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Finally, there's a MUM to clean-up after you at work!

by Bruce and Shawn Holmstead
Holmstead Partners, Copyright (c) 1992.
All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Program Description 3
Changes in version 1.2 3

Chapter 1: Adding Users 4
How MUM Adds Users 4
Text File Format for Adding Users 4
A Note About Text File Format 5
Checking the Text File for Errors 5
Examples of Adding Users 5
Creating Templates 6
Setting Account Restrictions using Templates 6
Adding Options 7
Username and Full Name Options 7
Password Options 7
Type of Run Options--Adding 8
Viewing Created, Not Created and MakeUser.rpt Lists 8

Chapter 2: Deleting Users 9
Deleting Users using a File 9
Deleting Members of a Group 10
Deleting Disabled Accounts 10
Deleting All Expired Accounts 10
Deleting Directories 10
Type of Run Options--Deleting 11
Viewing Deleted, Not Deleted and MakeUser.rpt Lists 11

Chapter 3: Modifying Users 12
User Restrictions that can be Changed 12
Changing All Users 13
Changing a Group of Users 13
Changing Users with Old Expiration Dates 13
Changing Users with Old Login Dates 13
Changing Users Listed in a Text File 13

Chapter 4: Generating User Information Lists 14
User Restrictions that can be Displayed 14
Generating Lists for All Users 14
Generating Lists for a Group of Users 14
Generating Lists for Users with Old Expiration
and Login Dates 14
Generating Lists for Users Listed in a Text File 15

Chapter 5: Command Line/Batch File Usage 16
Why MUM drops to DOS to perform operations 16
MassMode format for ADDING USERS 16
MassMode format for DELETING USERS 16

Chapter 6: Getting Help or Service 17
Questions about MUM 17
Upgrades/Updates 17

List of Tables
Table 1: Sample text file 4
Table 2: Requirements for users 5
Table 3: Sample generated data 9


Program Description:

Mass User Management (MUM) facilitates the management of four critical areas
system managers frequently encounter. These include adding, deleting,
updating and monitoring user accounts.

You must be a SUPERVISOR equivalent for Mass User Management to function
properly. Certain information in the bindery can only be accessed by a
SUPERVISOR equivalent.

Mass User Management will allow system managers to do the following:

1) Add large numbers of users from lists generated by a database, spreadsheet
or word processing program. Mass User Management will verify names of
existing users and add those who do not have accounts.
2) Delete users from a text file listing usernames, a certain group, disabled
accounts and expired accounts.
3) Modify user restrictions for all users, users in a certain group, users
with expirations dates older than a specified date, users with login dates
older than a specified date and users in a text file.
4) Generate Lists of user restrictions for all users, users in a certain
group, users with expirations dates older than a specified date, users with
login dates older than a specified date and users in a text file.

Changes in Version 1.2:

1) The password options have been expanded to allow supervisors to provide
their own passwords while adding users. An additional password field can
now be included in the text file used to add accounts. See Password
Options for more information.
2) Under the "Delete" menu, a menu item entitled "Delete Directories" was
added to allow supervisors to delete ALL trustee directory assignments of
users that were deleted using MUM. This option will delete the trustee
directories, their files, and sub-directories. Note that this option will
delete all files including hidden and read-only files in the trustee
directories given. We recommend using caution when using this new option.
See Deleting Directories for more information.
3) Under all deleting options, supervisors can now execute a mock deleting
run. This can be used to get a listing of trustee directory assignments.
See Type of Run Options--Deleting for more details.
4) Under all menu items on the "Modify" menu, supervisors can now modify
user's account balance and low limit or add to the current account balance.
See User Restrictions that can be Modified for more information.
5) Also under all menu items on the "Modify" menu, supervisors can now modify
user's volume restrictions for any or all volumes. See User Restrictions
that can be Modified for more information.
6) Under all menu items on the "Lists" menu, supervisors can now display
user's current account balance and low limit. See User Restrictions that
can be Displayed for more information.
7) Also under all menu items on the "Lists" menu, supervisors can now display
user's current volume restrictions and current disk space in use for all
volumes on the server. See User Restrictions that can be Displayed for
more information.
8) MassMode (MassUser's child program) has a completely new user interface
that facilitates error checking and keeps supervisors completely informed
of MUM's progress.
9) Some general bug fixes involving file sharing between MassUser and
10) Some general bug fixes involving displaying windows on the "Modify" and
"Lists" menus.
11) Help buttons have been added to all dialog boxes to allow easy access to
on-line help.

Chapter 1: Adding Users

Mass User Management has the capability of adding large numbers of users at
one time even if the users require varying restrictions. The adding
capability of MUM makes adding ten users as easy as adding one thousand users.
Templates are designed for each group of users, then used dynamically to add
the users. Once users are created the system manager can review the results
in the created.rpt, notcreat.rpt and makeuser.rpt report files.

How MUM Adds Users:

Mass User Management allows you to use a text file, similar to the format
indicated in Table 1 to generate accounts. The text file is just an ASCII
file created from database, spreadsheet or word processing programs, and
uses TABS to delineate categories. MUM uses a template to connect server
groups and restrictions to the department references in the text file. The
template allows you to assign a user to the desired server groups; it allows
you to specify volume restrictions, home directory locations, login scripts
to use, and account restrictions. MUM uses the Novell utility MakeUser in
a dynamic manner to actually add the users, so it is important that this
utility be in your public folder.

Table 1. Database or Spreadsheet data: (using tabs as delimiters)

Last Name First Name Middle Department (Template name)
Holmstead S. Bruce Mechanical Engineering
Holmstead Shawn Matthew Mechanical Engineering
Benzley Steve Administration
McClellan Ron A CAEDM Faculty
Doe John Henry Sales Group
Doe Jane Sales Group
Brown Mary Jane Marketing Group

When you choose the Add Users from a List Option, you can select the
following: username or full name options, password options and type of run
options. When these are selected, indicate which text file to add from and
press OK.

Text File Format for Adding Users:

Text files utilized to add users should use tabs as delimiters and include at
least the following fields (in this order):

1) Last Name
2) First Name
3) Middle Name
4) Department identifier
5) Username -- optional
6) Password -- optional
7) Extra Data -- optional

Templates created using MUM need to be named exactly like the department
identifier in the text file (see Table 1). When MUM reads data from the text
file for a user's department, it looks through the templates loaded and finds
a matching department identifier. If a match is not found, MUM uses the first
template in the list.

The adding function gives you the option of including a username for each
individual. If you want to specify the individual's username, the 5th column
should include the username.

The adding function also gives you the option of including a password for each
individual. If you want to specify the individual's password, the 5th column
should include the password. If you want to specify the individual's username
and password, the 5th column should include the username, and the 6th column
should include the password.

If you have a database that includes more fields than the ones required for
MUM, you may include these after the standard 4 (or 6--depending on the
username/full name and password options) required fields. The extra data (up
to 512 characters) will be stored and tacked on to the end of output reports
but will not be used by MUM while generating accounts.

A Note About Text File Format:

Certain editors will not save tabs when files are saved as text files.
- Some of the editors that do NOT save tabs include: MS DOS 5.0
Editor and WordPerfect.
- Some of the known programs that will save tabs include: Most
spreadsheets and data base programs, WordPerfect's PEdit, and
Windows NotePad.

Checking the Text File for Errors:

A small utility called VTFile (Verify Text File) is packaged with MUM to help
managers verify whether the format of their text file is correct. Just enter
"vtfile" on the DOS prompt to see the purpose and format of VTFile.

The Mock Run option will also show you whether the format of the text file is
correct. MUM v1.2 has been dramatically changed when you add users so that it
now tells you exactly the data it is processing and tells you when it
encounters an error in the text file format.

Examples of Adding Users:

Suppose you are charged with managing accounts for all engineering students
and faculty for a large university. Each semester you receive an updated list
of students from which you are to add accounts. You need to provide different
restrictions for different departments (See Table 2). You are posed with the
problem of:

-Tying users to their correct department server groups
-Providing home directories corresponding to departments
-Restricting volume use differently for different departments
-Giving different login scripts for each department
-Giving different account restrictions for each department
-Giving accounts only to students that do not already have an account

You need to do all of this for a large number of students and while
maintaining all these changing accounts!

Table 2. Requirements for users.

Department Listing Server Groups
Home Directory
Login Script
Mechanical Engineering ME, STUDENT

Administration ADMIN, FACULTY


101328 (Major Code) CHEME, GRADUATE, STUDENT

Well, it's MUM to the rescue! MUM will allow you to create templates to
define different restrictions for your various group requirements. Then, it
allows you to add the users using your list of students, while checking for
existing accounts. Later, if you want to change the restrictions for any of
your groups, MUM will allow you to change them en masse. You can also delete
users dynamically and generate reports of your users at any time. Here's how
the adding works.

MUM allows you to create a template in which you identify your different
restrictions and requirements. You need to make a template for each
department group and name it exactly the same as your text file department
listing. For example, from Table 2 we see that we need to make a Mechanical
Engineering, Administration, Sales Group and 101328 template. Once the
templates are generated and saved in a template file, you can add the

When MUM reads in data, such as that listed in Table 1 (don't include the
headings), it searches the currently loaded template file to find a template
matching the data in the department field. Once found, MUM creates a username
(if not provided) and adds the user according to the given requirements. If a
matching template is not found, the first template entered is used as the
default template.

For example, Steve Benzley, who is in administration, would be assigned to the
Administration template. The template would link Steve with the ADMIN and
FACULTY server groups; he would be given a home directory in the
FAC:ACCTS\ADMIN directory so that the path to his directory would be something
like: f:\accts\admin\BENZLEYS. Similarly, Bruce and Shawn Holmstead would be
assigned to the Mechanical Engineering template which would link them to ME
and STUDENT groups. Their directory paths would look like:
g:\student\me\HOLMSTEB and g:\student\me\HOLMSTES respectively.

Creating Templates:

MUM uses a template to connect server groups and restrictions to the
department identifier in the text file. The MUM template allows you to define
to which server groups the user belongs; it allows you to specify volume
restrictions, home directory locations, login scripts to use, and account
restrictions. MUM uses the Novell utility MakeUser in a dynamic manner to
actually add the users, so it is important that this utility be in your public

For example, using the text file listed in Table 1, you will need to make the
following MUM templates (displayed in Figure 1.3):

Mechanical Engineering
CAEDM Faculty
Sales Group
Marketing Group
(case is not important)

Setting Account Restrictions using Templates:

You may set the following parameters for users assigned to the particular

Account Information: Set the expiration date, account balance and account low
limit (Make sure accounting is installed on your server before setting account
balance and account low limit).

Connection Information: Limit the number of connections the users can have.

Password Information: If a password is required, set the length; indicate
whether or not to require a unique password and indicate whether or not to
force a periodic password change.

Groups Belonged To: Assign the users to groups currently existing on the
server from which MUM is launched. The group must be in existence. All users
will be added to the server group EVERYONE by default.

Home Directory: Enter the volume and path for the base directory. The Home
Directory will be the base directory plus the username. If the username is
DOEJ and USR:STUDENT is indicated as the home directory, the real Home
Directory will be: USR:STUDENT\DOEJ

Volume Restrictions: Enter the volume name and indicate whether or not to
limit space; if space is limited, indicate the limitation. Enter the exact
title of the volume (ie. APPS). If a volume is not listed in Volume
Restrictions, it will not be limited. For NetWare versions 2.xx, you cannot
limit volumes individually; you can only enter the maximum disk space for all
volumes collectively. If you are running NetWare versions 2.xx, MUM will take
your volume restrictions from the SYS volume definition; if a SYS volume is
not defined in the template, disk space will not be limited for any volumes.

Login Script Path: Enter the path name and name of the login script file
(ie. F:\USERS\SUPERVIS\login.scr ). The login script file is an ASCII text
file containing individual login script information for users assigned to the

Adding Options:

Generate Accounts--Username and Full Name Options:

If you choose the "Full Name" option, MUM will check the full name field for
every user on the network to see if a matching full name exists. If the full
name exists, an account will not be made for that user. If the full name
doesn't exist, a unique username will be generated and the account will be
added. The generated username will usually be the first seven letters in the
last name and the first initial of the first name. If the last name is
shorter than seven letters, the username will include the entire last name.
For example, Bruce Lee would have a username of LEEB. All full names are
generated from first, middle and last name text file fields.

If you choose the "Username" option, MUM will use data from the username field
in your text file for the username. If the username already exists on the
server or if a username is not found in the fifth field of the text file, the
user will not be added.

Password Options:

If you choose the "Same as Username" option, MUM will make the passwords
identical to the username with one exception. If the username is shorter than
the required password length, extra "A" characters will be added to the end of
the password until the password is the same length as the required password
length. (ie. If the username is LEEB and the required password length is
six, the actual password will be LEEBAA.)

If you choose the "Password Algorithm" option, MUM will generate up to an
eight character password using the first four characters of the username and
four random numbers. For example, if the username is HOLMSTES, the password
will be essentially HOLM8324. If the username is shorter than four
characters, the algorithm will use as the entire username plus four random
numbers. For example, if the username is LEE, the password will be LEE1234 (4
random numbers).

If you choose the "Password Supplied" option, MUM will take the supplied
password from the 5th field (or the 6th field if you are also supplying
usernames) of the text file. If the supplied password length is less than the
required password length, the user will be rejected and an account will not be
made for that user. This option is new to version 1.2.

Type of Run Options--Adding:

Both run options have been dramatically changed in version 1.2. MUM will show
you exactly the data it is working on and tell you if it encounters an error
in the text file format. Pressing "O" for options, while in MUM's child
process MassMode, will display the username, password and mode options you
selected. It will also display the required fields for that particular

If you choose the "Mock Run" option, MUM will step through each user in the
text file showing you the data read as well as the username and password
created or found. If there is an error in the text file, MUM will tell you
exactly what the error is so you may fix the problem. The created.rpt and
notcreat.rpt reports will also be filled with data for the users in the text
file, but accounts will NOT be created for the users.

If you choose the "Add New Users" option, MUM will run continuously and show
you the data it read for each user as well as the username and password
created or found. If there is an error in the text file, MUM will tell you
exactly what the error is so you may fix the problem. If you want to step
through each user in the text file, press a key to pause MUM's execution (once
MUM has dropped to DOS).

The created.rpt, notcreat.rpt, and makeuser.rpt reports will also be filled
with data for the users in the text file, and accounts will be created for the

Viewing Created, Not Created and MakeUserReport Files:

The MakeUser.rpt report is the information given by Novell's utility MakeUser
when users are added or deleted (a MakeUser.rpt report will NOT be made when
using the "Mock Run" option) . When users are added, MUM allows you to view
those users created and not created. The created.rpt and notcreat.rpt files
are generated by MUM each time users are added or a mock run is preformed.

System managers wanting to reuse data from the created.rpt should rename the
report file before attempting to do another add run. An error will occur if
the created.rpt file is selected to be used as the source text file for adding
users since a new created.rpt is generated for each add run. However, the
created.rpt and notcreat.rpt files CAN be used for the Delete, Modify, or
Lists options; they can be renamed and then used for the Adding option.

Chapter 2: Deleting Users

Mass User Management allows system managers with supervisory status to delete
users in four ways: by file, by group, by disabled account status and by last
login status. MUM will output three text files for you when you delete users.
It creates the MakeUser.rpt, Deleted.rpt and Notdelet.rpt files. The
MakeUser.rpt file tells if users were actually deleted and reasons why they
weren't. The Deleted.rpt file lists users that were deleted and the
Notdelet.rpt lists users that were not deleted.

To delete the user's Trustee Directory assignments, use the "Delete
Directories" option and specify the Deleted.rpt file to use as the source file
containing the list of directories to be deleted. If the headers and
usernames are still listed in the Deleted.rpt file when you run the "Delete
Directories" option, MUM will ignore them. This option is new to version 1.2.

WARNING! If you are not careful, you could destroy your system VERY quickly.
You will want to look at the Deleted.rpt file BEFORE running the "Delete
Directories" option. MUM will take the given directories and delete the given
directory, it's files, it's sub directories and their files. If the
Deleted.rpt file gives the SYS: volume root directory as one of the Trustee
Directory assignments to one of the deleted users, IT WILL DELETE THE ENTIRE
SYS VOLUME. This option will delete hidden and read-only files and
directories supplied (ie. BINDERY files, etc).

RECOMMENDATION: Back up your entire system before running the "Delete
Directories" option. This option is very capable of deleting BINDERY files,
hidden files, read-only files etc. Look through the Deleted.rpt file BEFORE
running the "Delete Directories" option.

IMPORTANT: Since Mass User Management uses Novell's utilitiy MakeUser to
actually delete the accounts, and since MakeUser will not re-optomize your
bindery, we recommend running Bindfix quarterly to clean up your bindery.

Deleting Users using a File:

To delete using a text file, Mass User Management only requires that the
username be listed first and be separated from all other fields by a tab. All
files generated by MUM can be used to delete users (ie. All *.rpt files as
well as any file generated using the Modify or List menu options). MUM will
look for the first item on each line and assume it is the username. Table 3
illustrates how lists generated using MUM can also be used as delete lists.

Table 3. Sample of data generated from the Generate Menu. These lists can be
used for deleting.

Data for Group: CAEDM
DUDE Bruce Holmstead None Enabled
PUZZLED Shawn Holmstead None Enabled
RON Ron A McClellan None Enabled
SEB Steve Benzley None Enabled

If you wish to use generated lists for deleting, you should delete the header
on the file; however, it is not necessary.

If you select a real run, MUM will generate a Deleted.rpt, Notdelet.rpt and
MakeUser.rpt files. A mock run will only generate Deleted.rpt and
Notdelet.rpt files since no calls will be made to MakeUser.

For both types of run, the Deleted.rpt file lists users that were (or would
have been) deleted along with any extra data that was included in the text
file MUM read in. It will also list the deleted users trustee directories.
The Notdelet.rpt file lists users that could not be deleted along with any
extra data that was included in the text file used to delete.

Deleting Members of a Group:

Deleting members of a group is as easy as entering the group name. MUM will
generate a report in the Delete.rpt file that lists the users deleted, and a
file called Notdelet.rpt that lists users that could not be deleted.

This option supports both real and mock runs and is new to version 1.2. See
Type of Run Options--Deleting for more details.

Deleting Disabled Accounts:

This option allows the system manager to scan and delete all disabled accounts
on the network. Using this option in conjunction with the Modify and Lists
menus can help managers to identify accounts with certain criterion and
disable them with the Modify options. Managers can then use the "Delete
Disabled Accounts" option to delete the unwanted accounts.

For example, if system managers wanted to delete all users who had not logged
in for 6 months, they would use the Modify menu to identify users with old
login dates and disable them. Then they would use this option to delete those
disabled accounts.

MUM will generate a report in the Delete.rpt file that lists the users
deleted, and a file called Notdelet.rpt that lists users that could not be

This option supports both real and mock runs and is new to version 1.2. See
Type of Run Options--Deleting for more details.

Deleting All Expired Accounts:

This option prompts you for today's date and then searches the server for
users with account expirations older than the date indicated. When these
accounts are found they are deleted.

NOTE: Users with no expiration dates on their accounts are not deleted with
this option.

MUM will generate a report in the Delete.rpt file that lists the users
deleted, and a file called Notdelet.rpt that lists users that could not be

This option supports both real and mock runs and is new to version 1.2. See
Type of Run Options--Deleting for more details.

Deleting Directories:

To delete the user's Trustee Directory assignments, use the "Delete
Directories" option and specify the Deleted.rpt file to use as the source file
containing the list of directories to be deleted. If the headers and
usernames are still listed in the Deleted.rpt file when you run the "Delete
Directories" option, MUM will ignore them. This option is new to version 1.2.

WARNING! If you are not careful, you could destroy your system VERY quickly.
You will want to look at the Deleted.rpt file BEFORE running the "Delete
Directories" option. MUM will take the given directories and delete the given
directory, it's files, it's sub directories and their files. If the
Deleted.rpt file gives the SYS: volume root directory as one of the Trustee
Directory assignments to one of the deleted users, IT WILL DELETE THE ENTIRE
SYS VOLUME. This option will delete hidden and read-only files and
directories supplied (ie. BINDERY files, etc).

RECOMMENDATION: Back up your entire system before running the "Delete
Directories" option. This option is very capable of deleting BINDERY files,
hidden files, read-only files etc. Look through the Deleted.rpt file BEFORE
running the "Delete Directories" option.

Type of Run Options--Deleting:

MUM has been recently updated to allow system managers to do a real or mock
run for deleting users.

If you choose the "Mock Run" option, MUM will step through each user, showing
you the user it is processing along with the user's trustee directories. MUM
will alert you of any errors it encounters. You may press "C" to run
continuously at any time; if you need to MUM to halt while processing users,
just press any key. A mock run will generate Deleted.rpt and Notdelet.rpt
files indicating users that would have been deleted as well as users that
could not be deleted.

If you choose the "Real Run" option, MUM will run continuously through the
users, showing you the user it is processing along with the user's trustee
directories. MUM will alert you of any errors it encounters. You may press
any key to pause the processing, and then if you wish to continue processing
continuously press "C". A real run will first gather all the data for the
users to be deleted and then it will make calls to MakeUser to delete the
users. Any errors from MakeUser will appear in the MakeUser.rpt file, while
all other information concerning users deleted and not deleted will be
reported in the Deleted.rpt and Notdelet.rpt files.

Viewing Deleted, Not Deleted and MakeUser Report Files:

The MakeUser.rpt report is generated from information given by Novell's
utility MakeUser when users are added or deleted. When users are deleted, MUM
allows you to view those users deleted and not deleted in the Deleted.rpt and
Notdelet.rpt files respectively.

System managers wanting to reuse data from the deleted.rpt should rename the
report file before attempting to do delete run. An error will occur if the
deleted.rpt file is selected to be used as the source text file for deleting
users since a new deleted.rpt is generated each delete run. Also, the
deleted.rpt will be deleted if an error occurs during the run.

Chapter 3: Modifying Users

Mass User Management allows system managers to modify restriction for: all
users, members of a certain group, users with old expiration dates and users
with old login dates. For all options, output may be displayed to the screen
or saved to a file. See User Restrictions that can be Modified for a detailed
list of restrictions. Any fields left blank will not be changed.

Output files generated by the modify menu options are all delineated by tabs
and can therefore be imported into any database, spreadsheet or word
processing program. This feature allows managers to closely integrate system
database files with network users to generate graphs or reports on system

User Restrictions that can be Modified:

(Note: Any field left blank will not be modified)

Account Expiration Date: Enter the month, day and year you wish the account
expiration date to be changed to or check the "No Expiration" box to make the
accounts have no expiration date.

Password Expiration Date: Enter the month, day and year you wish the password
to expire or check the "No Expiration" box to make the password never expire.

Grace Logins Allowed: Enter the number of logins allowed (after the password
has expired) to change the password before the account is disabled (1-20) or
check the "Unlimited" box to allow unlimited logins after the password has

Grace Logins Remaining: Enter the number of logins remaining to change the
password (1 to Grace Logins Allowed).

Maximum Connection: Enter the number of connections a user may simultaneously
login (1-200) or check the "Unlimited" box to allow an unlimited number of

Minimum Password Length: Enter the minimum length of login passwords (1-20).

Days Between Pswd Change: Enter the number of days before password will
change (1-365).

Enable/Disable Button: Check whether to enable or disable the account
(default is to enable).

Account Balance: Enter the amount to set the account balance to (-99,999,999
to 99,999,999). Make sure accounting is set up on the server before modifying
the account balance. This is new to version 1.2.

Account Low Limit: Enter the amount to set as the account low limit (-
99,999,999 to 99,999,999) or check the "Unlimited" checkbox to allow unlimited
credit. Make sure accounting is set up on the server before modifying the
account low limit. This is new to version 1.2.

Add to Balance: Enter the amount to add to the user's current account balance
(-99,999,999 to 99,999,999). Make sure accounting is set up on the server
before modifying the account balance. This is new to version 1.2.

Volume Restrictions: Enter the volume name and indicate whether or not to
limit space; if space is limited, indicate the limitation. Enter the exact
title of the volume (ie. APPS). If a volume is not listed in Volume
Restrictions, it will not be modified. For NetWare versions 2.xx, you cannot
limit volumes individually; you can only enter the maximum disk space for all
volumes collectively. If you are running NetWare versions 2.xx, MUM will take
your volume restrictions from the SYS volume definition; if a SYS volume is
not defined in the template, disk space will not be modified. This is new to
version 1.2.

Modifying Restrictions for All Users:

When this option is selected, managers are given a choice of which field they
would like to change and whether to print to the screen or to a file. Fields
that are left blank will not be modified. When OK is pressed, MUM will modify
all user restrictions to those that are indicated.

Modifying Restrictions for a Group of Users:

When this option is selected, managers are prompted for which group to modify.
They are then taken to the standard modify dialog where they're given a choice
of which field they would like to modify and whether to print to the screen or
to a file. Fields that are left blank will not be modified. When OK is
pressed, MUM will change user restrictions for the group indicated.

Modifying Restrictions for Users with Old Expiration Dates:

When this option is selected, managers may identify an expiration date to
search for. All accounts with expiration dates older than the date indicated
will be modified according to specifications identified in the "Enter New
Restrictions" dialog. Fields left blank in this dialog will not be modified.
When OK is pressed, MUM will modify user restrictions with expiration dates
older than the date prompted for to the new restrictions.

Modifying Restrictions for Users with Old Login Dates:

When this option is selected, managers may identify a last login date to
search for. All accounts with last login dates older than the date indicated
will be modified according to specifications identified in the "Enter New
Restrictions" dialog. Fields left blank in this dialog will not be modified.
When OK is pressed, MUM will change user restrictions with last login dates
older than the date prompted for to the new restrictions.

Modifying Restrictions for Users Listed in a Text File:

When this option is selected, managers may identify a text file containing
usernames to be modified. The text file must list each username on a separate
line. All list files generated using MUM may be used, as well as any of the
report (.rpt) files. When the text file is selected, managers are then taken
to the standard modify dialog where they're given a choice of which field they
would like to change and whether to print to the screen or to a file. Fields
that are left blank will not be modified. When OK is pressed, MUM will change
user restrictions for the users in the text file indicated.

Chapter 4: Generating User Information Lists

Mass User Management allows system managers to generate restriction
information for: all users, for members of a certain group, for old expiration
dates and for old login dates. For all options, output may be displayed to
the screen or saved to a file. See User Restrictions that can be Displayed
for a detailed list of restrictions.

Output files generated by the lists menu options are all delineated by tabs
and can therefore be imported into any database, spreadsheet or word
processing program. This feature allows managers to closely integrate system
database files with network users to generate graphs or reports on system

User Restrictions that can be Displayed:

Full Name: The users full name.

Account Expiration Date: The month, day and year the account expires.

Password Expiration Date: The month, day and year the password expires.

Grace Logins Allowed: The number logins allowed (after the password expired)
to change the password before the account is disabled.

Grace Logins Remaining: The number of logins remaining to change the

Maximum Connection: The number of connections a user may simultaneously login

Minimum Password Length: The minimum length of login passwords.

Days Between Pswd Change: The number of days before the password will change.

Account Disabled: Whether the account is enabled or disabled.

Vol. Restrictions/Space in Use:The volume restrictions for each volume on the
server as well as the disk space in use on each volume for the individual
users. This is new to version 1.2.

Account Balance--Low Limit: The account balance and low limit for the users.
This is new to version 1.2.

Generating Restriction Lists for All Users:

When this option is selected, managers are given a choice of which field they
would like to display and whether to print to the screen or to a file.
Restrictions that are not checked in the "Choose Restrictions" dialog will not
be included. When OK is pressed, MUM will generate user restrictions for all

Generating Restriction Lists for a Group of Users:

When this option is selected, managers are prompted a group. They are then
taken to the standard dialog where they are given a choice of which field they
would like to display and whether to print to the screen or to a file.
Restrictions that are not checked in the "Choose Restrictions" dialog will not
be included. When OK is pressed, MUM will change user restrictions for the
group indicated.

Generating Restriction Lists for Users with Old Expiration Dates and Old Login

When this option is selected, managers may identify an expiration date (or a
login date) to search for. All accounts with expiration dates (or last login
dates) older than the date indicated will be displayed according to
specifications identified in the "Choose Restrictions" dialog. Restrictions
that are not checked in the "Choose Restrictions" dialog will not be included.
When OK is pressed, MUM will display user restrictions for users with
expiration dates (or last login dates) older than the date prompted for.

Generating Restriction Lists for Users Listed in a Text File:

When this option is selected, managers may identify a text file containing
usernames to generate lists for. The text file must list each username on a
separate line. All list files generated using MUM may be used, as well as any
of the report (.rpt) files. When the text file is selected, managers are then
taken to the standard dialog where they're given a choice of which field they
would like to display and whether to print to the screen or to a file.
Restrictions that are not checked in the "Choose Restrictions" dialog will not
be included. When OK is pressed, MUM will generate user restrictions for the
users listed in the text file indicated.

Chapter 5: Command Line/Batch File Usage

Mass User Management has the capability of performing various core functions
in DOS mode. Descriptions of the command line arguments of MUM's child
process, MassMode are detailed below. Command line arguments are listed for
MUM's adding and deleting capabilities.

Why MUM drops to DOS to perform operations:

1) One reason MUM drops into DOS to perform network operations is to allow
system managers to add and delete users from a batch file. Managers who have
their templates created and need to add or delete users on a regular basis can
make the appropriate calls to MassMode without having to run MassUser each

2) Another reason MUM drops to DOS is so that it can be more backwards
compatible with older versions of NetWare. Mass User Management uses Novell's
utility MakeUser in a dynamic way to add users. Because the NetWare utility
MakeUser is available with NetWare versions 2.11 and up, MassUser will
provided needed service to more versions of NetWare.

MassMode format for ADDING USERS:

MassMode can add users given the following command line arguments:

a1 NONE filename accounts password run template_name

Description of arguments:

Argument Meaning
a1 Adding code
NONE Put any character into this field
filename The name of the text file to add users from
accounts Generate Accounts Option:
1 = Username option
0 = Full name option
password Generate Password Option:
2 = Password Provided
1 = Same as Username
0 = Password Algorithm
run Type of Run Option:
1 = Mock Run
0 = Real Run
template_name Name of the template file to use to add users

Example: f:> massmode a1 0 students.add 1 1 0 winter.tmp

NOTE: Mock runs will be automatically paused while in MassMode; system
managers can then choose to step through the run or allow it to run
continuously. Real runs will not be paused unless a key is pressed while

MassMode format for DELETING USERS:

MassMode can delete users from several different username sources given the
following command line arguments:

Username Src d# group file month day year run
a file d1 NONE file_d1 NONE NONE NONE run
a group d2 group NONE NONE NONE NONE run
disabled accounts d3 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE run
expired accounts d4 NONE NONE month day year run
delete dir's d5 NONE file_d5 NONE NONE NONE NONE

Description of arguments:

Argument Meaning
d# Deleting code
group Group to use to delete from
file_d1 The name of the text file containing users to be deleted
file_d5 The text file (usually DELETED.RPT) containing paths of directories
to be deleted.
month The month to use for expired accounts
day The day to use for expired accounts
year The year to use for expired accounts
run Type of Run Option:
1 = Mock Run
0 = Real Run
(The default is Real Run if this field is left blank.)
NONE Put any character into this field


Mock Runs
f:> massmode d1 0 students.add 0 0 0 1
f:> massmode d2 faculty 0 0 0 0 1
f:> massmode d3 0 0 0 0 0 1
f:> massmode d4 0 0 12 31 91 1
f:> massmode d5 0 deleted.rpt 0 0 0 1

Real Runs
f:> massmode d1 0 students.add
f:> massmode d2 faculty
f:> massmode d3
f:> massmode d4 0 0 12 31 91

NOTE: Mock runs will be automatically paused while in MassMode; system
managers can then choose to step through the run or allow it to run
continuously. Real runs will not be paused unless a key is pressed while

Chapter 6: Getting Help or Service

Questions about MUM:

Questions about MUM are answered by E-mailing to:

[email protected]

If you are unable to E-mail, you can write to:

Holmstead Partners
P. O. Box 50452
Provo, UT 84605-0452

As of the time of printing, phone support is not available. If necessary, we
will be happy to set up phone support with you directly if you provide us with
a phone # and time to call.


We will notify all registered users of any updates to the software and how to
obtain them.

If upgrades become available, registered users will be entitled to them at a
discounted price. Only the person/entity who originally purchases the program
are considered registered. Discounted upgrades apply only to the
person/entity who originally purchased the software.

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : MASSUSR2.ZIP
Filename : MANUAL.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: