Dec 282017
Netware Bindery Listing.
File MBIND.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Network Files
Netware Bindery Listing.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BINDERY.DOC 890 450 deflated
BINDERY.EXE 44798 25135 deflated

Download File MBIND.ZIP Here

Contents of the BINDERY.DOC file

BINDERY - NetWare Bindery Listing V1.16
(c) Copyright Manth-Brownell, Inc. 1992
All Rights Reserved
Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.

Tim Schwab (CIS ID 76344,1533)
Manth-Brownell, Inc.
P.O. Box 59
Kirkville, NY 13082

Usage: BINDERY [/?] [/P] [/X(Object ID)] [/T(Type)] [/B] [Object Name]
/? - Show this screen
/P - Pause output at end of each screen
/X - Bindery Object ID (hexadecimal)
/T - Bindery Object Type (hexadecimal)
/B - Brief mode (objects only)
Object Name - Bindery Object Name

Bindery.exe currently detects 37 object types. If your bindery contains
UNKNOWN bindery object types, drop me a note at 76344,1533 so I can
include your objects in future versions of bindery.exe.

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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