CTS status
mov ah, IER_TxE ; get ready to alter xmit buffer empty interrupt
in al, dx
test al, MSR_CTS ; is CTS bit set
jz recv_5_1 ; no - disable xmit buffer empty int
cmp pkt_send_sem, 0 ; yes - is there a packet to xmit
jbe recv_2 ; no - all done here
setport IER ; yes - enable xmit buffer empty int
call setbit
jmp recv_2

setport IER
call clrbit
jmp recv_2

;process IIR_RLS here

;Process 8250 receiver interrupts
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - this branches off when bps < 9600. See asyrxint_a.
; - Above 9600 bps we go into a loop to process a packet at
; - a time. If not data ready for a certain amount of time,
; - the process exits and waits for the next byte. This certain
; - amount of time to wait depends on the bps and CPU processor speed
; - and is determined in the initialization of the driver.
; - Upon receiving the FR_END character for the first frame in the
; - buffer a semaphore is set which tells recv_frame to run.


push ds ; get set up for the routine
pop es
xor bx, bx
cmp baud_rate, 9600 ; below 9600 we're strictly
jbe asyrxint_a ; interrupt driven
mov bx, xmit_time
mov di,recv_buf_tail
xor bp, bp ; set flag to indicate 1st char
; processed
mov si, packet_sem ; optimization
mov ah, LSR_DR

xor cx, cx ; initialize counter
setport LSR
in al,dx ; check for data ready
test al,LSR_DR
jnz asyrxint_gotit ; yes - break out of loop
inc cx ; no - increase loop counter
cmp cx, bx ; timeout?
jae asyrxint_exit ; yes - leave
jmp asyrxint_in ; no - keep looping

setport RBR
in al,dx

;Process incoming data;
; If buffer is full, we have no choice but
; to drop the character

cmp di,recv_buf_head ; check for buffer collision
jne asyrxint_ok ; none - continue
or si, si ; maybe - if there are packets
jnz asyrxint_exit ; yes exit


cmp di,recv_buf_end ; did we hit the end of the buffer?
jne asyrxint_3 ; no.
mov di,recv_buf ; yes - wrap around.

cmp al,FR_END ; might this be the end of a frame?
jne asyrxint_reset ; no - reset flag and loop
inc si ; yes - indicate packet ready
cmp si, 1 ; determine if semaphore is <> 1
jne asyrxint_chk_flg ; yes - recv_frame must be active
inc recv_pkt_ready ; no - set flag to start recv_frame

cmp bp, 0 ; was this the first char?
jne asyrxint_1 ; no - exit handler
inc bp ; set 1st character flag
jmp asyrxint_again ; get another character

mov recv_buf_tail,di
mov packet_sem, si


; --------------------------------------------------------------
; recv_exiting
public recv_exiting
cmp recv_pkt_ready, 1 ; is a packet ready?
jne recv_isr_exit ; no - skip to end
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push bp
push di
push si
push cs ; point ds properly
pop ds
mov recv_pkt_ready, 0 ; reset flag
sti ; enable interrupts

call recv_frame

pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; recv_frame
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - recv_frame now operates with interrupts on. It is triggered
; - by the recv_pkt_ready flag and continues until all bytes
; - in all packets in the buffer have been transmitted to the upper
; - layer.
ifdef debug
public recv_frame
cmp packet_sem, 0 ; should we do this?
jz recv_frame_end ; no - exit
mov si,recv_buf_head ;process characters.
xor cx,cx ;count up the size here.

call recv_char ;get a char.
je recv_frame_2 ;go if no more chars.
cmp al,FR_ESC ;an escape?
je recv_frame_1 ;yes - don't count this char.
inc cx ;no - count this one.
jmp recv_frame_1

jcxz recv_frame_3 ;count zero? yes - just free the frame.
;we don't need to set the type because none are defined for SLIP.
push si ;save si in case we reject it.
push bx
mov di,0 ;but we avoid any segment end bullshit.
mov dl,cs:driver_class
call recv_find ;look up our type.
pop bx
pop si

mov ax,es ;is this pointer null?
or ax,di
je recv_frame_3 ;yes - just free the frame.

push cx
push es ;remember where the buffer pointer is.
push di

mov si,recv_buf_head ;process characters.
call recv_char
je recv_frame_6 ;yes - we're all done.
cmp al,FR_ESC ;an escape?
jne recv_frame_5 ;no - just store it.

call recv_char ;get the next character.
je recv_frame_6
cmp al,T_FR_ESC
mov al,FR_ESC ;assume T_FR_ESC
je recv_frame_5 ;yup, that's it - store FR_ESC
mov al,FR_END ;nope, store FR_END
stosb ;store the byte.
jmp recv_frame_4
mov recv_buf_head,si ;we're skipped to the end.

pop si ;now give the frame to the client.
pop ds
pop cx
assume ds:nothing

call recv_copy
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:code
jmp recv_frame_end

mov recv_buf_head,si ;remember the new starting point.
dec packet_sem
cmp packet_sem, 0 ; are there more packets ready?
ja recv_frame ; yes - execute again

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; recv_char
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - Now uses buffer pointers to determine if there are
; - characters left.

;enter with si -> receive buffer, bx = receive count. Wrap around if needed.
;return with nz, al = next char. Return zr if there are no more chars in
; this frame.
cmp si,recv_buf_end
jb recv_char_1
mov si,recv_buf
mov bx, recv_buf_tail
cmp si, bx
je recv_char_2
cmp al,FR_END

;Handle 8250 transmitter interrupts

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; asytxint
; mod 7/25/89
; - Transmits one character and then exits. Upon last character
; - to transmit modem status and transmitter buffer empty interrupt
; - are disabled.



; mod 3/16/90 Denis DeLaRoca
; - for 16550 fifo uart stuff up to 16 chars at a time
; - for 8250 uart can only output one char at a time
cmp is_16550,1 ;have 16550 uart
jne asytxint_8250 ;no, handle as 8250

setport THR
mov cx,16 ;fifo fill-loop counter
mov si,send_buf_head ;current head of buffer
lodsb ;fetch next char
cmp si,send_buf_end ;past end of buffer
jne asytxint_fill
mov si,send_buf ;yes, wrap around
out dx,al ;output char
cmp si,send_buf_tail ;any more chars to output
je asytxint_no_more ;none...
loop asytxint_next ;loop while fifo not full
mov send_buf_head,si ;save last char position used
jmp asytxint_1 ;and exit
mov send_buf_head,si ;save last char position used
jmp asytxint_disable ;go disable status interrupts

mov si,send_buf_head ; yes - load one
lodsb ;
cmp si,send_buf_end ;have we hit the end yet?
jne asytxint_3 ;no.
mov si,send_buf ;yes - wrap around
setport THR
out dx,al
mov send_buf_head,si ; store our location
cmp si, send_buf_tail ; more to xmit?
jne asytxint_1 ; yes just exit

;No more characters to transmit -- disable transmit interrupts.

setport IER ;Disable transmit and modem
mov ah,IER_TxE or IER_MS ; status interrupts
call clrbit
mov pkt_send_sem, 0 ; indicate we're finished

;Set bit(s) in I/O port
;enter with dx = port, ah = bit to set.
in al,dx
or al,ah
out dx,al

;Clear bit(s) in I/O port
;enter with dx = port, ah = bit to set.
in al,dx
not al ;perform an and-not using DeMorgan's.
or al,ah
not al
out dx,al

;any code after this will not be kept after initialization.
end_resident label byte

public usage_msg
usage_msg db "usage: SLIP8250 [-n] [-d] [-w] packet_int_no [-h] [driver_class] [int_no]",CR,LF
db " [io_addr] [baud_rate]",CR,LF
db " [send_buf_size] [recv_buf_size]",CR,LF
db " -h enables hardware handshaking",CR,LF
db " The driver_class should be SLIP, KISS, AX.25, or a number.",CR,LF,'$'

public copyright_msg
copyright_msg db "Packet driver for SLIP8250, version ",'0'+majver,".",'0'+version,CR,LF
db "Portions Copyright 1988 Phil Karn",CR,LF,'$'

approximate_msg db "Warning: This baud rate can only be approximated using the 8250",CR,LF
db "because it is not an even divisor of 115200",CR,LF,'$'

is_16550_msg db "16550 Uart detected, FIFO will be used",CR,LF,'$'

class_name_ptr dw ?
class_name db "Interface class ",'$'
kiss_name db "KISS",CR,LF,'$'
ax25_name db "AX.25",CR,LF,'$'
slip_name db "SLIP",CR,LF,'$'
int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
baud_rate_name db "Baud rate ",'$'
send_buf_name db "Send buffer size ",'$'
recv_buf_name db "Receive buffer size ",'$'
unusual_com1 db "That's unusual! Com1 (0x3f8) usually uses interrupt 4!",CR,LF,'$'
unusual_com2 db "That's unusual! Com2 (0x2f8) usually uses interrupt 3!",CR,LF,'$'

extrn set_recv_isr: near

;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
;if there is no number, don't change the number.
extrn get_number: near

;enter with dx -> name of word, di -> dword to print.
extrn print_number: near

;enter with si -> argument string.
;skip spaces and tabs. Exit with si -> first non-blank char.
extrn skip_blanks: near

public parse_args
;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
call skip_blanks
cmp al,'-' ;did they specify a switch?
jne not_switch
cmp byte ptr [si+1],'h' ;did they specify '-h'?
je got_hardware_switch
stc ;no, must be an error.
mov hardware_switch,1
add si,2 ;skip past the switch's characters.
jmp parse_args ;go parse more arguments.
or al,20h ;convert to lower case (assuming letter).
cmp al,'k'
jne parse_args_2
mov driver_class,10 ;KISS, from packet spec.
mov dx,offset kiss_name
jmp short parse_args_1
cmp al,'s'
jne parse_args_3
mov driver_class,6 ;SLIP, from packet spec.
mov dx,offset slip_name
jmp short parse_args_1
cmp al,'a'
jne parse_args_4
mov driver_class,9 ;AX.25, from packet spec.
mov dx,offset ax25_name
jmp short parse_args_1
mov di,offset driver_class
mov bx,offset class_name
call get_number
mov class_name_ptr,0
jmp short parse_args_6
mov class_name_ptr,dx
mov al,[si] ;skip to the next blank or CR.
cmp al,' '
je parse_args_6
cmp al,CR
je parse_args_6
inc si ;skip the character.
jmp parse_args_5
mov di,offset int_no
call get_number
mov di,offset io_addr
call get_number
mov di,offset baud_rate
call get_number
mov di,offset send_buf_size
call get_number
mov di,offset recv_buf_size
call get_number

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; etopen
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - Contains a loop to determine a pseudo timeout for asyrxint.
; - The value is determined by transmitting characters in a
; - loop whose clock cycles are nearly the same as the "sister"
; - loop in asyrxint. The per character, maximum time used
; - basis which is then multiplied by a factor to achieve a timeout
; - value for the particular bps and CPU speed of the host.

public etopen
; mod 3/16/90 Denis DeLaRoca
; - determine if 16550 uart is present
; - if so initialize fifo buffering
setport FCR
out dx,al ;outportb(base+FCR,(char) FIFO_ENABLE)
setport IIR
in al,dx ;inportb(base+IIR)
cmp al,IIR_FIFO_ENABLED ;both bits must be on NEW, 11/20/90
jnz not_16550 ;nope, we don't have 16550 chip
mov is_16550,1 ;yes, note fact
mov al,FIFO_SETUP ;and setup FIFO
setport FCR
out dx,al ;outportb(base+FCR,(char) FIFO_SETUP)

mov dx,offset is_16550_msg
mov ah,9
int 21h ;let user know about 16550

loadport ;Purge the receive data buffer
setport RBR
in al,dx

;Set line control register: 8 bits, no parity
mov al,LCR_8BITS
setport LCR
out dx,al

;Turn on receive interrupt enable in 8250, leave transmit
; and modem status interrupts turned off for now
mov al,IER_DAV
setport IER
out dx,al

;Set modem control register: assert DTR, RTS, turn on 8250
; master interrupt enable (connected to OUT2)

mov al,MCR_DTR or MCR_RTS or MCR_OUT2
setport MCR
out dx,al

;compute the divisor given the baud rate.
mov dx,baudclk+2
mov ax,baudclk
mov bx,0
inc bx
sub ax,baud_rate
sbb dx,baud_rate+2
jnc asy_speed_1
dec bx
add ax,baud_rate
adc dx,baud_rate+2
or ax,dx
je asy_speed_2

mov dx,offset approximate_msg
mov ah,9
int 21h


loadport ;Purge the receive data buffer
setport RBR
in al,dx

mov ah,LCR_DLAB ;Turn on divisor latch access bit
setport LCR
call setbit

mov al,bl ;Load the two bytes of the divisor.
setport DLL
out dx,al
mov al,bh
setport DLM
out dx,al

mov ah,LCR_DLAB ;Turn off divisor latch access bit
setport LCR
call clrbit

call set_recv_isr ;Set interrupt vector to SIO handler

;set up the various pointers.
mov dx,offset end_resident
mov send_buf,dx
mov send_buf_head,dx
mov send_buf_tail,dx
add dx,send_buf_size
mov send_buf_end,dx

mov recv_buf,dx
mov recv_buf_head,dx
mov recv_buf_tail,dx
add dx,recv_buf_size
mov recv_buf_end,dx
push dx ;save the ending address.

; the following code attempts to determine a pseudo timeout
; value to use in the loop that waits for an incoming character
; in asyrxint. The value returned in xmit_time is the number of
; loops processed between characters - therefore the loop used below
; is and should remain similar to the loop used in asyrxint.

xor ax, ax ; we'll send a 0
mov ah, LSR_THRE
mov cx, 10h ; take the highest of 16 runs
xor si, si ; will hold highest value


xor di, di ; initialize counter
setport THR ; xmit a character
out dx, al
setport LSR ; set up to check for an empty buffer

; next is the loop actually being timed

in al, dx
test al, ah
jnz xmit_time_done
inc di
cmp cx, cx ; these next few instructions do nothing
jmp xmit_time_1 ; except maintain similarity with the
; "sister" loop in asyrxint
jmp xmit_time_top

xmit_time_done: ; end of timed loop

cmp si, di ; compare highest value with new value
ja xmit_time_end ; no bigger - just loop
mov si, di ; bigger - save it

loop xmit_time_start ; bottom of outer loop

shl si, 1 ; we'll wait 8 characters worth
shl si, 1
shl si, 1
mov xmit_time, si ; retain largest value

; end of pseudo timer determination

mov al, int_no ; Get board's interrupt vector
add al, 8
cmp al, 8+8 ; Is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
jb set_int_num ; No.
add al, 70h - 8 - 8 ; Map it to the real interrupt.
xor ah, ah ; Clear high byte
mov int_num, ax ; Set parameter_list int num.

pop dx ;return the ending address.
clc ;indicate no errors.

public print_parameters
;echo our command-line parameters
cmp class_name_ptr,0
je echo_args_1

mov dx,offset class_name
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,class_name_ptr
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp short echo_args_2
mov di,offset driver_class
mov dx,offset class_name
call print_number

mov di,offset int_no
mov dx,offset int_no_name
call print_number
mov di,offset io_addr
mov dx,offset io_addr_name
call print_number

cmp io_addr,03f8h ;is this com1?
jne ia_com2
mov dx,offset unusual_com1
cmp int_no,4 ;com1 usually uses int 1.
jne ia_unusual
jmp short ia_usual
cmp io_addr,02f8h ;is this com2?
jne ia_usual ;no.
mov dx,offset unusual_com2
cmp int_no,3 ;com2 usually uses int 3.
je ia_usual
mov ah,9
int 21h

mov di,offset baud_rate
mov dx,offset baud_rate_name
call print_number
mov di,offset send_buf_size
mov dx,offset send_buf_name
call print_number
mov di,offset recv_buf_size
mov dx,offset recv_buf_name
call print_number

code ends


  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : TCP_SRC.ZIP
Filename : SLIP8250.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: