Category : Music and Digitized Voice
Archive   : SDTK.ZIP
Filename : DMA.H

Output of file : DMA.H contained in archive : SDTK.ZIP
Public defines

NOTE: All register definitions are included here to provide an easy
escape in case of trouble, and for the sake of documentation.
The registers should NEVER be accessed directly outside of

If something is missing in the DMA.c module, feel free to add a new
function to the toolbox, but PLEASE, don't do any direct
hardware tampering.

The definitions will eventually be transferred to the private part of


/* Dma controller registers */
#define dmaBaseAddressRegister 0x00
#define dmaWordCountRegister 0x01

#define dmaStatusRegister 0x08

#define dmaCommandRegister 0x08
#define dmaRequestRegister 0x09
#define dmaSingleMaskRegister 0x0A
#define dmaModeRegister 0x0B
#define dmaBytePointerRegister 0x0C
#define dmaMasterClearRegister 0x0D
#define dmaClearMaskRegister 0x0E
#define dmaAllMaskRegister 0x0F

#define dmaPageRegister0 0x87 /* PC AT only */
#define dmaPageRegister1 0x83
#define dmaPageRegister2 0x81
#define dmaPageRegister3 0x82

/* Command register bits */
/* Those should never be modified, since the PC takes care of defining */
/* the operation mode of the DMA Controller for us. */

#define dmaCommandMemoryToMemoryEnable 0x01
#define dmaCommandAddressHoldEnable 0x02
#define dmaCommandControllerEnable 0x04
#define dmaCommandNormalTiming 0x08
#define dmaCommandRotatingPriority 0x10
#define dmaCommandExtendedWrite 0x20
#define dmaCommandDREQSenseLow 0x40
#define dmaCommandDACKSenseHigh 0x80

/* Request register bits */
/* These are used to generate a DMA request under software control. */
/* the channel number is loaded in bit 0-1 and bit 2 is set to trigger */
/* the DMA request. */

#define dmaRequestChannel 0x03
#define dmaRequestSet 0x04

/* SingleMask register bits */
/* Writing to this register allows individual DMA Channels to be masked */
/* off or on. */
/* Channel number is loaded in bits 0-1 and bit 2 is set to 0 to be */
/* unmasked, or to 1 for the channel to be masked. */

#define dmaSingleMaskChannel 0x03
#define dmaSingleMaskSet 0x04

/* Mode register bits */
/* Bits 0-1 define the channel to which the command applies. */
/* Bits 2-3 define the type of cycle: 00 - Verify */
/* 01 - Write (device -> memory) */
/* 10 - Read (memory ->device) */
/* Bit 4 set autoinitialize on. When autoinitialized, the current */
/* address register and count register will be reset to the */
/* values contained in the base addres and count registers at */
/* the end of the transfer. */
/* Bit 5 is set to 1 to decrement the addresses during the transfer. */
/* value of 0 increments the addresses. */
/* */
/* Bits 6-7 select the type of DMA operation: */
/* 00-Demand transfer mode (not recommended) */
/* 01-Single Byte transfer mode (should be used!) */
/* 10-Block mode (never use on PC) */
/* 11-Cascade mode */

#define dmaModeChannel 0x03

#define dmaModeCycleType 0x0A
#define dmaModeCycleVerify 0x00
#define dmaModeCycleWrite 0x04
#define dmaModeCycleRead 0x08

#define dmaModeAutoInit 0x10
#define dmaModeDecrement 0x20

#define dmaModeTransfer 0xA0
#define dmaModeDemandTransfer 0x00
#define dmaModeSingleTransfer 0x40
#define dmaModeBlockTransfer 0x80
#define dmaModeCascadeTransfer 0xA0

/* allMaskRegister */
/* Is used to set/reset the masks to enable-diable the channels. */

#define dmaAllMAskChannel0 0x01
#define dmaAllMAskChannel1 0x02
#define dmaAllMAskChannel2 0x04
#define dmaAllMAskChannel3 0x08

/* Read status register */
/* */

#define dmaStatusTerminated0 0x01
#define dmaStatusTerminated1 0x02
#define dmaStatusTerminated2 0x04
#define dmaStatusTerminated3 0x08
#define dmaStatusRequest0 0x10
#define dmaStatusRequest1 0x20
#define dmaStatusRequest2 0x40
#define dmaStatusRequest3 0x80

  3 Responses to “Category : Music and Digitized Voice
Archive   : SDTK.ZIP
Filename : DMA.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: