Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : STV2.ZIP
Filename : PROCESS.C

Output of file : PROCESS.C contained in archive : STV2.ZIP
Little Smalltalk, version 2
Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987

Process Manager

This module manages the stack of pending processes.
SendMessage is called when it is desired to send a message to an
object. It looks up the method associated with the class of
the receiver, then executes it.
A block context is created only when it is necessary, and when it
is required the routine executeFromContext is called instead of
DoInterp is called by a primitive method to execute an interpreter,
it returns the interpreter to which execution should continue
following execution.
# include
# include "env.h"
# include "memory.h"
# include "names.h"
# include "process.h"

# define ProcessStackMax 2000

/* values set by interpreter when exiting */
int finalStackTop; /* stack top when finished with interpreter */
int finalByteCounter; /* bytecode counter when finished with interpreter */
int argumentsOnStack; /* position of arguments on stack for mess send */
object messageToSend; /* message to send */
object returnedObject; /* object returned from message */
taskType finalTask; /* next task to do (see below) */

static object blockReturnContext;

object processStack[ProcessStackMax];
int processStackTop = 0;

we cache recently used methods, in case we want them again

# define ProcessCacheSize 101 /* a suitable prime number */

struct {
object startClass, messageSymbol, methodClass, theMethod;
} methodCache[ProcessCacheSize];

object newobj;
incr(processStack[processStackTop++] = newobj);
if (processStackTop >= ProcessStackMax)
sysError("stack overflow","process stack");

/* flush out cache so new methods can be read in */
{ int i;

for (i = 0; i < ProcessCacheSize; i++)
methodCache[i].messageSymbol = nilobj;

static object findMethod(hash, message, startingClass)
int hash;
object message, startingClass;
{ object method, class, methodtable;

/* first examine cache */
if ((methodCache[hash].messageSymbol == message) &&
(methodCache[hash].startClass == startingClass)) {
/* found it in cache */
method = methodCache[hash].theMethod;
else { /* must look in methods tables */
method = nilobj;
class = startingClass;
while ( class != nilobj ) {
methodtable = basicAt(class, methodsInClass);
if (methodtable != nilobj)
method = nameTableLookup(methodtable, message);
if (method != nilobj) {
/* fill in cache */
methodCache[hash].messageSymbol = message;
methodCache[hash].startClass = startingClass;
methodCache[hash].methodClass = class;
methodCache[hash].theMethod = method;
class = nilobj;
class = basicAt(class, superClassInClass);


/* newContext - create a new context. Note this returns three values,
via side effects
static newContext(method, methodClass, contextobj, argobj, tempobj)
object method, methodClass, *contextobj, argobj, *tempobj;
{ int temporarysize;

*contextobj = allocObject(contextSize);
setClass(*contextobj, contextclass);
basicAtPut(*contextobj, methodInContext, method);
basicAtPut(*contextobj, methodClassInContext, methodClass);
basicAtPut(*contextobj, argumentsInContext, argobj);
temporarysize = intValue(basicAt(method, temporarySizeInMethod));
*tempobj = newArray(temporarysize);
basicAtPut(*contextobj, temporariesInContext, *tempobj);

sendMessage(message, startingClass, argumentPosition)
object message, startingClass;
int argumentPosition;
{ object method, methodClass, size;
object contextobj, tempobj, argobj, errMessage;
int i, hash, bytecounter, temporaryPosition, errloc;
int argumentsize, temporarySize;
boolean done;

/* compute size of arguments part of stack */
argumentsize = processStackTop - argumentPosition;

hash = (message + startingClass) % ProcessCacheSize;
method = findMethod(hash, message, startingClass);
/*fprintf(stderr,"sending message %s class %s\n", charPtr(message), charPtr(basicAt(startingClass, nameInClass)));*/

if (method == nilobj) { /* didn't find it */
errMessage = newSymbol("class:doesNotRespond:");
if (message == errMessage)
/* better give up */
sysError("didn't find method", charPtr(message));
else {
errloc = processStackTop;
sendMessage(errMessage, getClass(smallobj), errloc);
else { /* found it, start execution */
/* initialize things for execution */
bytecounter = 0;
done = false;

/* allocate temporaries */
temporaryPosition = processStackTop;
size = basicAt(method, temporarySizeInMethod);
if (! isInteger(size))
sysError("temp size not integer","in method");
for (i = temporarySize = intValue(size); i > 0; i--)
methodClass = methodCache[hash].methodClass;

while( ! done ) {
execute(method, bytecounter,
processStack, processStackTop,
bytecounter = finalByteCounter;
processStackTop = finalStackTop;

switch(finalTask) {
case sendMessageTask:
if (finalTask == BlockReturnTask)
done = true;

case sendSuperTask:
basicAt(methodCache[hash].methodClass, superClassInClass),
if (finalTask == BlockReturnTask)
done = true;

case ContextExecuteTask:
contextobj = messageToSend;
if (finalTask == ReturnTask)
processStack[processStackTop++] = returnedObject;
done = true;

case BlockCreateTask:
/* block is in returnedObject, we just add */
/* context info but first we must */
/* create the context */
argobj = newArray(argumentsize);
newContext(method, methodClass, &contextobj, argobj, &tempobj);
for (i = 1; i <= argumentsize; i++) {
basicAtPut(argobj, i, processStack[argumentPosition + i - 1]);
for (i = 1; i <= temporarySize; i++) {
basicAtPut(tempobj, i, processStack[temporaryPosition + i - 1]);
basicAtPut(returnedObject, contextInBlock, contextobj);
processStack[processStackTop++] = returnedObject;
/* we now execute using context - */
/* so that changes to temp will be */
/* recorded properly */
executeFromContext(contextobj, bytecounter);
while (processStackTop > argumentPosition) {
processStack[processStackTop] = nilobj;

/* if it is a block return, */
/* see if it is our context */
/* if so, make into a simple return */
/* otherwise pass back to caller */
/* we can decr, since only nums are */
/* important */
if (finalTask == BlockReturnTask) {
if (blockReturnContext != contextobj)
finalTask = ReturnTask;
/* fall into return code */

case ReturnTask:
while (processStackTop > argumentPosition) {
processStack[processStackTop] = nilobj;
/* note that ref count is picked up */
/* from the interpreter */
processStack[processStackTop++] = returnedObject;
done = true;

sysError("unknown task","in sendMessage");
/*fprintf(stderr,"returning from message %s\n", charPtr(message));*/

execute from a context rather than from the process stack
executeFromContext(context, bytecounter)
object context;
int bytecounter;
{ object method, methodclass, arguments, temporaries;
boolean done = false;

method = basicAt(context, methodInContext);
methodclass = basicAt(context, methodClassInContext);
arguments = basicAt(context, argumentsInContext);
temporaries = basicAt(context, temporariesInContext);

while (! done) {
execute(method, bytecounter, processStack, processStackTop,
memoryPtr(arguments), memoryPtr(temporaries));
bytecounter = finalByteCounter;
processStackTop = finalStackTop;

switch(finalTask) {
case sendMessageTask:
if (finalTask == BlockReturnTask)
done = true;

case sendSuperTask:
basicAt(methodclass, superClassInClass),
if (finalTask == BlockReturnTask)
done = true;

case BlockCreateTask:
/* block is in returnedObject already */
/* just add our context to it */
basicAtPut(returnedObject, contextInBlock, context);
processStack[processStackTop++] = returnedObject;

case BlockReturnTask:
blockReturnContext = context;
/* fall into next case and return */

case ReturnTask:
/* exit and let caller handle it */
done = true;

sysError("unknown task","in context execute");

while (processStackTop > 0) {
processStack[processStackTop] = nilobj;

static interpush(interp, value)
object interp, value;
int stacktop;
object stack;

stacktop = 1 + intValue(basicAt(interp, stackTopInInterpreter));
stack = basicAt(interp, stackInInterpreter);
basicAtPut(stack, stacktop, value);
basicAtPut(interp, stackTopInInterpreter, newInteger(stacktop));

object doInterp(interpreter)
object interpreter;
{ object context, method, arguments, temporaries, stack;
object prev, contextobj, obj, argobj, class, newinterp, tempobj;
int i, hash, argumentSize, bytecounter, stacktop;

context = basicAt(interpreter, contextInInterpreter);
method = basicAt(context, methodInContext);
arguments = basicAt(context, argumentsInContext);
temporaries = basicAt(context, temporariesInContext);
stack = basicAt(interpreter, stackInInterpreter);
stacktop = intValue(basicAt(interpreter, stackTopInInterpreter));
bytecounter = intValue(basicAt(interpreter, byteCodePointerInInterpreter));

execute(method, bytecounter, memoryPtr(stack), stacktop,
memoryPtr(arguments), memoryPtr(temporaries));
basicAtPut(interpreter, stackTopInInterpreter, newInteger(finalStackTop));
basicAtPut(interpreter, byteCodePointerInInterpreter, newInteger(finalByteCounter));

switch(finalTask) {
case sendMessageTask:
case sendSuperTask:
/* first gather up arguments */
argumentSize = finalStackTop - argumentsOnStack;
argobj = newArray(argumentSize);
for (i = argumentSize; i >= 1; i--) {
obj = basicAt(stack, finalStackTop);
basicAtPut(argobj, i, obj);
basicAtPut(stack, finalStackTop, nilobj);

/* now go look up method */
if (finalTask == sendMessageTask)
class = getClass(basicAt(argobj, 1));
class = basicAt(basicAt(context,
methodClassInContext), superClassInClass);
hash = (messageToSend + class) % ProcessCacheSize;
method = findMethod(hash, messageToSend, class);

if (method == nilobj) {
/* didn't find it, change message */
incr(argobj); /* get rid of old args */
argobj = newArray(3);
basicAtPut(argobj, 1, smallobj);
basicAtPut(argobj, 2, class);
basicAtPut(argobj, 3, messageToSend);
class = getClass(smallobj);
messageToSend = newSymbol("class:doesNotRespond:");
hash = (messageToSend + class) % ProcessCacheSize;
method = findMethod(hash, messageToSend, class);
if (method == nilobj) /* oh well */
sysError("cant find method",charPtr(messageToSend));
newContext(method, methodCache[hash].methodClass, &contextobj, argobj, &tempobj);
basicAtPut(interpreter, stackTopInInterpreter, newInteger(finalStackTop));
argumentsOnStack = 0;
/* fall into context execute */

case ContextExecuteTask:
if (finalTask == ContextExecuteTask) {
contextobj = messageToSend;
newinterp = allocObject(InterpreterSize);
setClass(newinterp, intrclass);
basicAtPut(newinterp, contextInInterpreter, contextobj);
basicAtPut(newinterp, previousInterpreterInInter, interpreter);
/* this shouldn't be 15, but what should it be?*/
basicAtPut(newinterp, stackInInterpreter, newArray(15));
basicAtPut(newinterp, stackTopInInterpreter, newInteger(0));
basicAtPut(newinterp, byteCodePointerInInterpreter, newInteger(argumentsOnStack));

case BlockCreateTask:
basicAtPut(returnedObject, contextInBlock, context);
prev = basicAt(interpreter, creatingInterpreterInInter);
if (prev == nilobj)
prev = interpreter;
basicAtPut(returnedObject, creatingInterpreterInBlock, prev);
interpush(interpreter, returnedObject);

case BlockReturnTask:
interpreter = basicAt(interpreter, creatingInterpreterInInter);
/* fall into return task */

case ReturnTask:
prev = basicAt(interpreter, previousInterpreterInInter);
if (prev != nilobj) {
interpush(prev, returnedObject);
/* get rid of excess ref count */

sysError("unknown final task","doInterp");

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : STV2.ZIP
Filename : PROCESS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: