Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : STV2.ZIP
Filename : TOP.MS

Output of file : TOP.MS contained in archive : STV2.ZIP
Who's On Top?
One of the most important decisions to be made in designing a new user
interface (or front end) for the Little Smalltalk system is whether the user
interface management code should sit on top of the Smalltalk bytecode
interpreter, setting up commands and invoking the interpreter to execute them,
or underneith the bytecode interpreter, being invoked by Smalltalk, via the
mechanism of primitive methods. Both schemes have advantages and disadvantages
which we will discuss in this essay.
In a simple interface, placing Smalltalk on top is often easier. The main
driver need only set up one initial call to the Smalltalk bytecode interpreter,
and thereafter everything is done in Smalltalk. For example, we might put
initialization code in a method in class \fBSmalltalk\fP, as follows:
Class Smalltalk
\(ua <1>
run | string |
[ '> ' printNoReturn.
string <- smalltalk getString.
string notNil ]
whileTrue: [ (string size > 0)
ifTrue: [ smalltalk doIt: string ] ]
Once the bytecode interpreter is started on the method \fBrun\fP, it will
loop continuously, reading commands from the user (via the method
\fBgetString\fP) and executing them (via the method \fBdoIt:\fP).
Presumably the user has some way of indicating end of input, such as the
unix control-D convention, which causes \fBgetString\fP to return the
value nil. The \fIif\fP statement inside the while loop
insures that if the user simply hits the return key execution will quickly
loop back to the prompt.
Besides making the initialization for the Little Smalltalk system easy,
this approach also has the advantage of putting more code into Smalltalk
itself, where the user can see it and (presumably) modify it if they wish.
A general guideline is that it is better to put as much into Smalltalk
as possible, since Smalltalk is easier to write and the bytecode representation
usually smaller than the equivalent code in C.
Never the less, there are valid reasons why an implementor might choose
a different technique.
For example, if there are many other activities which should command the
attention of the controlling program (window updates, mouse motions) the
Smalltalk code may not be able to respond fast enough, or might become too
large and complex to be workable.
In this case the only alternative is to have the front end respond directly
to events, and only invoke the Smalltalk interpreter as time permits.
In basic terms, the front end would perform the loop written in the method
\fBinit\fP shown above (along with handling various other tasks), and then
call upon the method in class \fBSmalltalk\fP
to execute the message \fBdoIt:\fP.
How to Do It
In either of the two schemes described above, an important message is
\fBdoIt:\fP, which takes a string (presumably representing a Smalltalk
expression) and performs it. An easy way to perform this message is to
make a method out of the expression, by appending a message pattern
on front, and then pass the string to the method parser. If the method
parser is successful, the method can then be executed.
doIt: aString | method |
method <- Method new.
method text: ( 'proceed ', aString ).
(method compileWithClass: Smalltalk)
ifTrue: [ method executeWith: #( 0 ) ]
The message \fBcompileWithClass:\fP compiles the method as if it was
appearing as part of class Smalltalk. If compilation is successful,
the message \fBexecuteWith:\fP executes the message, using as arguments
the array #(0). The array that accompanies this message must have at
least one element, as the first value is used as the receiver for
the method.
Similar techniques can be used for the message \fBprintIt:\fP, if desired.
The Other End
The opposite extreme from the front end are those messages that originate
within the bytecode interpreter and must be communicated to the user.
We can divide these values into four categories:
.IP 1.
System errors. These are all funnelled through the routine sysError(), found
in memory.c. System errors are caused by dramatically wrong conditions,
and should generally cause the system to abort after printing the message
passed as argument to sysError().
.IP 2.
Compiler errors. As we noted above, the method compiler is used to
parse expressions typed directly at the keyboard, so these message can
also arise in that manner. These are all funnelled through the routine
compilError(), found in parse.c. These should print their arguments
(two strings), in an appropriate location on the users screen.
Execution continues normally after call.
.IP 3.
Various primitives, found in primitive.c, are also used to print strings
on the users terminal. In particular, an appropriate meaning should be
given to the message \fBprint\fP in class \fBString\fP. What appropriate
means is undoubtedly implementation specific.
.IP 4.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there must be some means provided
to allow users to enter and edit methods. The interface for this task
is standard; instances of class \fBClass\fP must respond to the messages
\fBaddMethod\fP and \fBeditMethod:\fP, the latter taking as argument a
symbol representing the name of a method. How they achieve their two
tasks is, however, implementation specific.
Under Unix, a simple implementation adds a new primitive for Strings;
this primitive copies the string into a temporary file, starts up the
editor on the file, and returns the contents of the file when the user
exits the editor. Having this capability, the method editing code
can be given as follows. In class \fBClass\fP:
self doEdit: ''
editMethod: name | theMethod |
theMethod <- methods at: name
ifAbsent: [ 'no such method ' print. \(ua nil ].
self doEdit: theMethod text
doEdit: startingText | theMethod |
theMethod <- Method new;
text: startingText edit.
(theMethod compileWithClass: self)
ifTrue: [ methods at: theMethod name put: theMethod ]
And in class \fBString\fP:
\(ua <19 self>
Here primitive 19 performs all the tasks of creating the temporary file,
starting the editor, and creating the string representing the file
contents when the editor is exited.
Alternative techniques, for example using windowing, would undoubtedly
be more complicated.

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : STV2.ZIP
Filename : TOP.MS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: