Category : Network Files
Archive   : TCP_SRC.ZIP

Output of file : IBMTOKEN.ASM contained in archive : TCP_SRC.ZIP
;* *;
;* File: IBMTOKEN.ASM *;
;* Auth: Brian Fisher *;
;* Queens University *;
;* Computing and Communications Services *;
;* Rm 2-50 Dupuis Hall *;
;* Kingston Ontario *;
;* *;
;* Date: September 3 1989 *;
;* *;
;* Purp: Ethernet (3C501) packet driver for IBM Token Ring. This *;
;* driver uses the IBM LAN support program DIR interface. *;
;* The current implementation supports IP and ARP. *;
;* *;
;* (C) 1989 Queens University *;
;* Computing and Communications Services. This portion of *;
;* the program remains the property of Queens University. *;
;* *;
;* Program Logic: *;
;* *;
;* IBMTOKEN extracts IP and ARP data from ethernet datagrams passed to *;
;* it by the ULP, makes any adjustments required, then builds a token *;
;* ring datagram and sends it out over the network. The process is *;
;* reversed when packets are received. IBMTOKEN supports token ring *;
;* source routing and functions in a bridged environment. *;
;* *;
;* The ULP uses Ethernet 'Blue Book' encapsulation. IBMTOKEN uses *;
;* 802.2 LLC format for transmission on token ring. The IBM (tm) *;
;* LAN Support Program is required. IBMTOKEN uses the DIR interface *;
;* to send/receive packets on token ring. *;
;* *;
;* IP packets do not require any modifications, and are sent 'as is.' *;
;* ARP packets have an 'hwr' field that must be changed fro 1h to 6h *;
;* during send_pkt, and changed back to 1h from 6h during _receive. *;
;* *;
;* The minimum size of an ethernet packet is 60 bytes (minus the 4 byte *;
;* ethernet checksum). Token ring has no lower limit. The ULP will *;
;* reject 'short' packets, so IBMTOKEN lies and tells it there are 60 *;
;* bytes. *;
;* *;
;* ARP packets are 28 bytes in length. The ULP rounds the size of a *;
;* packet up to 60 bytes, so there is extra data on the end of the ARP *;
;* packet. IBMTOKEN trims this off, because token ring hosts reject *;
;* 'too long' ARP packets. *;
;* *;
;* The minimum size of an ethernet packet is 60 bytes. The maximum *;
;* is 1514 bytes. The buffer sizes for token ring send/receive are *;
;* set to accomodate this. *;
;* *;
;* Source Routing: *;
;* *;
;* The ethernet entrenched logic of the ULP does not accomodate source *;
;* routing. IBMTOKEN provides a mechanism for source routing that is *;
;* transparent to the ULP. The RIF information associated with token *;
;* ring source addresses are placed in a cache. When the ULP sends to *;
;* that address, the RIF information is extracted from the cache and *;
;* used to route the packet to the target host. *;
;* *;
;* RIF Cache Logic: *;
;* *;
;* The cache logic uses an LRU algorithm. Each entry is time *;
;* stamped. If all the slots in the cache are being used, the oldest *;
;* entry (assumed to be the LRU) is replaced (bumped from the cache). *;
;* *;
;* If the ULP uses an address whose RIF has been bumped from the *;
;* cache, a mechanism exists to rediscover the source route. *;
;* IBMTOKEN attaches a phony RIF, with the broadcast bit set and *;
;* and empty route table. This packet travels to all rings. When *;
;* the foreign host responds, the RIF info is placed back in the *;
;* cache. Subsequent transmissions will use the rediscovered RIF. *;
;* *;
;* The size of the RIF cache should be set to handle the maximum *;
;* number of concurrent hosts. This will minimize the bumping *;
;* effect and minimize all rings broadcasts. *;
;* *;
;* I chose this algorithm so the ULP would not require any special *;
;* coding to work. It eliminates the need for special syncronization *;
;* of the ARP and RIF cache's. *;
;* *;
;* *;
;* Revs: Sep 29 1989 Successful tests with TN3270, FTP, and FTPBIN.*;
;* B. Fisher Some fine tuning required. *;
;* *;
;* Oct 1 1989 Cleaning up code. Found bug that prevented *;
;* buffer1/buffer2..n copies from working. *;
;* *;
;* Oct 15 1989 Rearranged buffer sizes to accomodate Adapt I *;
;* *;
;* Nov 15 1989 Added missing popf at end of recv_complt *;
;* Fixed missing popf at end of recv_complt *;
;* *;
;* Nov 19 1989 Added marker to show interrupt activity *;
;* for debugging. *;
;* *;
;* Nov 20 1989 Add changes for Release 5 compatibility *;
;* *;
;* Nov 21 1989 Fix es/bx reversal at get_size *;
;* *;
;* Nov 22 1989 RIF not working because of confusion with *;
;* SA bit acquired via ARP and SA bit acquired *;
;* through Token Receive. Send_Pkt now looks *;
;* up all dest addresses in RIF table. *;
;* *;
;* Nov 23 1989 Have DEBUG mode report RIF table address when *;
;* get_multicast_ call made. *;
;* *;
;* Nov 28 1989 Add phony RIF to 'local' addresses so the *;
;* bridge will pass them on. ARP acquired HW *;
;* addresses need RIF to cross bridge. This is *;
;* done in send_pkt. *;
;* *;
;* Nov 29 1989 Fixed REPT macro in SA_blk so size of SA info *;
;* is correct. Didn't hurt function, however. *;
;* *;
;* Nov 29 1989 Clear broadcast bit in RIF before entry in *;
;* table. This prevents bridges from altering *;
;* existing route. FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF address *;
;* uses broadcast bit so ARP will work. *;
;* *;
;* Nov 29 1989 Predefined broadcast RIF entry direction bit *;
;* polarity reversal prevented broadcast from *;
;* going over the bridge. *;
;* *;
;* Version 1.A - Production Version released at Queens *;
;* *;
;* Jan 02 1990 Fix missing CLD in _receiver, shows up when *;
;* TOKREUI is used instead of Lan Support Pgm... *;
;* *;
;* Version 1.B *;
;* Jan 15 1990 Begin modifications for LRU algorithm in the *;
;* (alpha 0) RIF cache. 3rd parm on cmd line sets number *;
;* of entries in the cache, which is allocated *;
;* using INT 21, Function 48h. The cache *;
;* routines are modified to handle the new addr *;
;* mode for accessing the table. *;
;* *;
;* Jan 16 1990 Adding time mark info to SA_table structure. *;
;* (alpha 1) add_entry initializes t_mark *;
;* loc_entry refreshes t_mark when match found *;
;* add_entry uses LRU slot in table when slots *;
;* are all in use. *;
;* *;
;* Jan 18 1990 Updated the program documentation to reflect *;
;* the operation of the RIF cache. *;
;* *;
;* Version 1.C Add code for compatibility with Release 6 of *;
;* Mar 18 1990 Clarkson drivers, including TERMINATE call. *;
;* *;
;* Version 1.D Fix bug that prevents get_address from *;
;* returning adapter 1's hardware address. *;
;* *;

version equ 14h ; Version D = 13h

include defs.asm

debug = 1 ; set 1 for IRM marks on RX

alpha = 1 ; ALPHA Test Version = 1
alpha_ver = 1 ; Which ALPHA Version...

hrs24 = 1573040 ; ticks in 24 hour day

toke_vect = 5Ch ; LAN Support Pgm Vector
toke_wait = 0FFh ; completion code wait status
pool_size = 512 ; 8K space for buffer pool area

num_rcv_buff = 2 ; <2 defaults to 8
recv_size = 1536 ; max size of card recieve buffer
tran_size = 1536 ; max size of transmit buffer

STATION_ID = 0; ; talk using direct station

RECV_OPTIONS = 0C0h ; contiguous mac/data in bufs

open_cmd = 3h ; LAN Support OpCodes
interrupt_cmd = 0h
initialize_cmd = 20h
close_cmd = 4h
modify_cmd = 1h
restore_cmd = 2h
trans_dir_cmd = 0Ah
free_ccb_cmd = 27h
recv_can_cmd = 29h
open_recv_cmd = 28h
get_status_cmd = 21h

SA_table_size = 32 ; default size of the RIF cache
SA_min_size = 2 ; minimum size
SA_max_size = 1024 ; maximum size

LLC_AC = 10h ; access control LLC
LLC_FC = 40h ; frame control LLC
LLC_SSAP_DSAP = 0AAAAh ; reversed for network
LLC_CON = 03h

MAC_hdr_size = 22 ; MAC+LLC+SNAP header length

not_SA_mask = 7Fh
SA_mask = 80h
RIF_size_mask = 1Fh
RIF_dir_bit = 80h

broadcast_byte = 0FFh ; broadcast is FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF

ARP_type = 0608h ; reversed for network order
ARP_Eth_hwr = 0100h ; reversed for network order
ARP_Tok_hwr = 0600h ; reversed for network order
ARP_packet_size= 28 ; fixes Ethernet assumption...
phony_RIF = 2082h ; used for bridges...

LLC_info_size = 8 ; LLC (3) + SNAP(5) = 8

mark = 0F90h ; marker debug pos on screen 25

marker macro st,nd

IF debug NE 0 ; do marker if debug <> 0

pushf ; show 2 char marker on
push es ; 25th line, 1st column
push ax
mov ax,0B800h
mov es,ax
mov al,'&st&'
mov byte ptr es:[mark],al
mov al,byte ptr es:[mark+1] ; get color value
inc al
and al,0Fh
or al,1
mov byte ptr es:[mark+1],al ; advance it to show activity
mov al,'&nd'
mov byte ptr es:[mark+2],al
mov al,byte ptr es:[mark+3]
inc al
and al,0Fh
or al,1
mov byte ptr es:[mark+3],al
pop ax
pop es



call_token macro ccb
; loads address of CCB in ES:BX, then ;
; calls the Token Ring Interface. ;
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax
mov bx,offset &ccb&
int toke_vect

call_wait macro
local wait_loop
; assumes ES:BX points to a CCB. Waits ;
; for a pending command to terminate. ;
mov al,es:[bx+2]
cmp al,toke_wait
je wait_loop

ticks macro
; get system timer ticks in CX:DX ;
mov ah,0
int 1Ah

set_ptr macro dest,addr
; loads a far pointer with a near ;
; address offset and CS: ;
mov ax,offset &addr&
mov word ptr [&dest&],ax
mov ax,cs
mov word ptr [&dest&+2],ax

print$ macro string
; sends $ terminated string to screen ;
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset &string& ; print $ terminated string
int 21h

clr_struc macro name
; clear all bytes of the named struc ;
; to zero. Useful for Token calls. ;
mov cx,SIZE &name& ; uses ax, es:di, cx
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov di,offset &name&
xor al,al
rep stosb ; set all elements to 0

rdupb macro l,n
&l& db ?
rept &n&-1
db ?

IF debug NE 0

regs struc ; from head.asm, [bp] references the
_RES dw ? ; IRQ service parameters with these.
_RDS dw ?
_RBP dw ?
_RDI dw ?
_RSI dw ?
_RDX dw ?
_RCX dw ?
_RBX dw ?
_RAX dw ?
_RIP dw ?
_RCS dw ?
_RCF dw ? ;flags
regs ends


ccb_blk struc ; CCB used for local token ring calls.
adapter db ? ; adapter 0 or 1
command db ? ; command code
returncode db ? ; command completion code
work db ? ; scratch
pointer dd ? ; queue pointer
complt dd ? ; command complete appendage
parms dd ? ; pointer to CCB parameter table
ccb_blk ends

init_parms struc ; parameters for DIR_INITIALIZE
bring_ups dw ? ; result of bring up tests
sram_addr dw ? ; shared ram address
reserved dd ? ; not used...
chk_exit dd ? ; adapter check exit
status dd ? ; ring status exit
error dd ? ; PC error exit
init_parms ends

o_parms struc ; ccb parms for DIR_OPEN
adapt dd ? ; ptr to adapter parms
direct dd ? ; ptr to direct parms
dlc dd ? ; ptr to dlc parms
msg dd ? ; ptr to msg parms
o_parms ends

ada_blk struc ; adapter open parms table format
err_code dw ? ; open errors detected
options dw ? ; various options
node_addr dd ? ; node address ( 4 bytes here + )
dw ? ; rest of node address ( 2 here )
group_add dd ? ; group address
func_add dd ? ; functional address
rcv_buff dw ? ; number of receive buffers
rcv_len dw ? ; receive buffer length
dhb_len dw ? ; length of transmit buffers
hold_buf db ? ; number of tx buffers
db ? ; reserved
lock_code dw ? ; lock code
id_addr dd ? ; address of id code
ada_blk ends

dir_blk struc ; dir interfce open parms table format
buf_size dw ? ; size of direct station buffer
pool_blks dw ? ; number of 16 byte blocks in buff pool
pool_addr dd ? ; address of direct station buffer pool
chk_exit dd ? ; the rest can be 0 (defaults) for now
stat_exit dd ? ; ring status appendage pointer
err_exit dd ? ; PC error exit
work_addr dd ? ; work area segment value
len_req dw ? ; work area length requested
len_act dw ? ; actual length obtained
dir_blk ends

dlc_blk struc ; dlc interface open parms table format
max_sap db ? ; max number of saps
max_sta db ? ; max number of stations
max_gsap db ? ; max group saps
max_gmem db ? ; max members per group
t1_tick1 db ? ; DLC timer t1 interval
t2_tick1 db ? ; DLC timer t2 interval
TI_tick1 db ? ; DLC timer TI interval
t1_tick2 db ? ; DLC timer t1 group 2
t2_tick2 db ? ; DLC timer t2 group 2
TI_tick2 db ? ; DLC timer TI group 2
dlc_blk ends

mod_blk struc ; modify open parms parameter block
buf_size dw ? ; size of SAP buffers
pool_blks dw ? ; length in 16-byte, of buffer pool
pool_adrs dd ? ; address of direct interface buf pool
chkt_exit dd ? ; appendage, adapter check
stat_exit dd ? ; appendage, ring status
err_exit dd ? ; appendage, PC error exit
new_opts dw ? ; new options (wrap is ignored)
mod_blk ends

tx_blk struc ; transmit.dir.frame parameter block
station dw ? ; defines station sending data
trans_fs db ? ; * stripped FS field (returned)
rsap db ? ; RSAP (remote sap value)
queue_1 dd ? ; address of TX queue 1
queue_2 dd ? ; address of TX queue 2
buf_len_1 dw ? ; length of buffer 1
buf_len_2 dw ? ; length of buffer 2
buffer_1 dd ? ; address of the first transmit buffer
buffer_2 dd ? ; address of the second transmit buffer
tx_blk ends

free_blk struc ; parameters
st_id dw ? ; station id
buf_left dw ? ; returns number of buffers left
resrvd dd ? ;
first_buf dd ? ; address of 1st buffer to free
free_blk ends

get_blk struc ; buffer.get parameters
stn_id dw ? ; station id
buffr_lef dw ? ; buffers left
buff_get db ? ; number of buffers to get
resrv1 db ? ; 3 bytes not used
resrv2 db ?
resrv3 db ?
frst_buff dd ? ; address of buffer obtained
get_blk ends

rx_blk struc ; receive parms
id dw ? ; station id
user_len dw ? ; size of user space in buffer
receiver dd ? ; appendage for received data
first_bf dd ? ; pointer to 1st buffer
opts db ? ; receive options
rx_blk ends

status_blk struc ; parameter table for dir.status
encoded_addr dw ? ; adapters permanent ring address
dd ?
node_adrs dw ? ; ring address set by open
dd ?
group_adrs dd ?
func_adrs dd ?
db ?
dd ?
dw ?
status_blk ends

mac_header struc ; token ring mac header format
AC db ? ; access control byte
FC db ? ; frame control byte
rdupb dest,EADDR_LEN
rdupb source,EADDR_LEN
dsap db ? ; LLC dsap
ssap db ? ; LLC ssap
control db ? ; control byte
ptype db ?
db ? ; SNAP header
db ?
ethtype dw ? ; EtherType
rif dw ? ; optional RIF information
REPT 8 ; segment information
dw ? ; this is not its real position.
ENDM ; this is a variable length field...
mac_header ends

SA_blk struc
rdupb s_addr,EADDR_LEN
RCF db ?
db ?
route dw ?
dw ?
t_mark dd ? ; LRU time marker...
SA_blk ends

ether_hdr struc ; ethernet header format
rdupb ether_dest,EADDR_LEN
rdupb ether_src,EADDR_LEN
ether_type dw ?
ether_hdr ends

first_buffer struc ; Token receive 1st buffer
next_buffer dd ? ; ptr to next buffer
xx1 dw ?
data_size dw ? ; size of user data
db ?
user_data db ?
first_buffer ends

user_data2 = 12 ; 2nd buffer slightly different

;======================= START OF PROGRAM CODE ===============================;

code segment word public
assume cs:code, ds:code

Token_address db EADDR_LEN dup (0) ; holds my address after init.

ccb ccb_blk <> ; scratch CCB
free_ccb ccb_blk <>
tx_parms tx_blk <> ; transmit.dir.frame parms
iparms init_parms <> ; init parms
pool_buff db (pool_size+1)*16 dup (?) ; buffer pool
free_parms free_blk <> ; parameters
get_parms get_blk <> ; buffer.get parameters

rx_ccb ccb_blk <> ; receive CCB
rx_parms rx_blk <> ; receive parms

id_code db 18 dup (0) ; phony product id code
; (a real space saver...)

ada_parm ada_blk <0,0,0,0,0,0,num_rcv_buff,recv_size,tran_size,1,0,0,0>

dir_parm dir_blk <0,pool_size,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>
dlc_parm dlc_blk <0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>
init_parm o_parms <0,0,0,0>
initccb ccb_blk <0,0,0,0,0,0,0>
toke_status status_blk <>

modparms mod_blk <0,pool_size,0,0,0,0,0>
modccb ccb_blk < 0,modify_cmd,0,0,0,0,0>

lan_header mac_header

; SA RIF table has 1 entry in it by default, for the broadcast address.
SA_index dw 1
SA_size dw SA_table_size ; size of table
dw 0 ; parsed from cmd line

SA_delta dw 0 ; delta t for LRU find
dw 0
SA_ord dw 0 ; ordinal for LRU entry

memory_needed dw 0 ; scratch for memory calculation

dir_interrupt proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; Exit: AX = CCB return code ;
clr_struc ccb ; initialize CCB
mov ax,token_card
mov [ccb.adapter],al
mov al,interrupt_cmd
mov [ccb.command],al
call_token ccb ; call the interface
call_wait ccb ; wait for completion
xor ah,ah
mov al,[ccb.returncode] ; return the result in AX
dir_interrupt endp

dir_initialize proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; Exit: ;
; Ah = bring up return code ;
; Al = ccb return code ;
clr_struc ccb ; clear ccb
clr_struc iparms ; clear init parms (defaults)

mov ax,token_card ; assign parameters
mov [ccb.adapter],al
mov al,initialize_cmd ; command....
mov [ccb.command],al

set_ptr ccb.parms,iparms ; link to init parms

call_token ccb ; call the interface
call_wait ccb ; wait for completion

mov ah,byte ptr iparms.bring_ups
mov al,[ccb.returncode]

dir_initialize endp

dir_open_adapter proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; Exit: AX = CCB return code ;
mov ax,token_card ; get adapter number
mov [initccb.adapter],al

mov al,open_cmd
mov [initccb.command],al ; 03h open_adapter command

set_ptr ada_parm.id_addr,id_code
set_ptr dir_parm.pool_addr,pool_buff
set_ptr init_parm.adapt,ada_parm
set_ptr init_parm.dlc,dlc_parm
set_ptr initccb.parms,init_parm

xor al,al
mov [initccb.returncode],al

call_token initccb ; call the interface
call_wait initccb ; wait for completion

xor ah,ah
mov al,[initccb.returncode]

dir_open_adapter endp

dir_close_adapter proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; Exit: AX = CCB return code ;
clr_struc ccb ; clear CCB

mov ax,token_card ; initialize local CCB
mov [ccb.adapter],al
mov al,close_cmd ; close command
mov [ccb.command],al

call_token ccb ; call the interface
call_wait ccb ; wait for completion

xor ah,ah
mov al,[ccb.returncode] ; return the result
dir_close_adapter endp

dir_modify_open proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; Exit: AX = CCB return code ;
mov ax,token_card ; get adapter number
mov [modccb.adapter],al ; command is a constant in ccb

set_ptr modparms.pool_adrs,pool_buff
set_ptr modccb.parms,modparms

xor al,al
mov [modccb.returncode],al

call_token modccb ; call the interface
call_wait modccb ; wait for completion

xor ah,ah
mov al,[modccb.returncode]
dir_modify_open endp

dir_restore_open proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; Exit: AX = CCB return code ;
clr_struc ccb ; initialize CCB

mov ax,token_card
mov [ccb.adapter],al
mov al,restore_cmd ;
mov [ccb.command],al

call_token ccb ; call the interface
call_wait ccb ; wait for completion

xor ah,ah
mov al,[ccb.returncode] ; return the result in AX
dir_restore_open endp

transmit_dir_frame proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; ;
; Stack: ;
; sp+14 dw [usr seg] ;
; sp+12 dw [usr ofs] ;
; sp+10 dw [usrsize] ;
; sp+8 dw [hdr seg] ;
; sp+6 dw [hdr ofs] ;
; sp+4 dw [hdrsize] ;
; sp+2 dw [ret ofs] ;
; sp+0 dw [ bp ] ;
; ;
; Exit: ;
; Ah = stripped FS field ;
; al = CCB return code ;

trans_frame struc ; transmit_dir_frame parms
_x_bp dw ? ; old bp register
_x_ret_ofs dw ? ; near return address
header_size dw ? ; MAC header size
llc_header dd ? ; address of header
user_dsize dw ? ; user data size
user_daddress dd ? ; user data address
trans_frame ends

push bp
mov bp,sp

mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax

clr_struc ccb ; zero the CCB
clr_struc tx_parms ; zero parameters

mov ax,token_card ; initialize local CCB
mov [ccb.adapter],al
mov al,trans_dir_cmd ; transmit.dir.frame
mov [ccb.command],al
; Set up transmit parameters, and link them to
; the CCB...
mov ax,offset tx_parms
mov word ptr [ccb.parms],ax

mov ax,cs
mov word ptr [ccb.parms+2],ax

mov word ptr [tx_parms.station],ax

mov ax,[bp][user_dsize]
mov word ptr [tx_parms.buf_len_2],ax

mov ax,word ptr [bp][user_daddress]
mov word ptr [tx_parms.buffer_2],ax
mov ax,word ptr [bp][user_daddress+2]
mov word ptr [tx_parms.buffer_2+2],ax

mov ax,[bp][header_size]
mov word ptr [tx_parms.buf_len_1],ax

mov ax,word ptr [bp][llc_header]
mov word ptr [tx_parms.buffer_1],ax
mov ax,word ptr [bp][llc_header+2]
mov word ptr [tx_parms.buffer_1+2],ax

call_token ccb ; call the interface
call_wait ccb ; wait for completion

mov ah,[tx_parms.trans_fs]
mov al,[ccb.returncode]

pop bp

ret (SIZE trans_frame)-4 ; (forget bp and ret address)
transmit_dir_frame endp

buffer_free proc
; Entry: ;
; sp+4 [ seg 1st buffer ] ;
; sp+2 [ ofs 1st buffer ] ;
; sp+0 [ bp ] ;
; ;
; Exit: AX = CCB return code ;
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax

push bp
mov bp,sp

clr_struc free_ccb
clr_struc free_parms

mov ax,token_card ; initialize local CCB
mov [free_ccb.adapter],al

mov al,free_ccb_cmd ;
mov [free_ccb.command],al

mov ax,offset free_parms
mov word ptr [free_ccb.parms],ax

mov ax,cs
mov word ptr [free_ccb.parms+2],ax
; Load free_parms to release buffer
mov word ptr [free_parms.st_id],ax

mov ax,word ptr [bp][4]
mov word ptr [free_parms.first_buf],ax
mov ax,word ptr [bp][6]
mov word ptr [free_parms.first_buf+2],ax

call_token free_ccb ; call the interface

xor ah,ah
mov al,[free_ccb.returncode] ; return the result in AX

pop bp

ret 4
buffer_free endp

recv_cancel proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; ;
; Exit: ;
; AX = CCB return code ;
; ;
mov ax,token_card ; initialize local CCB
mov [ccb.adapter],al

mov al,recv_can_cmd ; receive.cancel
mov [ccb.command],al

xor ax,ax ; word/bytes set to 0
mov [ccb.returncode],al
mov [],al
mov word ptr [ccb.pointer],ax
mov word ptr [ccb.pointer+2],ax
mov word ptr [ccb.complt],ax
mov word ptr [ccb.complt+2],ax
mov word ptr [ccb.parms+2],ax

mov word ptr [ccb.parms],ax

call_token ccb ; call the interface
call_wait ccb ; wait for completion

xor ah,ah
mov al,[ccb.returncode] ; return the result in AX

recv_cancel endp

open_receive proc
; Entry: token_card (0 or 1) ;
; ;
; Stack: ;
; sp+6 dw [ret ofs] ;
; sp+4 dw [ bp ] ;
; sp+2 dw [ ds ] ;
; sp+0 dw [ es ] ;
; ;
; Exit: ;
; AX = CCB return code ;
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax

clr_struc rx_ccb
clr_struc rx_parms;

mov ax,token_card ; initialize local CCB
mov [rx_ccb.adapter],al

mov al,open_recv_cmd ; receive
mov [rx_ccb.command],al

mov ax,offset recv_complt
mov word ptr [rx_ccb.complt],ax
mov ax,cs
mov word ptr [rx_ccb.complt+2],ax
; Link receive parameters table
mov ax,offset rx_parms
mov word ptr [rx_ccb.parms],ax
mov ax,cs
mov word ptr [rx_ccb.parms+2],ax

mov word ptr [],ax

mov rx_parms.opts,al

mov ax,offset _receiver
mov word ptr [rx_parms.receiver],ax
mov ax,cs
mov word ptr [rx_parms.receiver+2],ax
; Note: The receive request is submitted, but it doesn't 'complete'
; here. So DON'T wait for a completion code!
call_token rx_ccb ; call the interface

xor ah,ah
mov al,[rx_ccb.returncode] ; return the result
open_receive endp

recv_complt proc
; This procedure is an interrupt routine called by the Token Card
; when receive completion occurs after an error. All it should have
; to do is resubmit the receive request, then exit.
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp

marker E,R
call open_receive ; restart communications

pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
recv_complt endp

recv_frame struc ; stack frame for receiver
RIF_size dw ? ; size of RIF in packet.
user_buff dd ? ; pointer to users buffer
user_size dw ? ; size of buffer needed/used
_BP dw ? ; register set on stack
_ES dw ?
_DS dw ?
_DI dw ?
_SI dw ?
_DX dw ?
_CX dw ?
_BX dw ?
_AX dw ?
recv_frame ends

_receiver proc
; This interrupt procedure is called when the Token Ring
; card has data.
; On entry, ds:si points to the CCB
; es:bx points to the receive first_buffer in the chain.
pushf ; save CPU environment
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp

push ax ; local variables: size of receive data
push ax ; segment of user supplied buffer
push ax ; offset of user supplied buffer
push ax

mov bp,sp ; set stack frame reference

sti ; enable further int activity

marker R,X
; If the source address is mine, ignore the transmission!
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov si,offset Token_address
mov di,bx
add di,user_data+source ; ds:si -> token address
; es:di -> pkt
mov cx,EADDR_LEN
push word ptr es:[di] ; save msb of address

mov al,es:[di]
and al,not_SA_mask ; drop SA indicator
mov es:[di],al ; fix the bit during compare
; patch to fix direction bit problem...
repe cmpsb ; do string compare now
jne not_mine

mov di,bx
add di,user_data+source
pop word ptr es:[di] ; restore token address

jmp drop_buffer ; from me, ignore it!

; es:bx -> 1st receive buffer
mov di,bx
add di,user_data+source
pop word ptr es:[di] ; save MSB of source address

xor ax,ax
mov cx,ax
mov word ptr [bp][RIF_size],ax ; zero RIF size value

mov ax,es
or ax,bx
je got_size
add cx,word ptr es:[bx][data_size]
push word ptr es:[bx][next_buffer]
push word ptr es:[bx][next_buffer+2]
pop es ; ************************
pop bx ; ************************
jmp get_size

sub cx,LLC_info_size ; adjust size for Token

mov ax,word ptr [bp][_ES]
mov es,ax
mov bx,word ptr [bp][_BX] ; get buffer address
mov al,es:[bx][user_data+source]
and al,SA_mask ; if SA, adjust total
je got_no_fix

; How big is the RIF?
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx][user_data+source+EADDR_LEN]
and ax,RIF_size_mask
mov word ptr [bp][RIF_size],ax
; Take away size of RIF. Upper level doesn't get it.
sub cx,ax ; subtract RIF size

; Min Ethersize is RUNT, so check it first, round up if necessary
cmp cx,RUNT
jge no_adjust_cx
mov cx,RUNT

mov word ptr [bp][user_size],cx ; save size of receive data
; Call recv_find to determine if the receiver wants the data,
; and where it should be stored.
mov ax,word ptr [bp][_ES] ; reload segment/offset
mov es,ax
mov di,word ptr [bp][_BX] ; points to E-type in Token
add di,40 ; assumes Buffer 1 format,
add di,word ptr [bp][RIF_size] ; RIF size added now...
; if ARP type, convert hardware address space value back to Ethernet...
mov ax,word ptr es:[di] ; -> EtherType in SNAP
cmp ax,ARP_type ; ARP packet?
jne not_rx_arp
mov ax,ARP_Eth_hwr
mov word ptr es:[di][2],ax ; fix 1st field of data

call recv_find ; es:di -> Snap E-Type, CX = data size

mov word ptr [bp][user_buff],di
mov ax,es
mov word ptr [bp][user_buff+2],ax

or ax,di
jne do_copy
jmp drop_buffer ; if ptr is 0, doesn't want it!
; Copy Token Ring data to users Ethernet format receive buffer.
; Since the upper level wants it, better keep the RIF info in case we
; want to send a return message.
mov ax,word ptr [bp][_ES]
mov ds,ax
mov si,word ptr [bp][_BX]
add si,user_data+source ; 1st byte of source address
call add_entry ; do table maintenance
; Copy data to the users buffer
mov di,word ptr [bp][user_buff] ; Ethernet destination buffer
mov ax,word ptr [bp][user_buff+2]
mov es,ax

mov si,word ptr [bp][_BX] ; Token Ring Source buffer
mov bx,si
mov ax,word ptr [bp][_ES]
mov ds,ax
add si,user_data ; offset to user data
; ds:si points to 1st token buffer
; es:di points to ethernet format buffer

; 1. Copy Token/Ether dest/source field to users buffer
; after stripping off the SA bit in the source address.

mov al,byte ptr ds:[si+source] ;****************
and al,07Fh ;***** NEW ******
mov byte ptr ds:[si+source],al ;****************

mov cx,EADDR_LEN*2 ; 2 address fields
add si,2 ; offset to dest field
rep movsb

add si,LLC_info_size-2 ; assume no RIF,
add si,word ptr [bp][RIF_size] ; compensate for RIF

movsw ; get ethertype

mov cx,[bx][data_size] ; get length of data
sub cx,MAC_hdr_size ; drop MAC header stuff
sub cx,[bp][RIF_size] ; compensate for RIF

rep movsb ; copy rest of data to Ether..
push word ptr [bx][next_buffer]
push word ptr [bx][next_buffer+2]
pop ds
pop si
mov bx,si ; bx is base of buffer
add si,user_data2 ; si offsets to user data
mov cx,[bx][data_size] ; length of user data
mov ax,ds
or ax,bx ; NULL pointer?
jne copy_buffer ; no, keep copying...
; Tell Upper layer I copied the data into his buffer...
mov si,word ptr [bp][user_buff]
mov ax,word ptr [bp][user_buff+2]
mov ds,ax
mov cx,word ptr [bp][user_size]

call recv_copy
; _ES:_BX points to 1st receive buffer, drop it, then exit
mov ax,word ptr [bp][_ES] ; tell Token, drop buffer
mov bx,word ptr [bp][_BX]
push ax
push bx
call buffer_free ; seg:offs of 1st buff on stack

pop ax ; vacuum local variables off
pop ax ; the stack
pop ax
pop ax

pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

marker r,x


_receiver endp

comp_adr proc
; Compare two token address values, set flags without affecting any
; other registers. JE or JNE to test result.
push si
push di
push cx
mov cx,EADDR_LEN
repe cmpsb
pop cx
pop di
pop si
comp_adr endp

make_adr proc
; Given CX as an ordinal (1..n) into the RIF_cache, build the address
; in ES:DI
push ax
push cx
dec cx
xor di,di
cmp cx,0
je make_adr1
add di,SIZE SA_blk ; build index into SA_table
loop make_adr0

mov ax,cs ; segment of table
mov es,ax
add di,offset RIF_cache ; + offset to base of table
pop cx
pop ax
make_adr endp

add_entry proc
; DS:SI -> Token Address, make an entry in the SA routing table
mov cx,EADDR_LEN ; don't add broadcasts to table
push si ; leave the default intact

lodsb ; Broadcast?
cmp al,broadcast_byte
loope add_entry0
pop si
je add_done ; yes...

mov al,ds:[si] ; is it a source route address?
and al,SA_mask
je add_done
; Is it in the table?

call loc_entry
jc add_done ; c = 1, its in the table.
; if its not in the table, try to put it in a 'new' slot...
mov cx,word ptr cs:[SA_index]
cmp cx,word ptr cs:[SA_size]
jne lotsa_room ; room in table, make flat entry
; If no new slots available, determine LRU entry and overwrite it...
push ds ; save initial pointer
push si
call find_lru ; returns cx ordinal into table
pop si ; restore initial pointer
pop ds
jmp do_entry
; Update entry pointer, overwrite a new slot in the table...
lotsa_room: inc cx
mov word ptr cs:[SA_index],cx ; advance the table index

; before entry is made, the broadcast bit must be cleared so bridges
; will leave the segment values alone.

do_entry: mov al,byte ptr ds:[si+EADDR_LEN]
and al,07Fh ; clear broadcast bit
mov byte ptr ds:[si+EADDR_LEN],al

call make_adr ; build destination address
push si
push di
push es
mov cx,SIZE SA_blk
rep movsb ; copy RIF into table
pop es
pop di
pop si
; Put time stamp on the new entry for LRU algorithm
ticks ; cx:dx = ticks count
mov word ptr es:[di+t_mark],dx
mov word ptr es:[di+t_mark+2],cx

add_entry endp

find_lru proc
; locates oldest entry in the RIF_cache, returns the ordinal number in
; CX. The first entry is NEVER chosen because it contains the broadcast
; route predefined in the table!
; CX = 2 .. cs:[SA_size] ( range to be searched )
; SA_delta dword contains time difference for last one checked
; SA_ord word contains the ordinal of the least recently used
xor ax,ax ; zero search variables
mov word ptr cs:[SA_delta],ax
mov word ptr cs:[SA_delta+2],ax
mov word ptr cs:[SA_ord],ax

mov cx,2 ; 1st entry is NEVER touched!

call make_adr ; es:di -> current entry
push cx ; save index
ticks ; cx:dx = current ticks
sub cx,word ptr es:[di+t_mark+2] ; ticks = mark
sbb dx,word ptr es:[di+t_mark]
; if the result < 0, then ticks went past midnight. Add 24 hrs in
; ticks to get the real delta t.
jge _no_fix
add cx,((hrs24 shr 16) and 0ffffh) ; longint to fix delta t
adc dx,(hrs24 and 0ffffh) ; add 24 hours in ticks to

; If the result is greater than the stored SA_delta, replace it with
; this entry, then continue the loop...
push cx ; save hi/low delta t result
push dx
sub cx,word ptr cs:[SA_delta+2]
sbb dx,word ptr cs:[SA_delta]
jl _no_replace

; replace SA_ord and SA_delta with entry that has been around longer
pop cs:[SA_delta] ; pull lo/hi delta t result
pop cs:[SA_delta+2]
pop cx ; get ordinal...
mov word ptr cs:[SA_ord],cx ; replace SA_ord...
jmp _next_find

pop cx
pop cx
pop cx

inc cx
cmp cx,word ptr cs:[SA_size]
jle find_loop
jmp _find_exit

mov cx,SA_ord ; return ordinal of LRU

find_lru endp

loc_entry proc
; DS:SI -> Token Address, locate entry in the SA routing table
; ES:DI -> SA information in table, if carry is set.
mov cx,word ptr cs:[SA_index] ; any entries in table?
cmp cx,0
je loc_done

call make_adr ; build address into table
call comp_adr ; compare Token Addresses
je loc_found ; if matches, in table
loop loc_entry0


loc_found: ; ES:DI points to matching entry
ticks ; cx:dx = ticks value for
mov word ptr es:[di+t_mark],dx ; refresh of existing
mov word ptr es:[di+t_mark+2],cx ; entry...


loc_entry endp

;=================== DRIVER CODE =============================================
; Token Ring Card number, parsed from command line
token_card dw 0 ; default adapter number 0
dw 0 ; this prevents type error.

toke_ad_name db "Adapter (0 or 1) ",'$'
toke_sa_name db " RIF Cache Size: ",'$'

dir_open_mode db 0 ; set <> 0 if modify_open used
msg_initialize db " INIT: Initializing the adapter...",CR,LF,'$'
msg_opening db " Opening the adapter...",CR,LF,'$'
msg_complete db " IBMTOKEN - Initialization complete.",CR,LF,'$'
msg_bad_adapter db "ERROR: adapter must be 0 or 1.",CR,LF,'$'
no_mem_cache db "ERROR: RIF_cache value out of range!",CR,LF
msg_bad_init db "ERROR: Initialization Failed.",CR,LF
db " Installation aborted!",CR,LF,'$'
msg_receiving db " Starting receiver process...",CR,LF,'$'

public int_no
int_no db 0,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.

public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
driver_class db BLUEBOOK,0 ;from the packet spec
driver_type db 1 ;from the packet spec
driver_name db 'IBMTokenR',0 ;name of the driver.
driver_function db 2

parameter_list label byte
db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
db 14 ;length of parameter list
db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
;processing, 0 == none,

public rcv_modes
rcv_modes dw 4 ;number of receive modes in our table.
dw 0,0,0,rcv_mode_3

sp_frame struc
__bp dw ?
u_size dw ?
u_data dd ?
u_snap dw ?
sp_frame ends

public as_send_pkt
; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
; interrupts possibly enabled.
; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.

public drop_pkt
; Drop a packet from the queue.
; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
assume ds:nothing

public xmit
; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
; back-to-back packet transmissions.
; May only use ax and dx.
assume ds:nothing

public send_pkt
;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
assume ds:nothing
marker T,X

; construct local stack frame
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si][ether_type]
push ax
push ds ; pointer to user data packet
mov ax,si
add ax,SIZE ether_hdr
push ax ; adjusted userdata pointer
sub cx,SIZE ether_hdr ; adjust size for send
push cx
push bp
mov bp,sp ; use sp_frame for reference

mov ax,cs ; set dest pointer to LLC header
mov es,ax

mov di,offset lan_header.dest
mov cx,EADDR_LEN*2 ; copy dest|source fields
rep movsb
; ds:si -> dest address, locate it in the SA RIF table
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov si,offset lan_header.dest ; building LAN header info here

; Set bit 7 of address, force lookup in table. If it is found, add RIF,
; otherwise, assume the local net.

mov al,byte ptr ds:[si]
or al,080h
mov byte ptr ds:[si],al

call loc_entry
jc send_pkt1 ; yes, copy out RIF information
; add the rest of the fields to the LLC header, and set the size
; for the transmit call.
mov al,byte ptr ds:[si] ; dest address 1st byte,
; lop off SA bit
and al,not_SA_mask
mov byte ptr ds:[si],al

mov al,byte ptr ds:[si][EADDR_LEN] ; force U bit high
or al,080h
mov byte ptr ds:[si][EADDR_LEN],al

add si,EADDR_LEN*2 ; point after dest/source addrs.
mov ax,es
mov bx,ds
mov ds,ax
mov es,bx
xchg si,di

; addresses acquired from ARP default to broadcast mode, using phony
; RIF info so the bridge will pass the packet along.
mov ax,phony_RIF ; copy phony RIF to LLC buffer,
cld ; so 'local' can cross bridge..
jmp send_pkt2

; source/dest address need to be adjusted for routing.
mov cx,EADDR_LEN
push si

mov al,byte ptr ds:[si]
inc si
cmp al,broadcast_byte
loope send_pkt3
pop si
je send_pkt4 ; broadcast address?

mov al,byte ptr ds:[si] ; dest, lop off SA bit
and al,not_SA_mask
mov byte ptr ds:[si],al

mov al,byte ptr ds:[si][EADDR_LEN]
or al,SA_mask ; set SA bit for RIF
mov byte ptr ds:[si][EADDR_LEN],al

add si,EADDR_LEN*2 ; ds:si -> dest for RIF info.
add di,EADDR_LEN ; es:di -> RIF info, addr fld

mov bx,si ; keep RIF pos in LLC header

mov ax,word ptr es:[di] ; get rif info
and ax,RIF_size_mask ; get length of RIF
mov cx,ax
mov ax,es
mov dx,ds
mov ds,ax
mov es,dx
xchg si,di
rep movsb

; Got RIF, fix direction bit.
mov al,es:[bx][1] ; RIF+1 = dir bit location
xor al,RIF_dir_bit ; change direction
mov es:[bx][1],al

; es:di -> target in LLC for the rest of the header,
; add LLC and SNAP information.
mov ax,LLC_SSAP_DSAP ; build LLC portion
mov al,LLC_CON
xor ax,ax ; 3 bytes for Ptype in SNAP
mov ax,word ptr [bp][u_snap]
; header is complete.
sub di,offset lan_header ; calculate size of LLC header
; stack parameters for Transmit
pop bp

mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax ; set ds for transmit entry
push ax
mov ax,offset lan_header
push ax
push di

; If Users data is an ARP packet, 0806 type, then the 1st field
; must be changed from 0001 to 0006 for Token Ring broadcast, or
; no one will respond. Funny, eh? Another thing. Since an ARP
; packet is smaller than the min size for Ethernet, the caller rounds
; up the size. I have to change it back, or some Token hosts won't
; ARP for me. The nerve!
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,word ptr [bp][14] ; offset to ARP type on stack...
pop bp

cmp ax,ARP_type ; network byte order is backwards
jne not_tx_arp
; The first field of the ARP data has to be changed from 0001 to 0006
push bp ; use trans_frame
push bp ; dummy entry on stack...
mov bp,sp
mov ax,word ptr [bp][user_daddress+2] ; addr of user data
mov es,ax
mov di,word ptr [bp][user_daddress]

mov ax,ARP_Tok_hwr
mov word ptr es:[di],ax ; change ARP type to 0006

mov ax,ARP_packet_size ; 28 bytes in an ARP packet
mov word ptr [bp][user_dsize],ax ; reset users data size

pop bp ; pop fake return address
pop bp ; pop real bp

call transmit_dir_frame ; send the packet

pop ax ; vacuum

public get_address
;get the address of the interface.
;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
assume ds:code
push di
push es
push cx

mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
clr_struc ccb
clr_struc toke_status

mov ax,token_card ; set adapter number
mov [ccb.adapter],al
mov al,get_status_cmd ; get status returns address
mov ccb.command,al
mov ax,offset toke_status
mov word ptr [ccb.parms],ax
mov ax,ds
mov word ptr [ccb.parms+2],ax

call_token ccb
call_wait ccb

mov si,offset toke_status.node_adrs
pop cx
pop es
pop di
cmp cx,EADDR_LEN ; got the room for it?
jb get_address_fail

mov cx,EADDR_LEN
rep movsb
mov cx,EADDR_LEN


public set_address
;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
assume ds:nothing

;receive mode 3 is the only one we support, so we don't have to do anything.

public set_multicast_list
;enter with es:di ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of bytes.
;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.

public get_multicast_list
;return with nc, es:di ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of bytes.
;return cy, NO_ERROR if we don't remember all of the addresses ourselves.
;return cy, NO_MULTICAST if we don't implement multicast.
; DEBUG: get_multicast_list reports RIF accress instead, so I can
; check its contents from UL.
IF debug NE 0

mov ax,cs
mov _RES[bp],ax
mov ax,offset RIF_cache
mov _RDI[bp],ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:SA_index
mov _RCX[bp],ax

public reset_interface
;reset the interface.
assume ds:code

;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
extrn recv_find: near

;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
extrn recv_copy: near

extrn count_in_err: near
extrn count_out_err: near

public recv
;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
assume ds:code

public terminate
call recv_cancel ; shut down call-backs
call dir_close_adapter ; close out the adapter

public recv_exiting
;called from the recv isr after interrupts have been acknowledged.
;Only ds and ax have been saved.
assume ds:nothing

;============================== RIF Cache ==============================;
; The RIF_cache starts here. Code appearing after the RIF cache ;
; will be lost after initialization. It becomes part of the RIF ;
; cache area, or is released back to DOS. The program code and ;
; RIF_cache form a contiguous block in memory. The first entry ;
; in the cache is for the broadcast address. This entry is NEVER ;
; bumped from the cache! ;

SA_blk <0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,82h,0A0h,0>

public usage_msg
usage_msg db CR,LF
db "usage: IBMTOKEN ",CR,LF,LF
db "where: packet_int_no is the interrupt vector",CR,LF
db " adapter is adapter 0 or 1",CR,LF
db " RIF_cache is number of hosts in RIF cache",CR,LF,CR,LF
db " note: IBM (tm) LAN Support Program required.",CR,LF,'$'

public copyright_msg
copyright_msg db CR,LF,"Token Ring Driver (3C501 emulation) Version "
db '0'+majver,".",'0'+version,CR,LF
IF alpha NE 0
db "ALPHA TEST VERSION ",'0'+alpha_ver,CR,LF
db "portions -",CR,LF
db "Copyright 1989, Queens University",CR,LF
db "Computing and Communications Services",CR,LF
db "Written by Brian Fisher",CR,LF
IF debug NE 0
db "*** DEBUG VERSION ***",CR,LF
db LF,LF
db '$'

extrn set_recv_isr: near

;enter with si -> argument string, di -> wword to store.
;if there is no number, don't change the number.
extrn get_number: near

public parse_args
; si points to next argument of command line...
mov di,offset token_card ; next argument is card number
call get_number
jc _parse_exit
mov di,offset SA_size ; see if cache size ok...
call get_number
_parse_exit: clc

et_error: ; token adapter number out of range
;if we got an error,
print$ msg_bad_adapter

sa_error: ; RIF cache allocation problem
; if no memory for SA table,
print$ no_mem_cache

call dir_close_adapter ; make sure adapter is closed
print$ msg_bad_init

public etopen
; Initialize the IBM Token Ring Adapter, determine memory requirements
; for the RIF_cache.
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
assume cs:code, ds:code

mov ax,token_card ; check card parm for range
cmp ax,1
jg et_error
cmp ax,0
jl et_error ; less than zero?

mov ax,cs:[SA_size] ; is the requested RIF cache
cmp ax,SA_min_size ; size in range?
jl SA_error
cmp ax,SA_max_size
jg SA_error

mov bx,SIZE SA_blk ; multiply to get bytes needed
imul bx
add ax,(offset RIF_cache)+15 ; offset + round up value
adc dx,0
jne SA_error ; dx <> 0, way out of range!

mov cs:[memory_needed],ax ; bytes needed for code+RIF

; Note: If a memory allocation error occurs when this init routine
; returns, the system will crash because the call backs are already
; defined for LAN Support. I do a resize here, just to verify that
; it will work.
add ax,15
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
mov bx,ax
mov ax,cs ; get segment
mov es,ax
mov ah,4Ah ; resize memory block
int 21h
jc SA_error ; c=1, error doing memory

print$ msg_initialize ; initialize the adapter
call dir_initialize
cmp ax,0
jne et_init_error

print$ msg_opening ; open the adapter
call dir_open_adapter
cmp ax,0
jne et_init_error

print$ msg_receiving ; set up receive routines
call open_receive
cmp ax,0ffh
jne et_init_error ; no receive open...

print$ msg_complete ; card ready to go

mov ax,cs
mov es,ax ; get Token Address for _receiver
mov di,offset Token_address
mov ds,ax
mov cx,6
call get_address

;if all is okay, tell caller how much memory I want...
mov dx,cs:[memory_needed]

public print_parameters

code ends

;* End of file: IBMTOKEN.ASM *

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : TCP_SRC.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: