Category : Network Files
Archive   : KA9Q.ZIP
Filename : COMMAND.ASM

Output of file : COMMAND.ASM contained in archive : KA9Q.ZIP
include pmacros.h
verify equ 0

if verify
verify_copy db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
db 4096 dup(?)
stack label byte
if verify
verify_original db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
verify_len equ $-verify_original
verify_err db 'Stack overflow','$'


intds@ dw dgroup

segoff struc
offs dw ?
segm dw ?
segoff ends

their_8h dd ?
their_10h dd ?
their_13h dd ?
their_1Bh dd ?
their_21h dd ?
their_23h dd ?
their_24h dd ?
their_28h dd ?

dos_segment dw ? ;segment of internal DOS flags
indos_offset dw ? ;offset of INDOS flag
errflag_offset dw ? ;offset of critical error flag
program_status db 0 ;popup status
flag_10h db 0 ;status of interrupt 10h
flag_13h db 0 ;status of interrupt 13h
zflag db ? ;save and restore critical error.
dos_version db ? ;dos major version.
main_countdown db 20
ss_register dw ? ;SS register storage
sp_register dw ? ;SP register storage
my_psp dw ? ;our PSP.
their_psp dw ? ;PSP segment storage

tick_counter dw ?
indos_counter dw ?
errflag_counter dw ?
status_counter dw ?
bp_counter dw ?
main_counter dw ?

their_dta dd ?
;Interrupt 8 handling routine.
timer proc near
pushf ;call BIOS routine
call their_8h
inc tick_counter
cmp program_status,0 ;are we already running?
jne timer_status ;yes, then suspend ticking.
cmp flag_10h,0 ;video flag set?
jne timer_exit ;yes, then exit
cmp flag_13h,0 ;disk flag set?
jne timer_exit ;yes, then exit
push es ;save ES and DI
push di
mov es,dos_segment ;check INDOS flag
mov di,indos_offset
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0
jne timer_indos ;exit if it's set
mov di,errflag_offset ;check critical error flag
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0
jne timer_errflag ;exit if it's set
call main ;call body of program
pop di
pop es
inc indos_counter
pop di ;restore registers
pop es
inc errflag_counter
pop di ;restore registers
pop es
inc status_counter
timer endp
;Interrupt 10h handling routine.
video proc near
pushf ;push flags onto stack
inc flag_10h ;increment flag
call their_10h ;call BIOS routine
dec flag_10h ;decrement flag
video endp
;Interrupt 13h handling routine.
my_13 proc far
pushf ;push flags onto stack
inc flag_13h ;set 'busy' flag
call their_13h ;call BIOS routine
pushf ;save output flags
dec flag_13h ;clear flag
popf ;restore output flags
ret 2 ;exit without destroying flags
my_13 endp
;Interrupt 28h handling routine.
my_28 proc near
pushf ;call original routine
call their_28h
inc bp_counter
cmp flag_10h,0 ;video flag set?
jne bp_exit ;yes, then exit
cmp flag_13h,0 ;disk flag set?
jne bp_exit ;yes, then exit
push es ;save ES and DI
push di
mov es,dos_segment ;check critical error flag
mov di,errflag_offset
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0
pop di ;clean up the stack
pop es
jne bp_errflag
call main ;call main routine
iret ;done - exit
inc errflag_counter
iret ;done - exit
my_28 endp

;Interrupt 21h handling routine.
my_21 proc far
pushf ;save the flags
or ah,ah ;Doing function zero?
je jump_to_dos ;If yes, take the jump
cmp ah,4bh ;Doing EXEC function?
je jump_to_dos ;If yes, take the jump

call cs:their_21h ;Do the DOS function

pushf ;Save the result flags
cmp cs:program_status,0 ;are we already running?
jne no_recursion ;yes, don't recurse.
dec cs:main_countdown
jne no_recursion
mov cs:main_countdown,20
call main ;Safe to access disk now
popf ;Recover DOS result flags

sti ;Must return with interrupts on
ret 2 ;Return with DOS result flags
jmp cs:their_21h

my_21 endp

;Interrupt 24h handling routine (DOS 3.X only).
my_24 proc near
mov al,3 ;fail the call in progress
iret ;give control back to DOS
my_24 endp
;MAIN is the routine called periodically.
main proc near
inc main_counter
push ax
mov program_status,1 ;set program active flag
cli ;make sure interrupts are off
mov ss_register,ss ;save stack registers
mov sp_register,sp
mov ss,cs:intds@
mov sp,offset stack
sti ;enable interrupts
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
;Set DS and ES segment registers.
push cs ;set DS to code segment
pop ds
if verify
call check_stack
;Save the current active PSP address and activate this PSP.
mov zflag,0 ;clear flag
cmp dos_version,2 ;DOS version 2.X?
jne main5
mov es,dos_segment ;point ES:DI to INDOS
mov di,indos_offset
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;INDOS clear?
je main5 ;yes, then branch
mov di,errflag_offset ;point ES:DI to error flag
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;critical error flag clear?
jne main5 ;no, then branch
mov byte ptr es:[di],1 ;set critical error flag manually
mov zflag,1 ;set change flag
mov ah,51h ;get current PSP segment
int 21h
mov their_psp,bx ;save it

mov ah,50h ;make this the active PSP
mov bx,my_psp
int 21h

cmp zflag,0 ;ZFLAG clear?
je main6 ;yes, then branch
mov di,errflag_offset ;point ES:DI to error flag
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ;restore error flag value
;Reset the interrupt 1Bh, 23h, and 24h vectors.
call ioset ;reset interrupt vectors
;Save the current dta and subdirectory
mov ah,2fh ;get disk transfer address
int 21h
mov their_dta.segm,es
mov their_dta.offs,bx

;Call the commutator loop of net until nothing gets queued up.
mov ds,intds@
assume ds:nothing
extproc cycle
call cycle@
;Restore the current dta and subdirectory
lds dx,their_dta
mov ah,1ah
int 21h

;Restore interrupt vectors and former active PSP.
mov ah,50h ;restore active PSP label
mov bx,their_psp
int 21h
call ioreset ;restore interrupt vectors
;Restore registers and stack before exit.
pop bp ;restore registers and exit
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
cli ;interrupts off
mov ss,ss_register ;switch to original stack
mov sp,sp_register
sti ;interrupts on
pop ax
mov program_status,0 ;clear status flag
main endp
;IOSET vectors interrupts 1Bh, 23h and 24h to internal handlers. IORESET
;restores the original vector values.
ioset proc near
push es ;save ES
mov ax,351Bh ;get interrupt 1Bh vector
int 21h
mov their_1Bh.segm,es ;save it
mov their_1Bh.offs,bx
mov ah,25h ;point it to an IRET instruction
mov dx,offset ioexit
int 21h
mov ax,3523h ;get interrupt 23h vector
int 21h
mov their_23h.segm,es ;save it
mov their_23h.offs,bx
mov ah,25h ;point it to an IRET instruction
mov dx,offset ioexit
int 21h
mov ax,3524h ;get interrupt 24h vector
int 21h
mov their_24h.segm,es ;save it
mov their_24h.offs,bx
mov ah,25h ;then set it to IOERR routine
mov dx,offset my_24
int 21h
pop es ;restore ES
ioset endp
ioreset proc near
assume ds:nothing
mov ax,2524h ;restore interrupt 24h vector
lds dx,their_24h
int 21h
mov ax,2523h ;restore interrupt 23h vector
lds dx,their_23h
int 21h
mov ax,251Bh ;restore interrupt 1Bh vector
lds dx,their_1Bh
int 21h
ioreset endp


pubproc start_back
push ds
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
;Remember our psp.
mov ah,51h ;get current PSP segment
int 21h
mov my_psp,bx ;save it

;Determine which version of DOS is running.
mov ah,30h ;DOS function 30h
int 21h
mov dos_version,al ;major version number
;Get and save the address of the INDOS flag.
mov ah,34h ;function 34h
int 21h ;get address
mov dos_segment,es ;save segment
mov indos_offset,bx ;save offset
;Get and save the address of the critical error flag.
mov ax,3E80h ;CMP opcode
mov cx,2000h ;max search length
mov di,bx ;start at INDOS address
repne scasw ;do the search
jcxz init5 ;branch if search failed
cmp byte ptr es:[di+5],0BCh ;verify this is it
je found ;branch if it is
jmp init4 ;resume loop if it's not
mov cx,2000h ;search again
inc bx ;search odd addresses this time
mov di,bx
repne scasw ;look for the opcode
jcxz notfound ;not found if loop expires
cmp byte ptr es:[di+5],0BCh ;verify this is it
je found
jmp init6
pop ds
xor ax,ax
mov ax,es:[di] ;get flag offset address
mov errflag_offset,ax ;save it

;Save and replace all required interrupt vectors.
if 0
mov ax,3508h ;get interrupt 8 vector
int 21h
mov their_8h.offs,bx ;save it
mov their_8h.segm,es
mov ah,25h ;point it to the timer routine
mov dx,offset timer
int 21h

mov ax,3510h ;get interrupt 10h vector
int 21h
mov their_10h.offs,bx ;save it
mov their_10h.segm,es
mov ah,25h ;point it to video
mov dx,offset video
int 21h

mov ax,3513h ;get interrupt 13h vector
int 21h
mov their_13h.offs,bx ;save it
mov their_13h.segm,es
mov ah,25h ;point it to my_13
mov dx,offset my_13
int 21h

mov ax,3528h ;get interrupt 28h vector
int 21h
mov their_28h.offs,bx ;save it
mov their_28h.segm,es
mov ah,25h ;point it to my_28
mov dx,offset my_28
int 21h

mov ax,3521h ;get interrupt 21h vector
int 21h
mov their_21h.offs,bx ;save it
mov their_21h.segm,es
mov ah,25h ;point it to my_21
mov dx,offset my_21
int 21h

pop ds
mov ax,1
pend start_back

pubproc stop_back
assume ds:nothing
push ds
mov ax,2521h ;restore interrupt 21h vector
lds dx,their_21h
int 21h
mov ax,2510h ;restore interrupt 10h vector
lds dx,their_10h
int 21h
mov ax,2513h ;restore interrupt 13h vector
lds dx,their_13h
int 21h
if 0
mov ax,2508h ;restore interrupt 8 vector
lds dx,their_8h
int 21h
mov ax,2528h ;restore interrupt 28h vector
lds dx,their_28h
int 21h
pop ds
mov dx,cs
mov ax,offset tick_counter
pend stop_back

if verify
push ax
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es

mov ds,cs:intds@
mov es,cs:intds@
mov cx,verify_len
mov si,offset verify_original
mov di,offset verify_copy
repne cmpsb
je check_stack_1
mov dx,offset verify_err
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax


  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : KA9Q.ZIP
Filename : COMMAND.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: