Dec 282017
Vax side Xmodem fortran source from Auburn U.
File XMODEMAU.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Vax side Xmodem fortran source from Auburn U.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
XMODEMAU.DOC 3255 1241 deflated
XMODEMAU.EXE 21504 8397 deflated
XMODEMAU.FOR 48838 13679 deflated
XMODEMAU.HLP 3473 1061 deflated
XMODEMAU.RNO 2504 1196 deflated

Download File XMODEMAU.ZIP Here

Contents of the XMODEMAU.DOC file

David Swanger
Academic Computing Services
200 L Bldg.
Auburn University, Al 36849

(This is a revised version of the README.MEM file submitted by
Swanger to the Spring '87 VAX SIG. It provides a brief
description of XMODEM_AU, which is a modified version of Jim
Belonis' XMODEM. For a more complete description of the
program's operation, invoke it and enter the HELP command.)

by David Swanger
Academic Computing Services
200 L Bldg.
Auburn University, Al 36849


o XMODEM_AU is a revised version of Jim Belonis'
XMODEM 5.60. I have rewritten the user inter-
face to the program. All of the really good
communications routines are Jim's. XMODEM_AU
is written in VAX FORTRAN and works fine with
VMS 4.3 through 4.5. XMODEM_AU consists of
one executable image, XMODEM_AU.EXE. The
source file for this image is XMODEM_AU.FOR.
I have included both source and executable
files. I have also included a help file named
XMODEM_AU that should be included into the
System Help library. If you want to recreate
the executable file, simply compile and link
the program (you must have a FORTRAN com-


o When XMODEM_AU is executed, the following
prompt is displayed:


XMODEM_AU is now waiting for you to enter a
command. Although compatibility with version
5.60 has been retained to a degree, several
new commands have been added. These commands

Page 2


Complete descriptions of these commands are
available in the XMODEM_AU.HLP file.

o XMODEM 5.60 would quit working after one ac-
tion whether it was successful or not.
XMODEM_AU attempts to handle every situation,
successful or not. Although XMODEM_AU crashes
occasionally, it usually will give you an er-
ror message for incorrect syntax and will re-
turn the XMODEM> prompt after every operation.


o The source code for XMODEM_AU has been reason-
ably well commented. If you have any ques-
tions, comments, or improvements, please feel
free to contact me.


The author and Auburn University accept no
responsibility for any damage caused by this
software. Use at your own risk !!

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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