Dec 292017
Prevent programs from shelling to DOS on a network.

Full Description of File

Keeps programs from shelling DOS.

File COMSP11.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Network Files
Prevent programs from shelling to DOS on a network.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COMSP.DOC 3273 1083 deflated
COMSP.EXE 13393 8368 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 36 36 stored

Download File COMSP11.ZIP Here

Contents of the COMSP.DOC file

Computer Tyme COMSPEC * Version 1.1 * Release Date: 11-28-92
Copyright 1991-92 by Marc Perkel * All Rights Reserved

Computer Tyme * 411 North Sherman, Suite 300 * Springfield Mo. 65802
Voice: 417-866-1222 * Modem: 417-866-1665 * Fax: 417-866-0135 * USA

This program is part of a utilities package. Before registering it
you might want to try out some of the other programs in the package.

You can download these other programs from our BBS at 417-866-1665 or
from our section on Compuserve. (GO COMPTYME) If you have any questions
feel free to call us.

Evaluation Version. This program is not registered.
If you want to use it you need to buy a copy.

Price: $20/User, $75/Server, $395/Unlimited

This program allows you to prevent programs that shell to DOS from being
able to load COMMAND.COM. This increases the security of your system.
It uses about 10k of ram and unloads itself when your program ends.
It works by redirecting your COMSPEC environment variable to point
to itself and then restores COMSPEC when your program finishes.




Make Check Computer Tyme Order Form
Payable To: 411 North Sherman Suite 300
Springfield Mo. 65802 USA

Voice: (417) 866-1222 * Sales: (800) 548-5353
Fax: (417) 866-0135 * BBS: (417) 866-1665
Compuserve: 71333,427 * GO COMPTYME


Company: ________________________________________________

Name: ________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________

City/St/Zip: ________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________________

PO. Number: ________________________________________________

Got From: ________________________________________________

Comments: ________________________________________________

Comments: ________________________________________________

==> COMSPEC * Version 1.1 * Release Date: 11-28-92

==> Price: $20/User, $75/Server, $395/Unlimited

Dos ToolBox: $59.95/User __ MarxMenu: $59.95/User __

Network Survival Kit: (Inc. ToolBox/MarxMenu) $495/Server __

Shipping: Ground: $3 __ 2nd Day: $6 __

1 Day: $15 __ Foreign: $15 __

Credit Card Number: _______________ Expiration Date: ________

Signature: __________________________________________________

Master Card: __ Visa: __ Discover: __

* We do not take American Express *


 December 29, 2017  Add comments

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