Category : Network Files
Archive   : TCP_SRC.ZIP
include defs.asm
; PC/FTP Packet Driver source, conforming to version 1.09 of the spec
; Katie Stevens ([email protected])
; Computing Services, University of California, Davis
; Portions (C) Copyright 1988 Regents of the University of California
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public LIcense as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
code segment word public
assume cs:code, ds:code
; Definitions specific to the ATALK.SYS driver for PC LocalTalk cards:
; these include Apple LocalTalk PC Card, Sun/TOPS FlashCard
; For a complete description of the LocalTalk commands, structures and
; methods used in this driver, please refer to Apple APDA document #M7055,
; LocalTalk PC Card and Driver Preliminary Notes.
driverstring db 'AppleTalk', 0 ; ATALK.SYS signature string
dot_char db '.', 0 ; for IP address display
AT_INT equ 5CH ; Software int# for ATALK.SYS
; General ATALK.SYS driver commands
AT_INIT equ 01H ; Initialize driver software
AT_GETNETINFO equ 03H ; Get driver info
; Datagram Delivery Protocol commands for ATALK.SYS driver
DDP_READ equ 23H
; Name Binding Protocol commands for ATALK.SYS driver
; AppleTalk Transaction Protocol commands for ATALK.SYS driver
; ATALK.SYS command qualifiers
ASYNC_MASK equ 8000H ; Start command, then return
INTR_MASK equ 4000H ; Wait for intr service to complete
XO_BIT equ 20H ; ATP - exactly once transaction
; Structure for AppleTalk node addressing
AddrBlk struc
ablk_network dw 0
ablk_nodeid db 0
ablk_socket db 0
AddrBlk ends
; Structure for general calls to AppleTalk driver (ATALK.SYS)
InfoParams struc
atd_command dw AT_GETNETINFO
atd_status dw 0
atd_compfun segmoffs <>
inf_network dw 0
inf_nodeid db 0
inf_abridge db 0
inf_config dw 0
inf_buffptr segmoffs <>
inf_buffsize dw 0
InfoParams ends
; Parameter block for general calls to AppleTalk driver (ATALK.SYS)
MyInfo InfoParams <>
; Address block for our gateway
MyGateway AddrBlk <>
; Structure for calls to AppleTalk driver (ATALK.SYS) for Datagram
; Delivery Protocol (DDP) service
DDPParams struc
ddp_command dw 0
ddp_status dw 0
ddp_compfun segmoffs <>
ddp_addr AddrBlk <>
ddp_socket db 0
ddp_type db 0
ddp_buffptr segmoffs <>
ddp_buffsize dw 0
ddp_chksum db 0
DDPParams ends
; Parameter blocks for AppleTalk DDP access
DDPio DDPParams <> ; Write on DDP socket
; 2 buffers for packet receive from ATALK.SYS
DDP1inuse db 0 ; Buffer occupied flag
DDP1buffsize dw 0 ; Buffer length during reads
DDP1buffer db 1024 dup (0) ; Buffer for DDP read
DDP2inuse db 0 ; 2nd Buffer occupied flag
DDP2buffsize dw 0 ; 2nd Buffer length during reads
DDP2buffer db 1024 dup (0) ; 2nd Buffer for DDP read
; Structure for calls to AppleTalk driver (ATALK.SYS) for Name
; Binding Protocol (NBP) service
NBPParams struc
nbp_command dw 0
nbp_status dw 0
nbp_compfun segmoffs <>
nbp_addr AddrBlk <>
nbp_toget dw 0
nbp_buffptr segmoffs <>
nbp_buffsize dw 0
nbp_interval db 0
nbp_retry db 0
nbp_entptr segmoffs <>
NBPParams ends
; Parameter block for AppleTalk NBP access
NBP NBPParams <>
; Structure for name-to-address bind entries
NBPTuple struc
tup_address AddrBlk <>
tup_enum db 0
tup_name db 99 dup(0)
NBPTuple ends
; Name Binding Tuple for our IP gateway
NBPt NBPTuple <>
; Structure for name-to-address table
NBPEntry struc
tab_next segmoffs <>
tab_entry NBPTuple <>
NBPEntry ends
NBPtable NBPEntry <>
; Structure for calls to AppleTalk driver (ATALK.SYS) for AppleTalk
; Transaction Protocol (ATP) service
ATPParams struc
atp_command dw 0
atp_status dw 0
atp_compfun segmoffs <>
atp_addrblk AddrBlk <>
atp_socket db 0
atp_fill db 0
atp_buffptr segmoffs <>
atp_buffsize dw 0
atp_interval db 0
atp_retry db 0
atp_flags db 0
atp_seqbit db 0
atp_tranid dw 0
atp_userbytes db 4 dup(0)
atp_bdsbuffs db 0
atp_bdsresps db 0
atp_bdsptr segmoffs <>
ATPParams ends
; Parameter block for AppleTalk ATP access
ATP ATPParams <>
; Structure for BDS elements
BDSElement struc
bds_buffptr segmoffs <>
bds_buffsize dw 0
bds_datasize dw 0
bds_userbytes db 4 dup(0)
BDSElement ends
; Parameter block for our BDS element
BDS BDSElement <>
; Struct for IP gateway information
IPGInfo struc
ipg_opcode db 0,0,0,1 ; IPGP_ASSIGN
ipg_ipaddress dd 0 ; our IP address
ipg_ipname dd 0 ; nameserver IP address
ipg_ipbroad dd 0 ; broadcast IP address
ipg_ipfile dd 0 ; file server IP address
ipg_ipother dd 4 dup (0)
ipg_string db 128 dup (0), '$'
IPGInfo ends
; Parameter block for info about our IP gateway
IPG IPGInfo <>
IPG_ERROR equ -1
static_address db 0, 0, 0, 0
use_static db 0
test_address db 0, 0, 0, 0
temp_4bytes db 0, 0, 0, 0
; End of Appletalk parameter definitions
; The following values may be overridden from the command line.
; If they are omitted from the command line, these defaults are used.
public int_no
int_no db 0,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.
public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
driver_class db 5,0 ;from the packet spec
driver_type db 1 ;from the packet spec
driver_name db 'LocalTalk',0 ;name of the driver.
driver_function db 2
parameter_list label byte
db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
db 14 ;length of parameter list
db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
;processing, 0 == none,
public rcv_modes
rcv_modes dw 4 ;number of receive modes in our table.
dw 0,0,0,rcv_mode_3
public as_send_pkt
; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
; interrupts possibly enabled.
; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
public drop_pkt
; Drop a packet from the queue.
; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
assume ds:nothing
public xmit
; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
; back-to-back packet transmissions.
; May only use ax and dx.
assume ds:nothing
public send_pkt
;enter with es:di->upcall routine, (0:0) if no upcall is desired.
; (only if the high-performance bit is set in driver_function)
;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
;if we're a high-performance driver, es:di -> upcall.
;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
assume ds:nothing
; send packet to AppleTalk/DDP/IP gateway
; load info about the packet we are sending
mov DDPio.ddp_buffptr.offs, si
mov DDPio.ddp_buffptr.segm, ds ; DDPio.buffptr -> IP packet
mov DDPio.ddp_buffsize, cx ; DDPio.buffsize = packet len
; send all packets to the IP gateway
mov cx, (size AddrBlk) ; DDPio.ddp_addr = MyGateway
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, offset MyGateway
mov di, offset DDPio.ddp_addr
rep movsb
mov bx, offset DDPio
call doATint ; Ask ATALK.SYS to send packet
cmp DDPio.ddp_status, 00H ; Packet sent okay?
je send_ret ; Yes, status is good
; No, status gives error
call count_out_err
mov dh, CANT_SEND ; set error flag
clc ; packet sent successfully
public get_address
;get the address of the interface.
;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
assume ds:code
public set_address
;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
assume ds:nothing
;receive mode 3 is the only one we support, so we don't have to do anything.
public set_multicast_list
;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of addresses.
;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
public terminate
push ds
push cs
pop ds
; close the DDP socket
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_CLOSESOCKET
mov bx, offset DDPio
call doATint
mov NBP.nbp_command, NBP_REMOVE
mov NBP.nbp_entptr.offs, offset NBPtable.tab_entry.tup_name
mov NBP.nbp_entptr.segm, ds
mov bx, offset NBP
call doATint
pop ds
public reset_interface
;reset the interface.
assume ds:code
;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
extrn recv_find: near
;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
extrn recv_copy: near
extrn count_in_err: near
extrn count_out_err: near
public recv
;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
;NOTE: this packet driver merely makes calls to another hardware
;driver, ATALK.SYS. ATALK.SYS handles the hardware interrupt service;
;ATALK.SYS then calls this packet driver with FAR subroutine calls.
;the ATALK.SYS FAR subroutine is recv_at_upcall
assume ds:nothing
public recv_exiting
;called from the recv isr after interrupts have been acknowledged.
;Only ds and ax have been saved.
assume ds:nothing
; NULL completion routine for ATALK.SYS drivers calls
noop_upcall proc far
noop_upcall endp
;First half routine for DDP socket.
;ATALK.SYS calls this routine when a packet is received.
;ATALK.SYS assumes we are a far procedure.
; CX = size of data packet
preview_upcall proc far
assume ds:nothing
; maximum packet we can receive is 1024 bytes
cmp cx, 1024
ja preview_drop
cmp DDP1inuse, 00H
jne preview_buff2
mov DDP1inuse, 01H
; repeat buffer size back to ATALK.SYS in CX
; ask ATALK.SYS driver to pass us the buffer at DS:BX
; tell ATALK.SYS address of 2nd half routine in ES:DX
push cs
pop ds
mov bx, offset DDP1buffer ; ds:bx->buffer
push cs
pop es
mov dx, offset recv_at_upcall ; es:dx->2nd half routine
jmp preview_ret
cmp DDP2inuse, 00H
jne preview_drop
mov DDP2inuse, 01H
; repeat buffer size back to ATALK.SYS in CX
; ask ATALK.SYS driver to pass us the buffer at DS:BX
; tell ATALK.SYS address of 2nd half routine in ES:DX
push cs
pop ds
mov bx, offset DDP2buffer ; ds:bx->buffer
push cs
pop es
mov dx, offset recv_at_upcall ; es:dx->2nd half routine
jmp preview_ret
; ask ATALK.SYS to drop the packet
call count_in_err
mov cx, 00h
preview_upcall endp
;Second half routine for DDP socket.
;ATALK.SYS calls this routine when the packet has been copied to our buffer.
;ATALK.SYS assumes we are a far procedure.
; CX = size of data packet
; DS:BX = address of buffer
recv_at_upcall proc far
assume ds:nothing
cmp bx, offset DDP1buffer
jne recv_buff2
; check if we have a client waiting for packets
; pass to recv_find es:di->driver_type, cx=#bytes in packet
mov DDP1buffsize, cx
mov di, offset driver_type
push cs
pop es
mov dl,cs:driver_class
call recv_find
; es:di->client buffer, or es:di=0 means drop the packet
mov ax, es
or ax, di
je recv_pass1
; copy ds:si->es:di for cx bytes
push cs
pop ds
mov si, offset DDP1buffer
mov cx, DDP1buffsize
rep movsb
; tell receiver copy has been made; ds:si->the packet, cx=length
push es
pop ds
mov si, offset DDP1buffer
mov cx, DDP1buffsize
call recv_copy
; first buffer is free for use again
mov DDP1inuse, 00H
jmp recv_ret
cmp bx, offset DDP2buffer
jne recv_ret
; check if we have a client waiting for packets
; pass to recv_find es:di->driver_type, cx=#bytes in packet
mov DDP2buffsize, cx
mov di, offset driver_type
push cs
pop es
call recv_find
; es:di->client buffer, or es:di=0 means drop the packet
mov ax, es
or ax, di
je recv_pass2
; copy ds:si->es:di for cx bytes
push cs
pop ds
mov si, offset DDP2buffer
mov cx, DDP2buffsize
rep movsb
; tell receiver copy has been made; ds:si->the packet, cx=length
push es
pop ds
mov si, offset DDP2buffer
mov cx, DDP2buffsize
call recv_copy
; second buffer is now free for use
mov DDP2inuse, 00H
recv_at_upcall endp
; Call DOS software interrupt for AppleTalk
; caller must set ds:bx -> parameter block for ATALK.SYS
int AT_INT ; Interrupt ATALK.SYS driver
;any code after this will not be kept after initialization.
end_resident label byte
public usage_msg
usage_msg db "usage: localtlk [-n] [-d] [-w]
public copyright_msg
copyright_msg db "Packet driver for Apple LocalTalk PC Card, version ",'0'+majver,".",'0'+version,CR,LF
db "Portions Copyright 1990, Regents of the University of California",CR,LF,'$'
db "Couldn't locate ATALK.SYS -- packet driver not installed",CR,LF,'$'
db "ATALK.SYS driver located at software interrupt ",'$'
db "Attaching to AppleTalk network as node ",'$'
db "AppleTalk network bridge is node ",'$'
db "Datagram Delivery Protocol socket open failed; return status: ",'$'
db "Datagram Delivery Protocol failed; unable to aquire requested socket",CR,LF,'$'
db "Datagram Delivery Protocol open on socket ",'$'
db "Attached to AppleTalk network as (net:node:sock): ",'$'
db "NBP: IPGATEWAY lookup failed; return status: ",'$'
db "IPGATEWAY located on AppleTalk network as (net:node:sock): ",'$'
db "ATP: IPGATEWAY transport setup failed; return status: ",'$'
db "IP Gateway error: ",'$'
db "My IP address: ",'$'
db "Name Server IP address: ",'$'
db "Broadcast IP address: ",'$'
db "File Server IP address: ",'$'
db "IPG opcode: ",'$'
db "NBP: failed, couldn't register our name; return status: ",'$'
db "DDP: couldn't initiate read on socket; return status: ",'$'
db "Test IP arg parsing: ",'$'
db 01H, '=', 09H, "IPGATEWAY", 01H, '*', '0'
db 09H, "IPADDRESS", 01H, '*', '0'
myip_name_len equ 12
; Temporary storage for calls to print_number
dtemp dw ?
dw 0
extrn set_recv_isr: near
;enter with si -> argument string, di -> wword to store.
;if there is no number, don't change the number.
extrn get_number: near
;enter with ds:dx -> argument string, ds:di -> dword to print.
extrn print_number: near
;enter with al = char to display
extrn chrout: near
;enter with ax,dx holding 32 bits to display in decimal (ax holds low word)
extrn decout: near
extrn byteout: near
extrn wordout: near
extrn skip_blanks: near
;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
;if there is no number, don't change the number.
extrn get_number: near
;called with ds:si -> immediately after the packet_int_no
public parse_args
call skip_blanks
cmp al, CR
je no_more_args
cmp al, '[' ; check for square brackets
je past_brackets
dec si ; not a bracket, back up
mov di, offset temp_4bytes ; get first IP address byte
call get_number
mov byte ptr test_address, cl
cmp al, '.'
jne no_more_args
mov di, offset temp_4bytes ; get second IP address byte
call get_number
mov byte ptr test_address+1, cl
cmp al, '.'
jne no_more_args
mov di, offset temp_4bytes ; get third IP address byte
call get_number
mov byte ptr test_address+2, cl
cmp al, '.'
jne no_more_args
mov di, offset temp_4bytes ; get first IP address byte
call get_number
mov byte ptr test_address+3, cl
; mov dx, offset test_arg_msg
; mov di, offset test_address
;push si
; call print_ip_addr
;pop si
mov ax, word ptr test_address
mov word ptr static_address, ax
mov ax, word ptr test_address+2
mov word ptr static_address+2, ax
mov use_static, 01H
cmp al, ']'
je arg_return
;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
dec si
; Initialize our interface to the ATALK.SYS driver.
; NOTE: this initialization code is modeled after the PC/IP LocalTalk
; driver written by Dan Lanciani ([email protected]); the PCIP
; software package can found at
public etopen
assume ds:code
; ATALK.SYS driver may be loaded at a software interrupt somewhere
; between 5CH and 70H. Locate ATALK.SYS driver by scanning for signature.
isATLoaded: ; Look for ATALK.SYS driver
call ATGetInt ; Load start of intr range
mov dx, ax ; Save start value in DX
cmp dx, 70H ; Scanned all possible vectors?
jne checkstring ; No, check this vector
xor ax, ax ; Yes, driver not found
jmp chksplit ; Skip ahead to return
mov bx, dx ; Load intr# for scan
shl bx, 1 ; Multiply by 2 (for seg bytes)
shl bx, 1 ; Multiply by 2 (for off bytes)
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax ; Lowest page of memory
lds si, es:[bx] ; Load vector for scan intr#
mov ax, ds ; Load segment this scan intr#
or ax, si ; OR with off this scan intr#
jz keepchecking ; Keep checking if no bits
sub si, 16 ; Signature is just before code
mov di, offset driverstring ; Load compare string
mov cx, 9 ; Load length of compare string
push cs
pop es
repe cmpsb ; Compare ds:si to es:di
jne keepchecking ; Keep checking if not matched
call ATGetInt ; Matched, get INT# again
cmp ax, dx ; INT# already set properly?
jz chksplit ; Yes, use this INT#
; No, we found INT# by scanning
call ATPatch ; Modify code to match scan
call ATGetInt ; Retrieve final INT#
jmp chksplit ; Skip ahead to return
keepchecking: ; Havent found ATALK.SYS driver
inc dx ; Check next possible INT#
jmp chkloop ; Loop back to check next INT#
chksplit: ; Done with scan for ATALK.SYS
cmp ax, 00H ; ATALK.SYS driver found?
jne atalk_sys_found ; Yes, skip ahead to continue
mov dx, offset no_atalk_sys_msg ; No, ATALK.SYS not loaded
jmp error_wrt ; Skip ahead to report error
atalk_sys_found: ; ATALK.SYS driver found
push cs ; Used DS for another purpose
pop ds ; Reset DS to our data
mov dtemp, dx ; Report intr# of ATALK.SYS
mov di, offset dtemp
mov dx, offset atalk_sys_found_msg
call print_number
; We need to establish our Appletalk node
get_our_info: ; Get info params from ATALK
mov MyInfo.atd_command, AT_GETNETINFO
mov MyInfo.atd_compfun.offs, offset noop_upcall
mov MyInfo.atd_compfun.segm, cs
mov bx, offset MyInfo
call doATint
cmp MyInfo.atd_status, 00H ; Already initialized?
je get_ddp_socket ; Yes, skip ahead
mov MyInfo.atd_command, AT_INIT ; No, initialize our node
mov MyInfo.atd_compfun.offs, offset noop_upcall
mov MyInfo.atd_compfun.segm, cs
mov bx, offset MyInfo
call doATint
; We need to establish our AppleTalk/DDP socket
get_ddp_socket: ; Open a DDP socket
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_OPENSOCKET
mov DDPio.ddp_compfun.offs, offset noop_upcall
mov DDPio.ddp_compfun.segm, cs
mov DDPio.ddp_buffptr.offs, offset preview_upcall
mov DDPio.ddp_buffptr.segm, cs
mov DDPio.ddp_socket, 72 ; ask for experimental sock#
mov DDPio.ddp_type, 22 ; ask for IP socket type
mov bx, offset DDPio ; ds:bx-> DDP param block
call doATint ; ask ATALK.SYS for a socket
cmp DDPio.ddp_status, 00H ; error return from ATALK.SYS?
je chk_ddp_socket ; no, skip ahead to continue
; yes, no socket for us
mov ax, DDPio.ddp_status
mov dtemp, ax
mov di, offset dtemp
mov dx, offset ddp_failed_msg
call print_number ; report error and stat return
jmp error_ret
;**** do we really require socket 72?
chk_ddp_socket: ; check the socket we opened
cmp DDPio.ddp_socket, 72 ; did we get the one requested?
je ddp_ready ; yes, socket is as expected
; no, but must have socket 72
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_CLOSESOCKET
mov bx, offset DDPio
call doATint ; close the assigned socket
mov dx, offset ddp_wrong_socket_msg ; load error msg
jmp error_wrt ; skip ahead to display and ret
ddp_ready: ; DDP socket 72 is ready
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_WRITE ; Use param block for WRITE now
; AppleTalk node and DDP socket have been established
mov ax, MyInfo.inf_network
mov word ptr dtemp, ax
mov al, MyInfo.inf_nodeid
mov ah, DDPio.ddp_socket
mov byte ptr dtemp+2, al
mov byte ptr dtemp+3, ah
mov di, offset dtemp
mov dx, offset atalk_open_msg
call print_at_addr ; display AppleTalk node info
mov ax, 00H
mov dtemp+2, ax
; We need an IP gateway node
nbp_ipgateway: ; Locate our IP gateway node
push cs
pop ds
mov NBP.nbp_command, NBP_LOOKUP
mov NBP.nbp_compfun.offs, offset noop_upcall
mov NBP.nbp_compfun.segm, cs
mov NBP.nbp_toget, 01H
mov NBP.nbp_buffptr.offs, offset NBPt
mov NBP.nbp_buffptr.segm, ds
mov NBP.nbp_buffsize, (size NBPTuple)
mov NBP.nbp_interval, 5
mov NBP.nbp_retry, 12
mov NBP.nbp_entptr.offs, offset ipgateway_name
mov NBP.nbp_entptr.segm, ds
mov bx, offset NBP
call doATint ; do name-bind lookup
cmp NBP.nbp_status, 00H ; status return=error?
jne nbp_no_gateway ; yes, report error and exit
cmp NBP.nbp_toget, 01H
je atp_setup
nbp_no_gateway: ; NBP lookup failed
mov ax, NBP.nbp_status
mov dtemp, ax
mov di, offset dtemp
mov dx, offset nbp_no_gateway_msg ; display error msg
call print_number
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_CLOSESOCKET
mov bx, offset DDPio
call doATint ; close the assigned socket
jmp error_ret ; skip ahead to return
; We need a transport layer to the IP gateway
mov cx, (size AddrBlk) ; MyGateway = NBPt.tup_addr
push cs
pop es
mov si, offset NBPt.tup_address
mov di, offset MyGateway
rep movsb
mov di, offset NBPt.tup_address ; Display our gateway node
mov dx, offset nbp_ipg_addr_msg
call print_at_addr
mov BDS.bds_buffptr.offs, offset IPG
mov BDS.bds_buffptr.segm, ds
mov BDS.bds_buffsize, (size IPGInfo)
mov ATP.atp_command, ATP_SEND_REQUEST
mov ATP.atp_compfun.offs, offset noop_upcall
mov ATP.atp_compfun.segm, cs
mov cx, (size AddrBlk) ; ATP.atp_addr = NBPt.tup_addr
push cs
pop es
mov si, offset NBPt.tup_address
mov di, offset ATP.atp_addrblk
rep movsb
mov ATP.atp_buffptr.offs, offset IPG
mov ATP.atp_buffptr.segm, ds
mov ATP.atp_buffsize, (size IPGInfo)
mov ATP.atp_interval, 05H
mov ATP.atp_retry, 05H
mov ATP.atp_flags, XO_BIT
mov ATP.atp_bdsbuffs, 01H
mov ATP.atp_bdsptr.offs, offset BDS
mov ATP.atp_bdsptr.segm, ds
mov bx, offset ATP
call doATint
cmp ATP.atp_status, 00H ; status return=error?
jne atp_no_gateway ; yes, report error and exit
cmp ATP.atp_bdsbuffs, 01H
je chk_ip_opcode
atp_no_gateway: ; ATP setup failed
mov ax, ATP.atp_status
mov dtemp, ax
mov di, offset dtemp
mov dx, offset atp_no_gateway_msg ; display error msg
call print_number
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_CLOSESOCKET
mov bx, offset DDPio
call doATint ; close the assigned socket
jmp error_ret ; skip ahead to return
cmp IPG.ipg_opcode.offs, IPG_ERROR ; opcode is 32 bit
jne save_ipaddr ; check one word at a time
cmp IPG.ipg_opcode.segm, IPG_ERROR ; error from IP gateway?
jne save_ipaddr ; no, transport established
; yes, ATP setup failed
mov dx, offset ipg_gateway_err_msg ; display IPG error msg
mov ah, 9
int 21H
mov dx, offset IPG.ipg_string
mov ah, 9
int 21H
mov al, 13 ; display CR-LF
call chrout
mov al, 10
call chrout
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_CLOSESOCKET
mov bx, offset DDPio
call doATint ; close the assigned socket
jmp error_ret
; AppleTalk/IP transport layer established
mov dx, offset myip_addr_msg
cmp use_static, 00H
jne show_static
mov di, offset IPG.ipg_ipaddress
jmp show_ipaddr
mov di, offset static_address
call print_ip_addr
mov dx, offset ns_ip_addr_msg
mov di, offset IPG.ipg_ipname
call print_ip_addr
mov dx, offset bd_ip_addr_msg
mov di, offset IPG.ipg_ipbroad
call print_ip_addr
mov dx, offset fs_ip_addr_msg
mov di, offset IPG.ipg_ipfile
call print_ip_addr
; We need to register ourself with the AppleTalk Name Binding Agent
mov al, MyInfo.inf_nodeid
mov NBPtable.tab_entry.tup_address.ablk_nodeid, al
mov al, DDPio.ddp_socket
mov NBPtable.tab_entry.tup_address.ablk_socket, al
; print our IP address in our NBP table entry
mov bx, offset NBPtable.tab_entry.tup_name
inc bx
xor dx, dx
cmp use_static, 00H
jne reg_static1
mov dl, byte ptr IPG.ipg_ipaddress
jmp reg_format1
mov dl, byte ptr static_address
call decstr
mov al, dot_char
mov byte ptr ds:[bx], al
inc bx
cmp use_static, 00H
jne reg_static2
mov dl, byte ptr IPG.ipg_ipaddress+1
jmp reg_format2
mov dl, byte ptr static_address+1
call decstr
mov al, dot_char
mov ds:[bx], al
inc bx
cmp use_static, 00H
jne reg_static3
mov dl, byte ptr IPG.ipg_ipaddress+2
jmp reg_format3
mov dl, byte ptr static_address+2
call decstr
mov al, dot_char
mov ds:[bx], al
inc bx
cmp use_static, 00H
jne reg_static4
mov dl, byte ptr IPG.ipg_ipaddress+3
jmp reg_format4
mov dl, byte ptr static_address+3
call decstr
mov ax, bx
sub ax, offset NBPtable.tab_entry.tup_name
sub ax, 1
mov NBPtable.tab_entry.tup_name, al
mov cx, myip_name_len ; append IPADDR command to our IP
push cs
pop es
mov si, offset myip_name ; ds:si -> source
mov di, bx ; es:di -> dest
rep movsb
; Register our name with NBP agent
mov NBP.nbp_command, NBP_REGISTER
mov NBP.nbp_compfun.offs, offset noop_upcall
mov NBP.nbp_compfun.segm, cs
mov NBP.nbp_buffptr.offs, offset NBPtable
mov NBP.nbp_buffptr.segm, ds
mov NBP.nbp_interval, 01H
mov NBP.nbp_retry, 03H
mov bx, offset NBP
call doATint
cmp NBP.nbp_status, 00H
je atinit_done
mov ax, NBP.nbp_status
mov dtemp, ax
mov di, offset dtemp
mov dx, offset nbp_no_register_msg ; display error msg
call print_number
mov DDPio.ddp_command, DDP_CLOSESOCKET
mov bx, offset DDPio
call doATint ; close the assigned socket
jmp error_ret ; skip ahead to return
;**** LocalTalk PC Card initialized, ready to TSR
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset end_resident
;**** Got an error while initializing LocalTalk PC Card
error_wrt: ; Display an error message
push cs ; Get our data segment back
pop ds
mov ah, 9
int 21H
error_ret: ; Board not initialized
public print_parameters
;echo our command-line parameters
; Modify ATALK.SYS interrupt number in doATint code (self-modifying code!)
mov al, dl ; Load new interrupt number
push cs
pop es
lea bx, doATint ; es:bx=offset of doATint code
inc bx ; skip to operator for INT
mov es:[bx], al ; modify the code
; Get ATALK.SYS interrupt number
push cs
pop es
lea bx, doATint ; es:bx=offset of doATint code
inc bx ; skip to operator for INT
mov al, es:[bx] ; load operator for INT
xor ah, ah ; zero high byte
ret ; return INT# to caller
; caller must set ds:si -> dest for string, dx 16-bit value to sprint
mov di,dx
cmp dx, 0
jne decstr_nonzero
mov al,'0' ;yes - easier to just print it, than
jmp chrstr ; to eliminate all but the last zero.
xor ax,ax ;start with all zeroes in al,bx,bp
mov bp,ax
mov cx,16 ;16 bits in one 16 bit registers.
rcl di,1
xchg bp,ax
call addbit
xchg bp,ax
adc al,al
loop decstr_1
mov cl,'0' ;prepare to eliminate leading zeroes.
call bytestr ;output the first two.
mov ax,bp
jmp wordstr ;output the next four.
addbit: adc al,al
xchg al,ah
adc al,al
xchg al,ah
;print the char in al at ds:bx
mov byte ptr [bx], al
inc bx
push ax
mov al,ah
call bytestr
pop ax
mov ah,al
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
call digstr
mov al,ah
and al,0fh
add al,90h ;binary digit to ascii hex digit.
adc al,40h
cmp al,cl ;leading zero?
je digstr_1
mov cl,-1 ;no more leading zeros.
jmp chrstr
; caller must set ds:dx -> argument string, ds:di -> AddrBlk struct
;enter with dx -> dollar terminated name of number, di ->dword.
;exit with the number printed and the cursor advanced to the next line.
mov ah,9 ;print the name of the number.
int 21h
mov ax, [di].ablk_network ;print the network number
mov dx, 00H
push di
call decout
pop di
mov al, ':'
call chrout
xor ax, ax
mov al, [di].ablk_nodeid ; print the nodeid number
push di
call decout
pop di
mov al, ':'
call chrout
xor ax, ax
mov al, [di].ablk_socket ; print the socket number
call decout
mov al,CR
call chrout
mov al,LF
call chrout
; caller must set ds:dx -> argument string, ds:di -> 32 bit ip address
;enter with dx -> dollar terminated name of number, di ->dword.
;exit with the number printed and the cursor advanced to the next line.
mov ah,9 ;print the name of the number.
int 21h
mov al, '['
call chrout
xor ax, ax
mov al, [di] ;print first byte in decimal.
mov dx, 00H
push di
call decout
pop di
mov al, '.'
call chrout
xor ax, ax
mov al, [di+1] ; print second byte in decimal
push di
call decout
pop di
mov al, '.'
call chrout
xor ax, ax
mov al, [di+2] ; print third byte in decimal
push di
call decout
pop di
mov al, '.'
call chrout
xor ax, ax
mov al, [di+3] ; print fourth byte in decimal
call decout
mov al, ']'
call chrout
mov al,CR
call chrout
mov al,LF
call chrout
code ends
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: