Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11B.ZIP
Filename : NI6510.ASM

Output of file : NI6510.ASM contained in archive : PKTD11B.ZIP
version equ 1

; Copyright, 1990-1992, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software

; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

comment /

I found a problem when using the Interlan NI6510 Packet Driver with 16 bit DMA.
I looked at the source and I think I found the bug. I've tested the fixed code
and it seems to work fine for all possible DMA settings, at least over here.

Anto Prijosoesilo,
Network & Microcomputer Consultant,
University of North Texas Computing Center,
Denton, Texas


.286 ;the 6510 requires a 286.

include defs.asm

DATA_REG equ 0
ADDR_REG equ 2
RESET equ 4
CONFIG equ 5
EBASE equ 8

code segment para public
assume cs:code, ds:code

public int_no
int_no db 2,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.
io_addr dw -1,-1
dma_no db ?,0,0,0

public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
driver_class db BLUEBOOK, IEEE8023, 0 ;from the packet spec
driver_type db 35 ;from the packet spec
driver_name db 'NI6510',0 ;name of the driver.
driver_function db 2 ;basic, extended
parameter_list label byte
db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
db 14 ;length of parameter list
db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
dw RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT-1 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
dw TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT-1 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
;processing, 0 == none,

reset_lance macro
setport RESET
out dx,al

include lance.asm

public usage_msg
usage_msg db "usage: ni6510 [options] ",CR,LF,'$'
no_board_msg db "No NI6510 detected.",CR,LF,'$'
have_eb_msg db "Use the NE2100 packet driver instead.",CR,LF,'$'
io_addr_funny_msg label byte
db "No NI6510 detected, continuing anyway.",CR,LF,'$'
bad_reset_msg db "Unable to reset the NI6510.",CR,LF,'$'
bad_init_msg db "Unable to initialize the NI6510.",CR,LF,'$'
no_memory_msg db "Unable to allocate enough memory, look at end_resident in NI6510.ASM",CR,LF,'$'

public copyright_msg
copyright_msg db "Packet driver for a Racal Interlan NI6510, version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+lance_version,".",'0'+version,CR,LF
db '$'

int_nos db 9, 12, 15, 5 ;interrupt numbers.
dma_nos db 0, 3, 5, 6 ;dma channel numbers

public parse_args
;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
assume ds:code
mov di,offset int_no
call get_number
mov di,offset io_addr
call get_number

cmp io_addr,-1 ;Did they ask for auto-detect?
je find_board

call detect_ni6510 ;no, just verify its existance.
je find_board_found
call detect_eb
je find_board_eb

mov dx,offset io_addr_funny_msg
mov ah,9
int 21h

jmp find_board_found

mov io_addr,300h ;Search for the Ethernet address.
mov io_addr+2,0
call detect_ni6510
je find_board_found
call detect_eb
je find_board_eb
add io_addr,20h ;not at this port, try another.
cmp io_addr,360h
jbe find_board_0

mov dx,offset no_board_msg ;Tell them that we can't find it.
mov dx,offset have_eb_msg ;Tell them to use ne2100.

loadport ;get the configuration register and
setport CONFIG ; determine the interrupt number.
in al,dx
shr al,2
and al,3
mov bl,al
xor bh,bh
mov al,int_nos[bx]
mov int_no,al

;This routine will put the (host) DMA controller into
;cascade mode of operation.

in al,dx ;get the dma channel field.
and al,3
mov bl,al
xor bh,bh
mov al,dma_nos[bx]
mov dma_no,al


;test to see if a board is located at io_addr.
;return nz if not.
setport EBASE
in al,dx ;Check for Interlan's prefix word.
cmp al,2
jne detect_ni6510_exit

setport EBASE+1
in al,dx
cmp al,7
jne detect_ni6510_exit

setport EBASE+EADDR_LEN ;first byte following should be 0
in al,dx
cmp al,0
jne detect_ni6510_exit

setport EBASE+EADDR_LEN+1 ;second byte should be 55h
in al,dx
cmp al,55h

;test to see if an EtherBlaster board is located at io_addr.
;return nz if not.
setport 0
in al,dx ;Check for Interlan's prefix word.
cmp al,2
jne detect_eb_exit

setport 1
in al,dx

cmp al,7

code ends


  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11B.ZIP
Filename : NI6510.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: