Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : XLISP21D.ZIP
Filename : BLOCKS.LSP

Output of file : BLOCKS.LSP contained in archive : XLISP21D.ZIP
; Blocks World from Winston&Horn

(unless (fboundp 'defclass) (load 'classes))

; abstract classes for ball types

; basic blocks support nothing
(defclass basic-block (name width height position supported-by))

(defmethod basic-block :support-for () nil)

(defmethod basic-block :top-location ()
(list (+ (first position) (/ width 2))
(+ (second position) height)))

; movable-blocks can be moved
(defclass movable-block () () basic-block)

; load-bearing blocks can support other blocks, and can be moved
(defclass load-bearing-block (support-for) () movable-block)

; we can't have multiple inheritance, so we need a separate class for table
; table blocks can support other blocks but cannot be moved.

(defclass table-block (support-for) () basic-block)

; Specific classes for table brick wedge and ball

(defclass brick () () load-bearing-block)

(defclass wedge () () movable-block)

(defclass ball () () movable-block)

(defclass hand (name position grasping))

; define all the individual blocks

(setf *blocks*
(send table-block :new :name 'table :width 20 :height 0 :position '(0 0))
(send brick :new :name 'b1 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(0 0))
(send brick :new :name 'b2 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(2 0))
(send brick :new :name 'b3 :width 4 :height 4 :position '(4 0))
(send brick :new :name 'b4 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(8 0))
(send wedge :new :name 'w5 :width 2 :height 4 :position '(10 0))
(send brick :new :name 'b6 :width 4 :height 2 :position '(12 0))
(send wedge :new :name 'w7 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(16 0))
(send ball :new :name 'l8 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(18 0))

(dolist (l *blocks*) (set (send l :name) l))

(dolist (l (cdr *blocks*)) ; all but table block
(setf (send table :support-for)
(cons l (send table :support-for))
(send l :supported-by)

(definst hand *hand* :name '*hand* :position '(0 6))

(defmethod movable-block :put-on (support)
(if (send self :get-space support)
(and (send *hand* :grasp self)
(send *hand* :move self support)
(send *hand* :ungrasp self))
(format t
"Sorry, there is no room for ~a on ~a.~%"
(send support :name))))

(defmethod movable-block :get-space (support)
(or (send self :find-space support)
(send self :make-space support)))

(defmethod hand :grasp (obj)
(unless (eq grasping obj)
(when (send obj :support-for)
(send obj :clear-top))
(when grasping
(send grasping :rid-of))
(setf position (send obj :top-location))
(format t
"Move hand to pick up ~a at location ~a.~%"
(send obj :name)
(format t
"Grasp ~a.~%"
(send obj :name))
(setf grasping obj))

(defmethod hand :ungrasp (obj)
(when (send obj :supported-by)
(format t
"Ungrasp ~a~%"
(send obj :name))
(setf grasping nil)

(defmethod movable-block :rid-of ()
(send self :put-on table))

(defmethod movable-block :make-space (support)
(dolist (obstruction (send support :support-for))
(send obstruction :rid-of)
(let ((space (send self :find-space support)))
(when space (return space)))))

(defmethod load-bearing-block :clear-top ()
(dolist (obstacle support-for) (send obstacle :rid-of))

(defmethod hand :move (obj support)
(send obj :remove-support)
(let ((newplace (send obj :get-space support)))
(format t
"Move ~a to top of ~a at location ~a.~%"
(send obj :name)
(send support :name)
(setf (send obj :position) newplace)
(setf position (send obj :top-location)))
(send support :add-support obj)

; remove-support-for is defined twice, for each load bearing class

(defmethod load-bearing-block :remove-support-for (obj)
(setf support-for (remove obj support-for))

(defmethod table-block :remove-support-for (obj)
(setf support-for (remove obj support-for))

(defmethod movable-block :remove-support ()
(when supported-by
(format t
"Removing support relations between ~a and ~a.~%"
(send supported-by :name)
(send supported-by :remove-support-for self)
(setf supported-by nil))

(defmethod load-bearing-block :add-support (obj)
(format t
"Adding support relations between ~a and ~a.~%"
(send obj :name)
(setf support-for
(cons obj support-for)
(send obj :supported-by)

(defmethod table-block :add-support (obj)
(format t
"Adding support relations between ~a and ~a.~%"
(send obj :name)
(setf support-for
(cons obj support-for)
(send obj :supported-by)

(defmethod basic-block :add-support (obj)

(defmethod movable-block :find-space (support)
(dotimes (offset (1+ (- (send support :width) width)))
(unless (intersections-p self offset
(first (send support :position))
(send support :support-for))
(return (list (+ offset (first (send support
(+ (second (send support :position))
(send support :height)))))))

(defun intersections-p (obj offset base obstacles)
(dolist (obstacle obstacles)
(let* ((ls-proposed (+ offset base))
(rs-proposed (+ ls-proposed (send obj :width)))
(ls-obstacle (first (send obstacle :position)))
(rs-obstacle (+ ls-obstacle (send obstacle :width))))
(unless (or (>= ls-proposed rs-obstacle)
(<= rs-proposed ls-obstacle))
(return t)))))

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : XLISP21D.ZIP
Filename : BLOCKS.LSP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: