Dec 282017
Non-Novell Network Bulletin Software.
File INFORM10.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Network Files
Non-Novell Network Bulletin Software.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
INFORM.DOC 1264 646 deflated
INFORM.EXE 88407 32781 deflated

Download File INFORM10.ZIP Here

Contents of the INFORM.DOC file

I N F O R M 1.0

Non-Novell Network Bulletin Software

(c) 1992, Avian Enterprises


For years I was envious of NOTICE, the excellent bulletin reader for
Novell networks. As many of the nets I manage are *not* Novell, I
decided to write my own.


Devote a directory to INFORMs workings; I use a dynamically
accessed directory that is accessed and dropped during login.
Put INFORM and any bulletins in that directory, and set
INFORM.EXE's attributes to read only. All bulletins must have
the .ANN extension. Add a line to each user's login script that


I have the username assigned to an environment variable, so it may be
called as INFORM %NAME%. All notes that have not been read will be
called up, inexorably, and read. Each user will have a file created,
namely, user.USE that contains the last login date of the account. All
bulletins equal to or newer than this date will be viewed.


ANSI support.
Anything else?


Send email to [email protected].


 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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