Category : Network Files
Archive   : TCP_SRC.ZIP
Filename : DEFS.ASM
MAX_ADDR_LEN equ 16 ;maximum number of bytes in our address.
MAX_HANDLE equ 10 ;maximum number of handles.
MAX_P_LEN equ 8 ;maximum type length
MAX_MULTICAST equ 8 ;maximum number of multicast addresses.
; Copyright, 1988, 1989, Russell Nelson
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
HT equ 09h
CR equ 0dh
LF equ 0ah
; Packet Driver Error numbers
NO_ERROR equ 0 ;no error at all.
BAD_HANDLE equ 1 ;invalid handle number
NO_CLASS equ 2 ;no interfaces of specified class found
NO_TYPE equ 3 ;no interfaces of specified type found
NO_NUMBER equ 4 ;no interfaces of specified number found
BAD_TYPE equ 5 ;bad packet type specified
NO_MULTICAST equ 6 ;this interface does not support
CANT_TERMINATE equ 7 ;this packet driver cannot terminate
BAD_MODE equ 8 ;an invalid receiver mode was specified
NO_SPACE equ 9 ;operation failed because of
;insufficient space
TYPE_INUSE equ 10 ;the type had previously been accessed,
;and not released.
BAD_COMMAND equ 11 ;the command was out of range, or not
CANT_SEND equ 12 ;the packet couldn't be sent (usually
;hardware error)
CANT_SET equ 13 ;hardware address couldn't be changed
;(more than 1 handle open)
BAD_ADDRESS equ 14 ;hardware address has bad length or
CANT_RESET equ 15 ;Couldn't reset interface (more than
;1 handle open).
BAD_IOCB equ 16 ;an invalid iocb was specified
;a few useful Ethernet definitions.
RUNT equ 60 ;smallest legal size packet, no fcs
GIANT equ 1514 ;largest legal size packet, no fcs
EADDR_LEN equ 6 ;Ethernet address length.
IEEE8023 equ 11
;The following two macros are used to manipulate port addresses.
;Use loadport to initialize dx. Use setport to set a specific port on
;the board. setport remembers what the current port number is, but beware!
;setport assumes that code is being executed in the same order as the
;code is presented in the source file. Whenever this assumption is violated,
;you need to enter another loadport. Some, but not all examples are:
;in a loop with multiple setports, or a backward jump over a setport, or
;a forward jump over a setport. If you have any doubt, consult the
;individual driver sources for examples of usage. If you suspect that
;you have too few loadports, define the symbol "no_confidence" to a
;one. This will force a loadport before every setport. If you wish to turn
;it off for some of your code, redefine it to a zero.
loadport macro
mov dx,io_addr
port_no = 0
;change the port number from the current value to the new value.
setport macro new_port_no
ifdef no_confidence ;define if you suspect that you don't
if no_confidence
loadport ; have enough loadports, i.e. dx is
endif ; set to the wrong port.
if new_port_no - port_no EQ 1
inc dx
if new_port_no - port_no EQ -1
dec dx
if new_port_no - port_no NE 0
add dx,new_port_no - port_no
port_no = new_port_no
segmoffs struc ; defines offs as 0, segm as 2
offs dw ?
segm dw ?
segmoffs ends
CY equ 0001h
EI equ 0200h
iocb struc ; as_send_pkt structure
buffer dd ? ; Pointer to the buffer
len dw ? ; Its length
flags db ? ; Some flags
ret_code db ? ; Completion code
upcall dd ? ; I/O completion upcall
next dd ? ; Private next pointer (queue)
resv db 4 dup (?) ; Unused private data
iocb ends
DONE equ 1 ; I/O complete flag
CALLME equ 2 ; Please upcall me flag
send_queueempty macro
; Check if send queue is empty.
; Enter with interrupts disabled.
; Exit with zr (zero) if empty, nz (not zero) if not.
; Destroys ax.
mov ax, word ptr send_head ; Queue empty?
or ax, word ptr send_head+2
send_peekqueue macro
; Peek into the queue and get the next entry.
; Enter with interrupts disabled.
; Exit with es:di -> iocb.
les di, send_head ; Get head segment:offset
; Bits in sys_features
MICROCHANNEL equ 02 ; a micro channel computer
TWO_8259 equ 40h ; 2nd 8259 exists
; Bits in flagbyte
CALLED_ETOPEN equ 1 ; have called etopen
D_OPTION equ 2 ; delayed initialization
N_OPTION equ 4 ; Novell protocol conversion
W_OPTION equ 8 ; Windows upcall checking.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: