Category : Network Files
Archive   : PSERV1.ZIP
Filename : PSERV1.DOC

Output of file : PSERV1.DOC contained in archive : PSERV1.ZIP
This README file of PSERV1.ZIP for NetWare v3.11 and v2.2. The
following files are included for this revision:

pserver.vap 64994 7-10-91 12:58p
pserver.exe 108184 7-10-91 12:49p
pserver.nlm 50358 7-10-91 1:26p
rprinter.exe 92378 2-06-91 7:39a
pserv1.doc (This file)

PSERVER.VAP - This new VAP is intended for NetWare 286 v2.15c and
above. This VAP fixes a bug that causes the rewind option to return to
the beginning of a document, ignoring the page number specified by
the user. This problem occurs when in text mode.

This new VAP also addresses a problem of tabs not working properly.

This new VAP contains the auto load feature which allows an
unattended load of the pserver.vap. This auto-load feature will
only be available on a NetWare 2.2 File Server.


- When running this new pserver.vap on a NW 2.2 server the VAP
will prompt you for the Print Server name the first time the
VAP is loaded. From that point on the pserver.vap will
remember the Print Server Name until the name is cleared.

- To CLEAR a Print Server Name the user will simply type:


at the console prompt on the NW 2.2 File Server. This will
cause the pserver.vap to prompt the user for a Print Server
Name on the next load of the pserver.vap.

PSERVER.EXE - This new EXE is intended for users of NetWare 386
v3.11 and NetWare 286 v2.2 to load a print server on a dedicated
workstation. This new PSERVER.EXE fixes a possible bug that could
create data corruption when printing large graphics documents with
serial and parallel printers. Although this bug has not been seen
with the EXE, it has been known to occur with PSERVER.NLM. This
problem is created by a special condition which causes the pointer
to override the print buffer. As a result, garbage characters are
printed in the middle of a document. Once the block of bad data is
printed, the printer resumes printing the document as it should.

This new EXE also addresses a problem of the rewind function not
working correctly when in text mode. It was also found that tabs
were not working correctly in the previous release. This issue has
been fixed in this update.

PSERVER.NLM - This new NLM is intended for NetWare 386 v3.11 and
fixes a bug that when printing large graphics documents with serial
and parallel printers. This problem is created by a special
condition which causes the pointer to override the print buffer. As
a result, garbage characters are printed in the middle of a
document. Once the block of bad data is printed, the printer
resumes printing the document as it should.

This new NLM also addresses a problem of the rewind function not
working correctly when in text mode.

These fixes will be incorporated in future versions of NetWare.

NOTE: Refer to your Print Server documentation for more
instructions and information on how to install the Print Server and
for further information on features.


Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to
any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or
implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a
particular purpose.

Distribution of any NetWare software is forbidden without the
express written consent of Novell, Inc. Further, Novell reserves
the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare software.

Novell is not responsible for lost profits or revenue, loss of use
of the software, loss of data, costs of re-creating lost data, the
cost of any substitute equipment or program, or claims by any party
other than you. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before
any software is installed. Technical support for this software
may be provided at the discretion of Novell.

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : PSERV1.ZIP
Filename : PSERV1.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: