Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : XLISP21D.ZIP
Filename : XLGLOB.C

Output of file : XLGLOB.C contained in archive : XLISP21D.ZIP
/* xlglobals - xlisp global variables */
/* Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */

#include "xlisp.h"

/* symbols */
struct node isnil;

LVAL true=NULL,obarray=NULL;
LVAL s_unbound=NIL,s_dot=NULL;
LVAL s_quote=NULL,s_function=NULL;
LVAL s_bquote=NULL,s_comma=NULL,s_comat=NULL;
LVAL s_evalhook=NULL,s_applyhook=NULL,s_tracelist=NULL;
LVAL s_lambda=NULL,s_macro=NULL;
LVAL s_stdin=NULL,s_stdout=NULL,s_stderr=NULL,s_debugio=NULL,s_traceout=NULL;
LVAL s_rtable=NULL;
LVAL s_tracenable=NULL,s_tlimit=NULL,s_breakenable=NULL;
LVAL s_setf=NULL,s_car=NULL,s_cdr=NULL,s_nth=NULL,s_aref=NULL,s_get=NULL;
LVAL s_svalue=NULL,s_sfunction=NULL,s_splist=NULL;
LVAL s_eql=NULL,s_gcflag=NULL,s_gchook=NULL;
LVAL s_ifmt=NULL,s_ffmt=NULL;
#ifdef RATIOS
LVAL s_rfmt=NULL;
LVAL s_1plus=NULL,s_2plus=NULL,s_3plus=NULL;
LVAL s_1star=NULL,s_2star=NULL,s_3star=NULL;
LVAL s_minus=NULL,s_printcase=NULL;
LVAL s_printlevel=NULL, s_printlength=NULL;
LVAL s_dispmacros=NULL;
LVAL s_strtypep=NULL, s_mkstruct=NULL, s_cpystruct=NULL;
LVAL s_strref=NULL, s_strset=NULL;
LVAL s_x=NULL, s_s=NULL, s_sslots=NULL;
LVAL s_elt = NULL;
LVAL a_list=NULL, a_number=NULL, a_null=NULL, a_atom=NULL, a_anystream=NULL;
LVAL s_and=NULL, s_or=NULL, s_not=NULL, s_satisfies=NULL, s_member=NULL;
LVAL a_struct = NULL;
LVAL s_dosinput=NULL;
LVAL s_gethash = NULL, a_hashtable = NULL;
#ifdef COMPLX
LVAL a_complex = NULL;
#ifdef RANDOM
LVAL s_randomstate=NULL, a_randomstate=NULL;
LVAL s_rtcase=NULL;

/* keywords */
LVAL k_test=NULL,k_tnot=NULL;
LVAL k_wspace=NULL,k_const=NULL,k_nmacro=NULL,k_tmacro=NULL;
LVAL k_sescape=NULL,k_mescape=NULL;
LVAL k_direction=NULL,k_input=NULL,k_output=NULL;
LVAL k_start=NULL,k_end=NULL,k_1start=NULL,k_1end=NULL;
LVAL k_2start=NULL,k_2end=NULL,k_count=NULL;
LVAL k_verbose=NULL,k_print=NULL;
LVAL k_upcase=NULL,k_downcase=NULL;
LVAL k_io=NULL, k_elementtype=NULL;
LVAL s_termio=NULL, k_exist=NULL, k_nexist=NULL, k_error=NULL;
LVAL k_rename=NULL, k_newversion=NULL, k_overwrite=NULL, k_append=NULL;
LVAL k_supersede=NULL, k_rendel=NULL, k_probe=NULL, k_create=NULL;
LVAL k_concname=NULL, k_include=NULL;
#ifdef REDUCE
LVAL k_ivalue=NULL;
#ifdef KEYARG
LVAL k_key=NULL;
LVAL k_size = NULL;
#ifdef RANDOM
LVAL k_data=NULL;
LVAL k_preserve=NULL,k_invert=NULL;

/* lambda list keywords */
LVAL lk_optional=NULL,lk_rest=NULL,lk_key=NULL,lk_aux=NULL;
LVAL lk_allow_other_keys=NULL;

/* type names */
LVAL a_subr=NULL,a_fsubr=NULL;
LVAL a_cons=NULL,a_symbol=NULL,a_fixnum=NULL,a_flonum=NULL;
LVAL a_string=NULL,a_object=NULL,a_stream=NULL,a_vector=NULL;
LVAL a_closure=NULL,a_char=NULL,a_ustream=NULL;
#ifdef RATIOS
LVAL a_ratio=NULL;
LVAL a_rational=NULL;

/* evaluation variables */
LVAL * NEAR xlstkbase[EDEPTH];
LVAL * NEAR *xlstack = NULL;
LVAL xlenv=NULL,xlfenv=NULL,xldenv=NULL;

/* argument stack */
LVAL NEAR xlargstkbase[ADEPTH]; /* argument stack */
LVAL NEAR *xlfp = NULL; /* argument frame pointer */
LVAL NEAR *xlsp = NULL; /* argument stack pointer */
LVAL NEAR *xlargv = NULL; /* current argument vector */
int xlargc = 0; /* current argument count */

/* exception handling variables */
CONTEXT *xlcontext = NULL; /* current exception handler */
CONTEXT *xltarget = NULL; /* target context (for xljump) */
LVAL xlvalue=NULL; /* exception value (for xljump) */
int xlmask=0; /* exception type (for xljump) */

/* debugging variables */
int xldebug = 0; /* debug level */
int xlsample = 0; /* control character sample rate */
int xltrcindent = 0; /* trace indent level */

/* gensym variables */
char gsprefix[STRMAX+1] = { 'G',0 }; /* gensym prefix string */
FIXTYPE gsnumber = 1; /* gensym number */

/* i/o variables */
int xlfsize = 0; /* flat size of current print call */
FILEP tfp = CLOSED; /* transcript file pointer */
int redirectout = FALSE; /* output is redirected */
int redirectin = FALSE; /* input is redirected */

/* general purpose string buffer */
char buf[STRMAX+1] = { 0 };

/* $putpatch.c$: "MODULE_XLGLOB_C_GLOBALS" */

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : XLISP21D.ZIP
Filename : XLGLOB.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: