Category : Music and Digitized Voice
Archive   : SOX7DOS.ZIP
Filename : RATE.C

Output of file : RATE.C contained in archive : SOX7DOS.ZIP

* July 5, 1991
* Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
* This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
* any purpose. This copyright notice must be maintained.
* Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for
* the consequences of using this software.

* Sound Tools rate change effect file.

#include "st.h"

* Least Common Multiple Linear Interpolation
* Find least common multiple of the two sample rates.
* Construct the signal at the LCM by interpolating successive
* input samples as straight lines. Pull output samples from
* this line at output rate.
* Of course, actually calculate only the output samples.
* LCM must be 32 bits or less. Two prime number sample rates
* between 32768 and 65535 will yield a 32-bit LCM, so this is
* stretching it.

* Algorithm:
* Generate a master sample clock from the LCM of the two rates.
* Interpolate linearly along it. Count up input and output skips.
* Input: |inskip | | | | |
* LCM: | | | | | | | | | | |
* Output: | outskip | | |

/* Private data for Lerp via LCM file */
typedef struct ratestuff {
u_l lcmrate; /* least common multiple of rates */
u_l inskip, outskip; /* LCM increments for I & O rates */
u_l total;
u_l intot, outtot; /* total samples in terms of LCM rate */
long lastsamp;
} *rate_t;

* Process options
rate_getopts(effp, n, argv)
eff_t effp;
int n;
char **argv;
if (n)
fail("Rate effect takes no options.");

* Prepare processing.
eff_t effp;
rate_t rate = (rate_t) effp->priv;
IMPORT long lcm();

rate->lcmrate = lcm((long)effp->ininfo.rate, (long)effp->outinfo.rate);
/* Cursory check for LCM overflow.
* If both rate are below 65k, there should be no problem.
* 16 bits x 16 bits = 32 bits, which we can handle.
rate->inskip = rate->lcmrate / effp->ininfo.rate;
rate->outskip = rate->lcmrate / effp->outinfo.rate;
rate->total = rate->intot = rate->outtot = 0;
rate->lastsamp = 0;

* Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
* Return number of samples processed.

rate_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
eff_t effp;
long *ibuf, *obuf;
int *isamp, *osamp;
rate_t rate = (rate_t) effp->priv;
int len, done;
long *istart = ibuf;
long last;

done = 0;
if (rate->total == 0) {
/* Emit first sample. We know the fence posts meet. */
*obuf = *ibuf++;
/* Count up until have right input samples */
rate->lastsamp = *obuf++ >> 16;
done = 1;
rate->total = 1;
/* advance to second output */
rate->outtot += rate->outskip;
/* advance input range to span next output */
while ((rate->intot + rate->inskip) <= rate->outtot){
last = *ibuf++ / 65536;
rate->intot += rate->inskip;
/* number of output samples the input can feed */
len = (*isamp * rate->inskip) / rate->outskip;
if (len > *osamp)
len = *osamp;
last = rate->lastsamp;
for(; done < len; done++) {
*obuf = last;
*obuf += ((float)((*ibuf / 65536) - last)* ((float)rate->outtot -
*obuf *= 65536;
/* advance to next output */
rate->outtot += rate->outskip;
/* advance input range to span next output */
while ((rate->intot + rate->inskip) <= rate->outtot){
last = *ibuf++ >> 16;
rate->intot += rate->inskip;
if (ibuf - istart == *isamp)
goto out;
/* long samples with high LCM's overrun counters! */
if (rate->outtot == rate->intot)
rate->outtot = rate->intot = 0;
*isamp = ibuf - istart;
*osamp = len;
rate->lastsamp = last;

* Do anything required when you stop reading samples.
* Don't close input file!
eff_t effp;
/* nothing to do */

  3 Responses to “Category : Music and Digitized Voice
Archive   : SOX7DOS.ZIP
Filename : RATE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: