Category : Network Files
Archive   : NET_TIME.ZIP

Output of file : SRVCLOCK.ASM contained in archive : NET_TIME.ZIP
; srvclock.asm - From PC Magazine . August '87, pp468-470
; A background task for use on any AT running NETBIOS. This routine will
; get and send its date and time information to any node executing
; NETCLOCK.EXE. NETCLOCK.EXE then installs the received date and time in the
; node. Since SRVCLOCK.EXE reads th AT's CMOS RAM directly, it works only on
; ATs
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah

cseg segment para public 'code'
net proc far
assume cs:cseg,ds:netdata,ss:stack,es:netdata
push ds
xor ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,netdata
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; dealocate block containing environment
mov ah,62h ; get program segment prefix
int 21h ; address
push ds ; save old data segment
mov ds,bx ; mov PSP segment to DS - rsb
mov es,ds:02ch ; move the block address
mov ah,49h ; containing the enviroment
int 21h ; and deallocate it
pop ds ; restore DS
mov ax,ds ;
mov es,ax ; and ES
; netbios add name call (waits for completion)
add_name: mov command,30h ; Command 30H adds a neme
mov bx,offset mcb ; point BX at MCB
int 5ch ; call netbios
cmp retcode,00h ; check for success
je prep_res ; prepare for TSR if good
mov dx,offset add_err ; else write errro message
jmp error ; name that was not successful
mov dx,30h ; number of paragraphs for
; terminate and stay resident
; do netbios listen posting into get_clock, then tsr
mov command,91h ; Move listen to MCB no wait
mov post@,offset get_clock ; and post at get clock
mov post@+2,cs ; routine
mov bx,offset mcb ; point BX to MCB
int 5ch ; netbios call
cmp al,00h ; check for good return
je go_res ; if good, make resident
mov dx,offset lsn_err ; else write error
jmp error ;
go_res: mov ah,31h ; DOS terminate and stay
int 21h ; resident
; this listen is returned to after a opost into get_clock
listen: mov command,91h ; Move listen to MCB
mov post@,offset get_clock ; also posts to clock
mov post@+2,cs ; routine
mov bx,offset mcb ; point BX to block
int 5ch ; NETBIOS call
sti ; restore interrupts
iret ; and return
; get date and time to send to requesting node
get_clock: cli ; cut off interrupts
mov ax,es ; ES is restored by network
mov ds,ax ; use to restore DS
xor ax,ax ; clear AX
mov al,09 ; 09 = Year
out 70h,al ; Real time clock at 70H
in al,71h ; returns at 71H
call bcd2bin ; convert to binary
add ax,76ch ; add 1900 decimal, only works
; until 1999
mov year,ax ; load buffer with year

xor ax,ax ; get month
mov al,08 ;
out 70h,al ;
in al,71h ;
call bcd2bin ;
mov month,al ;

xor ax,ax ; get date of month
mov al,07 ;
out 70h,al ;
in al,71h ;
call bcd2bin ;
mov day,al ;

xor ax,ax ; get hours
mov al,04 ;
out 70h,al ;
in al,71h ;
call bcd2bin ;
mov hours,al ;

xor ax,ax ; get minutes
mov al,02 ;
out 70h,al ;
in al,71h ;
call bcd2bin ;
mov minutes,al ;

xor ax,ax ; get seconds
mov al,00 ;
out 70h,al ;
in al,71h ;
call bcd2bin ;
mov seconds,al ;
; send clock data to requesting node using a netbios send
mov buffer@,offset clock ; point to clock data area
mov buffer@+2,ds ; insure correct segment
mov buf_length,8 ; clock takes 8 byees
mov command,14h ; 14H=send and wait
mov bx,offset mcb ; point to MCB
int 5ch ; NETBIOS

hangup: mov command,12h ; 12H=hangup
mov bx,offset mcb ; point BX
int 5ch ; NETBIOS call

mov si,offset fill_name ; fill name=listen any
mov di,offset callname ; move to call name
mov cx,0fh ; names are 16 bytes
repnz movsb ;
jmp listen ; back to waiting for call
; error message, failed before coming resident
error: mov ah,09h ; display error message
int 21h ; if routine fails before
; becoming resident
mov command,12h ; hang up session if any
mov bx,offset mcb ; point BX
int 5ch ; NETBIOS call
quit: ret ;

net endp

; procedure to convert time as delivered from CMOS clodk (binary coded decimal)
; to binary (as used by DOS function calls and NETCLOCK) (returns in AL)
bcd2bin proc near
push ax ; save contents
and al,0f0h ; clear out low nibble
shr al,1 ; divide by 16
shr al,1 ; so that hi nibble
shr al,1 ; is now in
shr al,1 ; lo position
mov bl,al ; hold in al
shl al,1 ; multiply by ten, two here
shl al,1 ; four
shl al,1 ; eight
add al,bl ; nine
add al,bl ; ten
pop bx ; get previous AX contents
and bl,0fh ; clear out hi nibble
add al,bl ; add to total
bcd2bin endp

cseg ends
; message data
netdata segment para public 'data'
add_err db cr,lf,'"add name" command failed',cr,lf,'$'
lsn_err db cr,lf,'"listen" command failed',cr,lf,'$'
fill_name db '* '
; message control area
clock equ $
year dw 0000h
month db 00h
day db 00h
hours db 00h
minutes db 00h
seconds db 00h
hundredths db 00h
; message control block
mcb equ $
command db 00h
retcode db 00h
lsn db 00h
num db 00h
buffer@ dw 0000h
dw 0000h
buf_length dw 0000h
callname db '* '
our_name db 'srv_clock '
rto db 00h
sto db 00h
post@ dw 0000h
dw 0000h
adapter_num db 00h
cmd_stat db 00h
reserve db 14 dup(0)

netdata ends
stack segment para stack 'stack'
db 32 dup('stack ')
stack ends

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : NET_TIME.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: