Category : Network Files
Archive   : TCP_SRC.ZIP
Filename : ISOLAN.ASM
; Packet driver for BICC Data Networks' ISOLAN 4110 ethernet
; controller, written by
; Rainer Toebbicke
; European Organisation of Nuclear Research (CERN)
; Geneva, Switzerland
; based on the "generic" packet driver by Russell Nelson.
; BICC ISOLAN card constants
IS_SAP struc ;Service Access Point channel
IS_S_Data db ? ;data semaphore
IS_S_Taken db ? ;taken semaphore
dw ?
IS_S_Event db ?
IS_S_SrcEaddr db 6 dup(?) ;source Ethernet address
IS_S_SrcLsap db ?
IS_S_DstEaddr db 6 dup(?)
IS_S_DstLsap db ?
db ?
IS_S_Status dw ?
db ?
IS_S_SDUptr dw ?
IS_SAP ends
; Bits defined in IS_S_Event
IS_M_Init equ 0ch
IS_M_DataRq equ 09h
IS_M_DataInd equ 0ah
IS_Board_Init equ 0dh
IS segment at 0
org 8000h
IS_Sign db ? ;test for card presence
IS_Reset db ?
IS_Diagok db ?
IS_Error db ?
IS_ErrCode db ?
org 800eh
IS_PgmStart dw ?
IS_IER db ? ;interrupt enable register
IS_I_Tx equ 01h ;transmit interrupt
IS_I_Rx equ 02h ;receive interrupt
IS_ISR db ? ;interrupt status reg
org 8014h
IS_BlueBook db ?
IS_LLC1 db ?
IS_Precv db ? ;promiscuous receive flag
IS_LanceRev db ?
IS_MacReflSup db ? ;MAC reflection suppression
org 8020h
IS_Xmit IS_SAP <> ;Transmit channel
org 8040h
IS_Rcv IS_SAP <> ;Receive channel
org 8060h
IS_Eaddr db 6 dup(?) ;This card's Ethernet address
IS ends
IS_SDU struc
IS_SDU_DataOff db ? ;offset to data
IS_SDU_L dw ? ;length of packet
IS_SDU ends
ENET_HDR equ EADDR_LEN*2+2 ;length of ethernet header
code segment word public
assume cs:code, ds:code
public int_no, MemBase
int_no db 2,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.
MemBase dw 0b800h,0
public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
driver_class db BLUEBOOK, IEEE8023, 0 ;from the packet spec
driver_type db 4+128 ;from the packet spec
driver_name db 'ISOLAN',0 ;name of the driver.
driver_function db 2
parameter_list label byte
db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
db 14 ;length of parameter list
db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
;processing, 0 == none,
public rcv_modes
rcv_modes dw 4 ;number of receive modes in our table.
dw 0,0,0,rcv_mode_3
include movemem.asm
public as_send_pkt
; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
; interrupts possibly enabled.
; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
public drop_pkt
; Drop a packet from the queue.
; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
assume ds:nothing
public xmit
; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
; back-to-back packet transmissions.
; May only use ax and dx.
assume ds:nothing
public send_pkt
;enter with es:di->upcall routine, (0:0) if no upcall is desired.
; (only if the high-performance bit is set in driver_function)
;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
assume ds:nothing
cld ;moves go forward
mov ax,MemBase
mov es,ax ;address the card
assume es:IS
push cx ;save length
; Wait for the transmit channel to become free
mov cx,0ffffh ;avoid infinite loop
test IS_Xmit.IS_S_Data,0ffh
jnz tx_idle
loop tx_wait
pop cx ;remove from stack
mov dh,CANT_SEND ;transmit error
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Data,0 ;our channel now
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Event,IS_M_DataRq ;sending Data
; copy destination ethernet addr
mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
lea di,IS_Xmit.IS_S_DstEaddr
rep movsw
; copy source ethernet addr
mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
lea di,IS_Xmit.IS_S_SrcEaddr
rep movsw
; copy type field
xchg ah,al ;8086 order
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Status,ax
pop cx ;restore count
sub cx,ENET_HDR ;minus header
mov di,IS_Xmit.IS_S_SDUptr ;point to SDU
mov es:IS_SDU_L[di],cx ;set count
xor ah,ah
mov al,es:IS_SDU_DataOff[di]
add di,ax ;point to data
call movemem ; now copy the buffer
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Taken,1 ;release channel
clc ;no error occurred
assume es:nothing
public get_address
;get the address of the interface.
;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
assume ds:code
cmp cx,EADDR_LEN
jnb get_addr_ok ;buffer ok
push ds
push si
mov ax,MemBase ;point to interface
mov ds,ax
assume ds:IS
mov si,offset IS_Eaddr ;point to our E-net addr
mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
rep movsw
pop si
pop ds
mov cl,EADDR_LEN
public set_address
;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
assume ds:nothing
cmp cx,EADDR_LEN
jnb set_addr_ok ;buffer ok
push es
push di
mov ax,MemBase ;point to interface
mov es,ax
assume es:IS
mov di,offset IS_Eaddr ;point to our E-net addr
mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
rep movsw
; reset the board's software, don't really know if this is needed
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Data,0 ;our channel now
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Event,IS_Board_Init ;reboot
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Taken,1 ;issue the command
; wait for request to complete
mov cx,0ffffh ;avoid infinite loop
test IS_Xmit.IS_S_Data,0ffh
jnz set_done
loop set_wait_2
mov cx,EADDR_LEN ;return their address length.
pop di
pop es
assume es:nothing
;receive mode 3 is the only one we support, so we don't have to do anything.
public set_multicast_list
;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of addresses.
;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
public terminate
public reset_interface
;reset the interface.
assume ds:code
push ds
mov ax,MemBase
mov ds,ax
assume ds:IS
mov IS_IER,0
pop ds
;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
extrn recv_find: near
;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
extrn recv_copy: near
extrn count_in_err: near
extrn count_out_err: near
public recv
;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
assume ds:code
mov ax,MemBase
mov ds,ax
assume ds:IS
mov al,IS_ISR ;get interrupt status
test al,IS_I_RX ;receive interrupt?
jnz rcv_test_errors ;yes...
jmp rcv_done
; some thorough testing missing here
; anyway, don't know what to test
mov IS_Rcv.IS_S_Data,0 ;block channel
mov di,IS_Rcv.IS_S_SDUptr ;point to SDU
mov cx,IS_SDU_L[di] ;get length
add cx,ENET_HDR ;plus ethernet header
; These following lines correctly point to the type field.
; However, addressability to the whole buffer on the 'receiver' call
; would be lost, a feature useful to some applications
; mov ax,IS_Rcv.IS_S_Status ;get type field
; xchg ah,al ;in network byte order
; push ax ;have to place it somewhere
; mov di,sp
; push ss
; pop es ;es:di at type field
; The following 'hack' keeps addressability to the packet
; on the 'receiver' call but stays compatible with the
; packet driver skeleton.
; This feature is indicated by a bit in the type number (ugly)
; which the application can examine
mov al,IS_SDU_DataOff[di] ;offset to to data
sub al,2 ;offset to type field
add di,ax ;point to type field
push ds
pop es ;es:di->type field
push cs
pop ds ;don't confuse recv_find
assume ds:code
mov dl, BLUEBOOK ;assume bluebook Ethernet.
mov ax, es:[di]
xchg ah, al
cmp ax, 1500
ja BlueBookPacket
inc di ;set di to 802.2 header
inc di
mov dl, IEEE8023
call recv_find ;do we want this packet?
; add sp,2 ;remove type field
mov ax,es
or ax,di
jz rcv_done_0 ;pointer zero, give up
push es
push di ;save pointer
mov ax,MemBase
mov ds,ax
assume ds:IS
; set up ethernet header
mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
mov si,offset IS_Rcv.IS_S_DstEaddr
rep movsw
mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
mov si,offset IS_Rcv.IS_S_SrcEaddr
rep movsw
mov ax,IS_Rcv.IS_S_Status ;type field
xchg ah,al ;in network byte order
mov si,IS_Rcv.IS_S_SDUptr ;point to SDU
mov cx,IS_SDU_L[si] ;get length
push cx ;save for later
mov al,IS_SDU_DataOff[si]
xor ah,ah
add si,ax ;point to data
call movemem
pop cx ;restore count
pop si ;restore pointer
pop ds ;restore pointer
assume ds:nothing
add cx,ENET_HDR ;adjust length
call recv_copy ;wake up client
mov ax,MemBase ;point to interface
mov ds,ax
assume ds:IS
mov IS_Rcv.IS_S_Taken,1 ;release channel
mov IS_ISR,0 ;clear interrupt
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:code
public recv_exiting
;called from the recv isr after interrupts have been acknowledged.
;Only ds and ax have been saved.
assume ds:nothing
;any code after this will not be kept after initialization.
end_resident label byte
public usage_msg
usage_msg db "usage: ISOLAN [-n] [-d] [-w]
public copyright_msg
copyright_msg db "Packet driver for BICC ISOLAN device, version ",'0'+majver,".",'0'+version,CR,LF
db "Portions Copyright 1989, R.Toebbicke, CERN, Switzerland",CR,LF
db '$'
errmsg1 db "No BICC Isolan board found at this address.",CR,LF,'$'
diag_errmsg db "Error - ISOLAN Diagnostics failed.$"
diag_start_msg db "ISOLAN Diagnostics running... $"
diag_end_msg db " done.$"
int_no_name db "Interrupt number $"
MemBaseName db "Shared Memory address $"
MemPrt dw 0c000h,0
extrn set_recv_isr: near
;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
;if there is no number, don't change the number.
extrn get_number: near
;enter with dx -> name of word, di -> dword to print.
extrn print_number: near
public parse_args
;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
mov di,offset int_no
call get_number
mov di,offset MemPrt
call get_number
mov di,MemPrt
sub di,800h ;BICC standard notation
mov MemBase,di
mov dx,offset errmsg1
assume ds:nothing
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,9
int 21h
public etopen
mov ax,MemBase
mov ds,ax
assume ds:IS
; test if board exists
mov IS_Sign,42
cmp IS_Sign,42
jne bad_board
mov IS_Sign,0ffh-42
cmp IS_Sign,0ffh-42
jne bad_board
cmp IS_Reset,01h ;already running?
je diag_ok ;yes, let it run
mov IS_Reset,0
mov cx,0ffffh ;avoid infinite loop
cmp IS_Reset,0fah
je diag_1
loop diag_w_0
mov IS_Reset,0ffh
mov cx,0ffffh ;avoid infinite loop
cmp IS_Reset,0fah
je diag_2
loop diag_w_1
mov IS_Reset,0e5h
mov cx,0ffffh ;avoid infinite loop
cmp IS_Reset,0fah
je diag_3
loop diag_w_2
mov IS_Reset,09dh ;start diagnostics
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset diag_start_msg
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop ds
mov bx,050h ;double loop, takes some time
mov cx,0ffffh ;avoid infinite loop
cmp IS_Diagok,01h
je diag_4
loop diag_w_3
dec bx
jnz diag_w_3_0
mov dx,offset diag_errmsg
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset diag_end_msg
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop ds
mov ax,0800h
mov IS_PgmStart,ax
mov IS_Reset,01h ;run the program
; enable the board's interrupts
push ds
push cs
pop ds ;set cs=ds
call set_recv_isr
pop ds
mov IS_BlueBook,1 ;enable Blue Book MAC
mov IS_LLC1,1 ;disable LLC1 service
mov IS_MacReflSup,1 ;suppress MAC reflection
mov IS_IER,IS_I_RX ;enable for receive
mov IS_ISR,0 ;clear previous
; reset the board's software, just in case...
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Data,0 ;our channel now
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Event,IS_Board_Init ;reboot
mov IS_Xmit.IS_S_Taken,1 ;issue the command
; again wait for request to complete
mov cx,0ffffh ;avoid infinite loop
test IS_Xmit.IS_S_Data,0ffh
jnz in_done
loop in_wait_2
mov al, int_no ; Get board's interrupt vector
add al, 8
cmp al, 8+8 ; Is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
jb set_int_num ; No.
add al, 70h - 8 - 8 ; Map it to the real interrupt.
xor ah, ah ; Clear high byte
mov int_num, ax ; Set parameter_list int num.
;if all is okay,
mov dx,offset end_resident
push cs
pop ds
public print_parameters
;echo our command-line parameters
mov di,offset int_no
mov dx,offset int_no_name
call print_number
mov di,offset MemPrt
mov dx,offset MemBaseName
call print_number
code ends
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: