Category : Music and Digitized Voice
Archive   : PAS-SDK1.ZIP
Filename : MIXERC.C

Output of file : MIXERC.C contained in archive : PAS-SDK1.ZIP
/*$Author: DCODY $*/
/*$Date: 27 Jul 1992 12:02:46 $*/
/*$Header: W:/sccs/mixers/mixerc.c_v 1.3 27 Jul 1992 12:02:46 DCODY $*/
/*$Log: W:/sccs/mixers/mixerc.c_v $
* Rev 1.3 27 Jul 1992 12:02:46 DCODY
* initialized the 32 bit vectors to 0 so they are placed in the initialized
* static data segment.
* Rev 1.2 25 Jun 1992 23:49:44 DCODY
* Simplified the routine by eliminating the static linked and disk
* resident driver loading.
* Rev 1.1 23 Jun 1992 16:45:12 DCODY
* PAS2 update
* Rev 1.0 15 Jun 1992 09:41:34 BCRANE
* Initial revision.
/*$Logfile: W:/sccs/mixers/mixerc.c_v $*/

; /*\
;---|*|----====< MIXERC.C >====----
;---|*| Initialize and setup the access to the mixers, volume, filter, etc
;---|*| Copyright (c) 1991, Media Vision, Inc. All rights reserved
; \*/

// #include "mixbin.h" // the actual mixer code
#include "state.h" // the state structure

int ThePASDMAChannel = 0; // DMA channel
int ThePASIRQChannel = 0; // IRQ channel

static int dummyroutine ();

int (far *MVSetMixerFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVSetVolumeFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVSetFilterFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVSetCrossChannel) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetMixerFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetVolumeFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetFilterFunction) () = 0;
int (far *MVGetCrossChannel) () = 0;
int (far *MVRealSoundSwitch) () = 0;
int (far *MVFMSplitSwitch) () = 0;

#define STATICDRIVER 0x0000 // The static driver is loaded.
#define DOSDRIVER 0x0001 // The DOS driver is loaded.
// #define DISKDRIVER 0x0002 // The Disk resident driver is loaded.

// shadow pointer has the active state table pointer

extern struct MVState far *mvhwShadowPointer;

// MVMixerHWState allows the pointer to be changed

struct MVState far *MVMixerHWState(struct MVState far *);

//// /*\
//// |*|----====< test code >====----
//// |*|
//// |*| this is test code to be removed
//// |*|
//// \*/
//// int main()
//// {
//// // In each of the following calls, MVInitMixerCode will search for
//// // the DOS driver, "MVSOUND.SYS". If found, all succeeding calls to
//// // the mixers will be routed through MVSOUND.SYS. If the DOS driver
//// // is not found, then either the DISK based version, or the static
//// // version will be used. To select the DISK based version, pass a
//// // path to MVInitMixerCode. Any pointer (other than a NULL) will tell
//// // the routine to load the driver from the disk. NOTE: If loading from
//// // the disk fails, then the static driver will be used.
//// //
//// // EXAMPLE #1 - The following will attempt to
//// // load the driver from the disk.
//// MVInitMixerCode ( "." );
//// //
//// // EXAMPLE #2 - the following will use the
//// // static built-in driver.
//// MVInitMixerCode ( 0 );
//// }

; /*\
;---|*|----====< MVInitMixerCode >====----
;---|*| Load link to the DOS driver, or load the mixer code
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| char *path is the path to the disk resident driver.
;---|*| Return Value:
;---|*| 0, the mixer code is using the static driver.
;---|*| 1, the mixer code is using DOS driver.
; \*/

int MVInitMixerCode()
char *p,*p1;
int n,mx,tablelen;
long far *bfp; // buffer far pointer
long far *tfp; // table far pointer
long mvver; // MVSOUND.SYS version #

static int retry = 0; // reentry flag. We will only execute once
static int retcode = 0;

// exit if this code has already been executed

if (retry++)

// flush some variables

mx = 0;

_asm {

; fill in the functions in case MVSOUND.SYS is not loaded

mov bx, offset dummyroutine
mov word ptr [MVSetMixerFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetMixerFunction+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVSetVolumeFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetVolumeFunction+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVSetFilterFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetFilterFunction+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVSetCrossChannel+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVSetCrossChannel+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVGetMixerFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetMixerFunction+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVGetVolumeFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetVolumeFunction+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVGetFilterFunction+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetFilterFunction+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVGetCrossChannel+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVGetCrossChannel+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVRealSoundSwitch+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVRealSoundSwitch+2],cs

mov word ptr [MVFMSplitSwitch+0],bx
mov word ptr [MVFMSplitSwitch+2],cs

; deterine if the DOS driver is loaded

mov ax,0xbc00 ; function 0 is for ID
mov bx,0x3f3f
sub cx,cx
sub dx,dx
int 2fh ; go get it...
xor bx,cx ; combine all registers
xor bx,dx
cmp bx,0x4d56 ; to form 'MV'
jnz mvininodosdriver

mov ax,0xbc01 ; get the version
int 2fh

mov word ptr [mvver+0],bx ; save the version
mov word ptr [mvver+2],cx

; the DOS driver is loaded, use it's vectors, data, etc

sub cx,cx ; comes back 0 or the entry length
mov ax,0xbc03 ; get the vector table
int 0x2f ; from the DOS driver

mov word ptr [tfp+0],bx ; save the function pointer offset
mov word ptr [tfp+2],dx ; and segment
mov [tablelen],cx

mov ax,0bc04h ; get the DMA & IRQ
int 0x2f ; from the DOS driver

mov byte ptr ThePASDMAChannel,bl ; DMA channel
mov byte ptr ThePASIRQChannel,cl ; IRQ channel



// we have the pointer to some table. Now, load each function
// pointer into the individual far pointers.

if (mvver > 0x30313032) // ASCII version 0102
retcode = DOSDRIVER; // indicate the DOS driver is loaded

// set the first 4 (1st rev of MVSOUND just had 4 functions)

(long) MVSetMixerFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVSetVolumeFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVSetFilterFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVSetCrossChannel = (long) *tfp++;

// set the next entries (later revs of MVSOUND had 10 functions)

if (tablelen > 4) {
(long) MVGetMixerFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVGetVolumeFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVGetFilterFunction = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVGetCrossChannel = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVRealSoundSwitch = (long) *tfp++;
(long) MVFMSplitSwitch = (long) *tfp;

// return the code

return retcode;

; /*\
;---|*|----====< MVMixerHWState >====----
;---|*| fetch and/or load a pointer to the state table.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| MVState far * -- pointer to another table. If NULL (0),
;---|*| the current pointer is only returned. Only
;---|*| non-zero table pointers will be loaded.
;---|*| Return Value:
;---|*| Returns the pointer to the table currently
;---|*| used by the mixer code.
; \*/

struct MVState far *MVMixerHWState(tbl)
struct MVState far *tbl;

// if the shadow pointer is not initialized, then do it...

if (!mvhwShadowPointer)

// In the first rev of software the static driver could receive
// the caller's state table. Now that the static driver is gone,
// we don't want to mess with...

// if (tbl)
// mvhwShadowPointer = tbl;

// return the active table

return (tbl);

; /*\
;---|*|----====< static dummyroutine >====----
;---|*| This routine no-ops out the function calls in case MVSOUND.SYS
;---|*| is not loaded.
;---|*| Entry Conditions:
;---|*| none
;---|*| Return Value:
;---|*| 0
; \*/

static int dummyroutine ()
return 0;

; /*\
;---|*| End of MIXERC.C
; \*/

  3 Responses to “Category : Music and Digitized Voice
Archive   : PAS-SDK1.ZIP
Filename : MIXERC.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: