Category : Network Files
Archive   : KA9Q.ZIP

Output of file : MAKEFILE.NTC contained in archive : KA9Q.ZIP
# Makefile for KA9Q TCP/IP package for NEC PC-9801 with Turbo C 2.0
# change NAMR to nomad for the Portable or vgr for the Portable Plus or
# pc for PC's or clones
# Changing from/to a Portable to/from Portable Plus or to/from a PC
# *** REQUIRES *** re-compiling all modules that depend upon
# timer.h (MSPTICK changes) so at least edit or 'touch' timer.h and config.h
# to update their file creation/modification times.
# program will be named net$(NAMR)
NAMR = 98
# tcc looks for libraries here
LIBDIR = c:\tc\lib
# tcc looks for include files here
INCLUDE = c:\tc\include
# define for a mapfile
#LINKOPTN = -ll -lv -ld
CFLAGS= -v -y -O -K -G -Z -DMSDOS -DPC9801 $(NOMAD) -I$(INCLUDE)

all: net$(NAMR).exe

MODEL= -mm

tcc -c $(MODEL) $(MODELFLAG) $(CFLAGS) $*

tasm -mx $(AFLAGS) $(MODELFLAG) $*;

NETOBJS= telnet.obj tnserv.obj smisc.obj \
ftpserv.obj ftpcli.obj ftp.obj smtpserv.obj smtpcli.obj \
tcpcmd.obj tcpuser.obj tcptimer.obj tcpout.obj tcpin.obj tcpsubr.obj \
udpcmd.obj udp.obj \
ipcmd.obj ip.obj iproute.obj \
icmpcmd.obj icmp.obj \
arpcmd.obj arp.obj \
ax25cmd.obj ax25user.obj ax25.obj ax25subr.obj lapbtime.obj lapb.obj \
ax_mbx.obj \
slip.obj slfp.obj kiss.obj \
nrcmd.obj nrs.obj nr3.obj nrsubr.obj \
nr4.obj nr4subr.obj nr4user.obj nr4timer.obj \
iface.obj timer.obj ttydriv.obj cmdparse.obj mbuf.obj alloc.obj \
netuser.obj \
misc.obj pathname.obj audit.obj files.obj icmpmsg.obj \
fingcli.obj fingserv.obj mulport.obj plus.obj

NETDUMP = trace.obj enetdump.obj \
ax25dump.obj arpdump.obj ipdump.obj icmpdump.obj udpdump.obj tcpdump.obj

PCOBJS= pc.obj dirutil.obj eccmd.obj ec.obj ecvec.obj pktdrvr.obj pkvec.obj \
enet.obj \
pc100.obj pc100vec.obj hapn.obj \
hapnvec.obj 8250.obj asyvec.obj pcgen.obj eagle.obj eaglevec.obj \
8530.obj brk.obj

HFILES= amiga.h arp.h ax_mbx.h ax25.h cmdparse.h config.h dir.h \
ftp.h global.h icmp.h iface.h internet.h ip.h kiss.h lapb.h \
mbuf.h netuser.h session.h slip.h smtp.h tcp.h telnet.h \
timer.h trace.h udp.h

net$(NAMR).exe: pc.lib net.lib dump.lib makefile main.obj version.obj session.obj
tcc $(MODEL) $(LINKOPTN) -L$(LIBDIR) -enet$(NAMR) main.obj version.obj session.obj pc.lib net.lib dump.lib

objects: $(NETOBJS) $(PCOBJS)

net.lib: $(NETOBJS) netnames.res
del net.lib
tlib net @netnames.res

dump.lib: $(NETDUMP) dumpnames.res
del dump.lib
tlib dump @dumpname.res

pc.lib: $(PCOBJS) pcnames.res
del pc.lib
tlib pc @pcnames.res

clean: nul
del *.lib
del *.obj
del *.exe
del *.sym

#make begin says to start from the beginning.
begin: clean
tcc -c $(MODEL) $(MODELFLAG) $(CFLAGS) *.c
tasm -mx $(AFLAGS) $(MODELFLAG) *.asm

# archive into net_src1.arc and
archive: nul
del net_src1.arc
del net_src2.arc
pkarc -oct -a net_src1 @one_srce
pkarc -oct -a net_src2 @two_srce

8530.obj: 8530.c global.h 8530.h
arp.obj: arp.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h iface.h enet.h ax25.h arp.h
arpcmd.obj: arpcmd.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h enet.h ax25.h arp.h cmdparse.h
arpdump.obj: arpdump.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h arp.h
8250.obj: 8250.c global.h asy.h 8250.h iface.h config.h
ax_mbx.obj: ax_mbx.c ax_mbx.h global.h mbuf.h ax25.h timer.h iface.h \
lapb.h cmdparse.h netrom.h nr4.h
ax25.obj: ax25.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h timer.h arp.h slip.h ax25.h \
lapb.h heard.h
ax25cmd.obj: ax25cmd.c global.h mbuf.h ax25.h timer.h iface.h lapb.h \
cmdparse.h session.h ax_mbx.h heard.h
ax25dump.obj: ax25dump.c global.h mbuf.h ax25.h timer.h lapb.h trace.h
ax25subr.obj: ax25subr.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h lapb.h
ax25user.obj: ax25user.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h lapb.h
asyvec.obj: asyvec.asm config.h
cmdparse.obj: cmdparse.c global.h trace.h cmdparse.h
eagle.obj: eagle.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h eagle.h 8530.h ax25.h
tcc -c $(MODEL) $(MODELFLAG) $(CFLAGS) eagle.c

ec.obj: ec.c global.h mbuf.h enet.h ec.h iface.h timer.h arp.h trace.h
eccmd.obj: eccmd.c global.h mbuf.h ec.h
enet.obj: enet.c global.h mbuf.h enet.h
enetdump.obj: enetdump.c global.h mbuf.h enet.h trace.h
files.obj: files.c global.h config.h
fingcli.obj: finger.h global.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h icmp.h netuser.h \
tcp.h session.h
fingserv.obj: finger.h global.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h icmp.h netuser.h \
tcp.h session.h
ftp.obj: ftp.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h ftp.h session.h
ftpcli.obj: ftpcli.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h icmp.h timer.h tcp.h ftp.h \
session.h cmdparse.h
ftpserv.obj: ftpserv.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h ftp.h
hapn.obj: hapn.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h hapn.h ax25.h trace.h
icmp.obj: icmp.c global.h mbuf.h internet.h timer.h iface.h ip.h icmp.h
icmpcmd.obj: icmpcmd.c global.h icmp.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h timer.h \
icmpdump.obj: icmpdump.c global.h mbuf.h internet.h icmp.h trace.h
icmpmsg.obj: icmpmsg.c global.h
iface.obj: iface.c iface.h
ip.obj: ip.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h iface.h ip.h icmp.h
ipcmd.obj: ipcmd.c global.h mbuf.h internet.h timer.h netuser.h iface.h \
ip.h cmdparse.h
ipdump.obj: ipdump.c global.h mbuf.h internet.h timer.h iface.h ip.h \
trace.h netuser.h
iproute.obj: iproute.c global.h mbuf.h internet.h timer.h netuser.h ip.h \
icmp.h iface.h trace.h
kiss.obj: kiss.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h kiss.h
lapb.obj: lapb.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h lapb.h
lapbtime.obj: lapbtime.c global.h mbuf.h ax25.h timer.h lapb.h
lcsum.obj: lcsum.c global.h

# This next line is for the PC
main.obj: main.c config.h global.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h icmp.h \
iface.h ip.h tcp.h ftp.h telnet.h session.h cmdparse.h asy.h \
trace.h remote.h

# and this is for the others
#main.obj: main.c config.h global.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h icmp.h \
# iface.h ip.h tcp.h ftp.h telnet.h session.h cmdparse.h trace.h

mbuf.obj: mbuf.c global.h mbuf.h
mulport.obj: mulport.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h ax25.h config.h
netuser.obj: netuser.c global.h netuser.h
nr3.obj: nr3.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h timer.h arp.h slip.h ax25.h \
netrom.h nr4.h lapb.h
nr4subr.obj: nr4subr.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h netrom.h nr4.h lapb.h
nr4timer.obj: nr4timer.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h netrom.h nr4.h
nr4.obj: nr4.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h netrom.h nr4.h
nr4user.obj: nr4user.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h netrom.h nr4.h
nrcmd.obj: nrcmd.c global.h config.h mbuf.h ax25.h netrom.h nr4.h timer.h \
iface.h lapb.h cmdparse.h session.h config.h ax_mbx.h
nrs.obj: nrs.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h ax25.h nrs.h asy.h trace.h
nrsubr.obj: nrsubr.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h ax25.h netrom.h lapb.h
pc.obj: pc.c global.h mbuf.h internet.h iface.h cmdparse.h config.h
pc100.obj: pc100.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h pc100.h 8530.h ax25.h trace.h
pktdrvr.obj: pktdrvr.c global.h mbuf.h enet.h iface.h ec.h timer.h arp.h \
trace.h regs.h pktdrvr.h
plus.obj: plus.c global.h asy.h plus.h iface.h config.h
session.obj: session.c config.h global.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h \
ax25.h lapb.h ftp.h telnet.h session.h netrom.h nr4.h

# This next line is for the PC
slip.obj: slip.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h ax25.h slip.h asy.h trace.h\
timer.h config.h

# and this is for the others
#slip.obj: slip.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h ax25.h slip.h trace.h

slfp.obj: slfp.c global.h mbuf.h iface.h ax25.h slip.h asy.h trace.h config.h
smisc.obj: smisc.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h remote.h
smtpcli.obj: smtpcli.c global.h netuser.h mbuf.h timer.h tcp.h smtp.h trace.h
smtpserv.obj: smtpserv.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h smtp.h
tcpcmd.obj: tcpcmd.c global.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h
tcpdump.obj: tcpdump.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h timer.h tcp.h \
tcpin.obj: tcpin.c global.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h \
icmp.h iface.h ip.h
tcpout.obj: tcpout.c global.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h
tcpsubr.obj: tcpsubr.c global.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h
tcptimer.obj: tcptimer.c global.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h ip.h \
tcpuser.obj: tcpuser.c global.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h
telnet.obj: telnet.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h icmp.h netuser.h \
tcp.h telnet.h session.h
tnserv.obj: tnserv.c global.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h icmp.h netuser.h \
tcp.h telnet.h session.h
trace.obj: global.h mbuf.h iface.h trace.h
timer.obj: timer.c global.h timer.h
udp.obj: udp.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h udp.h internet.h
udpcmd.obj: udpcmd.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h udp.h internet.h
udpdump.obj: udpdump.c global.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h udp.h
version.obj: version.c

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : KA9Q.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: