Dec 132017
Some good sound bites from Blade Runner and The Shining. WAV format.
File MOVWAVS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Music and Digitized Voice
Some good sound bites from Blade Runner and The Shining. WAV format.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BL1.WAV 59436 30856 deflated
BL10.WAV 18476 5416 deflated
BL11.WAV 28716 10694 deflated
BL2.WAV 32812 15461 deflated
BL3.WAV 268332 112784 deflated
BL4.WAV 55340 19249 deflated
BL5.WAV 223276 86973 deflated
BL6.WAV 49196 16668 deflated
BL7.WAV 36908 12680 deflated
BL8.WAV 32812 11285 deflated
SH1.WAV 53292 22298 deflated
SH2.WAV 38956 15761 deflated
SH31.WAV 262188 102019 deflated
SH32.WAV 16428 8233 deflated
SH4.WAV 43052 23165 deflated

Download File MOVWAVS.ZIP Here

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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